Samsung Galaxy S :: Using Internet When Not Connected To WiFi
Nov 20, 2010
I recently purchased a GTI-i9000. GPS on it is terrible and I have ready many forums with other users experiencing the same problems. I was thinking, and wanted to clear up a cloudy understanding. On my previous phone (iPhone 3G), when I was not connected to WiFi, I was still able to browse webpages etc, albeit slowly. Is that called GPRS? The form of data?
On my Galaxy, I cannot do this at all. If I am not connected to a WiFi connection, I have 0 internet. I'm just wondering if this is the cause of my dodgy GPS. Is there a setting i need to change or does the SGS not do internet if you're not connected to WiFi. I live in Australia if that helps at all.
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Apr 28, 2012
I came back home and connected my Galaxy Ace to my home wifi, but this time, it wasn't transferring any data.. It would be connected, full signal, but no internet connection.. My browser, gmail, YouTube, PlayStore, nothing would load.. It'd keep saying Connection Error. Retry. My WiFi works properly on the computer and other devices, and my phone used to work perfectly too.
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Feb 14, 2014
My daughters samsung galaxy 3 is connected to the internet but won't connect to play store.
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Sep 23, 2010
A few days ago I was using my schools wifi with no issue (its unsecured)
Now I can connect to the wifi but pages will simply not open (try again later or whatever the generic error message is)
I reset everything I could find still nothing.
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Jun 6, 2010
I just connect my evo with my home network, and it finds network ok and everyting. I even see 4 WiFi signal bars on my evo screen, but no Internet connection. I am using my laptop through that WiFi now without any issue. I am using netgear WGR614 g/bwireless router.
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Aug 31, 2010
Is there a way to tell what the Internet is using? If the wifi symbol is up is that whats being used ?
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Nov 27, 2012
I live in India. I had purchased a new TP LINK wifi + modem router last week. The modem works great as I access internet using my PC ( ethernet connection broadband) . I tried connecting WIFI using my android, but even when connected I don't get internet on my device.
Here are some screenshots of my modem settings page ( when my android galaxy mini is "connected to wifi, (no internet though))
Status :See my android phone in list of wifi connected clients
And in that WAN tab, why that PVC0 status is down?
In LAN settings photo modem shows my device android connected to modem, but still no internet.
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Sep 28, 2010
I just got an unlocked samsung galaxy s. I have centennial but this phone was thru At&t. I cant get it to connect to internet except wifi when I am around it. I also cannot download picture messages. I have tried several apn settings and nothing has worked. I have a data plan thru centennial as well.
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Oct 7, 2010
I have a Macbook Pro, its connected to Ethernet & I want to share the internet connection with my Samsung Galaxy S. I enabled Internet Sharing on my Mac, selected Airport under ports & provided a WEP password. On my Galaxy S, I select my macbook on the list of WiFi n/w, provide the password, but it never gets connected & there is no error msg either. Has anyone else tried this? Any ideas on why this is happening? BTW, I'm able to connect my Galaxy S to my wireless router at home.
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Apr 18, 2010
I have 3bars of service for wifi strength and when I try to go to the market place, or even the internet,I cant connect? I've tried switching with mobile data on and off and same thing happens.I have no problem getting on line with digital coverage tho.
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Dec 25, 2013
I've got new phone (Samsung Galaxy Express 2 ) and when i try to connect to internet with wifi it just writes that i have no connection.Yesterday it started working for a while but after i restarted my wifi router it just stopped.Wifi works on my laptop and tablet but not on phone.
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Jun 9, 2012
I have problem with wifi conection. I'm normally connected to wifi but I don't have internet access.
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Jun 18, 2010
This month orange gave me a bill for 30 pounds extra as I used 1.5 gigs on my x10
after talking to orange on the phone for a long time, They were very help full, unlike Sony Ericsson, it turns out that while at home when my phone says its connected to WiFi, and is usually as I have tested by turning of data 3G and things on the hand set. It is still using 3G and streaming through the mobile internet.
Orange tell me its a problem with the handset and they have had a few people with the same problem. Orange kindly didn't charge me for my data use and told me to ring Sony who were very unhelpful and just claimed it isn't the hand set. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if any thing can be done. I now try to always have the 3G off but not sure if that is going to help.
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Feb 16, 2014
My HTC EVO 4G LTE is having a major problem. When connected to my home modem it will not connect to the internet at all. When I disconnect wifi in the settings the phone will crawl along at Sprint 3G speeds. Laptops, tvs, chromecast and Roku are all working properly from the same modem. I've reset the modem, restarted the phone numerous times, just updated the phone (was happening before and after the update) and still no luck. I've scoured the internet looking for answers but nothing so far.
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Jun 30, 2013
I have an LG Optimus Elite and when I first set the phone up with WIFI, the bars were green and everything worked, but then I powered the phone off and the bars turned white and my WIFI status says that I'm connected but nothing (except the browser, Skype and sometimes Youtube) works--they all mostly say "authentication required" or "not connected." I have multiple laptops, have had two iPod Touch devices, and friends' devices work just fine on my internet, but this one won't--the time/date isn't even correct.
I've rebooted the phone about 4 times and each doing different things, like signing in to Youtube with Google account, syncing my Google account, and just trying different things with the WIFI (airplane mode, turning off sleep), and I've restarted my modem and router. I logged in at a restaurant and the time was correct, but I wasn't able to check more than that. I've been searching for a fix for a few days now and nothing has worked at home.
I don't have the phone plan connected so there's nothing that I can do with the 3G connection. It's just really frustrating because I bought two of these phones (one for myself, and one for my girlfriend) and only one phone works, even though we've checked to see if all our settings were exactly the same--which they are.
Edit: Each time I power the phone off the WIFI bars turn white and the internet doesn't work good (like I wrote above). For the amount of time that there is internet (after factory reset) the time is wrong. I forgot to mention this.
Edit 2: I cleared the Google Services Framework data and, after doing that, the WIFI works until I power the phone off and on again. I'll add more information as I try more things.
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Dec 29, 2013
I have set the APN up according to Straight Talk bring your own phone settings however when I leave the WiFi system I have no internet capability.
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Sep 8, 2010
I have a question about internet on x10 mini pro. When the phone is on a WiFi network and the mobile internet network is switched on too, does the phone automatically use the WiFi before the mobile internet?
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Nov 29, 2013
I have an Asus Slider Sl101. Around 3 days ago, our router had been changes as the previous one wasn't working properly. Our carrier is Charter and our router is Netgear. We hooked every device up to that new router and everything worked fine, including the tablet. But later on in the day,the Internet on there stopped working.
It shows that it's connected, but when I try to access the internet through the browser, it does not work. The blue line at the top of the browser starts up, moves forward a little, and stops entirely while the browser then says "Webpage Not Available". Apps that require Internet, such as Accuweather and my SAT apps, fail to work as well. Other devices that use our wifi include another computer and Nintendo DSi and 3DS. They all work fine. Our router shows that our android is connected to it, as well.
I've tried the static IP stuff, restarted the router, left the wifi off on the tablet for a few hours, and turned it off and off. I even factory resetted it and not even that worked.
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Jun 11, 2013
I have a Galaxy S3 on the Bell Mobile network in Canada, and aside from the horrendous battery life, it's a pretty good phone. One thing I notice that's kinda annoying is the "Connected to Wi-Fi network [network name]" pop-up that comes up quite often. I've managed to snap a screenshot of it.
How to disable this? The only info I've found so far is on the Verizon pop-ups, and entering the *#6335623# code on the dial screen, but nothing comes up when I try that, and I'm not even sure that fix would work for this.
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Oct 17, 2010
I'm having a problem with my internet connection on my SGS. It used to lock to T-m*bile, I unlocked it lastweek then use L*bara instead cause got free internet service hehe. somehow, everytime i try to use internet service it says unable to connect to internet/ network unavailable. but I tried the simcard with another phone and it was working. some friends suggest me to re-unlock it. but i donno how to re-unlock it.
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Aug 5, 2010
I got my Vibrant yesterday and hooked it up to my WiFi (netgear g-router). Everything worked great for about 30 seconds. I was able to jump through a few pages and then it stops loading eventually I get a message with something to the effect of "cannot connect to server, please try again later". This is not word for word. I called t-mo support and they were not able to find anything so they are sending me a new Vibrant, but I have a feeling that this problem will persist. I read through different posts and found a few that listed this problem some suggested:
-Download the WiFi Fixer app from the android market
-Switch the router settings from B/G to just G (I don't remember what mine are set to now, but I'll try this out when I get home from work).
If I really have to switch my router settings, what will I do if I'm traveling and have to use a hotel's WiFi hotspot or something? Does anyone have any ideas about this? I have no problems with my WiFi on my MyTouch 3G, so I'm not sure if this is a Samsung issue or an Android issue either way, I either have to figure out a fix or get rid of the phone.
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Dec 9, 2013
Since two days ago everything was fine and everything worked perfectly, it was almost too good to be true, and of course something had to break. My phone is connected to my home wireless and it even has really strong signal but going on the internet simply doesnt work. Going on with mobile data works, but connected to my main wifi source doesnt. I've been trying everything from dailing *#0011# to changing the ips and gateways and whatever. It can connect to the wifi but going on the internet/facebook/youtube is difficult.
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Jan 10, 2013
I've had a Galaxy Tab for 2 years, and used it, very successfully, as a wifi hotspot from May until July this year, when my laptop was suddenly not able to connect to the internet via the hotspot. It connected just fine to the Tab, and has no problems on my home wifi. The Tab was still able to connect to the internet normally, with no apparent problems.
I fiddled about a bit and thought perhaps it was a hardware problem, so bought a seconhand Nexus S. That has been working fine until yesterday, when the exact same thing has happened - the laptop can connect fine to the Nexus, but says there is no internet connection. The Nexus itself is connecting just fine.
I'm in the UK - my carrier is Three (Hutchinson).
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Dec 27, 2009
I just got a new behold II and i love it but there are some problems for which i need your help
1)the phone keeps jumping out of mass storage mode every 2 minuted after i mount it and so transfers get canceled in between
2)wifi does not work it sometimes gets connected to the router and sometimes just says "obtaining IP" and when it connects i cannot access internet. (but it somehow worked once i dont know how)
3) I have to send a message twice to certain people the first message always does not get sent
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Sep 26, 2013
Have set up Portable Wi-Fi hotspot on my 4S 4.2.2. Everything seems OK and laptop identifies AP and connects to it
but there is no internet connection to the phone. Data 3G works perfectly - regular internet works perfectly - Orange UK.
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Sep 14, 2010
I installed the vibrant4 ROM, and everything ran great.
I decided to upgrade to the vibrant 9 rom... the phone works except if i plug in the USB... it reboots and the battery charger attempts to charge then 1sec later it reboots again, and again and again.
I want to connect this to USB so I can use Odin and restore the original ROM. Has anyone experienced this? Any advice?
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Aug 20, 2010
The "USB Connected" notification stays on after the USB is disconnected, there's no way to evict it other than a reboot but now will reboot only if USB is reconnected to PC or Charger.I was so pleased by my new Galaxy S cell 3 days ago after a week of exploring and managing to get the best carrier and plan for this bright Samsung Smartphone. Then, the day after it lockup, but removing the battery for few seconds then replacing it back fixed that problem for that day. The following day been great too up the second lockup at night and this time, removing temporarily the battery did not permit to have the cell working anymore.So today I have been trying all day to determine under what condition these lockups occur. During those tests, I've first determined that during charging or during USB PC connection, I could repower up the Galaxy S. Then the cell could work for long period of time if connected to USB PC or power supply, but when I remove the USB cable, the firmware fail to detect that there is no more USB connection and start to flash every couple of seconds the message "USB connected" replacing the status bar at the top of the screen.
Then after several minutes, the cell freeze, and only by removing for few seconds the battery and then plugging the charger again, will permit to successfully power up the phone.I have of course made a Hard Reset to Factory Default, to no avail, during those tests. I think it's a hardware malfunctioning around the USB Port section. The connector look good seen with loop and both USB cable seem ok.If it's corrected by an update, I wonder if I'll be able to re-flash under this condition.
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Jul 6, 2010
Does anyone know how to disable the following annoying events when the USB cable is connected?
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Aug 31, 2010
On the galaxy s. Wondering if there was a way to get the phone to auto answer when and only when the headset that come with the phone are plugged in? i.e. with head set plugged in auto answer
no headset plugged in just act as normal. Hopefully I am just missing something obvious as I can see the option to enable auto answer but this seems to be regardless of weather or not there is a headset plugged in. If this is not possible is there a a way to shortcut the enable and disabling of auto answer rather than having to go through all the menus?
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Jul 16, 2010
I've had my Samsung Galaxy X for a whole of about 3 hours now, just tried out the internet on it. Awesome. loved it.Sorted my wi fi out etc Only problem is, I've turned Wi Fi off now but the 3g internet is still on and uploading and downloading when I am not even on a website. Can anyone please tell me how the heck I turn it off? I cant afford a massive bill
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