Samsung Moment :: Looking For Sprint Voicemail App?
May 19, 2010I out a custom rom om my gf moment and she uses the voicemail app i deleted it and not can find the apk.could someone post it.

I out a custom rom om my gf moment and she uses the voicemail app i deleted it and not can find the apk.could someone post it.
Ive noticed a lot of my incoming calls are going straight to voicemail without the phone even ringing..ive checked in the settings menu in contacts and i never checked any of the boxes labeled straight to stumped...i tried calling my cell from my landline and it goes straight to voicemail...
View 1 Replies View RelatedA friend recently got a new Samsung Moment. Since then, he reports that callers sometimes get his personal voicemail greeting, but sometimes just get a vanilla greeting with the phone number, or perhaps an inability to leave a message at all. We're trying to figure out why.
1) Could it be related to the fact that the Samsung Moment has Visual Voicemail? My friend doesn't use the Visual Voicemail program on the phone (yet), but rather dials 1, just as he used to, to both set his greeting and hear his messages. My understanding, however, is that he was switched to a Visual Voicemail-capable server anyway.
2) Could it be related to roaming? I wonder whether his new job is in an area with poor Sprint service, where his phone is often going into roaming. This would also explain why his battery is not lasting the full (overtime) workday.
3) Could the separate server used for Visual Voicemail be downright flaky, constantly flopping up and down, or perhaps over-busy? Wouldn't other customers of that server complain if so?
I have a contact setup and have enabled the option to have their calls go directly to voicemail. I've got every number I know for this person listed. Seems like that's all I really need to do. So why am I here watchinghearing my phone ring right now on my desk and yes it's from the contact in question? I mean we've all got at least 1 person that we just do NOT want to talk to when they call. I can deal with a voicemail and call them back when I'm ready. But when I reach for my ringing phone and I see that contact's name. all I can say is WTF?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI keep getting a message that a mandatory update is now available, but when I try to download it, I get a message stating "general failure. Please try again later." The phone is rooted, and I assume that this is what is causing the failure. So my questions are, what happens if I do not download the update, and what can I do to stop recieving the message? it seems to pop up everytime I recieve a text.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a new samsung moment, and have voicemail, but never set up the visual voicemail, and can't seem to do it now, after the fact...
View 1 Replies View RelatedOk just got this "mandatory" voicemail notification from sprint.. My phone is NOT rooted, Nor does hit have the Android Update 2.1 that came out in May.. I hit download and it does it but when it goes to install it says 'error installing' and button for Retry... I've tried doing this several times.. Couple of questions .. Do I have to do this ? If I do do this will Sprint be charging me to use this ? Finally WHY am i getting this error? My phone has been fine since earlier in the year since I got it ..
View 2 Replies View RelatedNot sure if anyone else was having this issue, but if you want to get the old automated robot voicemail greeting instead of a recorded greeting, go ahead and record your main greeting and then go back into your voicemail settings and delete the greeting. It will revert to an automated greeting. Also, to get it to say your number instead of your recorded name, go into personal option under the voicemail settings and delete your recorded name, and it'll revert to just saying your number in the automated voicemail greeting.This had been bugging me ever since I got the phone since I hated recording a greeting myself and for the life of me I could not find the option for an automated greeting. Anyways, hope that helped.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhat are the application names for the Voicemail function in DE03? (i seem to have deleted them...since I no longer have a Voicemail icon available)
And where do I put them?
Does anyone know how to make ALL calls go direct to voicemail? When i try to upload a large file to YouTube, FB, etc - an incoming call/SMS kicks me off; and, I have to start all over. I have found how to do this on the HTC, through Settings:Wireless:Mobile Networks.... but similarities stop there.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a app to back up these and store them on my desktop? I'm about to get a new phone and these voicemails are needed for legal matters, but I can't seem to transfer them.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy visual voice mail is not working at all never updates when i get new voice mails does anyone know a remedy for this issue?
View 19 Replies View RelatedHad my phone confiscated by the judge in the courthouse today. Phone was on vibrate only, I was listening to voicemails, and received an incoming call. Phone RANG -- not my normal ringtone, but rang nevertheless.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter soft resets, BT on, BT off. Still can't hear it via speaker or earpiece. Anyone else seeing this. Next step is a hard reset which I don't feel like doing but might be my only option at this point.
View 16 Replies View RelatedCan someone help out a android nob here? Is there a way to set up a separate (hopefully repeating) audible notification for voicemail? Though to me this would seem like a no brainer item, I can't seem to find it.
Also, while I'm at it. Is there a way to set up signatures in the default mail app?
Here I am with 2 HTC Hero phones, with only one on an active account. I would love to try out the Samsung Moment, but don't have the $$ to just go out and buy one.My hero comes with all it had when new, plus I have an extra battery for it I will add to the deal. This hero has only been used for about a week, and while using it, it "lived" in my Blackberry Tour holster to give it maximum protection. There are no scratches or rub marks on it, never been dropped and I have reset it to Factory Specs via the SECURITY MENU and the ESN is clear and ready to be activated on your SPRINT account.Please email me at if you are interested. Maybe we can work out a swap.Now for the additional 1 to 2 feet of snow that is forecast for this afternoon and tomorrow, on top of the 2.5 feet still on the ground.
View 11 Replies View RelatedCan I take a Moment that is flashed to Cricket and flash it back to sprint.
View 12 Replies View RelatedIve been on Sprint for a few years now, currently using the Diamond which is the biggest pile of trash ever pushed on to a mobile phone user. With the Big promotions I tried getting the moment throught best buy 179 deal for existing customers but sprint told best buy that I wasnt at 22 months on my current contract ( which is the 500 sero plan through 8/1/2010 ) so I cant get and upgrade ( except 75 bucks off the msrp through sprint ). Im pretty pissed, what options do I have?
View 25 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to access my main sprint account on my phone (samsung moment) through the web broswer. I can access it through my PC fine but when I try to access it on my phone it takes me to alternative sprint site either "downloads" section or "sprint web". I turned off gps and location but to no avail.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI rooted my sprint HTC hero and installed CM6 on it the other day, and everything is working great... except voicemail. I was using the Sprint VVM app, and that worked, but I got that annoying SMS message with each new voicemail, so I decided to switch to Google Voice (for voicemail only). It seems to work, except when my friends (who also have Sprint) call, and I don't answer the call, they either get a fast busy signal or they hear a voice say something like "Call cannot be completed. Goodbye" and then it hangs up.
Calling from land-lines and other cells seems to work ok? I just enabled Google Voice today, so do I need to wait a certain amount of time before it works Sprint to Sprint, or? Has anyone else seen this before? I should mention, it only happens on unanswered calls. If i dismiss the call before it's done ringing, it properly goes to google voicemail.
Has anyone else noticed their sprint navigation messing up?Sometimes its slow, and when it isn't slow it recalculates and tells me i'm on a different road than i am.Sometimes it will just go back but sometimes i have to manually hit recalculate route.Someone else stated that they had this problem with their instinct also.My google maps location cannot be found either though it just keeps saying unavaliable and when i used the progra Where, i selected find me by gps and that doesn't work either.I hope this can be fixed or this would be a dealbreaker for me, i use gps ALOT.
View 3 Replies View Relatedok so the new sprint football app should be available 4/1 according to the sprint website.not real sure if we will be able to download it or have to take it into a store.
View 47 Replies View RelatedIf you've forgotten your MSL, it seems you can load up the ADB drivers and run ADB.exe with the following command: adb shell getprop Look for the line that says "[ril.MSL]: [xxxxxx]" and that's your MSL.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhat are your thoughts? Right now I have the Moment, but im thinking I want the Hero instead.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI am planning changing my phone from Moto Q9c to Moment. I am using Sprint SERO plan, and everything looks good except navigation. Moto Q9c uses Window Mobile 6, so there are pretty many good apps for navigation. But, my question is should I use Sprint navigation apps? I have used 2 or 3 free nav apps on my Q9c. But, it seems like everyone is using Sprint nav on Moment. The problem is Sprint Nav is not free for me. I should pay for it because I am using SERO plan, and SERO plan does not include Sprint Nav plan. It costs me $10 per month!!! $100 can buy a good nav from Garmin or TomTom. I searched this forum, and there is one more nav app: Google map. But, it looks having some problems on it. Is it fixed? or it is still like that? I should use a navigation app, and have to choose Paying Sprint app or Buying a Garmin GPS if there is no good nav app on Moment. but I want to save money, so I ask your experience about google map or other nav apps. Is it useful after upgrade to 2.0 OS? Any suggestions or tips are appreciated. I don't want to pay $10 for Sprint Nav.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy market updated to ver 1713 from 1710
View 30 Replies View Relatedhow will sprint know if i am tethering? and also if they do find out, what will they do?
View 18 Replies View RelatedIt seems like I have to jiggle any charger just right to get my phone to recognize the charger as plugged in. It never used to do it, but I think I may know what caused it. I was worried when I originally bought the 'Sprint' car charger and tried it for the first time (WAY over priced, but I figured better safe than sorry ). Compared to the included USB and a/c chargers, the Sprint car charger barely fit in the unit, and I mean it took effort to get it plugged in. I thought that was an intended feature, so that the phone didn't accidentally unplug if I picked up the phone while driving (like how the Razor charger used to fall out, if the phone was held sideways)So it seems that the Sprint brand car charger messed stretched the port inside my phone. Now the USB charger and the a/c and the car charger all have to be plugged in 'just right' to charge. I guess I'm going to have to risk swapping out for a phone that may not be in the perfect condition of my current phone Because, although I love it, it's of little use it it doesn't have any power.
In fact, last night before going to bed, I plugged my phone into the USB charger. I set it just right, held my breath, and left it on the desk charging. This morning I woke up to find my phone COMPLETELY DEAD with the USB plugged in... So on my way to school I tried to charge my phone via the car charger, I set it 'just right' but then if I hit a bump in the road the charge would stop, and then maybe restart after the next bump. And god forbid I answered a phone call, because that would disable the charging every time. So right now I have the phone charged at 5% sitting next to me, connected to my computer and intermittently charging via the USB cable. I really DO NOT want to swap out this phone for another Moment because everything else on it works. The GPS is fine, the battery is fine, all of it. And now it's wrecked because I wanted to take the 'safe' route using Sprint's car charger.
would someone please give me the full URL of the Sprint mobile webpage that usually starts up when you load the stock browser? On the rom on my rooted phone for some reason it is set to go to the us cellular page and I much preferred the sprint one.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFresh out of the press! Just got this alert and wanted to share with you all...This will make some of us Happy! Though I'm very happy with the moment...this Time I placed the link!
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