Samsung Behold 2 : Way To Save Download App To Sd Card
Nov 17, 2010Can any one help me on how to save download app to sd card. I have the samsung behold ll..

Can any one help me on how to save download app to sd card. I have the samsung behold ll..
I finally got my fone fixed and i deleted diner dash2 and telenav and amazonmp3 immediatly after i rooted the behold 2 , but now i would like to know how to run apps from my sd card ? i figured out how to get them there but. Now what? i cant install terminal emulator either. i want to do it this way so i do not use up the space on the fone.For some reason i think it will start going slow again if i dont. any advice on what your setups are? what have you safely removed? is it ok to remove MyFavs? how about the cube? is there anything todo to speed it up a lil? or make it so it doesnt slow down at all?
View 9 Replies View RelatedThis phone has the WORST idea for an sd slot.When trying to take out my sd card, i took off the cover that holds the sd card.I could use some pictures on how its supposed to look when connected. I have been trying to put it back on and all I ended up doing was bending it.I got my hands on an HTC Leo Windows mobile 6.5. Best implementation of an SD card slot ever.
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust had a new hero and still working my way through all the different things. I will no doubt be asking you many questions over the next few weeks but to start off can anyone tell me how to save the apps that i download to the SD card ? I have been installing apps but they are coming off my phone storage. Also how do you delete bookmarks from the mgeekbookmark page ?
View 4 Replies View Related1. how do you save pictures off the web. i cant find a save image button or anything anywere maybe im just not seeing it...
2.i noticed if you hold some pictures for a second while on the mobile web it will say use as wall paper.. but are you only able to change the middle screens wallpaper like that or can you do all 3?
3.when i get picture mail its very small and unclear is there a way to make it larger and more clear?
My Behold 2 ate my SD card and I lost some important pictures. I had one saved as a wallpaper and it's still the wallpaper. Phone is not rooted because I've had issues rooting with the new 1.6 update. I'm not sure where the wallpapers are located. I've seen the location before but for the life of me I can't find it again.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAs I just got my phone with installed rom 1.6 for the Behold 2, I am frustrating when the battery life drains so fast after last night. I was playing a bit with the WiFi and the battery status bar was still less then half bar. After I woke up today, the battery has shown that the battery is less than 5%. I did turn off my WiFi and using only 2g network to save battery life. I clicked on "why", it showed the Green Bar with the word Android System 95%. What does this mean and how can I save more battery life since I don't use it the whole night. So the phone suppose to be less than half bar battery life at least.
1.Putting the phone in sleep can save battery life or not on the Behold II?
2.What are some ways that can save the battery life on the Behold II?
3.Does the charging technique can at least save some part the of the battery life? If so , How do I charge my Behold II ? Leaving it all drain out, turning off the phone and then charge it ?
Here are some ways that I have read in android forums
1. use spare app
2. use task manager
I didn't try these two.
I'm considering trying one of the ROMs available here for my behold 2.Will I lose all the apps and other user data I have?If so, is there a way to save the apps/information and then restore it after the flash ?I have a few paid apps in particular that I'd prefer not to lose.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am using the advanced task killer app and would like to know that if i add some tasks to the ignore list will that save me memory and will it help stop from draining battery power?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI downloaded Open Home with the DarkHero skin. In doing so, it made my wallpaper resolution 960x854. So rather than each window having a separate wallpaper, it is now one big one, just like the Moto Droid. Which is awesome in my opinion. The problem is setting new wallpapers. Is there a way to manually save downloaded wallpapers to the stock Wallpaper Gallery, rather than the Photo gallery where all of my camera photos are stored? I only ask because it keeps asking me to crop these 960x854 photos and select which window I'd like to change, when I don't want to do any cropping.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi cannot see here where to download odin?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFrom Where Can Download Odin?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just loaded BH Man's Galaxy 1.6 Rom unto my phone because i liked the way it looked and it really moved fast. But then when i went to the market to re-download my apps so i could have it working again app after app i get the download unsuccessful error, anyone know what could be causing this, i'm seriously about to drop this phone out of my window on the 8th floor of my apt complex and say to hell with it. Im so dissapointed with this phone and android.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo i just got this bh2. I wonder how to put games/apps i downloaded from the computer to my phone ? Is it going to be the same way as the BEHOLD ?
View 3 Replies View Relatedjust got a brand new battery and replaced on behold 2 . had to do a master recovery because it keeps rebooting. Now the software wont download to the phone.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHad a behold II about two weeks and love the phone only one problem, every so often it gives me a notification (makes same noise as a text) saying preparing external SD card. The phone isn't plugged into anything and has no other problems it used to only happen a couple times a day now it is happening every 3-4 minutes and is getting pretty annoying. I looked through the options and can't find a way to make it stop giving me the notification noise for this. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can make this stop its getting aggravating.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have switched to VERIZON and got the Droid Incredible (And it really is). Anyway, I don't have a land line at home and I want to use my behold 2 as a house phone over WI-Fi. When I take the sim card out and try to make a call (Using goggle voice) it says not registered to the network. Using an unregistered Sim card sends the call to T-Mobile. How can I get it to use straight goggle voice?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am now on my second B2 because i thought the first phone was defective. Well I'm having the same problem with my new B2...The phone is disconnecting and connecting on its own consistantly. And it keeps sending me notifications. I've tried 3 different SD cards all with the same result. Eventually it will erase all card data and tell me the card is damaged. Anyone else with this problem? Should I go with the G1 or Mytouch?
View 22 Replies View RelatedI'm new to the forum and I'm hoping someone can help me out. My BH2 is stock not hacked or anything and the first time I had it, I used the USB cable to transfer songs onto my SD card. Now when I tried it again, I connected the USB and it's in charging mode and I went into the notification menu to mount the SD card, it says preparing external SD card but then it stops and does not connect to my PC. Also the PC cannot detect any device connected to it.
View 14 Replies View Relatedi am fairly new to android and i would like to put the apps2sd program on my phone so i can save to my sd card. anybody have a easy step by step process to do this?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am getting this phone soon via winning it from the samsung giveaway.....anyway, the only thing i really want to know is, can we install apps onto a sd card? i really like downloading a lot of apps and wanted to know this
View 8 Replies View RelatedLow on space icon is up top the phone but I have a 16gb sd and says 15,268mb available but phone memory only 12mb available. Why isn't phone using the SD or do I have to enable something to make it use the card.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just ran the persistent root and it worked great. I'm trying to copy Arabic fonts from the memory card into the phone but am running into a problem after running adb shell. The device is recognized by the pc and lists it as "sgh-t939". But the second command I think it wants to remount the memory card [ remount rw ] and I'm encountering a problem -- displays "remount: not found" I am simply following directions for adding the same fonts from a rooted galaxy. I have highlited where I'm stuck in red.
View 9 Replies View RelatedSO I flashed my BH2 to Eugenes 1.6 for galaxy rom and now my external sd card...yeah, the 2 GB one that came with the phone, is being recognized as the internal sd card....and there is no setting i can find to fix it. I formatted the sd card and reformatted it, but to no avail...still comes up when inserted into the phone as an internal sd card. b/c of this issue, i cant save pretty much anything to my phone, b/c many apps require an external sd source to save to.
View 3 Replies View RelatedOK so i updated to the newest 1.6 from BH_man's release. When everything looked good i tried gallery, but it kept Facing on me. When i looked around and found out that i had to make a new folder called SD on the card. So after doing that it would stay at the Loading screen. I could Back button out of it but then it would say i have no pictures. Then for some reason i decided to reformat the card. Bad move. After i went to setting >unmount> then format, i cant get it to mount the card again! I dunno what to do
View 5 Replies View RelatedI downloaded some ringtones from and there on the phone. I can go to settings and set them as a ringtone however when i go to them in file manager or astro the file manager that i use from the market place they are no where to be found on my memory card. Does anyone know where they might be stored on the phone.
View 8 Replies View Relatedmy sd card has erased and reformatted 3 times. i took my old sd card out of my mytouch into this one. can't remember anybody know what brand sd card comes with the phone from factory? i have a used sandisk 4gb in it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSso yesterday, my phone did one of the resets on its own, thinking ok whatever (since its the norm now). When it came back up was saying please insert external memory card. Something like that. So again, its crapped out another card. I would have to check my last post to see if this happened with the old phone or the replacement. Its been just fine, now everything is gone again. I know I should back things up but when u have never had this problem b4 its not something that I always remember to do. I had removed weather widget and beautiful widget as I didn't know which one I wanted and was rearranging icons. Now I cant use either. I was checking for a schedule online.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI just switched to the R8 release and after that I cannot mount the sd card to the computer to transfer files back and forth. I can get adb and odin to recognize the phone just fine and it also charges off the connection just no mounting for the card.
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy internal memory is almost full (no surprise) so I was hoping for a way to move my downloaded market apps to the SD card. I was told to try AppMonster, which has an option to Backup to SD. I do this and it says it's successful but my internal memory isn't going down. Does this just copy the files there as opposed to move them there? If so, is the another way/app to move the files?
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