Android : Calculate Temperature Of Phone Based SensorManager?
Nov 27, 2009I want to determine temperature of my phone based SensorManager?
In Sensor we have a SENOR_TEMPERATURE! How i can use it?

I want to determine temperature of my phone based SensorManager?
In Sensor we have a SENOR_TEMPERATURE! How i can use it?
I want to calculate the hash value of the all the folders in a particular directory. I am able to do it in a java application.
Any idea how to do it in Android?
In my game i use SensorListener for CAR movement according to phone tilting but stop responding after some time. my code is...
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to develope an application to calculate the user's moving speed by an Android phone like G1(Is it feasible on hardware?). But I don't know whether similar software exists already. If anyone know such similar application please tell me, and it will help me a lot in my design.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to retrieve the orientation of my phone. At the moment i wrote this :
This code allows me to get the orientation of the phone if i leave the phone on a flat surface and i rotate it over the surface.
What i did not understand is why if i move the phone upwards the value of this.actual_orientation[0] ,which is the rotation on the zed axis as described [here][1], the value increases although there was no rotation.
Did someone know what happens?
Another strange thing..
I tried my application in the office at work and it had the strange behaviour i described before..
I tried in the same office(same situation) a compass app that i took from the market and it has the same behaviour of mine..when i moved the phone upwards the value changed consistently..
I tried in the same office(same situation) the i-phone compass and it didn't have that strange behaviour!
Then when i arrived at home i tried both, my application and the compass app of my android phone, and they worked!even if i move upwards the phone the value are stable...
So the SensorManager.registerListener is where I'm having the issue. Eclipse insists on a SensorListener, and then proceeds to whine when I pass it one because SensorListener is depreciated.
I'm registering a sensor listener with this line of code.
mSensorManager.registerListener(this,mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor (Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER), SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST);
The rate is set to SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST with the expectation that I would receive events roughly every 20-30ms. It turns out that I receive events only every 200-220ms (just now, my event code simply logcats the system time).
No matter which rate I use, SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL, SENSOR_DELAY_UI, SENSOR_DELAY_GAME, or SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST, I get the same result?
Just trying to get an idea of how hot is normal. so how hot is the hottest you have seen your droid cpu get?
I'd like some feedback from your experiences on the best option to test GPS based applications. I've been developing apps and in the middle of this will have to ship out to Afghanistan for a 1 year tour. Perfect opportunity to concentrate on the apps in the down-time (nothing to do stuck on a base most of the time in a 10x15 shippping container). This is bad (with bad being a relative term) from the standpoint that there are no "data" plans in Afghanistan for GSM phones. I can get GSM service but no "data" plans. If i buy a Android OS phone I'm concerned about how I can update it with new firmware and load apps. I will have wifi access, but from what I've read this will not enable a "push" of the new firmware update to the phone as if I was with T-Mobile. Any suggestions on what phone i should buy and how to "test' my applications where I can update my firmware and load my apps onto the phone?
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And what is the temperature threshold before it damages?
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View 4 Replies View RelatedI have an idea about using an old phone to tell me the temperature at a remote location. I need to know when a greenhouse or any remote location approaches freezing by sending an alarm to my computer or another Android phone. I thought about something similar to remote GPS locating but getting the temperature data instead of the GPS data. I could just leave my old Android phone in the Greenhouse. I know absolutely nothing about App development, I started to look at the SDK but first I needed to know Java, BASIC is as far as I ever got on a BBC.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am looking for an app to do the following things. Change ringer setting when getting a call from a certain number. i.e. Turn the ringer on when I call it from my google voice number in case I loose it.Also, to run a script when connecting to a specific wifi network.I believe Locale can do at least the first one, but I was wondering if there were any cheaper apps to do this as I have no interest in the gps features of locale.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to find this info on the droids temperature sensor (the one available in the SDK):
Does it indicate ambient temperature or is it the temperature of the phone or chip?
Also, does the pressure sensor indicate atmospheric pressure?
I am new to the android programming environment. I am currently working on a project which deals with the user's phone battery level.I am showing the current battery level left on the i want to display the amount of duration of "idle time, talk time, video playback, audio playback and web surfing" that can be done based on the current battery level. What kind of approach shall i follow.(or) What available API shall i use to get those.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to calculate a rotation vector out of the data i get from Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION. The sensor data is defined like this: the values have to be recalculated to become a correct 3d position: values[0]: Azimuth, angle between the magnetic north direction and the Y axis, around the Z axis (0 to 359). 0=North, 90=East, 180=South, 270=West values[1]: Pitch, rotation around X axis (-180 to 180), with positive values when the z-axis moves toward the y-axis. values[2]: Roll, rotation around Y axis (-90 to 90), with positive values when the x-axis moves away from the z-axis need all three values like the Z axis value (from 0 to 360 degree). I tried a lot but cant figure out how to do this :/ So i bet there is a simple solution how to recall the values of sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION to make them a 3d rotation vector, but i just dont know how to do it. If you know the answer please tell me. Code...
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When I declare a TextView, is it possible to calculate how much space (height and width) it is going to take when actually rendered on the phone?
I have noticed that based on the different screen sizes of phones (or density), the TextView is rendered accordingly. I want to be able to calculate the exact height and width rendered.
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So I'm developing an app for android, and before I get too much into it, I want to conceptually get my arms around what I am trying to do. Is it very difficult to calculate or track the most frequently accessed apps? Any ideas or insights about how I might go about getting this done would be greatly appreciated! I'm used to iphone development, and am quite new to the android platform.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedIn my app I am displaying a table where the individual cells are editable text fields (i.e. EditText objects). I am currently struggling calculating appropriate widths for these.
If I set the width to be as many "Ems" as the displayed text has characters, my fields are much to wide by about a factor of 2 and the table looks ugly and wastes lots of precious screen space. Setting the width in "Ems" is essentially like assuming the worst case, i.e. the width of a string under the assumption that it contains only the broadest characters in a font, usually 'M' (hence the name of the method), 'm', 'W', or '_'). But on average strings contain narrower characters and so most of these fields are half empty and much too wide for their actual content. I am thus desperately seeking a way to calculate a better fitting width, not that worst case width.
The "normal" way to do this in Java (in AWT or Swing at least) is to asks a widget's current Font (actually a Font's FontMetrics), to calculate and return the width that will be necessary to display a given string in pixels. But how does one obtain a TextView's Font? I haven't found any method to obtain a (Text)View's font and/or calculate a more appropriate width given the actual content of a cell's text string. How does one do that in Android?