HTC Incredible : Maintaining Data / Moving Droid SD To Inc
Apr 21, 2010If I pop my droid sd into inc, will contents be usable? Ie, music, pics, apks, saved app stuff

If I pop my droid sd into inc, will contents be usable? Ie, music, pics, apks, saved app stuff
Ive had the Incredible and just got the DroidX. whats the quickest way to move ALL DATA from one phone to the new one? videos, pics, etc?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI probably should have asked this all along time ago, but i have been trying to transfer my icons from HTC Sense to Dxtop, and i have probably never done anything more needlessly wasteful.Somewhere in my system there is home screen data, which if accessible can be copied to other screen systems (I only use three screens, if if that would cause a conflict). Please help if you know if this can be done effectively,
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf I get rid of my motorola droid and move to the HTC incredible can I simply move my existing sd card between phones and keep all of my files, photos and apps? Or will I have to transfer everything off on to my pc, reformat the card and manually move the files and folders I want to keep?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi want to move specific app data(/data/data/ and subdirectories) to sd-ext partition(/data/sdext2/)
Directory Bind or FolderMount are moving data in /mnt/sdcard/Android/data and obb files to external sdcard, which for devices with internal storage.
i'm not trying to move obb files or data in sdcard.
is there any way to move one app data to sd-ext? i don't want to move hole /data/data to sd-ext(data2ext)
Was wondering, if I partitioned my SD card, will Link2SD move my App Data, not like the game app data, but like the data stored in Applications, like Facebook.
Will this also be moved? Or will it stay hogging my Internal Memory?
I have a 4gb sd and had it for a while. yesterday i got a new phone and it came with a 16gb sd card pre installed. at first i was going to use it for something else but this phone records hd videos and in doing so may take much more memory than normal, including that this phone takes mp4 videos. So I want to know a safe way to move all my data, music photos, video etc to the 16gb. I seen some people say drag all the data, do i actually drag ALL FOLDERS, or only certain folders?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just wanna store my game data to my sd and make it playable from there. I don't wanna swap extsd with internal I don't have big enough memory card for that.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just created a second user, and i'm wondering if there is a way to move an app (and its data) from the primary user to the secondary user. I have already tried using Titanium Backup, making a backup in the primary user, and restoring it in the secondary user, but it didn't work (it only restored the data on the primary user again). I tried to find a similar thread, but didn't find one.
I have a Nexus 7, running ParanoidAndroid 3.15, and I have root access on both users.
I have karbonn A15 android ICS(4.0.4) smartphone, its not rooted. I want to move the app Data to my external sd card, i tried to move the data folder from the internal SD (android/data) to External SD (root folder), just to check whether it releases any memory in the storage section in phone settings. but the internal storage was same, there was no change, where does the app data resides in the internal memory, its fine if i can move app data manually to the external sd card.
I also want some clarification on below questions:
1. Also i want to know whether there is any risk rooting phone like (Bricking Phone), as i have bricked my previous Galaxy Ace when i rooted and used ROM manager.
2. Also i have heard about Folder Binding app which automatically transfers App Data to External Sd Card, is there any risk of bricking phone.
3. Whats the easiest method to root Karbonn A15 phone, i am not that tech savvy, so easiest method would be grateful in rooting device.
My concern is just to move App Data to External Sd Card, because i have some app whose Data increase very frequently (E.g: FireFox app).
WIth my iPhone, I have my iTunes full backup. If I upgrade my phone to a new one, I just connect my old phone to the Macbook, do a full backup, connect the new phone, do a full restore, and my new phone has everything there.
My contacts, SMS messages, Settings, Pictures, Camera Roll, Apps, App data like save games and progress on games, you get it.
How is it on android? Suppose I have a Galaxy S4 I have been using for a few months. I have it set up, I have SMS messages on it, data, emails, I have 80% of angry birds complete, I have 2000 pictures on my camera roll, i have some MP3 music...
Then I upgrade to a Note 3. Is there a way to transfer all my data to the new android without losing it? Like I can on Apple?
As translate now offers offline translation I want to move that big amount of data to external SD if this is possible. I am on 4.2.2 custom AOKP ROM .
GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
My internal phone memory is getting eaten up fast, how can I move the applications and make installations go directly to the SD card?
View 10 Replies View Relatedim having similar issues that others have reported of their screens moving on their own. if im on my home screen, the pages will flip to the right on its own. this isnt the only place it happens. one example is when im trying to enter text. the selection will move away from the text box the the send button. do i have a defective screen? i installed a zagg screen protector on the phone and its slightly overlapping on the top left side of the optical track. could it be that? should i take it to verizon?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to create a PRO version of my application for Android and was wondering how to structure my repository. For know I have a trunk and feature branches. I'd like to put a pro version in another branch but maybe there is a better way? For example, maybe I should create two branches - one for free version, the other for pro?
Pro version will have additional features and will be ads-free, so e.g. I don't want to include AdMob libraries in the pro version. Do you have any experience or suggestions as to what would be the best way to structure the repository in this case? I think I've found the best solution (for my app) in this thread:
The trick discussed there is about having another application that only serves the purpose of unlocking PRO functionality in the actual application. The unlocking app is paid in the market and the actual app merely checks for the existence of it on the device.
In my app, my main class extends ListActivity and calls a fillData() function to reload the list whenever changes are made. I'm still getting the hang of this, so I borrowed that concept from the Android Notepadv1-Notepadv3 tutorials. Everything works great, however whenever I need to change the list (remove an item, re-sort it, edit an item), the ListView refreshes and loses its scroll position. The scroll position is reset to the top after each fillData() call.
It appears to be resetting the scroll position to the top because I'm using setListAdapter() each time in fillData(), setting it to a new SimpleCursorAdapter. How can I get the list to "update in place", where the scroll position is seamlessly maintained to the user? I tried heading down the "items.changeCursor(cursor)" path, but that didn't seam to do much for me.......................
I'm trying to add a drawable to a layout, using an ImageView, but the drawable doesn't maintain its size and is rendered at 1dp x 1dp. I've called ImageView.setAdjustViewBounds as per the android documentation but this doesn't seem to help. The Drawable is only visible when the ImageView's height and width are set and the drawable is then rendered at those dimensions.
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However, I get a VerifyError, which I assume is caused by this: VFY: Unable to resolve virtual method 346: ../../Login: overridePendingTransition (II)V
Is it not possible to use newer functionality conditionally based on the SDK version?
I am having an application showing ListItems and Dialog boxes in it.. I want that when i change the orientation from Portrait to landscape mode, i need to maintain the state of the application .. I have seperate XMLs for landscape and portrait mode..
View 11 Replies View RelatedI want to avoid the SDK 1.0 and 1.1 workaround for playing synthesized audio as of SDK1.5, but for older phones or firmware (SDK 1.0 and 1.1 based) I want to maintain backward compatibility and first write audio to flash memory in order to play the resulting audio file from there.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a SGSII and recently i switched from the official ICS rom to CM9 (build date 20 april). I expected to get a better battery life since CM9 is so populair. Unfortunately this isn't the case and so i want to switch back. Only thing is, last time i switched, all my whatsapp conversations were blanc. I couldn't retrieve any old conversations. I know you can email the conversations to yourself but that's not what i want (or is it possible to use these emails in some kind of way to get the conversations back into whatsapp???). Is it possible to backup all my conversations so i can put them back into whatsapp after i flashed the phone to another rom (probably the official rom).
Also, as you can see, I'm not fond of CM9 although this is the most populair rom. Did i do something wrong? I'm a heavy whatsapp user and even when i'm charging the battery drains when using whatsapp (brightness auto and stable WiFi connection). I never game on my device or use bluetooth or gps. I mostly use my phone for facebook, whatsapp, twitter and browsing. Also my phonesignal drops sometimes and my 3G is also worse than before.
Is there a ROM which will give me with my requirements the best Battery life + phonesignal (3G)??
Ok Freaky, I place my phone down on the table within a few min the screens move from one to the other automatically whats up with this.. Its like a ghost here lol, No for real I swing my home pages all the way to the right within a few min they go back to the left strange any ideas people whats causing this..
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen you get past the security and are on the main Sense UI screen, does it sometimes move to the screen to the left or right of whatever the main screen is on its own? If so anyone know how to cure this problem? I've only seen it occur when on the main screen but no where else.
View 3 Replies View RelatedTo the mod who moved my thread please move it back. It is multi part and fits were I put it just fine.
View 49 Replies View RelatedI'm getting my Inc anyday. I use Astro to back up my apps on my Eris. Can I put my SD card in my new Inc and restore the apps after downloading Astro to my new phone?
View 7 Replies View Related.Unfortunatley my old LG 8300 phone was damaged..Lady said the transfer cable couldn't read data from the phone..It will charge using the port but won't transfer the data..So I had to type all my contacts in the new Incredible over again..She said I could move the pics using a Micro sd car..So I bought a 4gb at Wal Mart and can't figure out how to get the old pics off the internal memory of the LG and onto the Micro sd card? I don't think there is a way of doing it..Maybe I could still pic message them off to my PC and then put them on the Droid?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am releasing two versions of an app--free and paid. The differences between the two are few, and I would like to release both using the same codebase (maybe a different constant defined for the other build?). Has anyone done this? Can someone point me in the right direction?
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