Sony Ericsson Xperia :: Transfer Sms From Nokia 5800 To Se X10i?
Nov 16, 2010
I have done several searches how how to transfer all my message from my nokia 5800 to my SE x10i. i had load of message on my sd from nokia, when i inserted the card and tried to import from sd card, it was telling me nothing to import.
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Jun 13, 2010
I'm totally new to Android and not overly technical. I've a problem I'm hoping someone can help with (if you can help please provide an idiots guide as I've trawled the net it's all way over my head with root this and that). In relation to my work I have the need to send and receive video files via bluetooth to my workmates handsets. Never had an issue in the past with Nokia "talking" to Blackberry etc (except I-phone which is a toy as far as I'm concerned) but my X10 will not receive. I keep receiving the same message on the handset "Sorry, the application settings (process has stopped unexpectedly. please try again".
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May 16, 2010
I currently on Centennial wireless, which got bought out by at&t, I was stoked about getting a NEW 4g iPhone HD or whatever its going to be called, but now I see Verizon has this incredible looking incredible. I am going this week to verizon to do some hands on, and if its what I am seeing on youtube and reviews, I will likely order one while there and drop cent/at&a and join Verizon.SO, my question is, I currently have a nokia 5800. Does anyone know the easiest way to transfer my contacts and calendar over? I use the calendar A TON. LOTS AND LOTS. So there is no way I can manually transfer them. I have 400+ contacts, with some of those contacts having 6 numbers! I don't mind manually transferring from my pc the pics, music, etc.
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Nov 1, 2010
Some people keep asking how to downgrade back to 1.6. So I wanted to provide how to do it
Note: This will give you UK Generic R1FA016 firmware
1) Install SEUS (Sony Ericsson Update Service).
You can get it from here:
2) Run SEUS, follow the prompts. You don't need to update the phone through it, but get the phone ready for updating. This process should install the drivers necessary for the rooting process.
Note: I suggest you keep your USB cable attached to that USB port. Remember which USB port of your computer it's attached to, as changing USB ports can lead to a bit of confusion for the next 2 steps!
3) To check if #2 was successful, click on Start, click Run, and type: regedit
In the Registry Editor that pops up, click on Computer, press CTRL+F, and search for this: USBVid_0fce&Pid_adde
After it's finished finding, on the right side you'll see DeviceInstance, then it says REG_SZ, then it says something like USBVid_0fce&Pid_adde5&270d2a78&0&3 You'll need that last bit (in this example: 5&270d2a78&0&3 Yours would probably be different). This is your DeviceID (you'll need it soon!)
Note: You may have multiple of these if you plugged the USB cord into many USB ports on your computer. Each USB port will give a different DeviceID, so if you have more than one DeviceID, you'll have to choose one, and if it doesn't work (you'll find out when you reach #5!) you will have to choose another one.
Alternatively, download the file in the next step and extract it, go to the folder called 1st, and run the DeviceID.jar file. It should give your DeviceID
4) Download this:
Download R1FA16 rar
or from here: [url]
Extract it.
In the step1 folder, you'll see a file called DeviceID.txt Open it up, delete whatever's there, and put YOUR DeviceID (that you found from the previous step). Save the file and close notepad.
Note: Make sure there are no extra spaces or lines after/before the DeviceID. The ONLY thing that should be in the file is your DeviceID, NO SPACES/LINES (for example, only this: 5&270d2a78&0&3 [yours will probably be different])
5) Take out the USB cable from your phone (leave it plugged into your computer) Turn your phone OFF. Open up step1.cmd (it's not inside the step1 folder, but outside it), but DON'T PRESS ANYTHING
Now we have to put the phone into flash mode. This is how you do it:
Hold the Back button on your phone, and while holding the back button, insert the USB cable into the phone. A green light should come on the phone (like when it's charging or a missed call) Quickly "Press any key to continue..." in the open step1.cmd window.
Let it finish what it's doing. It will say "Press any key to continue..." after it's finished. Until then, DON'T touch anything!
If you get problems in this step, refer to this post:[url]
Here's a helpful video for common java issue: [ROOT/De-Brick Guide] Java Issue 64 bit Fix Walkthrough (Video guide included) - xda-developers
After completion, this will give you a Generic X10i R1FA016 firmware (check it by pressing the left button, go to settings>about phone and at the very bottom under build number)
Keep your phone plugged into the USB.
6) Run SEUS to get to the latest firmware (do this before 2.1 is released in the UK if you don't want 2.1)
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Nov 25, 2010
Anyone knows how I find the MAC address for the X10i?
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Oct 18, 2010
How to get blackberry connect software for xperia X10i.
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Aug 15, 2010
i already installed a software update software after opening it i m unable to confirm my phone. Can any body tell me the way, how can i confirm my phone, it shows me to switch off the phone unplug the battery n wait for 5 sec. then reinsert then plug the USB n continue holding the power button but it can't detected my phone.
can any body tell me how can i use this application. what is the full procedure?
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Jun 26, 2010
My phone says it is a x10a. What is the difference between x10i and x10a? Can I still debrand and put new firmware on x10a ?
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Jul 27, 2010
I de-branded my x10a yesterday and now its been converted to an x10i
after serveral attempts to convert back with my original roms, it still read x10i
is there a way to convert back? If not, does this change anything in the future for my updates?
do i need to use the "i" roms from now on?
thanks in advance guys
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Nov 14, 2010
My phone is not able to communicate with any google server and as a result I cant access the Market, Facebook, Email and other such features which require a google account. It is showing "Can't establish a reliable data connection to the server." This persists since I bought the phone about two weeks ago.
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Sep 29, 2010
I am thinking about rooting my X10i so I can get the great apps that I have seen that are unfortunately limited to rooted phones only.
What is the quickest and easiest way to root my X10i on firmware R2BA026? (please proved any links necessary)
Will everything on my phone be deleted during rooting process?
Will I still be able to get future updates with SEUS or OTA like usual, or will I need to re-root each time.
What are the pros and cons of rooting?
Is there any well known problems when rooting with R2BA026 firmware? If so what are they and can they be resolved easily?
Also, if I cannot install updates via SEUS or OTA, is there anyway to have root access and still be able to do this? What would you recommend I do?
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Nov 27, 2010
Last night I updated to X10i on the PC Companion. At first I freaked out when I turned by phone back on, but then began to enjoy the new look etc. However, I noticed that browsers and apps DO NOT work (Android Market, Facebook, browser etc) whenever I'm connected to my Wi-Fi at home, but when I turn the Wi-Fi off and let it go to 3G, they all work My phone was sitting 2 metres away from the signal. It's definitely connected as it has the Wi-Fi logo on the top of the screen, it's just that nothing will load.I'm in Australia and we don't have the 2.1 update yet, so that's out of the question for now.
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Nov 10, 2010
I bought Xperia X8 a couple of days ago and I was wondering if it's possible to import mms messages from my nokia N73 to my X8? I've searched around for a while but I haven't been able to find any information on this.
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Oct 22, 2010
I'm interested in modding software and I would like to port Android to my Nokia 5800. So if there's anyone interested please give me some idea where to start, because there are many people that would like to make this idea possible. I was thinking about following:
I need to fetch Android ROM. I have chosen and downloaded v2.1 via SDK. - All of these files should be renamed to rofs3 and uda files according to Nokia firmware file names. - Correct bootloader is needed to make it running (for example OpeniBoot) - Drivers have to be extracted and edited for Android. The most important thing of all is display because its resolution is completely different than any seen Android phone. - Hardware shouldn't be a problem, it passed minimum requirements. So, is it possible to realize?
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Sep 3, 2010
My xperia x10 mini pro will not pair my headset which is a nokia bh-607 bluetooth headset that i used with my nokia. I did look up the compatibilty of the nokia headset and the xperia x10 mini pro was on the list.
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Aug 17, 2010
Is there such a thing as audible notification of callers name ie. if someone who's in my contact list calls me it says their name. The Nokia 5800 has this facility - I cant find it in the Galaxy
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Sep 16, 2010
I am a new member and a relatively new owner of an X10i. Overall I am happy with the phone but I am hoping some can answer a question. When I press the home button (middle one) I get a prompt to select to 'Complete Action using Home or Timescape' This is quite annoying. I want the default action to be Home (not Timescape) but despite ticking the box in the prompt it still pops up this box.
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Aug 2, 2010
1. Phone security - I've just moved from my Sony Ericsson C510 and have had other SE phones over the last 4 or 5 years and all have had the option to have a SIM lock and a phone lock, so basically you enter two pins at startup. I have managed to set the SIM lock on my X10 so it asks for a code at each startup, but the only other options I see for a lock are the pattern drawing thing, which admittedly I haven't attempted to set up yet. Is there anything where I can enter a code-based phone lock like on my old C510?
2. I have managed to transfer all of my contacts from my C510 using the send-all option over bluetooth, but is there anything I can do to transfer all of my texts to the X10?
3. Wallpaper. On all of my previous SE phones, it has always given me the option to use either a standard picture size or a maximised size for my phone wallpapers. On the X10 it forces me to crop my picture to a size which is not ideal! (e.g - if i wanted a pic of someone as my wallpaper, it would probably just cover their eyes!) To make this worse, once the selection is selected, the wallpaper is horribly zoomed and blocky. Surely I am doing something wrong and this can be resolved??
4. Where is the file system? Unlike my previous phones there is no file manager.
5. Is it possible to switch apps when they are running? If I am running an App, Opera for example, and I press the back/home buttons, the only way I can get back to opera is to goto the main menu and click on it. Surely it should be running in the tray at the top (like ebuddy does when I run that, even after I've pressed back/home
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Aug 23, 2010
Would like to ask if there is any option with the x10 that you can transfer your text messages from your old phone to the x10? I have sms messages in 2 of my old phones (blackberry storm 9530 & sonyericsson k800i) that I would like to transfer.
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Nov 11, 2010
as the thread says. Best way to transfer bookmarks to firefox?
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Jul 31, 2010
How do i transfer pictures to my x10 mini pro with the dates on the pictures as this is importent to me ?
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Oct 31, 2010
Can anyone tell me how to go about transferring my contacts from Ovi on my PC to my new phone Xperia X10i. I have currently downloaded my contacts and everything else on to an old Nokia phone and am sending each contact individually via bluetooth.
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Sep 11, 2010
My Xperia X10 has developed several faults and has to go back to SE for repair / replacement. In the meantime I plan to use my old SE C902 as a backup. I need to transfer all my contacts from the X10 to the C902. So far I've tried. copying all my contacts to the SIM card then putting the card in the C902. The c902 then promptly declares "List Empty" copying all my contacts to the memory card. Unfortunately the X10 and C902 use different memory cards. sending all contacts via bluetooth using "Bluetooth File Transfer" downloaded from the market place. The result of this is "unable to send file"
backing up the contacts from the X10 to my laptop and then restoring them to my C902. Unfortunately the two phones use different versions of PC Suite and neither recognises the other. I don't want to spend a week or two without access to my contacts, and short of sitting down with an old fashioned paper and pen and scrawling them all down before I send it in for repair I'm at a loss what to do!
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Oct 25, 2010
Have had my X10 for a couple of days, and so far so good. Does anyone know how to download photos from my laptop to my phone using the USB cable? I can download music from my pc to my phone. I can download videos from my laptop to my phone. But when I transfer photos, just normal jpegs, when I go to Mediascape and photos, nothing is there? Where do they go on the phone, I cant find any folder that has them in?
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Oct 6, 2010
I would like to transfer my contacts from my Nokia E71 to my Experia X10. Can someone out there explain how i go about doing this?
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Aug 7, 2010
how to transfer pictures w/ GPS info to picasa w/o losing or getting the wrong coordinates, any suggestions sony ericsson?How can we transfer our pictures to let say Picasa keeping the GPS location, so far every time I transfer, upload either directly or through my computer to Picasa the GPS location is somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, if I'm in California how does that make sense.
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Jul 24, 2010
Any tips on transferring photos/videos to imac? Media Sync and ISync don't seem to recognize my X10
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May 22, 2010
How can I get my phone numbers off my Nokia 5800 onto my HTC Desire?
I have exported them to my PC in CSV and Text format.
I've tried to put my old Sim in but it doesn't come up with anything in the contacts list.
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Jul 29, 2010
Are the downloaded application stored in phone storage? How do i transfer these application to my memory card storage? I don't seems to be able to find that option.
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Aug 3, 2010
All my xperia mini will do is find the bluetooth on my computer to make hands free calls!
why can't i do simple music transfers?
Does anyone know how to do this if i can do it at all?
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