Samsung Vibrant :: Vibrant Won't Show Up On Computer
Jul 15, 2010i have a mac. Vibrant won't show up on computer

i have a mac. Vibrant won't show up on computer
I have tried USB Debugging and different combinations of settings with the mass storgage device on and off and nothing works. I can not get the Vibrant to show up in "My Computer", nothing pops up to let me know that the vibrant is recognized by my computer.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a mac, obviously with itunes on it, and i wanted to create a workout playlist and the only way i find that i can so far is by opening the music player on the vibrant and physically picking each and every song that i want which is taking forever. is there anyway to create playlists and to even sync the vibrant with my itunes?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm sure this first question has been answered, but I haven't been able to find it. I have a Vibrant and a Mac Book with OS 10.6.4. When I plug in my phone and mount the SD card, nothing happens. I've learned elsewhere that this seems to be a problem with this phone and Macs and I've enabled USB debugging. That works, but for me it is not a proper workaround. Has this problem been fixed? Is there some update for either my phone or my computer I can install that would make it work like it should? Also, a question about my contacts. Like most, Gmail saves every person I email in my contacts. This is fine because on they're separated into "my contacts" and "other contacts". On my G1 I was able to only have "my contacts" in my contacts, but on my Vibrant it just threw everyone in there. I was able to get around it by saying only show contacts with numbers, but that's not exactly what I want either. Is there a way to tell the vibrant to only show certain groups of your google contacts?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can i set usb tethering to my computer from my phone ?
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhat is everyone doing to transfer itunes from your computer to your phone? I just added an easy phone app (which worked) but I also have double twist on my computer. I couldn't get double twist working earlier which is why I got the app, but now both are working. Anyway, what is everyone else doing?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI just sold my iphone and got this vibrant and i have couple question =).. obviously i just got it today so im very new to it and i been trying to figure stuff out for past 3 hours lol.. but i still can figure out how do i add songs from my computer to the phone? when i plug in usb it just show the icon and cant figure out if i can put the songs in there or not.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI just downloaded the remotedroid to get access to make my phone a mouse and keyboard and was wondering if there is any app out there to make my phone into a game controller.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi was avaible to swap pictures, music and everything between the 2...but now i took out my memory card from my old hd2 and put it in(hence its 16gb, and i didnt even use my hd2 for a day it was given to me so it has nothing crazy on it) and now when i plug in my vibrant, it dosent read the card for some reason, removable drive pops up, but it wont access it, i also saw this happen with someone elses vibrant, any advice?...and oh yea, i do press mount on the usb thing on the vibrant screen.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got the Vibrant and when connecting via USB to the computer, the drivers are not able to install. Does anyone know where I can find the drivers so I can use the PDA net app etc?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI just got a Bell Vibrant and unlocked it to use on AT&T. Everything's been working fine, but I do have a minor problem.
When I am in SMS messaging, most of my conversations have contact names on them, but on a few, it shows only the number. The number is clearly the number listed on the contact in my contact list, but the messaging app(stock) doesnt seem to recognize it. This is weird, because in the LauncherPro Messaging widget, it shows the names correctly, but when I go into the SMS messaging app, it doesnt recognize the contact.
I use Windows 7, received my Vibrant a few weeks ago and have been having a great time, but my phone doesn't mount! It mounted the very first time but after making a potential mistake, it stopped. Here's what happened: Yesterday I installed several apps (Beautiful Widgets, WidgetLocker, just for reference), and for the first time since receiving my handheld, wanted to add some files to it via my pc. I connected my Android as usual only to find that while both the phone & sd card were recognized on my computer, both contained no records, which was obviously a glitch.
I then tried unmounting my phone, and screwed up by selecting for my phone to be a media device rather than mass storage. Windows began searching for the device drivers, was unable to find them, and gave the message: "device driver software was not successfully installed." And now, whether mounted or not, windows no longer recognizes my phone's storage. My Android however, has no problems going from mounted to unmounted. However, I have tried connecting my phone to two other computers and none recognize my device.
I was really hoping to save 55% off the cost of the Tmobile Gel Case but alas it was not to be. When my wife saw the case installed on the phone she said "what the heck?" That's because the case fits the Vibrant unevenly. And it doesn't wrap around the bezel fully.
Here is my review:
The Amzer "Silicone Skin Case" is completely unacceptable to me in terms of fit, feel and function. The Vibrant is a top of the line, expensive and amazing device deserving of quality accessories. This case is basically junk and not commensurate with the quality or value of the Vibrant.
First the fit: It slides onto the Vibrant easily enough (too easily in fact - it feels like it might fall off) and the cutouts are all lined up with the camera, USB, etc. However, the case barely fits around the bezel and it fits the face of the phone unevenly so you can see the bezel on one side but not the other side. The last point about the fit is that the phone feels like it could pop out of the case if you squeezed the sides; this is a very unsettling feeling. A case should make you feel more secure not less and it shouldn't detract from the quality appearance of this device.
Second, the feel: The case feels much too thin along the sides, the corners feel nice and thick as they should be to protect the phone. The sides however offer little in the way of protection. It just feels cheap and not nearly thick enough to offer much protection.
Third, the function: I bought a case to protect the phone from damage in the event it is dropped. I want protection around the bezel and the sides and back of the phone. The Amzer case only seems to protect the Vibrant on the corners where this case is thicker. I feel like if I dropped the phone and it landed on the side there would be little to prevent the phone from being damaged.
Needless to say I was disappointed when I tried the Amzer on my Vibrant this afternoon. So much so that I immediately called Amazon to arrange for its return. I have the Gel Case from Tmobile which by comparison is vastly superior although 55% more in price.
In this case you get what you pay for. And I do not want to skimp on protection a device as valuable as the Vibrant. Let's see, save $6 on a case for a $500 phone? No way, not when it's ugly when installed, feels cheap and insecure in the hand, and offers less protection. The Tmobile case fits snugly, wraps evenly around the bezel, is thicker to better protect the phone in the event of an impact.
I give this case 1 out 5 stars. The Tmobile Gel Case gets 4.5 stars.
Grandfathered $5.99 T-Zones Data: Discuss All Related Questions Here ONLY
Someone confirmed it there. This would make this the only other Tmobile branded android phone to work with the cheap data plan other than the Behold 2.
For how long who knows, the behold 2 has been going on for years, but tmo, nor anyone really cared about that phone
Is there any way that I can create backups for the vibrant that work without installing and reinstalling the voodoo lag fix everytime? I know that clockwork recovery doesn't work with voodoo installed, and messes up my phone if I try it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a question for all you rooting mavens. How, if at all, will rooting my Vibrant effect the pending Froyo and TMO updates that are due out soon. Will the updates take place the same as if the phone was not rooted at all or must other steps be taken to take advantage of the pending updtates.
View 1 Replies View Relatedthe speaker volume level for my vibrant decreased considerably even though the various volume levels in my settings haven't changed. Music and GPS instructions are barely audible. I am new to Android and hope I may be overlooking something.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWill I ever be able to upgrade to Android 2.2 (and newer) on my Vibrant (tmobile) (that has 2.1)?
View 12 Replies View RelatedThis may seem like a really dumb question but I have been told several different things by several different people who should know. Does the Vibrant connect to a Wi-Fi and use it for data and calling? I have a Blackberry Curve at present and I have no reception inside my house. I connect my Curve to my Wi-Fi network and can do all data things and talk with zero dropped calls. I'm hoping to be able to do this with the Vibrant. If I can't I will have to consider another phone (I can't live with no reception in my house). I don't care if I can tether from it, I just need ot be able to use the Wi-Fi for data and calls on the handset.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using unlocked version T-mobile Vibrant in INDIA.
You must be aware that apps like amazonmp3, kindle, slacker will be of NO USE here
I have already Rooted my device + having Root Explorer installed.
Can someone please help me to remove these apps from my phone.
So I just get off the phone with a friend and I notice that the phone is miraculously showing full bars. I'm in the basement no less where it usually shows zero bars. After checking I now see it's showing zero bars again! I've never seen any phone with this much of a swing in the signal meter. To me, it's become almost humorous to watch it go from 4 to 0 then back again all in 10 seconds time. Is anyone else having this problem? If so, I hope Samsung fixes this problem in a future update as well. If no one else is having this problem I may exchange this phone for a new one.
View 12 Replies View RelatedSo I dropped my vibrant (with rubber SGP Silk case) about 4 feet from the ground and the screen is completely destroyed. There is no external damage, but functionality is completely gone. I got my vibrant about a month ago.
View 19 Replies View RelatedI've uploaded videos from my phone to youtube before most recently the past couple of weeks. I go to upload one right now and it looks normal connected to my account and everything. It says complete when its finished, but when I go to youtube the video isn't there. Tried it about 5 times and same thing every time.
View 2 Replies View RelatedYouTube - T-Mobile Samsung Vibrant TV Commerical
View 2 Replies View RelatedI spent the night working on an for everyone, I know the likely of it being used is far and between, but wanted to give people Option's for flashing as well being able to flash on the go like I do
Before we start, I installed the Factory Rom here > True Stock 2.1 firmware for vibrant - xda-developers
This likely don't matter, I just flashed based on Reports it had better signal.
To boot Downloader Mode, Power off Phone!
Hold Volume up + Down & Hit the Power button ( Do not Hold the Power button, only Both Volume Key's )
Secondly, I had Flashed this Root method here > Root your Vibrant - xda-developers
To Root my Phone before I started
You can also boot into Recovery by Holding Volume Up + Power
From this Point, I installed Koush Rom Manager app & selected Vibrant when asked ( P.S. Huge fan of Koush's work ).
After I had downloaded the Recovery via Rom Manager, I booted into recovery and ran the which booted me into ClockworkMod Recovery mod.
Once inside ClockworkMod the Power button on my Phone no longer Select the Option you are wishing to use, I did however Noticed that the back key ( Next to the Search ) did however work for making selection via Menu.
For now, this update will not flash the zImage, I'll be adding that in the Next update, or trying to once I get more familiar with the Phone.
Vibrant can customize notification tone? any idea? how?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI downloaded a kernal on ryans lag fix and then it made my phone get stuck on the VIBRANT SAMSUNG screen so i tried to fix it by using odin, but all it did was make it go to the Galaxy s sign now, any suggestions on how i can fix this? (and also, after the galaxy s sign shows up for about ten seconds or something like that it goes all black and all that stays lit are the home button, the back button, the search button, and the settings button), i need serious help.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I was under the impression that flash was preinstalled on the Vibrant. Silly, right. Anyone tried using froyo? Does it work ok? Any issues?
View 10 Replies View RelatedMy cousin is next to me, blasting music! I have a droid x, and am so jealous about the power of the vibrants speaker.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMet up with an old college buddy for lunch today, he's a diehard iphone user. Since my Vibrant is unlocked, I asked for him to let me try his AT&T sim card on my phone to validate what I've been reading about the AT&T 3G on the Vibrant.Before he removed his sim card, I asked for him to run the and we registered 1120 & 1080 kbps for Down speed, using the Austin location server. After swapping his sim chip into my phone, with the same Austin server, my Vibrant registered 1785 & 1693 kbps Down. The jaw dropping, blank staring expression on his face was priceless ..I let him played with the Vibrant for a while, he indicated to me a few weeks ago that he was about to upgrade his 3GS to the new iphone 4, but now he's having serious second thought. The old chap wasn't aware of how advanced Android has progressed, and was surprised how much bigger & better the Vibrant's screen is over the iPhone 4 that has been gawking over for the last few months.'ve casually mentioned to him a few weeks ago about the unlocked Vibrant can do both T-Mobile as well as AT&T 3G frequencies, and he brushed me off in disbelief. His sticking point with T-mobile GSM is that it doesn't have the 3G frequency that he needs for his frequent overseas travel. He called me just now to find out where he can get the Vibrant for cheap.
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