Samsung Vibrant :: As A Game Controller For Computer Games
Sep 30, 2010I just downloaded the remotedroid to get access to make my phone a mouse and keyboard and was wondering if there is any app out there to make my phone into a game controller.

I just downloaded the remotedroid to get access to make my phone a mouse and keyboard and was wondering if there is any app out there to make my phone into a game controller.
I recently bought the SNES emulator for my HTC Desire. Works well but some action games are very hard to play using the onscreen gamepad.
Are these games easier to play on a bluetooth keyboard? I am guessing you can bind some keys on the keyboard to various buttons in the game.
I have seen some bluetooth game controllers like the Zeemote but it does not currently support android. Are there any other options?
I have a mac, obviously with itunes on it, and i wanted to create a workout playlist and the only way i find that i can so far is by opening the music player on the vibrant and physically picking each and every song that i want which is taking forever. is there anyway to create playlists and to even sync the vibrant with my itunes?
View 9 Replies View Relatedi have a mac. Vibrant won't show up on computer
View 34 Replies View RelatedI have tried USB Debugging and different combinations of settings with the mass storgage device on and off and nothing works. I can not get the Vibrant to show up in "My Computer", nothing pops up to let me know that the vibrant is recognized by my computer.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe galaxy s phones were made for high end games. I want to find and try all the high end games for android, so please post which games you found...Here are the high end games I've tried and what I think about them:
Asphalt HD from Gameloft. I really love this racing game. Its on par with racing games made for the psp. I hope they release an expansion pack with more cars/tracks/events. N.O.V.A from Gameloft. A pretty good fps. It kinda reminds me of halo. I wish there was more weapons and enemies/bosses. note: you cant get this game from the market, you have to buy from the gameloft website. Dungeon Hunter from Gameloft. A standard rpg. Im playing this right now. my thoughts so far is that its a pretty good rpg for a phone but pales in comparison to handheld console rpgs. note: you cant get this game from the market, you have to buy from the gameloft website. Hero of Sparta from gameloft. its a hack n slash game. this is the only game from the gameloft hd series that I didnt like so far. I havent tried the other 5 HD games from gameloft but I plan on doing so.
I really want to try all the high end games for android so please any games you have found
Here's a video of the games in action:
I got Samsung Galaxy 5.
I got some gameloft games (HD versions) installed but as I Run them only Top left (approx 1/4)view of game screen appers.
As whole game can not to fitted on one screen..
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|Gamel |
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It looks like half of screen is cut like on "oft" of Gameloft is invisible
I recently bought a fairly cheap Yarvik tab (TAB264) running ICS 4.0.3. with a USB host and so far it has nothing else than impressed me !
What i'm trying to do is connect a game controller via USB to play games in emulators. I have a authentic PS3 controller with usb cable and an Xbox controller for the PC, with a USB dingle for wireless connection to the pc / tablet. I do not have bluetooth on my device, but i do have a bluetooth dongle. However, this is not plug and play. If I plug in a keyboard, mouse of mass storage device the tablet will recognise it. With a bluetooth stick this is not the case. I have seen serveral video's where people just plug in their xbox controller and it works, they only have to map the keys in to emulator and they are good to go. In my case, as with the bluetooth dongle, it is like its not recognised.
Is there a way to download drivers for either one controllers, universal controller support or the bluetooth stick ?
in short:
- Can i use the PS3 controller via usb ?
- Can i use to Xbox controlle via usb ?
- Can i install drivers for the bluetooth stick so i can use the ps3 controller wireless (whis would be awesome since bluetooth would be nice).
So i just got this bh2. I wonder how to put games/apps i downloaded from the computer to my phone ? Is it going to be the same way as the BEHOLD ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can i set usb tethering to my computer from my phone ?
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhat is everyone doing to transfer itunes from your computer to your phone? I just added an easy phone app (which worked) but I also have double twist on my computer. I couldn't get double twist working earlier which is why I got the app, but now both are working. Anyway, what is everyone else doing?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI just sold my iphone and got this vibrant and i have couple question =).. obviously i just got it today so im very new to it and i been trying to figure stuff out for past 3 hours lol.. but i still can figure out how do i add songs from my computer to the phone? when i plug in usb it just show the icon and cant figure out if i can put the songs in there or not.
View 10 Replies View Relatedi was avaible to swap pictures, music and everything between the 2...but now i took out my memory card from my old hd2 and put it in(hence its 16gb, and i didnt even use my hd2 for a day it was given to me so it has nothing crazy on it) and now when i plug in my vibrant, it dosent read the card for some reason, removable drive pops up, but it wont access it, i also saw this happen with someone elses vibrant, any advice?...and oh yea, i do press mount on the usb thing on the vibrant screen.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got the Vibrant and when connecting via USB to the computer, the drivers are not able to install. Does anyone know where I can find the drivers so I can use the PDA net app etc?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI use Windows 7, received my Vibrant a few weeks ago and have been having a great time, but my phone doesn't mount! It mounted the very first time but after making a potential mistake, it stopped. Here's what happened: Yesterday I installed several apps (Beautiful Widgets, WidgetLocker, just for reference), and for the first time since receiving my handheld, wanted to add some files to it via my pc. I connected my Android as usual only to find that while both the phone & sd card were recognized on my computer, both contained no records, which was obviously a glitch.
I then tried unmounting my phone, and screwed up by selecting for my phone to be a media device rather than mass storage. Windows began searching for the device drivers, was unable to find them, and gave the message: "device driver software was not successfully installed." And now, whether mounted or not, windows no longer recognizes my phone's storage. My Android however, has no problems going from mounted to unmounted. However, I have tried connecting my phone to two other computers and none recognize my device.
I was curious if I bought a Bluetooth video game controller, would it work for my nintendo games I play on my Evo. If it does work, can anybody recommend a good controller.Sent from my HTC Evo 4G.
View 8 Replies View RelatedWii Controller Demo brings your Wiimote and Android phone 2gether, 4ever. Engadget YouTube - Playing games on the N1 with Wii Controller.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI've searched around and cant find anything. I was wondering if anybody has found a bluetooth style controller that can be used for gaming/NES emulators. Even a mini-USB device would work well.I've only found this sofar: Zeemote V3 Bluetooth Controller Reviews - Features of Zeemote Bluetooth controller | Reviews by
View 12 Replies View RelatedNeed more buttons and better controller layout now for psx4droid, and regular Wii remote not gonna cut it for me. The Wii Classic Controller Pro looks like a good one though, but does anybody know if it'll work with the Wiimote app? Don't wanna go shell out $20 for it if its not compatible.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to connect a ps3 controller to a android phone?
View 25 Replies View RelatedThe vibrant is advertised as 16gb internal memory, however after all of whatever is on the 16gb we're left with about 12.75 give or take of room left. Now i see that 2gb is apparently reserved for apps and the like, while the other is for music,movies, and so on. here is where my questions begin...
What if I have more than 2gb of apps and games to install? Will it not let me or will it partition more room? I think its kind of stupid to have a phone with this much internal memory and only let 2gb of it be for apps and games, that is absolutely stupid. I may consider activating my 14 day buyers remouse should this be the case. (and its not really 2gb, its 1.58gb)
I do plan on getting an 8gb+ class 4 or above microsd card, can i install apps to this WITHOUT rooting? or is rooting needed?I really, REALLY, hope im not screwed over with only 2gb of wiggle room for apps and games. that will definately put a halt on things.
I've just read this on android"When you say "only 2GB", this is plenty. Most apps are well under 5MB, so you can easily install 500 to 1000 apps on your phone.Android 2.2 is due out for these phones in September, which allows you to move apps onto the 14GB partition if you need/want to."Any truth to being able to move apps to the bigger partition? Becuase this would definately put my mind at ease.I also read that its not your choice if you can, the developer has to enable it in said application. so that it gives you a choice of where to save it, or you can move it at a later date.
I did notice, however, that Asphalt 5 was 8mb but required 103mb of additional data to be downloaded. i was worried it would save it to the whimpy 1.58gb of space but alas, it was smarter than that, and saved it on to the 12gb part. But if the option in all/certain apps is to save it to sd (or in the vibrants case, the 12gb partition sd space, or an external SD card) that would be HUGE.
Wii Wireless Retro Controller - Codejunkies US It's a completely wireless version of the classic controller for a Nintendo Wii. was hoping it would be a better replacement for the wiimote for playing SNES games on my Nexus One using SNESoid.It is! Everything synced like a snap by going into the SNESoid controls, enabling the option for "use input method" and turning off the virtual keypad. Every function available on the controller works well, and is recognized by the Wiimote software available in the market by searching for wiimote. I am using the free (donate) version made by CCCP.You then just manually configure each button in SNESoid. If you are using the screen upside down option, you'll need to reverse your directions of course. I prefer to do this so I can set my phone down and have the volume buttons be on the top of the phone instead of the bottom of the phone. There is no lag that I can detect, and I've tried it with 5 games. I've tried it with Zelda, Super Metroid, R-Type, and Street Fighter, and Super Mario World. Out of these games, Super Metroid And Street Fighter by far has the more complicated control scheme, but as I've played this game fairly recently I didn't spend a lot of time trying it out.
Some thoughts:
It is a lot more comfortable than you might think. It's shaped basically like a classic controller, the rubberized grips on the back are VERY solidly put on, I couldn't even take them off if I wanted to. These shouldn't be falling off anytime soon, they are on there with a deathgrip! It's pretty light.
The only button that does not work on the controller with the phone is of course the power button. This is used to turn off and on a Wii, useless for the phone of course. The sync button on the back works perfectly, and you will have to use it whenever you turn the controller off by pressing the power button on the controller. Which is a good thing, as the controller can be disabled from being able to send data when you're not using it. More battery saving there I'm sure.Some sites have suggested it has a plugin for mini usb so you can recharge some rechargeable AAA batteries with it, mine does not. AAA batteries only.The D pad seems to not be as good as it could be, it feels like it doesn't stick up high enough, and at times it seems like it doesn't recognize a key press. It's not as good as the d pad on a PS3 sixaxis controller, that's for sure and it's not quite as good as the d pad on a wiimote.Which is fine by me, even with a PC emulator, I tend to prefer to use the analog sticks even for digital controls except for games such as street fighter and the like, which I don't play anymore. So I use the analog sticks to be setup as the digital controls. Both sticks are recognized by the software and in Snesoid. Anyone who'se played these games is going to want to instantly know. OMG CAN YOU DRAGON PUNCH WITH IT!
Not with using the dpad. The dpad on this is not very good. It was tolerable for Zelda, but it just doesn't fly for Street Fighter. Not even remotely. I couldn't even fireball with it. Dragon punching is pretty hard at first. Maybe I'll get better at it. Strangely enough, this is EXACTLY how it was when I was a kid playing this game on my SNES at home. In the arcade it was a lot easier. I'm not sure why I can't do it on this controller very well, It works PERFECTLY for super metroid, which is great news. You don't program in the diagonal buttons in snesoid, you just program in the 4 way directions and the phone's built in 8 way notch works perfectly for aiming diagonally if you don't want to use the shoulder buttons to do this. Great news as it's one of my all time favorite games.But oh well, I don't really feel like playing street fighter on the phone, except for maybe showing off to friends. Well, that would be fun in and of itself, but not really. If I don't use ryu, ken, or sagat, all of the characters control perfectly.
It's recognized by the software as a classic controller, so I'm sure that a couple of months ago this would NOT have worked. The wiimote software was only recently enabled to work with classic controllers.By utilizing the wiimote software, it looks like there is no limitation with how many button presses you can do on it at one time, which is a hardware limitation in the droid phone using something such as a game gripper.In a nutshell, if you don't mind shelling out $50 for it, don't hesitate to buy it! It took a week to ship, and the $9 shipping including UPS tracking service. A signature was not required.I'm happy with it . It's about 30% longer than my phone, just a hair wider, and a lot thicker. Not pocket worthy unless you're talking a cargo pocket, but very easy to throw in your bag.PS: If your phone is expensive I'd only recommend using this where you know some jerk won't snatch the phone off your table or something.
I want to play modern combat 3 and other fps games using a ps3 controller and I was wondering if there is a way to keymap the controls without root. Also no sixaxis app cause my phones not supported.
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust wandering if anyone has made a micro usb or bluetooth clipon type of controller for gaming on the g1?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHere is a couple of Bluetooth game pads for mobile phones that support Bluetooth profile.
I worked with both the BGP100 and Zeemote on other mobile platforms. They both work quit good with action games. The buttons/keys can be user programmable meaning with the proper driver you can configure the buttons for game specific actions. This worked well under other platforms.
Im considering investing some time in the development of a driver to work with these.
how do i download them im a total noob at this stuff, can i do it through my computer and USB?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo the moto droid has an after market controller for games which takes advantage of the keypad. And now there are two apps on the market that allow a wii remote to control games on some android phones. However it looks like the incredible got left out. Neither of these apps work with the incredible ...maybe due to HTC sense? Do you think workarounds will be found? This would be a cool feature. Maybe not practical, but awesome nonetheless.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a simple and "un-brained game" just to kill the time when I'm in the bathroom during working hours. In the iPhone I had the Absolutist Bubble Shooter and the iFighter.did you guys know something similar?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI remember a while back I saw some youtube video about a 3D racing type game where the racing track and background and things changed according to the music playing in the background - and this was music that you could select from your own collection of songs on your sd card or whatever.Tbh I can't remember if it was android or windows mobile (def not iphone).Does anyone know what I may be talking about?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI had this the first day & got my phone, uninstalled it and can't fine it anymore.It's one of those block games, similar to "parking break" or "sliding block puzzle" the blocks were a very muted semi transparent green and you had 1 red block which you had to get to the opening at the top. There might have been an option to change the blocks to blue. I remember it was very highly rated and had downloads in the thousands.Anyone know it?
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