Samsung Captivate :: Phone Can't Find IPhone 4 Mywi / Get It To Work?

Aug 8, 2010

I have the captivate and the iPhone 4. Since I can't find a way that works correctly to tether my 3G from captivate as a hot stop, I'm using my iPhone with mywi which makes my iPhone a wifi hot spot. I'm able to connect iPods computers and other devices to the iPhone 4 hotspot. But the captivate cannot find the wifi network I create
It's WEP with a 10 digit password. Does anyone know why it cannot find the network or how I can get it to work?

Samsung Captivate :: Phone can't find iPhone 4 Mywi / get it to work?

Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Tether An Iphone With MyWi To Phone?

Jul 21, 2010

Just got a x10 mini pro unlocked and I don't want to be forced into signing a contract with a data plan forced down my throat. My husband has an iphone with MyWi on it, however whenever I try to search for his network, it says I'm not in range and basically won't recognize it. Is there a way to connect to his phone via bluetooth and then through that onto his wifi signal?

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Samsung Vibrant : App Similar To MyWi / Phone Can Do It Natively?

Jul 14, 2010

I will be picking up my Vibrant in the morning and I am coming from and iPhone. I was wondering if there is an application similar to MyWi or if the phone can do it natively?

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Samsung Captivate :: Where To Find Facebook App For Phone?

Jul 21, 2010

I Read Somewhere That Samsung Had Their Own Facebook App. Where Can I Find This App? I was told that it was far better than "Facebook For Android"

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Samsung Captivate :: Cant Find Titanium Backup On My Phone

Nov 5, 2010

I flashed to the Cognition Froyo, phone is rooted. Installed Titanium Backup but can't find the icon anywhere. It says installed but nowhere to be found. I've uninstalled and installed again. Also restarted and no luck...

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Samsung Captivate :: Windows Can't Find Phone / Connect This To My PC?

Jul 16, 2010

I have connected the Captivate to my Windows 7 64 Bit PC. I have downloaded the updated drivers and installed them. I have tried all the different types of connection as mass storage etc... Nothing seems to work. I can see the phone in Device Manager and in the explorer it shows three removable disks; however, when I try to open them it tells me to insert disk.

Does anyone know how to connect this to my PC?

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Samsung Captivate :: Need To Watch Nfl On Phone / Where To Find Games?

Nov 7, 2010

I need to watch the NFL today but won 't be at home. Where can I find the games? I'm running Cognition 2.2, so if it's out there I should have the horsepower to watch it.

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Samsung Captivate :: Can't Find Google Navigation On Phone / Get It?

Aug 19, 2010

I checked out the captivate in the store but couldn't find google navigation on it. Is it available on the Captivate?

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Samsung Captivate :: Will Phone Work On Rogers Canada?

Jul 13, 2010

Ive been deciding between the nexus one and captivate, but I have come to the conclusion that I like the captivate way more hardware wise. My question is, will the captivate work on Rogers wireless? And if so, how would I go about buying an unlocked version?

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Samsung Captivate :: Moving From IPhone To Captivate

Jul 15, 2010

I'm planning to purchase a Samsung Captivate this weekend, replacing an original iPhone. I have two questions for the forum: 1) Should I plan to immediately root the phone?, and 2) If so, what is the best process to follow and where do I find the ROMs? (I guess that's actually 3 questions)

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Samsung Captivate :: Review Of Captivate From An IPhone 3GS

Oct 14, 2010

I just got a Captivate on Tuesday and I thought I'd give my initial impressions and review of it. I noticed I couldn't find a lot of information about users going from the iPhone 3GS to the Captivate, and I'm sure I'm not the only one in this situation, so what the heck. Here goes:

Why I Switched:
I'm no noobie to the iPhone/iPod touch OS. I was a 1st gen owner of an iPod Touch, and then I bought a 3GS last August. For starters, I was never "disappointed" in my iPhone. Everything worked as advertised: it was relatively quick, very reliable; it basically did whatever I wanted it to do. It was also one of the most polished devices I've worked with. However, being the power user that I am, it got boring. I jailbroke it, and while that was fun, I just wanted something more. Little things like changing my icons, or making my iPhone look different than everyone else's were things Apple didn't want me to do. iTunes was a PITA overall. I want to drag and drop stuff, not sync this and sync that and lose everything else that it overwrites. Quite simply, the phone was just too watered down for my likings. One of my biggest pet peeves about it was the home screen. You have the app icons and your dock. That's all. It was TOO simple.

I've been drooling over these high-end Android phones since mid summer when I realized how much more I could do with an Android phone. Too bad ATT didn't have any of them, that was, until the Captivate. Sure, touchwiz didn't look all that appealing (why on earth would I want to move from an iPhone to an Android, only to be greeted with an iPhone-like interface?), but overall, it still looked quite promising.

First Impressions:
AMOLED. Enough said. It is a gorgeous screen. The colors pop, it's perfect sized, I love it. The build quality was respectable too. It felt solid in my hand. I love the low profile look of it to be honest. Very sleek. After admiring the outsides, I delved into the beauty of Android customization. Finally, I could chose which apps stayed in my Application menu and which went to my homescreen. No more clutter, pure organization to MY tastes. I can put Widgets? This is great! Within 20 minutes of playing with my phone, I called my friend (who kept telling me to dump the iPhone for an Android phone) and said "Why didn't I get this phone earlier?". It was clear, I'd been converted. I knew that this phone was going to satisfy all the hungers that the iPhone had left me with. Needless to say, I've been converted. Goodbye IOS, hello Android

The Switch from IOS to Android:
The switch wasn't perfect though. It took time to get used to the Menu/Options capacitive button. I kept forgetting that I had to press that within each app to see that app's specific settings menus. The keyboard also felt a bit different, but I soon was typing close to the same speed. Also, Android doesn't feel as polished as IOS in some ways. Things are a tad clunkier, less smooth and fancy animations, etc. The browser is very "featureless" compared to Safari also. I miss the tabs style and overall fluidity of Safari. It seems to take 5 clicks to do what I could do in one in Safari. Most noticeable though, what's up with the stock SMS app? IMO, it's garbage. It felt so unpolished and undeveloped. By my second day, I downloaded Handcent SMS and configured that to my likings. That's what I love. I don't like something? Change it. It's Android, you can do that Despite these minor annoyances, I've grown accustomed to the phone in a matter of 2 days.

Last Words:
Am I happy with my decision, despite the road bumps? I certainly am. The phone is an eye-popper. I pulled it out to show my friends and they are like "Oh hey that's pretty coolOMG" as soon as I turn the screen on. I've certainly impressed quite a few people, Droid owners, and even some iPhone owners. There are still some things I prefer about my iPhone, but after using this phone, the pros of it definitely outweigh the cons. There is always room for updates and improvements to fix the minor annoyances.

Within the last two days, I've really fine tuned the phone to my tastes, something the iPhone wouldn't let me do. I've downloaded LauncherPro (which is fantastic), put some new widgets on my screen, downloaded the right apps. It's the little things that count, especially for me.

Change the scroll speed between screens? Check
Change app icons on the dock? Check
Change the amount of docks? Check
Fine tune the look of the phone to your preference? Check

The list goes on and on. It's these little things, along with the big things, of course, that drew me towards the Captivate (Android) and away from the iPhone.

Is the Captivate for you:
Very simple:

Do you want a powerful phone with games and apps that you can customize to nearly any way you want it? Get the Captivate

Are you a power user? Get the Captivate.

Do you want a phone with games and apps, but didn't understand half of the stuff I talked about in the previous sections and don't want to deal with all the technical mumbo jumbo? Get the iPhone.

Last, I thought I'd finish it off with a list of pros and cons if you don't feel like digging through all of the information above. Also, I missed some smaller stuff that I figured I'd just toss on this list.

The AMOLED screen is amazing
Very open (compared to the iPhone)
Camera is very good for a cell phone (video and pictures)
Feels solid in hand
Battery life is close to my 3GS (with a couple of hours of "hard" usage, I'me at 20% by the end of the day)
Customization (getting the hint?)
The notification bar is awesome
Lockscreen (I like the puzzle pieces and music integration)

Some parts feel unpolished compared to the iPhone (browser, SMS)
Touchwiz (it's good for what it is, but it's a bit sluggish and much too iPhone-like)
Facebook (the app is very underdeveloped coming from the iPhone)

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Samsung Captivate :: IPhone 4 Contacts Into The Captivate

Jul 28, 2010

Can anyone explain to me how I get my contacts from the 4 to the Captivate that doesn't involve using Gmail?

I don't care to use Gmail to manage or sync my contacts.

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Samsung Captivate :: Car Dock Work With This Phone - Similar App That Works Like This?

Aug 15, 2010

I was really taken with the Droid, but for my family, I just couldn't see paying Verizon $50 more a month just to have one, so we are switching to AT&T...

Really liked the "car dock" thing with the Droud X...Does this app work on the Captivate or is there a similar app that works like this?

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Samsung Captivate :: Wiimote Unable To Connect To Phone / Get It To Work?

Jul 26, 2010

Cant seem to get my wiimotes to connect to my new Cappy, i dl the free versions of the market place but none work. My BT does see them just wont connect via the program. any ideas?

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Samsung Captivate :: SIM From IPhone To Captivate

Jul 26, 2010

Im getting my Captivate soon, and I currently have the unlimited data with at&t for my iPhone. Can i simply remove my sim card from the iPhone and start using it in the captivate? I dont want to take a chance of them messing up my account and losing my unlimited plan.

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Samsung Captivate :: Captivate Vs Iphone 4

Jul 27, 2010

I am thinking about returning my Captivate for an Iphone 4. I'm having too many issues such as using email, gps, and phone shutting off so I have no alarm in the morning. It also locked up couple times running apps, just blank black screen sometimes, and froze on couple of apps.

I got it for $199 so.. it would be a even swap for the Iphone 4. I really want to keep my Captivate and make it work but I just don't know.

I need your help to make my decision. I have played with both phones so I'm familiar enough to make a decision based on that but I do want to keep the Captivate but I just don't know what would be the right decision. I know it all comes down to IOS (lockdown) vs Android (openness) but if I jailbreak my Iphone then it would be pretty open as well.

If I get enough convincing argument to keep my Captivate then I will but from reading these forums, it seems like this phone has many issues not that Iphone 4 doesn't but I have used my wife's Iphone 4 and it's more stable and doesn't have issues that Captivate has.

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Samsung Captivate :: IPhone 4 Vs Captivate

Jul 30, 2010

Seeing as these are both PHONES I am starting out with the primary aspects of these smartphones.

Reception/Call Quality- As everybody knows the iPhone has a very infamous Deathgrip issue. The bars seem to do just plummet down a little bit when you pick up the phone, but at the same time I found that it wasn't truly that bad. Sadly I found the call quality to be quite weak while talking and I dropped several calls. The Samsung Captivate is not without its flaws in reception. You can look at the screen and see the bars dance... and no not in a good way. This dance is comparable the dance of the Jersey Shore cast, the dance seems to go on forever, but you pray that it stops very soon. Surprisingly, the call quality really never differed, I could have had 1 bar or 4 but the voices sound very clear and good! (Although there have been some phones that have problems with call quality)
~ This round goes to ~ The Captivate

Texting/Keyboard- Another aspect to many phone users out there is texting or anything that really involves the keyboard. The iPhones virtual keyboard is quite responsive, but still, it is only an on screen keyboard so it isn't very impressive. The Captivate has a just as good if not better Android/Samsung keyboard input. The Captivate truly shines though with Swype and voice to text. I find myself getting messages sent MUCH quicker with the Captivate.
~ Yet Again, this round goes to~ The Captivate

Software (Operating System, Speed, Browser)- Well what can I say? The operating system we know as the sweet sweet Eclair is hard to beat, and with Froyo coming out, that is just even better. This truly comes down to personal preference, but the iPhone seems to be more simplistic at first, but also a lot more shallow. If you don't like OS, well you can't do anything, but if you don't like Touchwiz, you have several other options (i.e Launcherpro and Openhome) In a speed test it is a bit of a bitter tie. The Samsung Captivate surely has its share of lag, especially when the phone just turns on and it is warming up. The iPhone seems to not be very laggy, but if you look into it, loading similar apps takes longer on the iPhone. I tried opening Opera on the iPhone and Captivate at the same time and the Captivate seemed to pop up a bit faster. Now the browser, I couldn't find too many problems with either of the stock ones so I looked at Opera for both of them. Loading pages was a LOT faster, and I mean A LOT faster on the Captivate. The Captivate seemed like it was Usain Bolt and the iPhone was a fat kid running after the ice cream man. And also, using other browsers with flash is very cool to have. And last but not least the GPS. Well what can I saw, with all these "fixes" and such, the Captivate GPS just doesn't cut it. When I do get GPS signal it drops pretty quickly, but I do like the fact that I can still see the directions. In the end the iPhone 4 has a more reliable GPS.
~ I really can't give one clear winner except that the Captivate is a bit smoother, but has a lot worse GPS~ Tie

Hardware- Well the Captivate seems to get obliterated in this round. The iPhone gives a nice feel to it, but at the same time I felt myself liking the grip I had on my Captivate. It just seemed more natural to hold, but it seems to go downhill from here. The iPhone has LED Flash which is very useful at times, and although not very useful it has a Front Facing Camera. Well, the Camera front camera is pretty decent, but I find myself NEVER USING IT. The Captivate offers more options, but still, I like to be able to take normal pictures in better quality. The battery life on the Captivate seems to last for about a day with medium use, but the iPhone lasts a bit longer, but hey, the captivate has to power more with that BEAUTIFUL 4.0" Super AMOLed. The iPhones retina display is nice, and seems pretty sharp but it just depends which one you prefer. A smaller screen that is a bit clearer or a brighter more vibrant screen on the Captivate.
~This round goes to~ The iPhone

Yes I know I missed some aspects but, this review was already too long. In the end neither of the phones "suck" they are both very capable and strong phones. The iPhone is a bit more simplistic at the beginning, and it has more apps, and a better camera. It has it's flaws though with reception issues. The Captivate is a really great phone. Android seems to be unbeatable, but that is personal preference. Of course nothing is perfect, the Captivate has its GPS issues and for being an Android phones, its lag. All in all, I would recommend either phone, but I am happy with my Captivate and would give my iPhone back to AT&T if I had to make the choice.

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Samsung Captivate :: Captivate Vs IPhone

Aug 5, 2010

I have/had BOTH the iPhone 4 and Captivate... And I also have an iPod touch. And I just thought to myself... why does the iPhone 4 seem so redundant and honestly... nothing special. I then realized it was EXACTLY the same as my iPod touch. I mean neither made calls, they had the same apps, the only differences were the cameras and the different build quality! So at the end of the day I end up with a device to kill time on road trips and at home, and that is my iPod touch, and I also have a cool device to do basically everything, and that is my Captivate!

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Android :: IPhone 4 Or Samsung Captivate

Jul 22, 2010

I've owned an original iPhone since launch and am now ready to upgrade.

Im considering iPhone 4 or the Captivate. If the iPhone didn't have antenna issues, I would most likely have already made my decision. However this isn't the case so I'm looking at other options (leaving AT&T isn't one of them).

So I just have a few questions regarding Android.

Can you backup apps, settings, contacts (everything) to your Mac or PC like an iPhone can? (I know about doubletwist, but thats just music and movies, right?)

When Android updates come out, can every phone take advantage of it? For example, if I were to buy the captivate, will I for sure be able to upgrade to Android 3.0?

Lastly, what are big features (besides visual customization) that an Android phone has to offer over iPhone?

I'm very on the fence about which phone to purchase. There is the potential antenna issue regarding the iPhone 4, however I've also been hearing the Captivate is having its fair share of problems. Any suggestions?

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Samsung Captivate :: Need Weather App Like IPhone

Aug 16, 2010

Anyone know if there is an app like on the iPhone for weather that will show multiple weather temps for different cities so I can get an idea before I leave?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Fring Work Between Phone And Iphone / Program To Do This?

Jun 11, 2010

Does fring work between the evo & the iphone? if not, is there any program that does?

i know 1 person with an evo, and a million with the iphone.

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Samsung Captivate :: Way To Check Data Usage Like On Iphone

Jul 19, 2010

Is their a way to tell how much data you have used like on the iphone?

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Motorola Droid X : How To Get Iphone Headphones (with Mic) To Work With Phone?

Oct 29, 2010

Having trouble to get the headphones to work consistently with my DX. I've only gotten it to work once and I have no idea how I did it...When the headphones are plugged in I can hear the caller but they can't hear me, but once I unplug the headphones the normal mic input on the phone works correctly and the caller can hear me just fine. Are there settings that I need to adjust in order for the iphone headphones to work with DX?

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Samsung Captivate :: Media Hub Doesn't Work On Captivate Right

Nov 6, 2010

So everything I read has been from back in Sept. and I just wan't to make sure I'm not doing something wrong. Media Hub doesn't work on the Captivate right? In the sense that it tell's me it's not supported in my country (USA)... Or is there something wrong with my phone?

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Samsung Captivate :: Create Sort Of Wifi Lan Network (make Phone Work As Local Area Router Without Internet Access)?

Sep 13, 2010

Is it possible to create a sort of wifi lan network (i.e., make the captivate work as a local area network router without internet access)? this could potentially be useful: quick filesharing, improvised LAN for games, etc...

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Samsung Captivate :: AT&T Won't Allow Keeping Unlimited Data Upgrading From IPhone / Fix It?

Jul 18, 2010

I was planning on dumping iPhone and get the captivate. They would not allow the unlimited plan. They said I have to keep the iPhone. Now thats a good reason to dump AT&T and go to Sprint or Verizon.

Any ideas or work arounds so I can keep the unlimited data. Any heavy users on the $25 plan? How is that working out?

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Samsung Captivate :: Where Pics Go - Cant Find Them

Oct 11, 2010

I went to look at my pictures on my phone, they were gone. I looked though my file folders but still cant find them.

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Samsung Captivate :: Samsung Captivate Or The IPhone 3GS

Aug 22, 2010

I'm looking to upgrade my current phone (original iPhone 2G- jailbroken and unlocked) to either the Samsung Captivate or the iPhone 3GS. I have NO interest in the iPhone 4, so please don't even bring it up.
I'd love to hear from people who have used both and can give me a comparison and/or their impressions. How do you feel about Android apps? I know there aren't as many available for the Android as there are for the iPhone... and I've heard that Android apps don't feel as polished as the iPhone's.... but are there any iPhone apps that you'd really miss if you moved over to Android? I would mostly use either phone to play games, surf the web, take photos and as a GPS. I'm comfortable jailbreaking and customizing the iPhone and I would probably be comfortable customizing the Android after reading up on it.

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Samsung Captivate :: GPS / IPhone 3G Vs Samsung Captivate

Jul 29, 2010

I have attached an image of a run that I did on an iPhone3G versus Samsung Captivate. The former is on the bottom and the latter is on the top. I used the same tracking application on both. What is usually a ~3.4 mile run on an iPhone 3G was recorded as a 4.2 mile run on the Captivate.You can also see that the Samsung Captivate jumps around way too much and fails to locate me within a 100 meters at times.

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Samsung Vibrant :: Getting Noled To Work - Can't Find App On Its List / Get It?

Aug 26, 2010

So I downloaded Noled on my Vibrant, but it doesn't seem to be working and I can't find the app on my apps list. Does it need to be activated or something that I am missing?

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