Motorola Droid :: Remove Unlock Screen?
Apr 24, 2010Ive been looking for an app that removes the lock screen. I just want to press the power button to get to the main screen. Any out there?

Ive been looking for an app that removes the lock screen. I just want to press the power button to get to the main screen. Any out there?
Any way to remove the unlock slider, so all I need to do is press the top button to access the phone?
View 4 Replies View Relatedmy brother has a ghetto tmobile phone running 1.6 or thereabouts, and I didn't get too close of a look at it. just played with it for about 5 minutes, but he can drag icons anywhere on his screen... like if you uncheck 'align icons to grid' in windows. So you can clump up icons wherever you want, instead of being stuck with this perfect grid layout.
I know ADW (or launcher pro) allow you to say '5x5' on the home screen, allowing 25 instead of 16, or whatever, but there's no way to unlock the grid altogether?
How to remove the display of text messages on the unlock screen. When I receive a new message all I want is to see the icon up in the notification area and the green blinking light. I don't want the message displayed at all on my unlock screen. So does anyone know if there is a setting or a hack that can be done to do this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI would like to Remove the Slide to Unlock screen. When I receive a call, I would like to have the Accept / Decline option as discussed here:
Accept / Decline - But not always on incoming calls
Is it possible to disable the Slide to Unlock screen as discussed here:
Slide to Unlock Disabled
If yes, what is the procedure to disable / turn off / remove the Slide-to-Unlock screen?
Does anyone know, how I can remove the sweep glass screen unlock on the Samsung Galaxy S.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm having an issue with my phone. Most of the time my lock screen is focused on screen 4 (I use 5 screens) instead of on whatever screen I go to when unlocked. Does anybody else have this problem? I'm using Launcherpro if that makes a difference.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhen i take my phone out of my pocket and unlock it the screen will be in landscape mode and it usually will take a good 5 to 10 seconds for it to go back to normal.. i usually have to shake the phone for it to even respond..
has anyone had this problem? know of any quick fixes for it?
Has anyone tried to remove the sweep glass screen unlock on I personally use my left hand very often so I find it incredibly uncomfortable to unlock by sliding from the left to the right. Any information from people who have changed/tried to change their lock screens.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo here is the story basically. This is technically my third droid. The first one had something wrong with the screen where it wouldn't do anything I wanted. For instance...if I tried to press any of the keys on the right side of the screen, they wouldn't respond. the phone replaced in-store. Second phone comes, the slide is VERY loose. The screen actually had about a millimeter and a half on the left side of the screen that it would give when pressed. It made a very loud tap sound when pushed. OK, called Verizon tech support, they send me a DROID 2. I'm thinking SWEET. Not really... Not even 4 days into owning the thing, the screen randomly shuts off and won't come back on without a battery pull, sometimes 2 battery pulls. Over the past few days this has happened multiple times, each more frustrating than the last. I'm getting irritated with mototola. I just called Verizon and they are sending out yet another device. I'm getting annoyed with this whole thing. I shouldn't have to call tech support every other week it seems. Does anyone have a fix for this problem? I've done a factory reset, among other things. I have my old 16gb card from my D1 in there...could that do it? If anyone has had this problem and found a fix for it let me know. I also have the Verizon extended battery..could that be doing it? Please...any help would be appreciated. I'm rooted if that helps at all.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am sorry if this has already been a topic, I did a search and couldn't find anything.Is is just my D2 or does everyone's unlock screen lag? When I unlock it, the bar stays across the screen for a good 5+ seconds before it unlocks and my home screen shows up. Just wondering, my D1 was fast and didn't lag at all.
View 43 Replies View RelatedSo I went to the verizon store today and found out that I can upgrade to the Droid X ( was debating between droid 2 or X and still am confused). But upon checkout my card wouldn't work, it kept getting errors after manually entering and swiping it, so I'm going to head back this week with cash instead. *But anyways, I tried playing around with it a little and searched the phone for different unlock screens, couldn't find any. My questions is - Does the Droid x (even droid 2) have the lock screen where you get the grid and can make your own pattern to unlock? Like the lock screen for the G1 I used to have.
Similar to this picture:
I couldn't find anything to do with lock screens while messing with it in store, but maybe I was looking in the wrong spot.
The lock screen on my D2 will not unlock. It just began doing this out of nowhere. Obviously, I can't even use my phone.
View 8 Replies View RelatedCurrently to open the screen so i can click on my home screen I have to press one of the 4 hard buttons to get the unlock screen to come up then slide the unlock button across the screen. Is there any way to make it so that just touching the screen will cause the unlock screen button to show up?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI read that someone was looking to obtain the HTC Sense unlock screen. This can be had through widgetlocker lockscreen. hope this helps at least 1 person.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI noticed the Droid 2 unlock screen if one of the only things that's different between the DX and D2 interface... besides 2.2 of course.
Anyone know how to port this unlock screen to the DX?
I accidentally opened a screen and can not get rid of it. I was looking at corporate calendar and now I have a large white no calendar events on my favorite screen that I can not get rid of. I do not have an exchange server to sync too at work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDroid X Android 2.2. Does anyone know how to remove the slide to unlock screen when the phone first wakes up? I use the visible pattern lock and first have to slide to unlock then the phone goes to the visible pattern. The old operating system let you remove this but I can't find that on 2.2.
View 3 Replies View RelatedOn my blackberry and all previous phones, I was able to customize a text banner, and I'm not finding a way to do it on my Motorola Droid. I usually put my email address on the lock/unlock screen so that if some honest person was to find my phone, they could email me to let me know they found it. Otherwise, it would just be lost. I know that there are theme apps that I can install, and I'm not sure if they have that capability, but if anything, I'd prefer not to have to download any apps to do this. I've also thought about creating a wallpaper that has that information in it, and setting that as my wallpaper. It seems like too much work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't get my Droid to respond to unlock.
I've tried turning off and taking the battery out. But still remains unresponsive to touch.
All of a sudden my screen stopped responding to touch input on the home screen where you have to slide to unlock.
If I hold the power button the phone options (silent mode, airplane, and power off) buttons work, but I cannot physically slide to unlock the phone.
I need to get into the phone to backup some information, is there a way to bypass the unlock screen? the keyboard works and so does the screen, but for some reason I can't hit the slider at the bottom of the screen to unlock or mute the phone.
Updated to froyo and it is asking for a pin to unlock the screen. The option to disable it is grayed out
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just learned about this app in THIS THREAD, and I really like the concept.The problem is that I can't get another slider to save to WidgetLocker custom unlock screen.I long-press the screen, tap on Widgets, tap Custom Slider, adjust the settings and tap on Save.But then the new slider never appears.I can add any other widget, no problem just not a custom slider.PLEASE do not hijack this thread with the pros and cons of using a lock-pattern.I've had a cell phone since 1992, and have never lost a cell phone.I'm not about to lose my precious DROID.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIdk if its a weird mode the phone is set in but all of a sudden today i've noticed a few random things happen...
1. the Home button won't work, it vibrates but does nothing when pressed
2. I have no unlock screen, when i press the power button it just brings me right to where i left off.
3. My ringtones were all set to silent
4. when i hold the power button the only option i have now is to turn the screen off.
Just used the new SMUpdater to root my Droid, but don't like the revert back to the 2.0 unlock screen (half moon swipe). Anyone know if there is a way to change it back to the 2.0.1 left-to-right unlock screen?
View 17 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to port over the unlock screen from 2.0.1 onto new Froyo builds?
I really do miss the look and feel of the 2.0.1 lock screen.
The new update came in this morning and i was wondering if there are any settings for the unlock screen to tone down the vibratouch when unlocking.?Also is there a setting to do the same for the 4 touch buttons?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to see summary of e-mail and calendar events on the unlock screen? Would be nice to see my next appointment on the screen instead of unlocking and having a look.
I searched but didn't find anything.
I have had my Droid for almost a month now and i love it,,, but there are a couple of really annoying things that it does, and i was wondering if it was just me, or if anyone else has these problems too...
I will hit the unlock button on the top and start to do my pattern, and all the sudden, it says that i lifted my finger... and takes two tries out....
I will hit the unlock button and start my pattern and the screen will shut off like there is no activity and i will have to hit the unlock button again, and start over.
Oh and how about this, tried both handcent and stock messaging app, i regularly have periods of long delay from both receiving and sending text messages, i will be sending one text and get a text sending overload message also.... then i will have periods of sending and receiving the exact same text 10-15 times in a row.... this happens all of the time and its extremely annoying....
This may have been answered, or I may be too dumb enough to find it in the settings now, but where is the option to turn off the lock screen now?
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