Android :: Buttons / ImageViews Overlaid On A GLSurfaceView?
May 19, 2009Can it be done? If it can, is it much of a performance hit, and is there an example anywhere?

Can it be done? If it can, is it much of a performance hit, and is there an example anywhere?
I've got a things to do with android, so, I have 2 images,
1. image from camera
2. another image from somewhere
So what I want to achieve is how to combine those image into 1 image, but it's overlapping (just like watermarking the image). The 2nd image should be scaled first into the size of the 1st image(camera) - so they have same dimension, then if the 2nd image pixel is black, don't combine it (so the black means transparent color - on 2nd image). Do you know what is the best way achieve this, can I do this with xor or bitwise?
Making the touched areas of bitmap image transparent(seems like erasing) while I am moving my finger on that image.
I am having a PNG file with Alpha channel in it. I want to turn the touched pixels to transparent so that, the user can feel that he is actually erasing it.
For this I am using frame layout to load 2 layers. Down layer is for content and upper layer is an Imageview for erasing. I need erase the upper layer when user touch and move his finger on it.
I am not getting how to make it transparent. can anyone please help me in this. If possible please direct me to any sample code, as I am very new to this image processing.
I'm trying to figure out how to animate in and out of Imageviews.
Basically I have a LinearLayout with an ImageView and a Button at the bottom. Everytime the button is pressed, onClick() is invoked and I do
I simply change the image displayed on the ImageView by selecting different photos in the @drawable.
Now I want to put an animation when these imageviews are changed (when button pressed). I used
inAnimation = AnimationUtils.makeInAnimation(this,true);and in onClick() I do image.setImageResource(imageArray[imageCounter]); image.startAnimation(inAnimation);
This works fine too. The new image comes to the screen animated. But how can put an out animation too? It seems only one animation can be assigned with startAnimation().
What is the best way to animate an imageview OUT and then animate another imageview IN? Because I want to change the animation depending on the button pressed, I cannot use ViewFlipper. For example, if I press button_Anim1, current image will slideout from right and the new image will fade in. But if I press button_Anim2, current image will slideout from top and the new image will slidein from left. And so on.
I see that I cannot use two different image.startAnimation() in the onClick() method to make the current image View.INVISIBLE and then make the new image View.VISIBLE.
I need help coming up with a way of executing the following sequence using some type of view or layout combination in Android:I have 3 image objects... say object A, B, and C...I have tried every combination of Threads, AsyncTasks, Handlers, custom layouts, AnimationListeners, etc. but everything I've tried has failed.
If only the ViewSwitcher could take more than 2 views.
since I have updated my project ( bestcardgameever-android/) to the 1.5SDK, I need to switch the deprecated AbsoluteLayout with something else. The problem is the project is a card game that has cards showing and some of them need to be overlapping (take a look at this note the cards in the center) I could really use a tip on how to do this with a FrameLayoutetc.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to load bitmaps into ImageViews in Android, but I don't want to use the R.drawable syntax because I have a lot of images with a standard naming convention so it's much easier to get the image with some logic. For example, all my images are named:
So if a user selects a value, let's say x, I show "img" + x + ".png" in the ImageView. Looks like Bitmap.decodeFile is what I need, but I need to know the syntax of how to get to my drawables folder since that's where the images are. Or if there's perhaps a better way.
I realize I could do this with a switch statement instead of concatenating the image name but that would be a lot of lines since I have so many images.
I thought I have understood the XML layout of Android, but it seems that I haven't. I want to have four ImageViews on one screen, to view four images at the same time.
It should look like this, where A to D represents the image views:
How can I do that? I tried it this way, but it's not working. The Eclipse Editor seems not to be very good for this either. Is there a better one to create those layouts?
I would like to design a layout for my android app which has imageviews/Textviews placed as shown in the figure below.
Right now, i tried to use Absolute layout, but i know that will create problems as the screen size changes.
Im messing with imageviews and I am able to align a single imageview in the center horizontally with android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"
Now my main problem is that I have X imageviews and when I align them all like that, and then use the android:layout_toRightOf="", they just start from the middle.
I need to load several ImageViews into a layout. The ImageViews are used to show a rating using 'star' icons. The number of stars (i.e. the rating is determined during loading by reading a configuration file.
The ImageViews are sitting inside a RelativeLayout layout.
Currently I am using something like this:
My quesions are:
1) Is doing the loading dynamically (not using an xml) is the 'right' way of doing this ?
2) If it is, how do I make the stars display in a line, currently they get placed one on top of the other.
I am trying to develop a custom gallery like application in which, i would like to place Image views along an elliptical path whose size varies with position.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a requirement where few of my image views form border areas of an application, the application will be running on many screen sizes.
I'll be creating a uniform image for the smallest size possible, which can be repeated as many times as needed, and still presents the same image.
i want the image view to replicate the image contained whenever it is increased.
Perhaps I was able to describe my problem.
Is anything like this possible?
I tried 9-patch images, but I couldn't find nice articles on it which could explain how to create useful images with it which could suite my need.
I'm just starting to get the hang of animations, tweened animations that is. I have made several imageviews with pictures rotating and moving, and its all very fun, but I don't know what the best approach for doing multiple animations is.
For example I created a LinearLayout and stuck some ImageViews in it and wrote this:
for each imageview. So they all spin. But now I want to step it up a gear. But reaidng other sources on the net it seems some people use canvas to do animations. What is the best way?
Is there a way to have an image overlaid over another image. For example, I have an instance where I have an imageview and I would like another imageview to take up the same space and appear over the first image. I don't know if there is a way of doing this. I tried putting the second imageview within the first imageview, but that's apparently not allowed in the layout xml files. So is there perhaps a way of doing it with a different layout, such as absolute or frame?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am not able to find out the perfect layout(viewgroup) to place four buttons as shown in the attached image. Basically, i want to place four buttons near the top/left/bottom/right edge of the screen. AbsoluteLayout helped, but it is deprecated (It is also better to avoid AbsoluteLayout as it is not very flexible for orientation changes)
View 2 Replies View Relatedi want to start programming in OpenGL on Android, but Eclipse can't find the GLSurfaceView. I'm using the 1.5 SDK. Do I have to set specific entries in the build path?
View 2 Replies View RelatedFollowing the samples and examples, I've successfully been able to load a model on screen and rotate it with the DPAD keys and overriding the onKeyDown method of the GLSurfaceView. Trying to use a letter though, causes a small box to appear at the bottom accepting the text that is being typed. What I'm not entirely clear on, is since I don't have a listener defined in the main Activity, why those key letter key presses are being intercepted by some other inherent listener(?). I setup an OnKeyListener for the view to call my own method and that does work... but I'm wondering if there is perhaps a better way to handle it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am a lazybones using GLSurfaceView and loving it. But now that my code is running too darn fast (heh), I would like to slow it down via setting eglSwapInterval to 2 or something. Just to be nice to the battery. But, being a lazybones, I can find no way of doing this when using GLSurfaceView. (and hacking an early return from onDrawFrame() was very unsatisfying).
View 2 Replies View Relatedcurrently GLSurfaceView is not supported in app widget .can we make changes to framework to make it support? is there any limitation? if possible what framework change is required?
View 12 Replies View RelatedWe are developing an application that uses a GLSurfaceView to display 3D objects. We regularly get the "Application Not Responding" dialog. Inspection of the dumped threads reveals something that looks suspiciously like a deadlock. I have added the three thread dumps involved below. The first thread is the main application event thread, and it is waiting on a join with a GLThread.
The second thread is a brand new GLThread that is waiting for a semaphore lock presumably so it knows it has exclusive access to the graphics hardware. The third thread is probably a previous GLThread (the one the main thread is waiting for to finish), that is waiting to be notified. The strange thing is that the main application thread has just done a "mDone=true; notify();" prior to calling "wait()", so the third thread should have been awaken? .........................
Look at this:
They show that it is possible to put an GLSurfaceview on top on a SurfaceView. I hope it would be useful.
I'm using GLSurfaceView to create a simple OpenGL drawing application. Since the elements drawn in each frame must remain on screen in order to be composed into the whole drawing, I don't use gl.glClear(GL10.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) at the beginning of each frame. But not clearing the color buffer leads to substantial flickering. Is there any way to eliminate flickering while still not clearing the screen at the beginning of each frame?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am able to get a GLSurfaceView to have a transparent background with:
when I set the Activity's window background to transparent and the GLSurfaceView is the contentView of the Activity.
But, let's say my GLSurfaceview is parented by a ViewGroup and I want GLSurfaceView bg to be transparent to see the Viewgroup's background - I am not able to do so with the code above. Is this a limitation or am I missing something?
I have an application that uses GLSurfaceView to draw OpenGL ES graphics. This is all working (mostly) how I would expect.
Now, I would like to implement a screenshot feature. For normal views, it seems that the standard practice is to create a new Canvas with a Bitmap and then draw to that Canvas using View.onDraw(Canvas).
I've tried using SurfaceView.draw(Canvas) in a similar fashion, but it always results in a blank (black) image.
I've also tried using the drawing cache with the exact same result.
how to draw text on GLSurfaceView in Android?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow can one use a GLSurfaceView similar to a ViewGroup, in the sense of adding Views(CustomViews) over it? Is there any means to make the GLSurfaceView be the canvas on which the view draws its contents?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'd like to display some 3d object on top of the normal 2d ui layout screen. The 2d ui screen has background image, and GLSurfaceView is child of the content layout. I tried the same technique of the Translucent GLSurfaceView in ApiDemos sample, but GLSurfaceView clears all and shows black background. Code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to create a simple Map based application in android ,where i can display my current position.Instead of overlaying a simple Image on the MapView to represent the position, i want to overlay the GLSurfaceView on the MapView. But i don't know how to achieve this. Is there any way to do that?. Please anybody knows the solution help me.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to merge two examples from the ApiDemos so one overlay over the other. 1. 2. I guess GLSurfaceView is not really necessary, I saw demos that uses a GL layer as a Camera PreviewCallback, but since I am such a noob at OpenGL, I am kind of lost. Can someone points me toward the light (figuratively speaking)?
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