Data Communication Via USB Port In Android Application?
Jan 4, 2014How can I send and receive data via USB ports?

How can I send and receive data via USB ports?
I have just started to develop android application. My question is: Can I communacate with serial port by using android application? If yes, how can I start,need help.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWill it possible to send data from application to usb device (some pen drive). If yes then how? Please provide some docs or link.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHere's the deal: I have an Android application that needs to call a web service every X seconds (currently 60 seconds). This application has multiple tabs and these tabs all need to interact with the data themselves. One is a MapView, one is a ListView and then the third is irrelevant but will need to also get some global data eventually. The issue is that I want my main activity to have a thread that runs in the background, gets the results and then instructs both child activities in the TabHost to update themselves with the latest data. Also, when the user clicks on the tabs and the onCreate/onResume activities fire, I would also like to force a redraw by getting the latest data from the main activity. I'm really at a loss here. I've tried this with a service and some ghetto static methods to pass an instance of the Activities to the Service to call specific functions to update their views whenever the timer fired, but the slowdowns were pretty bad and the code was just ugly ugly ugly.
So I implemented it as a timer-driven thread in the tabhost activity and then I have timer-driven threads in each child activity that then grab the data (in a synchronized fashion) and update their map/list. It's much faster but still feels slightly hack-ish, especially the part where I'm calling a custom function in the parent activity like so:
This adds an element of strong coupling that I'm not entirely thrilled with, but from a performance standpoint it's much better than it was. I appreciate the answers that have already been given and will do a bit of research on the content provider front but I'm not sure I want to go back to the service model.
I'm creating a map application on Android in which users share info. among them. I've., one user's marking on the map should be available to other users. What might be the best design for such type of communication?(like where can i host my database, file exchange format etc)
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to create an application that can be interactive with another Android device that could be across the room or across the country. For example, imagine playing Tic-Tac-Toe; but I'm the X's on my phone and the O's are my brother on his Android phone. I think it can be done via application specific messaging. Looking to see if it is possible, and, if so, how to send a message from one application to another on another device.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI use Android sdk 1.5 on ubuntu 8.0.4. In my application I want to use a data sms on a special port to inform my application about new available information. Then a background thread should be started to process this information. Currently i have an application sending data sms to port 12345 to an application to another emulator. Both emulators can send and receive sms. However there is no difference between a data sms and a text sms in the incoming intent.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm making an Android Java app game (although this question applies to all languages really) and hope to release the first version soon. I'm nervous about how I save data in my game. My problem is that, if in a later update, I decide to store more data or store the same data in a different way, I need to be careful I don't lose or corrupt data for users that upgrade (i.e. I want users to be able to use data created by an old version in the new version, like their high scores from before).For example, say I want to save high scores in version 1.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm working on an undergraduate level senior design project with the HTC Sprint Hero. We want to connect a device that constantly sends a serial string of data. Does anyone have any hints, tricks, or shortcuts to be able to read a serial string from the USB port and save it on the phone? I know there is not a really simple way but I'm no where near an expert in programming and wanted to see if anyone has come across anything that might help.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI used Eclipse with the Android SDK to develop the original application. I ask since this was my first Java (and Eclipse, and Android, and XML) project. I assume that most of the Java should run on the PC without too much trouble. I may want to restructure the code to isolate the Android specific functions. Should I stay with Eclipse or move to something like NetBeans?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhat is the most efficient way to port an iPhone app to Android? I know Apple doesn't like 3rd-party, non-Objective C platforms generating code for their platform ... but is there something out there that can take an iPhone app and convert it to Android friendly code? f not, how have folks out there been creating Android versions of their existing iPhone apps?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm developing an Android application and I would really like to deploy it for the iPhone as well. However, I do not know Objective-C and I think it would take an annoyingly long time to figure that and the Apple framework out. Is there a recommended way to port an Android application to iOS? Would the best bet be to hire a freelancer?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to port a silver light web application into an android app? How would one go about doing this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan anyone explain how to send SMS text messages on a specific application port (including Java and XML code)? If it's impossible then plz show at least how to send & receive SMS data message successfully (Java & XML) on android emulator (and not G1 or others).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm the developer of 3G Watchdog, an application that monitors 3G traffic. I need help from Motorola Droid owners to port it to that phone.The app gets the network statistics data by reading pseudo-files /sys/ class/net/xxxx/statistics/rx_bytes and tx_bytes. "xxx" is the network interface name, which depends on the platform (or rather, the maker), e.g. for HTC phones it is "rmnet0", "pdp0" for Samsung..I'm looking for the name used by the Droid. If someone with a Droid could look (using adb) at / sys/ class/ net/ xxxx/ statistics/ rx_bytes and tell me what the xxxx is, it would make 3G Watchdog accessible to Motorola users.BTW, this remark is valid for any other future phone (Ericson, etc). New Android phones will appear on the market, and I need owner's contribution to port 3GW on them.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor a project we are working at in school, we will need to find a way to turn OFF/ON the USB port of a tablet (running 4.1) from an application that we have to develop. Our thema is to control OFF/ON the 5V DC power (output) by a predefined schedule.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to do sending latitude and longitude from Android application to webserver / website / site port
View 9 Replies View Relatedto start with I've gone through the entire notepad tutorial, I'm a professional game programmer who has some extra time. (though most of my time has been in C++, I did take a year or two of Java classes in college, and remember some of it). I'm not sure the site is a good site to ask questions like this.. If someone has a Forum that might be a good place to ask these newbie questions, please feel free to point me in the direction. I've examined a few of the samples, and think I've a grasp of what I want to do. I've a three to four project plan for some Android releases to sharpen my skills, but since this is my first project and I have never really developed for a mobile phone or the android before, I'd like to make sure I have a solid plan.The first project is an example of the license plate game, however I want to do a few things to change it. Heck maybe when I'm done it'll become a bingo style game, with bluetooth connectivity, you never know. The base idea is I want to offer a list of states, with checkboxes next to them. so to do this, I'll be starting with a Linear List layout similar to the note pad example, and then have a row that is only a Checkbox. I can use text and call strike through if it's been checked off. Perhaps offer an option to not show them if they are checked.
But I want the list to be generated from a set of lists. Maybe all of America's states, maybe reasonable American states (no Hawaii, no Alaska) maybe a North American list, (add in Mexico and some Canadian provinces), a European list, who knows. I'd probably have to have a pop up window that lists all of the lists I suppose using a radiogroup of some sort. So then as far as the data, after weighing options I think best solution is to make a database with two fields, "checked" and "name".I figure I can use the menu for most of the user interaction (aside from clicking on stuff we want to check off) with maybe a few context menu items, I understand how to make all of those already so I should be good. The question I have is what is the best way to populate the lists? Should I create raw data, and have different files for all the lists? Or is there some other way to do this? I've seen this done on the searchable dictionary, but I'd like to hear what people who have actually generated the data like this before. In addition is there an easy way to look at the sql database these applications create, or do you have to run searches on them and output the data? Finally any other suggestion or advice? I definitely want to try to get something like this on the market so I can see the full life cycle and see if anyone actually likes it. (luckily there's not a plethora of them already) but I also want a few people to look over my code if they're willing when I'm done to make sure I've done this right or at least not missing any basic mistakes.
I'm interested in developing an android app that makes use of an OpenCV android port. Particularly, I want to use SURF features which comes embedded in the OpenCV framework but I'm not sure if then I will be able to sell this app. anyway, is there any non-free app making use of any of the OpenCV android ports?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to add a flag that will tell how much time my application is running. This flag will have to stay even after the application is removed. And, if its installed back, i must have a way to recover this flag. What's a way to implement this?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am new to android programming and I am trying to set a connection with the android as a host. I have included the following imports:
import android.content.Context;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbManager;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbInterface;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbEndpoint;
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDeviceConnection;
import android.content.Context;
My problem is when I use this code :m_usbManager = (UsbManager) getSystemService(Context.USB_SERVICE);The eclipse editor shows a message saying that getSystemService(String) is undefined for the type CPrinterCommands(The class that I am using). Quick fix gives as a solution to create a method called getSystemService, however I can't find why I would need to create a method, all the examples I found, none of them had a method getSystemService.
I wrote a TCP socket client, an android application. On my emulator, it can successfully connect to a TCP sever running in my PC. But, when I deployed the the apk into my real phone, HTC g4, it dosen't work. An exception was raised said " Network unreachable". The situation is, my handset was connected to my PC via USB, and no other connections were available. How can my android application connect to a PC server in the case. I don't know if we can use socket over usb connection. If yes, then why my application doesn't work. If no, then how?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a design problem with my Android components.
My activity is starting a service which is doing the work in the background. What I want is that the service informs the activity about state changes. How can I do this?
Normally I would add an observer but the activity has no reference to the service. Then I was thinking to take AIDL but this is more for inter-process communication.
How is it possible that the service informs the activity about state changes? Both are running in the same process. What can you recommend?
I am a beginner in Android and i want to establish a serial port communication(UART RS232) library in Android Framework Layer. My applications want to use that libary to send messages to some serial port devices. here we wan to use android as a embedded device and not a mobile device. can you suggest me how to establish a seria communication and to add that library on android framework layer.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have to develop a multiplayer game. The game will be supported between different platforms: 1) Two android clients. 2) Android client and a web application (something like facebook and android client for Texas- Holdem game).
I want to handle the communication between the platforms through a service.
I have (C#) background so I thought to implement the communication using WCF service but I am not sure this is the best choice?! Can you please tell me if my choice is good or should I choose other approach to implement the communication?
I want to send and receive information between Emulators in Android.i am using two systems and i have installed android in both the systems and i have to consider one emulator as server and another as client.Now i want to send data from one to another.Anyone knows regrading this please help me with some sample code.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi implemented the xmpp client in android.its working fine.the next task i focused on group communication from android. java code which related to group communication from xmpp.
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust say I have two applications, each with one activity running on separate processes and I want to send a simple string between them. For the purposes of this example, let us say I have a button that sends whatever is typed into an EditText view to the other application where it is then displayed. Do I have to expose a remote interface via a service that co-resides between the two applications? Or can I do something simpler (is there a way to pass data between processes without defining your interface using AIDL)? Thanks for clearing this up for me, as I seem to be struggling with performing IPC at the moment. I'm pretty sure I have to use the Android IPC path and generate a remote interface using AIDL. I'm just not sure about the binding to service part.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm not *entirely* sure this one is supposed to go here, but anyway :)
Assuming I have two Android-powered devices, connected both to the same 3G network; does the current API of Android allow to have a Service running on one of them being contacted by an Application running on the other one over this 3G network or do I have to go for a more traditional network (e.g. WiFi AP, Bluetooth) ? If so, how do I do it ?
I saw the usual Socket part in the API but it is not clear to me whether this is the way to use the 3G. I also found another discussion related to communication between a laptop and a dev phone ("Sending data to android dev phone using 3G connection") so it seems to be possible.
Does anyone have some details about how to do this?
How to implement communication with oracle.
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