Android :: Way To Access Content Resolver Methodsn From AppWidgetProvider Class?
Dec 31, 2009Is it possible to access the content resolver methods in a class extending from AppWidgetProvider class? Have been trying to do it with no luck so far.

Is it possible to access the content resolver methods in a class extending from AppWidgetProvider class? Have been trying to do it with no luck so far.
I have this code for update:
public Boolean update() {
try {data.put(Contacts Contract.Groups.SHOULD_SYNC, true);
Content Resolver cr = ctx.get Content Resolver();
Uri uri = Content Uris.with Appended Id(Contacts Contract.Groups.CONTENT_URI, Long.parse Long(get Id()));
int mid = cr.update(uri, data,_ID+"="+get Id(), null);
// notify registered observers that a row was updated
ctx.get Content Resolver().notify Change(
Contacts Contract.Groups.CONTENT_URI, null);
if (-1 == mid)
return false;
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.v(TAG(), e.get Message(), e);
return false.
Is it possible to actually re-sort an Android SQL DB? for example, I want to resort the Bookmarks DB. I can query the data and sort it with "Browser.BookmarkColumns.TITLE + " ASC" in the query but this will only sort the list shown to the user and will not sort the DB itself. Therefore, if a user uses my app to sort the Bookmarks by Title(ASC) and then goes to the Android Browser Bookmarks - the order will remain default (other than the one selected on my app).
View 11 Replies View RelatedI am having a hard time understanding content providers. In the notepad example and others, the content provider never even declares its CONTENT_URI anywhere inside itself, yet the docs say to publicly declare this. It's declared in a different class. So when an activity queries a content provider with a CONTENT_URI, how does Android know which one I want. I see no link between a content provider and its CONTENT_URI declared in another class.
I also don't how to think about intents and content providers. I know that you don't call an intent on a content provider. But an activity queries a content provider without an intent, and an activity has a mimetype attribute in the manifest that would seem to tie it to a content provider.
I'm new to Java and android development. In my application I need data which is accessible for a few activities. I've read that a good solution is to use Application class for this. So I use it like this:
public class MyApplication extends Application {
private String str;
public String getStr(){
return str;
public void setStr(String s){
str = s;
and I can access this variable from activity like this:........................................
I want to access the messages stored in in box through my android project. I have tried the method of forming URI for sms (content://sms/ in box) and then querying it for various parameters. But I cannot find any documentation for reading in box sms in the standard Android Develop Docs. It was mentioned at various websites that this content has been removed from the standard sdk. The application may not support higher version of android.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to play a ringtone that is specified as the Default system ringtone. Unfortunately when i get the actual URI I get the above (content://drm/audio/2) and then when I try to play it, I hear the fallback ringtone - the one that you'd hear if the default was unavailable.
Ringtones appear to get this URI when downloaded through sites such as Myxer and the like.
Now it seems that when the default ringtone is on the SD card under a folder called 'ringtones' I do not run into this problem.
I have tried to add the line:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_DRM" /> the manifest but that doesn't seem to work either.
If anyone has an idea as how I would be able to play this ringtone, I would be eternally grateful! I have been researching this and I can't seem to find anywhere any documentation on how to do this.
is there an easy way to limit my content provider access to only one or more packages I don't want other packages to access my data.
I looked at grantUriPermission but its not straight forward and it doesn't work.
We are trying to access bytes in non-sequential order from a 'content:' URI that we receive in the intent from other applications. Is there a way to do this, without buffering the bytes within the application?
We found a discussion about the same from 2008 at: Is it possible now?
I'm seeing a strange issue on a phone and I'm trying to come up with a way to troubleshoot it to find out more.
Is it possible to access the X-Mms-Content-Location attribute of a message from a MMS message programatically, using the Android SDK?
This is one example of the error that I am investigating. If I can access that attribute, then I may be able to code an app which repairs it so the message retrieval succeeds.
I had write two classes IntentA and IntentB in my application (Both are in same package and both extends Activity class). In IntentA class I had created one button on pressing that button controll is trsnfer to IntentB class. IntentB class also contain Button on pressing that control is transfer to IntentA class.
This work fines. Now I want to set value in IntentA class using putExtra method and access that value in IntentB class How should I do that? I had put value in class IntentA like
Intent i1 = new Intent(this,IntentB.class);
i1.putExtra("Intent Name", "IntentA");
Now I don't know How to access "Intent Name" value in IntentB class.
I get an apk file from somewhere. I tried to install it the emulator successfully. (The emulator is built from the latest code in AOSP which should be cupcake or later). But I can't launch the application from the GUI. It complains "The application xxx has stopped unexpectedly." After checking the logcat, I find the message "access to class not allowed". It seems that that process is not allowed to instantiate the Activity class.
Since I can install the apk successfully, I am curious why I can't launch it as a user.
BTW, I tried two ways to install the app. 1) by copying it to /system/ app and rebuild the system.img 2) by using "adb install". Both getting the same error message.
I tried to extract the AndroidManifest.xml file from the apk. But it seems that the file is scrambled and can't read.
Just found out that I don't need content providers if I don't need to share data with other applications. But since the examples I've seen all use content providers, I'm not sure how to proceed without them and populate activities with data derived from accessing my application's database directly.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSomeone post the code for accessing .txt file available in my res folder. The code for which can be written in .java file.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI found that if I want to use the searchable options using the search key I have to create a content provider. Content provider is used to share data across applications.
But I do not want to allow access to my content provider (as well as my data) except/outside my own application. I want to use it only for search suggestion. Because my app data is kind of restricted.
Is there any way to implement local search without content provider? OR is is possible to apply restriction so that except my own app no other app can use my content provider?
i have four Question Regarding Android Default Email Program Please help me out to answer the questions respectively
1) How can we access the Device Database ?
2) How can we setup email on Emulator ?
3) Can we read Email Content Through Email Content Provider like (
i have found in Git
4) can any one tell me the corret Email URI
i have found the URI that is not working
In a typical Android project you have the res/drawable directories where you can put images but i have some special custom binary files.
where do I usually put them and can i access them via the R-class then?
Can anyone tell me how to access context of a class which is not an activity?
View 10 Replies View RelatedCan a core class such as "AbsListView" access resources, such as xml files, and .png's, in a 3rd party app installed in the normal way (at the app level)?
I realize this is a change in framework code, and that is fine for my purposes. So, for example, if I know that I am going to install an app called "MyApp", could I go into frameworks/base/core/java/android/ widget/ and tell it to use an xml file and .png's that live in that app? Here is the line I would want to modify: setSelector(getResources().getDrawable(;
So I'm defining a class that sets a Drawable attribute in an object. The problem is that I can't access the getResource().getDrawable(int resourceId) method unless I have some Context.
So what I did was to send to that class an activity instance (let's call it "act") and then I did:
but, when executing that line it throws a NullPointerException.
When idea how to accomplish this?
I understand, at least on paper, the basic difference between the Content Provider and just directly accessing the SQLiteDatabase. I have a functioning prototype for my application, and currently it is just directly hitting the database. I don't really have any experience using the Content Provider pattern, but I have found out that I will need to share some data with another application.
I will only be sharing about 2 out of a dozen or so tables, so I was wondering if I should be just completely redoing the data layer to follow the Content Provider pattern, or just expose only those tables via a Content Provider for the sake of the other application and still directly access the database in the primary application.
One of the issues I ran into with my prototype was that I have some fairly complex transactions, and the code I wrote to get that working is not designed particularly well and isn't reusable at all. As I add more functionality to this app, I'm going to need a better designed data access layer, before I set off writing my own, does anyone know of any good resources with design patterns for this type of thing already? Also, if I need to go the Content Provider route, am I going to have solid control over the database transactions?
How do I access to the string 'Icon List' given IconListActivity.class?
I am trying to login in a website via HTTP post and then via HTTP get download a json file (.do file with json content). This json file url contains a group of parameters that I already sent on the url. Although, I can successfully login I cannot access the content from the json file - I'm downloading the html code of the site - i have already tried for an image or a css and it works.The code goes like this:
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost req_post = new HttpPost(url_post);
List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(2);
When i access the phone book,i change the peoleo of the book,or delete the peoploe of the book, or update the people of the book, very qukliy ,the phone tell me GREF has increased to 201,and it increased when i next acess the phone book. i have use the ContentResolver,not the activity query.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to ensure I can access all my APPs and Contact details when using a travel SIM in another country.
I live in AUS and will travel to SPAIN and ITALY, I will use a travel SIM purchased locally there (to keep costs down). Will my APPS still be visible on the phone and will they work? - ie will they still recognise me and have all my data, login details and preferences readily available.
If not, how should I prepare my phone (data card or whatever) so as to ensure I can get access to my APPS working correctly after I have inserted the new SIM. FYI, the phone is a Samsung Galaxy S2 running jellybean.
I have a general question. Is it possible to set the RemoteView of the widget to a WebView? My goal is to push real time updates to the WebView via the comet technique (HTTP long polling), similar to how Google Talk does it on the desktop browser I suppose. Do you think battery life would be significantly impacted with this approach?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have an app widget that extends an AppWidgetProvider to create an application widget.
I would like the application widget to be idle until an activity in my app runs; actually when a service in my app is started.
Once that service is started, I need to "wake up" the application widget and communicate with it (i.e. tell it things to display).
So I see that AppWidgetProvider simply extends BroadcastReceiver -- so does that mean:
1. I need to call registerReceiver in my service and tell it to filter for certain kinds of events?
2. Can I even do #1, or will an AppWidgetProvider *only* accept ACTION_APPWIDGET_* intents?
3. If #2 is correct, how can I communicate or "wake up" / trigger the application widget?
4. Can I send events to my app widget using sendBroadcast( intent )?
Then, my app widget has some buttons on it, I need to send an intent back to the application (or service). I see you can do that with PendingIntents, but if i send the different intents it to the same Activity, it seems to re-use the first created pending intent.
I would like to pass a value from the AppWidgetProvider to a service. How can I do that? This value is taken from the widget configuration. If this value changes (by going to the configuration again), how do I pass it back to the service? Is there another way to do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a widget that shows some data fetched from the Internet. I may have multiple widgets visible on the screen, each displaying some data, partly the same as the other widgets. From time to time I re-fetch the data from the Internet and update the widget views. I've modeled this in an MVC style: I have a model which I can invoke a "re-fetch-data" on, and which the views listen on. My questions:
A) Is it wise to let my model be a singleton?
B) Can I rely on that all widgets are served by the same AppWidgetProvider? Or may some of my widgets get served by a different AppWidgetProvider instance? Or, more generally: Is there any guarantee that there will be only one instance of my AppWidgetProvider? If there is only one instance of my AppWidgetProvider, then I could use an instance variable here for the model, and pass either my AppWidgetProvider or the model around where needed. Perhaps a better option?
C) In the AppWidgetProviders onUpdate method, can I be sure that the same "context" object is passed as argument each invocation?
Here is my issue, I want to be able to update a specific AppWidgetProvider (home screen widget) from a custom service class. I have to build the remote view in the service because I'm also doing some networking in there, which takes some time. The problem is that I can't figure out how to update a specific widget (individual widgets can have different update intervals, using the alarm manager). If I wanted to do it from the onUpdate of the AppWidgetProvider I could just call appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(appWidgetId, remoteView); Does anyone have any experience with this or any suggestions?
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