Motorola Droid X :: Move Slider With Widgetlocker
Oct 18, 2010how do you move the default unlock slider to another position on the screen? it seems i moved it towards the bottom, and now i can't figure out how to move it for the life of me.

how do you move the default unlock slider to another position on the screen? it seems i moved it towards the bottom, and now i can't figure out how to move it for the life of me.
I just learned about this app in THIS THREAD, and I really like the concept.The problem is that I can't get another slider to save to WidgetLocker custom unlock screen.I long-press the screen, tap on Widgets, tap Custom Slider, adjust the settings and tap on Save.But then the new slider never appears.I can add any other widget, no problem just not a custom slider.PLEASE do not hijack this thread with the pros and cons of using a lock-pattern.I've had a cell phone since 1992, and have never lost a cell phone.I'm not about to lose my precious DROID.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy phone is opening in my jacket pocket. Anyone else have this problem? I can hold the back and give the phone a MILD shake and the slider completely opens. Also if I push on the Magnifying Glass while the phone is closed, the phone has quite a bit of downward travel, but the other three corners dont...this happening to anyone else?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm wanting to change the icon for a shortcut on my widgetlocker lockscreen. I'm using Bettercut to create the shortcut and change the icon, but it places it on my homescreen instead of lockscreen.
View 2 Replies View RelatedToday I rebooted my phone and LauncherPro got stuck starting, only displaying a window in the top left corner, like it couldn't finish rendering the preview screen, and it never starts on that anyway. I was totally stuck without access to the menu buttons but still had the notification for WidgetLocker, so I was able to get to that, unlock it, restart the Moto launcher, and disable WidgetLocker. Now that it's disabled, I seem to be able to make LauncherPro my home again, but it looks like I'll have to disable WidgetLocker, which I really liked.Not sure what else could be causing the problem - probably something to do with WidgetLocker's home launcher sub-app.
View 11 Replies View RelatedLock Screen Replacement: WidgetLockerWidgetLocker Lockscreen - Android app on AppBrain."Place standard Android Widgets on your lock screen. Can be configured from app or even from the lock screen itself, long-press to add/move, just like on the home screen.Option for "easy wake", use any button (volume/camera/trackball) to wake.
View 49 Replies View RelatedShould i keep the droid 2 or wait to get the htc slider with red keyboard?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMaybe it's just me but using the slider everytime you use your phone seems rediculous. I downloaded an app that allows you to disable the lock so now when I press the home button my screen pops up and is ready to use. Once the screen goes to black it is basically locked until you press the home key again. Granted I don't use any password protection and don't have sensitive data on my phone so why use the slider?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just rooted my phone today, and tried using "SetCPU". I can't get the max slider to go over 550mhz. Any idea on whats going on?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAbout 25% of the time my phone will ring and I go to swipe the lock to answer the call and I get no response from the slider. If and when it does decide to slide the call has already gone to voicemail. And if I turn the slide screen off in settings and the phone rings, tapping the "answer call" button does nothing (again, not all of the time).
I just tried to duplicate it calling my DX from my workphone and it slides fine and answers the call. Anyone have any ideas what might be causing the slider to not slide some of the time? Other than with answering the phone I've had no problems with the touch-screen.
So I noticed some (protective) plastic on the back of the sliding screen today. I gave it a little flick to see if it was meant to stay, but it peeled right off. Seems to be part of the plastic films put on before shipping. Can't believe I haven't seen this in over 2 months (of course I rarely slide it open).Sliding mechanism is much smoother now and certainly not loose.It has also opened up a whole new Droid Feature: It is so shiny and reflective on the back of the slider now, if you get lost in the woods and are out of cel reception, you can use the back of the slider to reflect the sun and signal the rescue plane while still playing your favorite game to pass the time Droid does Survival tool!
View 30 Replies View RelatedI can't find the option to disable the lockscreen slider?
Under Location & Security settings, "set up screen lock", I select the option for "none" but it doesn't disable the slider.
I would like the phone to go to the homescreen immediately after pressing the power button.
Anything I am missing?
I have a Droid and it has worked perfect answering calls, until now. I just installed LauncherPro and now when I receive incoming calls I can no longer slide and answer calls. No matter what I do, the screen will do nothing other than show incoming calls and the slider, but the slider will not slide.
Is there anyway to answer phone calls (other than auto answer) without using the slider?
I'm wondering how I can choose to wake up my phone without having to do the slider everytime or at all.I work at my home office 12 hours a day and my phone is on my desk always.I use it alot and put it down, then use it some more and back down again.I'd like to conserve battery and not set it to just "screen stay" aka never timeout because that just uses so much battery with the screen on.And using that slider over and over and over well you get the point.So how can I just set it to wake up on like touching the screen or something?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow can I type a question mark from the slider keyboard? I can find it on the virtual keyboard, but not the slider keyboard.
View 9 Replies View Relatedis there any way to further decrease brightness levels other than the manual bar slider or auto brightness? I want the screen to go about half of its lowest setting. I use the phone a lot in near total darkness and its to friggin bright!
View 12 Replies View RelatedThese are mostly minor things, but it's only been a month. To be honest, I think the BodyGlove that I had on the phone for the first couple of months slightly distorted parts of the phone.
Why do I say that?
One, I have another thread about this, but the plastic edge that runs around the keyboard portion of the slider (it's like a rubber bumper, it runs over the USB port and around the rest of the phone) is a bit loose where the USB port is. Also, the screen seems a bit loose when the slider is closer. I can move the screen slightly side to side (don't know how to describe it), as if it's not quite locked into place.
I don't remember these being issues when I first got the phone, but I attached the BodyGlove about 2 hours after I got it so I really have no idea. But the slider fits together so tightly that I think the clasps that held the BodyGlove on the phone may have causes the phone to adjust slightly and now that I'm not using the BodyGlove any more that adjustment is causing looseness.
I'd like to set the sound slider on the lock screen of my Droid to make my phone set to vibrate instead of fully silent. Is there a way to do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedInstead of sliding across to unlock the phone. You can use one finger to hold the green icon, then you'll notice a little green icon on the other side of the screen (where the sound off icon usually is, it disappears when you hold the unlock icon). Then just tap that one too and it unlocks.
View 19 Replies View Related1. after taking a picture, and clicking on the thumbnail to view it, have the phone let you view it in portrait, not landscape only.
2. on board image resizing, the 5, 3 and 2mp options dont cut it. let us choose 640x480(all MP's), 800X600(all MPs) 1024x768, etc..
3. when in camera settings, when you click back to get back to the options it closes the whole settings slider. which is annoying.
I have tried to ask this question in several threads, with no avail so I figure I make my own thread for it.
I would like the 2.0 slider on Bugless Beast, but can't find the instructions for it. I know they have the link on the Bugless Beast alldroid thread, but I dont know what to do with "-Patcher 2.0 Lock Screen with Vibrate Tweak". Should I run the file "" as reboot recovery over the rom?
I got a X about 2 months ago and have loved it so far. I moved a digital version of Star Trek to the droid but did it by just copying directly to the droid after enabling mass storage mode.
What i'm wondering is if that's the best way to move movies over? It looks great but the sound seems to be a second behind the video which I wasn't sure is because of the way I transferred it.
I saw people recommend dvdfab, which i've heard of. Does Vcast media manager work as well or does it not matter as long as you use a good converting program?
Also, just bought Blue Ray versions of SWAT, Death Race, Shooter which were newer so there is no digital version. Is there a legal program to copy them to my pc so I can put them on my phone?
I am running CM6, and want to move my apps2sd, but can anyone tell me which apps should go to SD or just keep on the phone?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWith 2.2 installed, I am wondering which types of apps I should be moving to the SD card. All that will move? Just data hogs? Is there any performance difference coming off the SD card as opposed to internal memory?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just want some input on what i should do. i realize this is the droid forum so im probably going to get some biased answers from people, but i am looking for some good feedback. basically, im tired of going back and forth between trying to decide if i should keep the eris or go to the droid (or wait for something better). the factors i am looking for in the phone are the following:
-fast system that can compete with today's best smartphones
-longevity of the phone (meaning once i get on the 2-year, i won't regret it because something far outdoes this phone)
-best internet experience possible
-"bring it all with you" design, meaning, i want it to be an all-in-one unit that can do basically anything on the go.
-i do not want a budget phone, i want power to do things.
what can you guys say about these factors compared to the eris? im especially interested in the longevity for i do not want to be outdone by some new smartphone so quickly with a 2-year contract. is the moto droid going be around for awhile? on a final note--design. i chose the eris because when i went to verizon i saw it and it looked so much more slick. and its a beauty.....
So I finally DL'ed the root explorer app just so I could move the su file and update to 2.2. Well after I longpressed the su file and selected move, I went back to /system/xbin to paste it. I selected paste and it told me that I "Cannot paste here because the file system is read only." What? Is no one else having this issue?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI upgraded my Droid X to 2.2, When I try to move apps to my SD card only certain apps will allow this. Many apps have the "move to SD" button disabled. Is this the way it's supposed to be?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAfter many weeks of waiting and my fiasco almost switching to an Incredible, my X finally arrived today. I'm new to the forum but have been reading around since ordering my phone. I don't intend to root at the moment because it's not what i need and I want to see how I like froyo. I will be using launcher pro but I really want these, or similar, dock icons but can't seem to locate them. I don't need to root or anything to get the completely transparent dock background do I? And for those with macs, what do you feel that the best way to move things between your phone and mac are? I plan on using double twist unless someone can mention something they feel is better!
View 7 Replies View Relatedany idea?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have updated to 2.2 (Froyo) on my Droid X. Every application has a "move to sd card" but that option is always grayed out. I have force closed some apps, but this still does not allow me to move to sd card. Can any app like Flash Player be moved to sd card and function correctly? What do I need to do to move apps to my 32GB sd card?
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