Android :: Android Activity Sequence Management Not Working

Oct 11, 2010

I have some problem with "how android manage its activity called from another activity" i m using the following code... whenever i execute the program on the device... it execute the "second "activity first before executing the "first" activity. program display the "second" activity first. after pressing back button it display the "first" activity. but i need to execute them in calling sequence as we call methods in java.

Android :: Android Activity Sequence management not Working

Android :: Launch An Activity On Certain Key Sequence?

Feb 18, 2010

For example, typing "321" launches my application.

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Android :: Application - Activity's Memory Management

Mar 1, 2010

I have a problem with my application, and it's about a Virtual memory error: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(19790): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget

The story is like this: I have an activity (let's call it A), the user click on a button from this activity, then i will make an api call somewhere in the internet, and after the result is back i start a subactivity (let's call it B).

In the activity B i have to dinamicaly load some images from the resources folder. I load the images into bitmaps -> drawables -> imageviews. After the user click's on some buttons i have to setResult(..), finish(), and get back to activity A.

The thing is that, goes from activity A to B, then B -> A, then A -> B for a few times, my app crashes with the message above: it doesn't have enough memory to load the interface.

I can not maintain the activity B on the stack because i don't want the user to go to this activity without going through activity A first.

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Android :: Project Management / Business - Money Management Applications?

Oct 30, 2009

I currently have a personal (HTC Touch Pro) and business phone (iPhone). With Sprint now offering unlimited any-mobile (freeing up 1300+ minutes a month on my family plan) and Google Voice allowing me to get a separate business number, I'm thinking about dropping my iPhone, and replacing the HTC with either a BlackBerry Tour or a Hero. I work in project management; I know that the BB does have applications that would be useful to me (as does the iPhone), but I can't find comparable apps for Android. As a personal phone though, I would rather have the Hero. Given that I've only been able to spend a limited amount of time browsing the Android Market in a Sprint store, I was hoping someone here might know of some good replacements for my "must have" apps.

1) PIM / Task management. I have a lot of tasks, meetings, and deadlines to manage. I need something similar to the functionality provided by Outlook. I currently use Pocket Informant on the iPhone, which allows me to view multiple calandars, see my schedule from the month-level view, and integrate my to-do lists. I can also assign calander events and to-do tasks to projects, give them priority, provide extra notes, add multiple reminders, etc.. I could probably live with the Android's calander, but I definately need a good to-do app.

2) Time tracking. I have an app on the iPhone (TimeLogger) that lets me track how much time I spend on projects for clients. The one I currently use allows me to start a timer and then come back later to stop it, which is helpful but not a must.

3) Personal finance manager. I track all of my purchases, have several accounts / cards, and need to be able to track/filter business vs personal purchases.

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General :: Star B92m - Sim Management Is Not Working?

May 11, 2013

I have flashed it several times until i got the ROM i needed, but in one of the wipes i did (cache, dalvik, internal storage, accidentaly deleted the backup too), i came across that is not detecting my SIM card, the usual SIM Management app is not active and i dont know how to configure it. Its like it detects the SIM is there (because it doesnt show the empty slot alert) but it doesnt give me the option to use that network.

I've read about it could be a IMEI problem but i also modded those to the default ones found on my phone, and its still not working, or should i mod them to the SIM IMEI?

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Android :: Seek Bar / Song Sequence Getting Changed

May 11, 2009

I have developed seek bar component (I am showing while playing the song). If i seeks the bar the song is getting changed the position based on the seek bar change event, and playing fine. But if I leave the seek bar it is not moving based on the song sequence. I know we have to do something for that. Can any one tell me how to get the event for moving the seek bar based on the song sequence.

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Android :: Animate A Single View In Sequence

Aug 18, 2010

I would like to animate a view I have to appear like it was sliding off the screen to the left, and then sliding back to the screen from the right. I've set the duration of the first and the start Off set of the second as 1000, so the second should start right after the first ends. Instead I get their order reversed and I see my view sliding from right into the screen, and then sliding off the screen to the left. Reversing the animations order didn't do anything. Anyone got a clue why is this happening, and how can I do what I want?

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Android :: Logical Sequence In Video Capturing

May 12, 2009

Can anyone describe the logical sequence of implementing video recording facility? I've followed the steps as outlined from the diagram here: Recorder.html; and ended up with an out-of-memory exception.

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Android :: How To Send A Ctrl Sequence With Keyboard?

Jan 29, 2010

Specifically in the connect bot app. I'm trying to SSH into a machine and use nano to do some simple editing. The key to save a file in nano is Ctrl+O, but I cannot figure out how to send this. I searched and found that some apps use the search or menu buttons for ctrl but this didn't work for me. How can I send Ctrl in connect bot?

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Android :: Need A Sequence Of Initialization Of Network Service Provider

Mar 16, 2009

I am trying to make the use of Network location provider to get the location updates, But it seems to be that Network location provider makes use of MASF client . From the debug statements we found that Network provider does seems to launch MASF client , Would some one explain me the basic sequence of initialization of Network service provider ? and if MASF client is not getting initialized do we need to do some settings. What do i need to check .Any information on this is Highly appreciated.

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Android :: Recording Sequence Of User Action As Macro?

Jan 13, 2010

I need an application for google android that record the sequence of user actions as macro and playbacks when required. I searched on google and found that this utility is available for window smart phone but could not found for android. Let me know if this is feasible and how we can do this?

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Android :: Sequence Of Method Calls While Creating Custom Components

Jul 26, 2010

I was wondering in what order the following methods - on Draw(), on Measure(), on Size Changed() - are called automatically when we create a custom component. Not sure if this question makes sense. I've just been kinda confused as to what the methods are supposed to do exactly.

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Android :: Executed ASyncTask In Activity But Not Working

Feb 18, 2010

private class ExecuteLocations extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Void>{
private final ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog(ListProfiles.this);
protected void onPreExecute() {
//this.dialog.setMessage("Starting pre-execute...");
} @Override protected Void doInBackground(String... arg0) {
check_profiles_lm=(LocationManager) ListProfiles.this.getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE);
myLocListen = new LocationListener(){
@Override public void onLocationChanged(Location location) { HashMap params = new HashMap();
params.put("lat", Double.toString(location.getLatitude()));
params.put("long", Double.toString(location.getLongitude()));
} @Override public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status,Bundle extras) {
} @Override public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {
} @Override public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {
} };
check_profiles_lm.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, 30000, 0, myLocListen);
return null; } protected void onPostExecute(final Void unused) {
if (this.dialog.isShowing()) { //this.dialog.dismiss();
} //Do something else here
} }

Basically, my objective is:
Constantly post the latitude/longitude to my website every minute or so. Of course, I want to do this in another thread, so it doesn't mess up my UI thread. This AsyncTask is supposed to solve that but it's bringing up an error and I don't know why. What can you do to accomplish my objective? It's very simple...just scan location and post to web every minute, in the background. By the way, my onCreate method is like this. That's basically it.

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
new ExecuteLocations().execute();

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Android :: Tabhost Working In Activity Class

Nov 17, 2010

I must be overlooking something because I am unable to get my TabHost to display in my Activity class.I am getting the dreaded force close when I try to run the app.It will work if I extend TabActivity, but I can't do that [details at the bottom] because once I move the code from my prototype project its going to be in a custom class that inherits from Activity.

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Android :: ListView On Click Listener Not Working Within Tab Activity

Sep 23, 2010

I have a ListView and an ExpandableListView inside of a TabActivity. I have overridden the setOnItemClickListener for the ListView. I have 2 tabs and one uses the ListView and the other uses the ExpandableListView. For some reason I cannot click on any of the items in the first ListView. If I change tabs to the ExpandableListView and then go back to the first tab it will then allow me to click on the items as usual. Any ideas on why this is happening. Is there some kind of weird focus thing going on? Code...

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Android :: Simple Activity Switch Not Working - No Errors

Feb 19, 2010

I have a basic calculator app I'm making. Two activities, the main one and ResultView.

I've made it where I click a button on activity A to go to activity B. The log says activity B is started and "displayed" successfully, the title for the new activity loads, but the body does NOT show. I added a simple Text view with static text.. see the result.xml at the bottom. I also tried inserting information programmatically, but that didn't do.

When I debug the program, I tried putting breakpoints as the activity is called with startActivity() as well as on the first line of the onCreate method within the ResultView class (my activity "B") but the program never hits the second breakpoint. In fact, it looks as if Looper.class is called in the end.

This bit of code is placed in the button handler on acitivity A:


The activity is in the manifest, within the "application" tag:


If more info is needed, let me short, "HELLO WORLD" does not display at all.

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Android :: Loading Random Image When Activity Is Brought Up - Not Working ?

Jun 20, 2010

I've been staring at this for hours. It compiles fine with no errors and loads the activity on my nexus. The button and the menu items load fine with no issues at all. It's simply not loading any of the drawables i'm specifying :/ any ideas what I did wrong?

All I want is whenever this activity is brought up it randomly chooses an image from the drawables i specify.


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Android :: Android / Difference B/w Character Sequence / String?

May 30, 2010

For the API (Android SDK API version 8) functions whose definitions list character sequence parameters, I can feed the function String instead. Best part is that they work the same way, no hassle, no warnings. Is there a difference between the two types? And more importantly, is there an inherent danger if I send the function a String instead of a character sequence?

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Android :: URLConnection.getOutputStream - Working Fine In Java Main But Not In Activity

Feb 25, 2009

URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); in debug stack the value of conn is like this

debug stack:---------------------------------------

when i click on conn, it shows me this value

some of the childs of conn are as below

chunklength=-1 connected= false connection= null host address= null httversion=1 ------------------------

java code:


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Android :: ImageView Scale Type Not Working In List Activity / Workaround It?

Apr 18, 2010

I have used ImageView's before and understand the different scale types that can be set... However I am having an incredibly difficult time trying to get an ImageView to scale properly in the row of a ListActivity or an ExpandableListActivity.

I have tried setting the android:scaleType property to every single value but the image never scales down. I have set the min and max sizes as well and they don't seem to have any effect. I have done both of these things in both the XMl and in code to no avail...

Does anyone have any ideas or perhaps a workaround? code...

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Android :: Need A System Startup Sequence Of Android?

Jan 28, 2009

Can anybody tell me the system startup sequence of Android? When the services are starting? When and how the application packages (.apk) are getting installed?

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Android :: Looking For Wifi Management App

Sep 3, 2009

I'm new to Android, having just received my shiny new HTC Hero. So far, I love the phone and Android. But, I have a quick question; I don't use DHCP on my wireless setup at home, which is fine, as I can obviously set a static IP for the wireless, but, I would also like to connect to wi-fi in the office, where I'd need the phone to pick up IP details from DHCP. Is there an app that lets you configure wi-fi settings so that it will use the static IP address when connected to my home network and DHCP when connected at work? I know I can just turn off the static IP when in the office, but that's a bit of a pain. I can't just turn on DHCP at home either as I have a slightly unusual setup, where the wireless access point is behind a broadband router, and it doesn't allow me to specify a default gateway within it's DHCP options, so, whilst a wireless device can connect to the wireless network with DHCP, it has no way of routing to the internet without having a static gateway specified.

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Android :: Media Management App

Apr 14, 2010

I recently switched from an Iphone to a nexus one. I am getting used to android and loving a lot of the features. My first complaint with android was no real sync software but I found doubletwist and while its not perfect it does a pretty good job. My second gripe is that media is split between the music player and the gallery. I miss how the iphone had photos for all of your photos and video you took on the phone and then the ipod app for all of your music and movies. Is there an app out there to organize all of my media and showcase it in a better manner? If I had that then I would be set with my phone.

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Android :: Need Application Management App

Aug 27, 2010

Looking for an app that manages applications a little better than the stock option..

More specifically.. I want to see for sure what apps are running on the phone, what apps are running on SD, etc.

Stock management shows whats on SD, but not whats on phone, unless I'm missing something.

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Android : Need App Of Money Management

Dec 9, 2009

Moneybag is a useful appliction, it can manage all of your money transactions. As you in supermarket, you can note the payment; Of course, it can also register the income of money, when you withdrawing money from bank or other earning, you can note it as income item. Moneybag is not only to record income and expenditure, while it can easily query a specific date capital flows. Do you want to avoid the question of �where is my money�? please use moneybag and track the money transaction any time, to develop good financial habits and create the beautiful life. If you have any question, please tell me. I�d like to listen your opinion and perfect the Moneybag.

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Android :: Motorla Milestone App Management

Apr 30, 2010

So im new to this phone, and im a little confused about app management. I see there is a "last used" list (holding the home button), but doesn't say whats running and whats not! some apps, like the market seem to remember the last view, so they start there and feels like there where running all along, but where they? let me give you a Reallife(TM) example. i open youtube, and choose a video. while is loading (not fast connections around here), i switch to the mails, and when i come back, the video did not only not load, but it went to the previous screen.but apps like meebo, apear in a special "notification" are of ongoing things ..should i assume that things not going in that special notification area are not running? is not that i feel the phone slower, is just that im a control freak. i would like to know how it work.

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Android :: Memory Management Outside Heap

Jan 15, 2010

I am working on an application for android and we since we have lots of graphics, we use a lot of memory.

I monitor the memory heap size and its about 3-4 Mb , and peeks of 5Mb when I do something that requires more memory (and then goes back to 3). This is not a big deal, but some other stuff is handled outside the heap memory, like loading of drawables.

For example if I run the ddms tool outside eclipse, and go to sysinfo, I see that my app is taking 20Mb on the Droid and 12 on the G1, but heap size are the same in both, because data is the same but images are different.

So the questions are: How do I know what is taking the memory outside the heap memory? What other stuff takes memory outside the heap memory? Complex layouts (big tree) ? Animations?

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Android :: Dialog Management By Activities

Nov 11, 2009

I'm looking for a little more information about dialogs managed by activities than is provided here:

And havn't found any good web resources. In particular, I'm having a problem where a dialog must be updated in onPrepareDialog() with Activity member variables that change after onCreateDialog() is initially called. During an orientation change, version 1.5 will only call onCreateDialog() and not onPrepareDialog() for dialogs previously used (and not dismissed).

An example problem scenario's onPrepareDialog() steps are listed here:


The result of not calling onPrepareDialog() during orientation change, if the dialog is currently being displayed, is an empty spinner.

In 1.6, onPrepareDialog() is also called and so this problem is not seen.

As a workaround for 1.5 I simply remove the dialog in onResume(), but obviously if the dialog is showing on orientation change the user experience is not ideal.

I don't expect this is a 1.5 bug so much as a lack of my understanding regarding what the "right thing to do" is in such a situation, where information is not known at dialog creation time.

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Android : Need Project Management App On Droid

May 13, 2010

I'm unfortunately going to have to post this in a few places because I don't know where it's going to get the most exposure, but I'll start here because I have a Desire. I need an app to manage the various projects that I have going on. In some ways, you can think of it as a todo application which has subtasks, projects/groups, action lists, sorting via time till due/time taken/project/importance etc. If you have the time, check out this site where there guy goes through a number of options and criteria for a good GTD (getting things done) application.

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General :: Android Devices Management

Aug 28, 2012

In my company we are starting one project that will (among other) include e.g. 50+ android mobile devices on the field..So I need to find windows 7 desktop software for managing all of this devices at one place...

To have statuses, check location, lock apps, wipe etc - all regular stuff when administrating device..Is there such software??

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