Motorola Droid :: Change Your Clock's Color Using Metamorph
Mar 2, 2010Change Your Notification Bar Clock Color Using Metamorph!

Change Your Notification Bar Clock Color Using Metamorph!
Change your font the easy way using Metamorph! SkaggzFont0.9.1
View 26 Replies View RelatedI would like to change the colors of the Wif bars on the status bar at top of screen I extracted the .png files (blue bars), opened them in Paint, and manually changed the color to yellow. Zipped them back up in Metamorph format and pushed them to my Metamorph format and pushed them to my sdcard Applied theme using Metamorph, and it worked, except that the background is now white. I created a theme using the original 5 files. I created a theme using the original 5 png's with blue bars, applied the theme, and it worked and it doesn't have the white background. I think I understand what's happening, but not sure how to format the pictures correctly so just the bars show without the background. Any help appreciated, thanks
View 6 Replies View RelatedI set a custom color for my Beautiful Widget (smaller home), and the date, temperature, etc., all appear as the custom color, but the clock numbers remain white. Any way to also make the clock numbers the same custom color as the rest of the text in the widget? Or is it stuck at white?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to change statusbar clock color how i can change.?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am having problems finding the line to change the text color on the clock in the statusbar on CM9,i think i've looked in just about all of the xml files,no luck.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to change clock font color and date and time font color in status bar an easy way to change it.
View 4 Replies View Relatedhow change the volume bar color and the lockscreen clock font, so it looks the same as ICS. I'm using CM7. What to do (what I use to ''open'' and close'' the needed files, what to change, what possible files to change, etc), because my knowledge isn't good at this.
View 9 Replies View RelatedSystemUI?! I've to change the clock color to a dark gray! You can mod downloading it as attachement!
View 2 Replies View Relatedany way too change it too a different color such as green or blue?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want to change my top title bar (the one where 3g/signal/notification icons/clock icons are. I want to make it green. I've went through all the framework-res.apk files that are black (my current color) that have status bar or title bar in the name to no avail. Which file is it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI saw someone elses Droid Notification LED flash blue today and i thought that was pretty cool,soooo I was wondering how I could do that without having to use a 3rd party texting app(handcent, chomp, etc.) I'm just fine with the stock and was hoping some root or normal app was available to change colors.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to change the color of the notification LED that is in the phone? I'm not sure if the LED is capable of other colors or not.
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust got my droid and could have swore when I got it that the back menu home and search backlight was white? they are pinkish?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAnyone know how to change the keyboard letters color? I want to change them to black for a project I'm working on but I don't know how to edit xml and read the hex. Please let me know ASAP.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to change the color of the battery icon? I know you can change the fonts, status bar, clock color, etc. It would be pretty cool to have a variety of colors to change to instead of the blue, green, etc.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI would like to change the color or my unlock bar and silent bar on my unlock screen. is there a way to do this?
View 4 Replies View Relatedchange the color of your keyboard buttons?? Ive seen a couple of screensshots with it done but i cannot figure it out.
also i cannot figure out how to get all the icons on the bottom bar to be color...
Is there a way to have the led on the phone show different colors for different types of messages? This was a feature on my old BlackBerry, via an app called Berry Buzz. Didn't know if there was an app like this or a setting to change this?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to change the color scheme in the phone app, which also looks like the system default color scheme of white text on black background?Walking outside in bright sunlight looking at white text on black background is nearly impossible to see. Black text on white would be much better.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to change the color like too black without rooting?
View 2 Replies View RelatedGot setCPU. What should I do now? I used the SMUpdater. Is there any way to change the color of the status bar?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI noticed if I unlock my Droid and tap an icon, the background will change color, like the app was selected but it won't launch unless I tap it again. This only happens after I unlock the Droid.
Cannot figure out if I am doing something wrong.
I purchased the Math Alarm Clock (I'm a math major and enjoy math in the morning!) and am wondering if there is a way to make it my default alarm clock.
I use the Motorola Droid Docking Station and want to set the Math Alarm Clock as the default so when I press the Alarm Clock button on the docking screen, it brings me to the settings of the Math Alarm Clock Applicatoin.
Is there any way to do this?
Is there any way to change the color or get rid of the bubble look of the stock messaging app? don't want to use Handcent or Chomp, so what are my options? (If any). Also noticed on some but not all of the text messages I get, the CB# appears on each one. Now I saw the setting in messaging that you can disable that, but I think that is for my text messaging going out to the other person correct? Is there any way to stop this from appearing in each text I receive? The weird thing is, it does not happen for all users in my contact list, just a few.
View 8 Replies View RelatedAnybody have the stock Handcent icon or original droid messaging icon so I can change the Handcent icons color or replace it with the stock icon I use to use?
View 19 Replies View RelatedThere are a few ways to change the color of the clock, notification bar, and pull down menu.
Standard disclaimer: I take no responsibility for anything you do or screw up on your phone.
AdamZ has updated method A (now called Droid Customizer) and it now changes all notification colors. It will overwrite any other changes you have previously made to the services.jar and framework-res.apk files so the manual method is still useful for people who have already made changes and don't want to lose them.
A - [Release] Droid Customizer v1.0 *Updated 3/02* (edit 4/7/10: fixed this link)
If you are familiar with the installation process of the smoked glass themes then this is an option. Has 13 color options as well as 12 font options that you can use.
B - Manually (sorta) change everything. I did it this way because AdamZ's method in A wasn't out yet and I think the way described in method A might overwrite other changes you have made (not sure on that though)
This will probably look long with a lot of steps but it really isn't too complicated.
Android sdk installed and some familiarity with adb
adb info: Start Here | Root Your Droid
1 - Plug in your phone and don't mount the sd card.
2 - On your computer open a command prompt and navigate to the android sdk tools folder.
3 - Type these commands:
Code: ...
What has everyone found for the 2.1 roms. I know there is already a Themes thread but most of them are for 2.0.1, Im running BB v9 and a mix of Smokedglassframe 2.1 and Flavored Ice. Here is what I have found so far. Smoked Glass Frame. MM Smoked Glass Framework for 2.1 - Droid Forum - Verizon Droid & the Motorola Droid Forum. Here is how you can go back to stock. ERE25 (2.1 "official rom) Stock theme and the Barfix is so you can see your clock. So you dont have to edit anything.
View 9 Replies View RelatedCan someone please tell me a step by step on how to use metamorph to add different themes? including what apps are need and where to get themes.
View 22 Replies View RelatedI installed the smoked glass theme V2.0 from Everything seems fines except for the notification bar and my clock is missing....anyone else having these problems? I have tried searching around for the answer for about 30 mins now and cant find anything.
View 14 Replies View Related