Motorola Droid X :: Moving Data From Incredible
Oct 21, 2010Ive had the Incredible and just got the DroidX. whats the quickest way to move ALL DATA from one phone to the new one? videos, pics, etc?

Ive had the Incredible and just got the DroidX. whats the quickest way to move ALL DATA from one phone to the new one? videos, pics, etc?
If I pop my droid sd into inc, will contents be usable? Ie, music, pics, apks, saved app stuff
View 5 Replies View RelatedI probably should have asked this all along time ago, but i have been trying to transfer my icons from HTC Sense to Dxtop, and i have probably never done anything more needlessly wasteful.Somewhere in my system there is home screen data, which if accessible can be copied to other screen systems (I only use three screens, if if that would cause a conflict). Please help if you know if this can be done effectively,
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf I get rid of my motorola droid and move to the HTC incredible can I simply move my existing sd card between phones and keep all of my files, photos and apps? Or will I have to transfer everything off on to my pc, reformat the card and manually move the files and folders I want to keep?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI managed to root my droid yesterday and put version 2.1 on it. I, for the life of me, can't remember the link that I followed from this site, but the files were from late December and updated multiple times..
The problem I'm having is the phone is now so slow and crashing all the time I'm trying to figure out if I could move it to a recommended 2.1 that people are now using, or go back to 2.01.
I would greatly appreciate any help, links or suggestions. I'm very new to the Android world, but as with my Blackberry, always tried the latest and greatest firmware.
I do have the BCDMRS-20100113-1639 backup file that it created on my desktop, but not sure if I just put it back in the Nandroid folder and reboot....does that go back to 2.01 or what.
Here's the link with the software I used....found it.
i want to move specific app data(/data/data/ and subdirectories) to sd-ext partition(/data/sdext2/)
Directory Bind or FolderMount are moving data in /mnt/sdcard/Android/data and obb files to external sdcard, which for devices with internal storage.
i'm not trying to move obb files or data in sdcard.
is there any way to move one app data to sd-ext? i don't want to move hole /data/data to sd-ext(data2ext)
Was wondering, if I partitioned my SD card, will Link2SD move my App Data, not like the game app data, but like the data stored in Applications, like Facebook.
Will this also be moved? Or will it stay hogging my Internal Memory?
First time poster here. I'm finally nearing end of my dreaded At&t contract and want to get a Verizon phone asap. My iphone 3G has been great in some ways like ease of use and compatibility with lots of features I like, but it's so slow to use that I find myself wanting to throw it on the floor almost every time I use it. Keyboard lag, crashing apps, apps not working, and poor reception really make this device poor big time. So I'm interested in mainly the Droid 2 Global, but I'll also look at the droid incredible and Palm Pre 2. I know the droid 2 global isn't out yet, but it looks to be similar enough to the D2.
1. With the D2, can you remove the memory card and still use all functionality of the phone.
2. How much of the 8 GB memory can be used to store apps, music, photos, email etc? Is it similar to the iphone storage where there are no limits to the number of apps and app size?
3. Is there a podcast store like iTunes where you can download ESPN podcasts?
4. Can you disable flash content in the browser?
5. Is there a home button to wake the phone up from sleep mode besides the power button on the top?
6. Does the phone come installed with junk/useless apps (stuff like nascar...)
7. Does the on screen or slide out keyboard lagg in apps like the iphone keyboard does?
8. Is exchange email supported?
9. How do I get the contacts from my PC onto the D2? (I don't want my gmail or facebook contacts).
10. Is there a facebook app (not a widget) so that facebook updates don't constantly load in the background?
11. Can you make/download your own ringtones and sms tones?
12. Does the D2 feel thick in your pocket?
13. can the D2 be used easily with one hand?
I want make a photo, thats the size of the default screen, my wallpaper. But the trick is I want it to stay in place when scrolling left or right to the other screens, not 'slide' like they normally do.
Is this possible?
I'm looking for a little advice from the very knowledgeable people here on Android Forums.I purchased a Samsung Android at the end of July. It developed a fault, and after about 4 months I've finally gotten it back. I have quite a few issues with Samsung, namely the poor after sales service.I also am very disappointed with the battery life. I know that if I wanted, I could methodically remove each app I have installed and test how this impacts battery life, but I didn't get the phone so I could spend half my time trying to get it to work right.I'm very happy with Android,its Samsung's packaging of it that I have a problem with.And that's what brings me here. I'm considering cutting my losses and switching the Galaxy for a Droid.What are peoples thought on that? Am I being unrealistic in my expectations of the Galaxy? Am I over estimating the Droid? Is there another killer Android phone coming out that it might be worth my while waiting for (I saw the Xperia X10 and it looks like a fantastic phone, but I think it not due out till Q1)?I appreciate any thought people might have on this.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a 4gb sd and had it for a while. yesterday i got a new phone and it came with a 16gb sd card pre installed. at first i was going to use it for something else but this phone records hd videos and in doing so may take much more memory than normal, including that this phone takes mp4 videos. So I want to know a safe way to move all my data, music photos, video etc to the 16gb. I seen some people say drag all the data, do i actually drag ALL FOLDERS, or only certain folders?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just wanna store my game data to my sd and make it playable from there. I don't wanna swap extsd with internal I don't have big enough memory card for that.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just created a second user, and i'm wondering if there is a way to move an app (and its data) from the primary user to the secondary user. I have already tried using Titanium Backup, making a backup in the primary user, and restoring it in the secondary user, but it didn't work (it only restored the data on the primary user again). I tried to find a similar thread, but didn't find one.
I have a Nexus 7, running ParanoidAndroid 3.15, and I have root access on both users.
Got my X today and after playing with it for a while and moving apps over I had worn the fully charged battery down to 30%. I decided to go ahead and make the old droid call quality trick of switching to ERV-B, after which the phone resets. The weird part is that the battery came back to 70% after the reset.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy issue revolves around trying to use apps like the default files app preinstalled on the Droid X, Astro File Manger, or Estrong File Explorer. For some reason when I move files from folder to folder or copy and paste files into different folders the actual files appear to be there but when I go into the actual applications where the files should be they aren't there.
Example: I had put a few self made ringtones and notifications onto my SD Card via the USB cable that came with the droid from my computer to my Droid X. I made a seperate Media folder on the Card and put sub folders in that like I was supposed to. All the correct files appeared where they should once I disconnected and looked on my phone. New ringtones were in the ringtone directory through accessing them through settings, notifications where there, etc. Now when I try moving one of my ringtones into my notifications folder via, Astro file manager or Estrong File Explorer or the files app that came with the Droid X is moves the files into the folder and you can see it moved by actually viewing it in the folder you just moved it to. But when I go into my settings, notifications tones and look for the file I just moved's not there for me to select, but it is when I look at my file manager. I've tried this in the music folder, ringtone folder and notifications folder and they don't appear in the actual applications where I moved them to, but they appear in the file manager as being there. Am I doing something wrong. I don't understand why this is happening.
I have a CyanogenMod nightlie I need to install on my phone. I downloaded it I and found it in Astro manager but I don't know how to move it to my sd card so it shows up in recovery mode. Moto droid. If someone could tell me how to move the zip files to my sd card that'd be great.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have done some searches and cannot come with the answer I need. All the photos I take are moved to the SD card and not available to the gallery. It seem they stay in the gallery for about a day and then they are moved. I cannot figure out how to bring them back to the gallery or to so that I can send them out or edit them with the phones photoshop. The photos taken with the camera are on the SD card in the DCIM file while the downloaded photos are in the download file but I am not finding any menue that allows me to retrieve them back to the gallery.
View 22 Replies View Relatedon the droid x, i found this to be VERY simple. press and hold the icon, then once it is unmounted slide to left of right. once the green "highlight" appears on that side, the sscreen moves as well as the icon.i had the original droid and dont think it was this easy, though im not sure i ever tried.
View 5 Replies View RelatedOk so i don't know if this is happening to anyone else, can't find anything even in a google search. Basically my beef win the phone is that if i press space and want a symbol that space away from the previous letter the phone will automatically move the punctuation next to the previous letter. All it does is switch the space and the symbol. This is really annoying if i want to oh let's say "quote" something. Had to type the symbol and backspace to fix and then it doesn't auto correct. Any idea how to fix this? It bugs the crap outta me.
View 12 Replies View RelatedAnyone else notice that after moving to 2.01 Facebook got updated?
View 21 Replies View RelatedI have karbonn A15 android ICS(4.0.4) smartphone, its not rooted. I want to move the app Data to my external sd card, i tried to move the data folder from the internal SD (android/data) to External SD (root folder), just to check whether it releases any memory in the storage section in phone settings. but the internal storage was same, there was no change, where does the app data resides in the internal memory, its fine if i can move app data manually to the external sd card.
I also want some clarification on below questions:
1. Also i want to know whether there is any risk rooting phone like (Bricking Phone), as i have bricked my previous Galaxy Ace when i rooted and used ROM manager.
2. Also i have heard about Folder Binding app which automatically transfers App Data to External Sd Card, is there any risk of bricking phone.
3. Whats the easiest method to root Karbonn A15 phone, i am not that tech savvy, so easiest method would be grateful in rooting device.
My concern is just to move App Data to External Sd Card, because i have some app whose Data increase very frequently (E.g: FireFox app).
WIth my iPhone, I have my iTunes full backup. If I upgrade my phone to a new one, I just connect my old phone to the Macbook, do a full backup, connect the new phone, do a full restore, and my new phone has everything there.
My contacts, SMS messages, Settings, Pictures, Camera Roll, Apps, App data like save games and progress on games, you get it.
How is it on android? Suppose I have a Galaxy S4 I have been using for a few months. I have it set up, I have SMS messages on it, data, emails, I have 80% of angry birds complete, I have 2000 pictures on my camera roll, i have some MP3 music...
Then I upgrade to a Note 3. Is there a way to transfer all my data to the new android without losing it? Like I can on Apple?
As translate now offers offline translation I want to move that big amount of data to external SD if this is possible. I am on 4.2.2 custom AOKP ROM .
GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
I would like to move a few apps (such as Terminal Emulator and OSMonitor) to the /system/app folder. I'm able to get them moved, then chmod them to 644, but upon trying to launch them, they force close. Am I missing something?
View 19 Replies View RelatedHas anyone figured out how to move an email into another folder on the Droid? I've wracked my brain and tried ever trick I know and can't figure it out. I've tried holding down, menus, clicking everywhere I can think.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHas anyone else noticed their icons moving around [by themselves] on the home screen? A couple of days ago, the "Phone" icon suddenly appears on the left-most home screen rather than on the center one. Today, I discovered that I had 2 Gmail icons on my home screen. I thought that it was my imagination, but this has happened a couple of other times.
View 4 Replies View Relatedok so when i save images from the browser on my Droid it puts them in downloads folder. How do i move those out of that folder. Its not an option as far as i can find Also is there a way to change where the browser saves downloaded things from the net to?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm not sure if this has been addressed but it's something I figured out on my own and thought I'd share with the rest of the interwebs.For gmail to access all your old contacts its a quick process (once this is done all your contacts will be in your gmail account which automatically updates anytime a new contact is made on the computer or your phone so you only have to do this once)
This import takes a couple of minutes, but once its done, ALL of your contacts on your phone will be synced with gmail and like i said before, from this point on, all newly added contacts are automatically put in the gmail account by your phone.
I have been an Iphone user since Gen1, and have just come out of contract under AT&T.While I like the Iphone 4, with the unfortunate AT&T service (or lack thereof) that comes with the phone, it's just not an option anymore. In my area edge is the only available service, and even that has drop outs frequently. Then about 4 months ago, the WIFI quit on my phone, which made the AT&T service problems MUCH worse, or apparently so than they were before.I have had more bad calls, and dropped calls and lack of data availability than I can shake a stick at.I mostly use the phone for browsing and video/Podcast playback, but I use it A LOT.I love Itunes, and have a bunch of podcasts, including video ones that I listen to quite a bit.So I hope I can sync them still.
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy internal phone memory is getting eaten up fast, how can I move the applications and make installations go directly to the SD card?
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