Samsung Fascinate :: Right Code *2767*3855# To Reset Phone To Factory Specs?
Oct 21, 2010is this the right code *2767*3855# to reset phone to factory specs?

is this the right code *2767*3855# to reset phone to factory specs?
Long time Droid user, brand new to the Fascinate Forum. I just bought my wife a Samsung Fascinate and I have to say the thing is absolutely phenomenal! It makes my Motorola Droid look like a 1990's flip phone!! Except for one problem the darned thing has been automatically spontaneously performing a factory reset / hard reset on itself.And it is happening at completely random times. You're sitting there playing a game, you're reading your e-mail or you just pushed the screen ON / power button to wake the phone up and unlock it and then, all of a sudden The phone reboots to the black and white Samsung startup screen, then recovery pops up and yellow writing appears that says "Formatting FOTA:", "Formatting DATA:", "Formatting CACHE:". Then the phone reboots again and comes up like you just pulled it out of the box; a full factory reset / hard reset. The contents of the SD card are thankfully fine.Is anyone else having this problem? Does anyone know if there is anything I can do to turn on some sort of logging so that maybe I can figure out what causes it? This is now the second phone that this is happening to. We took the first phone back to Verizon the very same day we got it and they swapped it out right there for another brand new one. The second phone behaved perfectly for three whole days before it went and wiped itself. We thought for sure that the problem was with the first phone, but now it is happening with the second phone.I am going to start from scratch again, adding one app at a time making sure the thing continues to work. But there weren't any apps on the device in the first place that were really out of the ordinary.- Gmail POP3 Yahoo- Corporate E-Mail to Microsoft Exchange Server (No, it wasn't the Exchange Admin sending a kill package, I'm the Exchange Admin)
- Angry Birds
- Robodefense
- Facebook
- Beautiful Widgets
- Cal Widget
- Google Maps
- Pandora
I have all of those apps and more on my Motorola Droid (also connected to the same Exchange Server) and my device is behaving just fine.I'm trying to think of reasons this might happen and I'm drawing a complete blank.
if I factory reset, will I need to re-activate the phone? ande how do I do that if I need to? I don't remember the codes that it wanted. asking cause somewho thed phone wont stay on one screen vfo more than a second
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a Samsung Fascinate and recently I just started up the phone and i see the Samsung logo and hear the sound, but the screen won't switch from the samsung logo. I tried doing a factory reset but nothing will work. I don't know what to do because I really don't want to take it back to Verizon.
View 45 Replies View RelatedAfter having a few quirky things happen with my phone over the past week since I got it (lost time, notifications are intermittment), Verizon suggested that I Factory Reset my Fascinate. So now, not sure I am going crazy, but my phone seems slower. Just unlocking with the puzzle piece has a lag and moving from screen to screen seems to be slower.Should this be possible? I thought it would be the other way around. From what I recall, it was screaming fast before I did the reset. Should I do it again?
View 23 Replies View RelatedAnyone know how to do a factory reset within Clockwork? When you hold the up/down volume rocker + power button you get the following options: Android System recovery (2e) Samsung Recovery Utils -for BML -
reboot system
wipe data/factory reset
wipe cache partion
If i select 3 - wipe data/factory reset will that only do a "factory reset" If i select apply sdcard:update. zip, in Clockworkmod i get another option to wipe data/factory reset Which is the one i should use? and by doing so is this equivalent to "Factory Reset" within Android (selecting the factory reset check box)?
So I was trying to reboot my phone--I turned it off, then in a attempt to boot it back up, I held down the power button for a bit, perhaps longer than I should have. Maybe I even pressed it a few times, I dunno. The next thing I saw was it asking for my password. I had just set up my Outlook account (I knew other had problems with this) and I was required to add a password for security. After entering the password, the next thing I knew it was hard resetting! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Of course I had just gotten the phone set up how I wanted it.
Am I the only one who made this mistake? Whose brilliant idea was it to program a hard reset to launch by simply holding the power button for a few seconds? Of course there's no way to undo a factory reset. Needless to say, I am VERY unhappy right now.
My wife's phone needs to be returned because of continuous dropped calls. I did root her phone, but that's about. Will doing a factory reset be fine or do I have to un-root before returning? Also, does anyone know if doing a factory reset would improve the reception? Seems VZW hasn't been able to resolve the issue.
View 2 Replies View Relatedso this morning i woke up to my phone saying it had a firmware update from tmoble, and excited to hear this is eagerly let it update. however when my phone tried to reboot itself it got stuck on the vibrant screen and wont go any further. any ideas on what to do? i dont want to do a factory reset of my phone!
View 11 Replies View RelatedHow do you factory reset Samsung i 7500?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an unlocked HTC Hero from Telus and I have a Fido SIM card in it.Everything works fine except for GMail, Android Market, gChat etc.I cannot connect to them it gives my this message every time "This could be a temporary problem or your SIM card may not be provisioned for data services."In order to solve this problem do I need to reset the phone? and if so, will doing so erase my unlock code that I entered?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo this is my first Android phone and now that I've messed around with it for the past 2 days I'd like to start over clean. So how do I reset the phone back to factory settings? And will I lose any of the preinstalled programs?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFascinate is factory resetting itself at random times, seems to be occurring only when corporate outlook account is added to the phone. started happening last night, the phone reboot itself and reformatted the drives, so upon reboot everything was erased. I re setup the phone and it did it again like an hour later. I re setup the phone a second time, only I did not add the work outlook email and it went all day long today without resetting. I'm worried if I add the work email account the phone will reset again. BTW the work email account was on the phone before with zero issues.
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust ran reset on my phone rebooted and nothing was removed! Never seen this before anyone have any thoughts? I'm on CM, and haven't seen this behavior before on that or any other ROM. Gonna boot into recovery and do it manually.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhen all i see is a black screen with some icons along the top. no app drawer. can't get into the settings where the master reset is located. i flashed it to 1.6, worked sort of well for a few weeks, now this.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm have a some minor things that are not right and I'm wondering if a Factory Reset would help or be worth it.
1. keep syncing phone book over 3g (even if on wifi) sometimes 3 or 4 time in a 5 min span and even if background sync is off
2. random power downs
3. no market update (is this something I need to do manually?)
4. Sometimes 3g and wifi on at the same time.
I want to try a factory reset on my Captivate before I return it for horrible battery life. I can figure out how to do the reset. Can anyone help a noob out?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI thought that I read there is no way to do a factory reset on the Moment? I'm selling mine so I'd like to do one. My phone was messed up once and the Sprint tech did a factory reset on it and fixed it. If there isn't a way to do it can I do the CL14 update again to reset it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am really starting to hate my EVO. It took a week for me to download a paid app, now I am not getting the new update, and I can't access the manage my apps setting. My brother bought his phone the same time I did, and he's not having any of these problems. I am wondering how do I reset it? maybe and hopefully I wont have as much problems with it.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm successfully getting these poll results to the eyes of Samsung support, in order to disprove assumptions they are having about the effectiveness of their "fixes". This poll assumes you are/were experiencing GPS issues. If you are not, there's no reason to vote.
View 22 Replies View RelatedI was messing with my Samsung Galaxy S the other day and came across the Pattern Lock. I thought it was pretty cool so I decided to use it. So I came up with a pattern immediately and, without any thought, I accepted the design I made (It was a complicated one) and forgot what it was right after. I know at some point after failing to enter the correct pattern you get to a "Username" and "Password" box for your Gmail and/or Google account, but, Since my device runs strictly off WiFi and WiFi is turned off I can't sign in. I also tried force resetting my device but it doesn't work like all the videos on YouTube show.
Extra Info
Name of Device: Samsung Galaxy S Media Player 3.6"
Order from Amazon
Internal Memory: 8GB
Micro SD Card: 16GB (Kingston)
Model: N/A
1. During the Google Login screen, I can't access my notification bar, therefore, I can't turn WiFi or anything else on.
2. I tried the different variations of: Turning off device. Holding Volume up+Home Button+Power Button. The "Samsung" logo pops up, vibrates once, and the screen turns pitch black all while still holding buttons and nothing just happens to happen after. When I release the buttons, the device boots up normally but I end up back at the Google login screen.
3. I tried taking the battery out and putting it back, doesn't really affect anything.
4. I tried plugging my device into my computer, but since I'm trapped at the Google lock screen, I don't have the option of connecting "Mass Storage Device" to my computer.
5. I tried adb shell (or whatever the command is) into Command Prompt and it doesn't detect my device. I have all the drivers installed for the device but because I don't have the option of tapping "Connect Mass Storage to Computer" it doesn't sync in with my computer. It just charges my device as if it were a wall charger.
My last resort option was coming to Android Central. Otherwise I'll just go to Radioshack or various other stores and see what they can do if anything at all at least.
I know i am not the only one to have this problem, but this phone wont let me delete my messages. When I first got the phone it took 2 seconds to delete a thread of 100... Now I try to delete a thread with even 20 and it force closes or freezes my phone. I am sick of it and I have tried everything, I was even close to taking the phone to the store and getting a different phone. I don't want to spend the money or waste any more time trying to delete these messages so.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have seen some reports that after going to Froyo you need to perform a factory reset. I presume that this will wipe all the applications, user data, etc. Question here is: Before starting the upgrade process in Kies (which will offer to backup your contacts for you) what should I backup? Is there a program recommended for this backup? Is it safe to restore everything or should I only partially put things back?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI recently got the vibrant and am having the same issues that everyone is having. I tried some of the fixes for the GPS but still not working. I want to try one of the fixes and want to do a factory reset before I do it. How do I backup stuff like Sims 3 and Avatar and the other things that came with this phone? Will the touchwiz still be there? When I pay for apps, does it tie it to my gmail account so I can download them again later if I delete them?
View 6 Replies View Relatedmy samsung galaxy tab5 ,model:SM-T310 FCC ID A3LGSMT310 couldnt factory restore
i tried using key combination volume up and power on button and then release power button,i hold on volume up key till android robot comes on screen after that nothing appears on screen to reset.just android robot is seen on screen.
how i can factory reset?
Been trying to do a factory reset on my Desire but with no success. On my screen it says its rebooting but has stayed like that for 15mins. Surely it shouldn't take that long? Anyone have any suggestions as to why this maybe happening?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo this morning I was trying the battery trick where you turn it off while plugged in then turn it back on. I turned it off and then wasn't able to turn it back on, so I took it off the charger (wall outlet) and held down the power button. Phone turned back on but was in setup mode, everything was gone, settings email programs, everything. I decided to restart it one more time, everything came back.
View 4 Replies View RelatedNot sure if this is because of the ROM I'm using or because I'm rooted, but I can't do a factory reset on my phone. If I try it, the phone reboots and locks into a boot loop. I can pull the battery, but then it boot loops again. I've basically got to boot into recovery mode and reflash a usable ROM or backup to get the phone working again. Is this because I'm rooted or is this because of the ROM I'm using (Skyraider)?
View 32 Replies View Relatedmy incredible is pretty slow even after a factory reset. when i try to type with swype it is really slow to register some times, as well as really slow to delete. I have task killer advanced running and kill all apps. my phone is really slow when i switch home screens with the track pad as well..
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to do a complete reset on my phone to delete everything and start from scratch like I just bought the phone.I also want everything on my SD card to be deleted.I know the phone has the factory reset option, but will that wipe the SD card as well?My device is rooted, nothing flashed just rooted so I can underclock and overclock. How will doing this effect that?
Before wiping the SD card, how can I save my pictures and videos the easiest? Also will all of my contacts be saved? I have a razr maxx.