Sprint HTC Hero :: Attn Sprint Hero Owners
Jun 12, 2010
Just went to my local sprint store to check out the EVO and feel jealous. After talking to the sales person and expressing this jealousy, she asked what phone I had and when I bought it. When I told her I've had the hero since Oct, she smiled and informed me that I most likely was a Premier Customer and that I would be able to upgrade this Oct!! I told her that I thought to be premier, you had to be a customer for ten years. She then told me that if you have a data heavy plan, like the unlimited data plan, and have made payments on time for 3, yes, 3 consecutive MONTHS, you are now a premier customer, and can upgrade your phone EVERY 12 MONTHS! that is huge news for us hero owners. though I do love my hero, just thinking about having the beautiful EVO in just 4 short months makes my day, my week, my month and my year! Ok i'm done, just thought everyone should know.
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Aug 14, 2010
If u live in certain areas u cant upgrade to the battery sucking evo and its oversized pixelated screen give sprint a real hero 2..give us a nexus one with a front cam flash froyo a desire would work ,sprint is the only carrier without an htc 3.7 super androidphone.throw sense in too.lets make sprint have a real iphone competitor
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Oct 26, 2009
Alright well I got my Hero on release date(After going through 3 Pre's! ). Well so far I love it. Battery life has been just fine(And thats with the system at 100% lol), and the apps are amazing. But I have a question. I noticed there's two LED lights at the top of the phone. Yet I've only ever seen one light up! Is this how it is for everyone else? Only my left one lights up(green for texts, and amber for charging). And my friend's G1's Scroll Wheel also lights up, and was just wondering why ours doesn't.
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Sep 16, 2010
after installing 2.2 on my hero, everything was working fine, until now. im having problems with my text messages, they wont send under sprints network, if i put it in roaming then they send right away, but roaming has awefully slow (1x) network speeds, but if i put it back to the 3g network speeds of sprint then everytime i try to send a text it just swirls in circles (the little thing next to the message) and wont send. is this sprints network being down? or does this have to do with the 2.2 update?i dont think its sprint because my mom and sister arent having any problems with there phones from the same plan. but i tryed restarting many times, taking out and leaving out the battery, putting it in airplane mode and turning that back off to reset connection, iv tryed everything and cant get it to work, so idk what to do, and i dont understand why if it was a software problem with the 2.2 installation, why would they send in roaming but not on sprints network?
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Jul 5, 2010
I have read a couple of threads that touched on this ring issue, but was unable to find any that had a solution or work around.Since the 2.1 update and the OTA update, many times when an incoming call comes, the phone doesn't ring. If I happen to be in front of the phone, I can see the screen change showing an incoming call.If I am listening to Pandora Radio, when the phone rings, Pandora stops, but the phone never rings.If I am not near or looking at the phone this results in missing the call.If I shut off the phone and re-boot it appears to ring fine, but at some point later in the day or week it will quit ringing.I normally never turn off the phone. Should I start to re-boot every day?
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Jun 11, 2010
Would you say the upgrade from the Hero to the EVO is worth paying $10 extra a month? This is my big hangup, as I don't have 4g and I frankly don't want to spend $10 for nothing (who does?). Since my Hero is under warranty from Best Buy, I could hypothetically return it and get the contract price for the EVO, since I bought my Hero under contract (this would work, right?). I am coming close to a month for my Hero, so this option would only be viable for a short period; after that, it is the point of no return for me. All in all, I am wondering if YOU would say it is worth the extra $120 a year upgrading from the Hero, to the EVO? I just watched a video of the EVO last night and saw how smooth it is and how much bigger it is than the HERO and I just thought that I want it, but it is gay how sprint added the $10. Sorry if I am ranting on and on, but I am just wondering from previous HERO owners only, do you think it is really worth it? I am semi-content with my Hero (at least I was till I saw how smooth the EVO ran), but if it is hands down worth the extra $120, I just might go for it.
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Apr 28, 2010
Please Post all Sprint Hero update rumors here. This not to be confused with the " Official 2.1 Thread. I would also sugest to our ever so patient moderators to move any post of this nature to this thread. Let's clean up the forum and when the update is out out we can get rid of all this with one flush.
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Aug 12, 2010
Is there a app out there will back up all my phone contacts to the sd card?
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May 28, 2010
i've tried out all the radios to test out which is the best for me..and i devided on the one that was based off the verizon radio..so i got an error message saying "You must be a Sprint Customer to use this feature" so i changed to the newest radio out and i still get the same issue..what could it be?
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Apr 12, 2010
I searched up Android 2.1 on Google and I Found a website with Sprint Hero - 2.1 leaked! "Website: Sprint HTC Hero Android 2.1 Upgrade Leaked" Rumors have been flying around the web about Spring releasing an official Android 2.1 upgrade for their HTC Hero mobile phone.The dates for the Android 2.1 upgrade for the Spring HTC Hero have been speculated to be either on April 29th, and others simply by the end of April.But according to BlogsDNA.com, hackers at XDA Developers forum have leaked a Sprint HTC Hero test ROM marked:
RUU_Hero_C_Sprint_2.20.651.1_signed_test The stands for Radio Unit Update, and is a common package that HTC phones of all kinds use, from Windows Mobile Phones to Android Roms.Without a doubt, the remaining days in the month of April building up to be full of high profile mobile phone announcements.Expected this month (April) are the HTC Incredible and Nexus One at Verizon, and now this, the Sprint HTC Hero Android 2.1 upgrade.
Rumors were also spreading about a possible iPhone / Verizon deal being announced.We ve already had the iPhone OS 4.0 announcement.And of course, I would be remiss to leave out the iPad announcement from Apple.
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Jul 7, 2010
I recently rooted my phone and was wondering how to install custom themes and lock screens for my hero. I am new to this as the title implies, so a link/instructions on how to install/create these would be what I'm looking for. I also am looking for solutions that do not need to install a new ROM as I just want to mod the current one that I have since i haven't found one I like. I rooted the 2.27.651.5 official sprint software with the instructions from the xda forum here: [GUIDE] How to Root Sprint 2.1 Release for CDMA Hero - xda-developers.
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Sep 10, 2010
iv heard ppl who downloaded android 2.2 online and installed it themselves on there phone since its not being offered ota. but im wondering if its safe? the phone is not actually getting 2.2 ever, so doing this would be my own choice. but im wondering if it will run smoothly, better than 2.1 update 1, and if there will be any problems or if anything that may not work because of compatability problems with the phone. because some people have said that 2.2 isnt being released to the hero because the phone is not physically capeable of it do to software and hardware (such as space ram speeds etc.), and others have said they installed it themselves and it works fine, that its actually made to run using less space then 2.1 making it better.
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May 15, 2010
To all you rooted Sprint Hero developers and users, I found this over at Android Spin. I myself have a droid, so I can't test this out for you but surely one of you owners can give this leaked 2.1 a spin. Just click on the link Android 2.1 for Sprint Hero leaked | AndroidSPIN | Your No.1 source for Android news.
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Jun 30, 2010
I had the same problem with my hero, bought the replacement off of ebay, followed these instructions..and wasn't too complicated. The only tome I had any frustrations was getting the clips unhooked also removing the cracked piece from the super strong adhesive. Other than that piece o pie GL Taking apart the HTC Hero for Sprint (Android) Phone
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Nov 30, 2009
Does anyone else want the stock (white) nofication bar on the Sprint Hero? If any one has it on their please share how to get it. I think because its a HTC phone it is made with the black bar, but is their anyway to extract the APK from any other android phone if such a file exists and just install it on the Hero, I really prefer the white one.
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Jan 3, 2010
Is there a 1 click root that works for the Sprint HTC hero? I've tried the one on the Unlockr site, but it fails to create a backup?
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Dec 3, 2009
how do i transfer my contacts from a palm pre to htc hero sprint
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Oct 5, 2009
I have been a Blackberry and Windows Mobile user for the last eight years. I am 55% sure that I want to get the Hero but I am not 100% sold. I am also considering the Pre. I know this sounds crazy, but the absolute #1 thing I need is Internet sharing and tethering capability; even more so than a phone itself. I must be able to connect my phone to my laptop, either by usb or bluetooth, and have it working in less than 30 seconds each time. I currently run Ubuntu 9.4 and Windows Vista/XP. My windows mobile phone works with all of these, and quickly.I have searched and searched but have found nothing as to wether the Sprint version is capable of thethering.
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Jul 14, 2010
I just got my brand new EVO and was incredibly annoyed I'm 3 blocks away from having 4G in my house. That's a deal breaker for me, as I'm home alot and I have to pay for something I can't use much.
All I really need this phone for is GMail, Google Voice, Google Turn-by-Turn, Web browsing and a few core apps like SplashID and Evernote.
Does the Hero have all these "core" features? Is there anything the EVO has, in terms of software, that the Hero doesn't? Is there anything that is *really missing* from the Hero that the EVO has?
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Nov 3, 2009
Sprint gears up for more Android, BlackBerry and Windows Mobile goodness Boy Genius Report
Sprint said itself that the Hero/Moment would be getting software updates. They didn't say 2.0, but HTC already said they're skipping 1.6 for 2.0. It would be suicide for Sprint to go to 1.6 when Verizon will have 2.0 in 3 days.
Yay Sprint! Now don't be too laggy in releasing this! My phone has SO many bugs it's not even funny!
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Oct 29, 2010
I rooted my sprint HTC hero and installed CM6 on it the other day, and everything is working great... except voicemail. I was using the Sprint VVM app, and that worked, but I got that annoying SMS message with each new voicemail, so I decided to switch to Google Voice (for voicemail only). It seems to work, except when my friends (who also have Sprint) call, and I don't answer the call, they either get a fast busy signal or they hear a voice say something like "Call cannot be completed. Goodbye" and then it hangs up.
Calling from land-lines and other cells seems to work ok? I just enabled Google Voice today, so do I need to wait a certain amount of time before it works Sprint to Sprint, or? Has anyone else seen this before? I should mention, it only happens on unanswered calls. If i dismiss the call before it's done ringing, it properly goes to google voicemail.
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Sep 3, 2009
Pictures included on press release page. It is the chin-less model.Sprint | News Release: The Innovation and Openness of a True Mobile Internet Experience Coming Soon to America's Most Dependable 3G Network from Sprint on HTC Hero with Google
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Apr 25, 2010
is there a guide on how to install 2.1 on sprint hero? i already rooted the phone, is there anything that i need to do before i flash to 2.1?
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Nov 25, 2009
Can anyone provide a link to any forum post (in any forum), blog, tweet, article, news release, or any other communication by an official Sprint representative or spokesperson which states (or even suggests) that the Sprint Hero will be getting an Android 2.0 upgrade?I chose the Sprint Hero over the Verizon Droid because I read that the Hero would be getting the 2.0 upgrade. After the fact, I realized that all those claims were for the Hero in a generic sense, but I can't seem to find one single statement or even a suggestion from any official Sprint source that they are even considering the upgrade for the Sprint Hero.And this concerns me. I have exactly 5 days left to decide whether I want to keep my Hero or return it and keep shopping and that decision will sure be a lot easier to make if there wasn't that nagging suspicion, however remote, that we'll ultimately be stuck with a patched up v.1.5.So how about it? Has anyone seen any official word from Sprint about this upgrade? Anywhere? Can you provide a link?
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Jan 24, 2010
Rooting Android 1.5 on the Sprint Hero. Rooting 2.1 can be found HERE. Manually rooting your phone: This section will cover how to manually root your phone. Keep in mind there is a one-click method, but reading this is helpful and educational. You do not have to do it this way, but I suggest at least reading though it. The following was taken from here: Before We Begin, here is a video on doing this manually:You Tube - How To Root The Sprint CDMA Hero.
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Dec 24, 2009
As a Sprint Hero user, could I download any of the free voicemail apps to use with the hero? Are there any better ones than the preinstalled voicemail app? Is there any setup involved or do you just download any voicemail app, disable the built in one and you're ready to go?
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Jul 6, 2010
I'm moving over to Sprint.I'd rather not pay the $10 4G fee (or whatever you want to call that $10 fee), so I'll probably stick with a 3G phone.Is the Hero the best option? What I really need the phone to be able to do is voice calling, text, email, web browsing, etc. I'm not a power user, so I don't think I'd use the full power of the Evo anyway, so that's another reason to stick with the Hero.And if I understand correctly, I'd be eligible for upgrade pricing after 1yr with Sprint.
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Mar 26, 2010
I rooted quite awhile back; I think it is Fresh 1.1.It worked fine.This morning it started spontaneously rebooting and is saying com.google.process.gapps. has stopped and all apps have forced close. At that point nothing works.I do have a Sprint contract to fix it but it has been rooted so I don't know what to do.
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Jun 1, 2010
I have a Sprint HTC Hero with the 2.1 update. as of now every single root procedure i have tried does not work. Even trying to undo the update has not worked.I really want to root.
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Nov 14, 2009
I haven't setup my voicemail yet on my new Sprint HTC Hero.
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