LG Ally :: Notify A Text While Talking ?
Sep 24, 2010How do I get my phone to notify me of a text while I am talking on the phone?

How do I get my phone to notify me of a text while I am talking on the phone?
Hey, I was playing around with my Incredible today, and to my dismay I have made it so my phone does not vibrate when I receive text messages.
I looked through all the other threads and they didn't help.
I've gone through the sms settings and turned vibration "on"
I even have it in vibrate mode. that didn't work.
regular mode. didn't work.
I fixed it just in case anyone else runs into this problem:
Download "sound manager" open the app, click your "menu" button and click "vibrate options"
You'll see that vibration notifications are turned off.
I have recently noticed that my Sprint HTC Hero (Stock and unrooted) has been receiving texts in a weird way. I doesnt notify me when the screen is off. If I turn on the screen I will receive notification as soon as I turn the screen on, but when I look at the time stamp it is usually old. Like 5 minutes or so. It doesnt do this all the time, just today I left my phone in my car (so I could charge it) while I was at work when I went out to my car the light was blinking and when i turned on the screen it said I had 2 texts, however, just as I get off work I responed back to my friends and when I got home when I looked at the phone nothing was going on. I turn the screen on and then my phone vibrates and notifies me but the time stamp on the text is 10 minutes old.
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhen I get text it doesn't make a sound to notify me anymore.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHave been attempting to use [mm] themes from around the web to no avail. I would like to remove the clock from my notification bar and have the rest of the text be white. Im using the rooted v8 rom from rom manager.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIf this is the wrong place to post, apologies. I recently rooted, got ROM Manager with Clockwork Recovery and flashed the Velocity ROM. Everything works quite awesome, but I'm not getting my notification sound when I get a text message. I do get it for other notification events, and I've tried a couple different sounds just for good measure. Is this a ROM issue? An issue with my phone? Anyone else experiencing it? Right now I'm using the default messaging app.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI recently got my wife an LG Ally because her add-on line was ready to upgrade and she wanted to try something new. She had a BB Curve before and didn't want to go for the free ugprade with the new Curve. I've had an HTC Incredible and for the most part love it. I knew that the LG Ally wasn't as "powerful" as the HTC Incredible. My wife told me today that her Ally sometimes won't send txt messages or will send more than one of the same txt message. She also complained about it being slow. What can I do to get rid of this problem for her? I was considering running the Task Killer although I know Android has its own way of managing memory and running applications so I didn't know if running Task Killer would actually do anything. I think its getting to the point where she is getting frustrated with the phone and I may have to return it, if it is even possible, after her having it just a few days. Any thoughts?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI only need to know how to save my text messages from LG ALLY Please
I already know how to do pix, videos, etc.. only item missing is how to save a darn Text message please.
I would like to receive a signal more than once when I receive a text message. Is there any way I can do that. I'm not someone who checks their phone many times during the day, so I really need more than once reminder that I have a message.
View 2 Replies View Relatedis there a way to make a diffrent sound for email, txt, other notifications. or is it always gonna be the same tone for all?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got my Ally today, and I when I receive a text message I would love to have it show up automatically on my screen. As it is now, when I get a text or email it just makes a faint sound and the screen doesn't even light up. Is there a setting or app I can use to have my texts automatically preview on the screen?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy wife was messing with her Ally, don't know what she did but she cannot text and I notice the icons are missing on left side of toolbar.
View 2 Replies View Relatedso this is really starting to piss me off, there's a whole list of things that piss me off about this ROM.
It will randomly restart Text Notifications NEVER make sound no matter what i do. Home button does not work, neither does the search button.
I've tried rebooting, re flashing, downloading other things. Still to no avail. A little help please?
I noticed many of the links around here are on low speed servers, Personally I fount it annoying. So I collected a whole bunch of links for various things and put them on my private server. I was able to Download at about 6MB/s.
LG Ally Source Kernel
Ally SDK (Includes Old Root Tools)
AllyRR Tool
Drellisdee's Rooted and Lite Custom Rom
Ally V8 Stock ROM
Ally 2.1 Stock Source Code
Velocity Rom 0.1.1
Feel Free to HotLink, and share these links. If any developer or creator would not like there product posted and shared here just let me know. The Links will be available all the time and there is no limits. You can download as many times as you want.
My LG Ally is stuck at the "VELOCITY" boot screen and is stuck in a loop. I had Velocity 0.3 flashed yesterday and I decided to re-flash today. I have tried wiping data/files/cache/dalvik cache. I'm stuck and I don't know what to do. Also I never did a Nandroid backup (because I'm slow).
View 16 Replies View Relatedi remember on my touch pro with XDA, the market automaticly notified me about app updates as soon as they happen, and that hasn't happend once on my EVO i have had to manualy check everytime, i have the settings set to notify. is there something i am missing?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm crating tab view using this tutorial: Link<http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/views/hello-tabwidge...>. Now I need to reload tab content data when user view that tab. is there any way to notify ListAdapter ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to notify ListAdapter? Because i need to load Tab content data when user click in that Tab.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a background service application that get informations through a web service. This service has to alert the user when it gets some abnormal values. I also have a UI application that is used to display these informations. Finally, the only way I found to be able to get the service and the UI application to share these informations, was to create a third application that defines a custom ContentProvider . I've tried to define the ContentProvider in the service application to have only two applications, but it didn't worked. Everything is fine with three applications.
For CPU and battery saving reasons, the background service is refreshing the informations each 5 minutes. But, the UI application needs to refresh faster than 5 minutes. So, when the UI application starts, I need it to notify the background service to start refreshing at a much faster rate. And, obviously, when it closes, the background service needs to get back to the normal refresh rate.
My problem is that I don't know how to notify the background service from the UI application. I can set a field in the database when the UI application opens and closes, and check that field every second in the background service, but it will kill the CPU and the battery! How can I set some listener in the background service and send and event in the UI application. Can I define custom Broadcast events?
I've already flashed the prl and have the phone programmed on cricket but it seems like the data settings are locked. Im trying to change them to fully flash the lg ally and I also need to figure out how to change the mms settings.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI figured out how to full flash the LG Ally 740 to cricket but 3 out of every 5 phones I flash do not save the NV settings. When I go to manual programming (##program740 send) then select DATA. The MIP & DUN MIP settings always revert back to the default 0000000000@vzw3g.com settings. I've changed them in LGNPST,CDMA Workshop & QPST but still reverts back to VZW. It's rooted and tried several different ROM's to fix the problem. Could it be the kernel? If anyone can help, please let me know.
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy lg ally has been stuck in safe mode for the past few days now. I have tried a power reboot, as well as a battery pull, yet no luck. Because of this, I cant use any of my application downloads.
View 12 Replies View RelatedFound this for the incredible...
Reviews, Tech Help, Tutorials, and More - Droid Incredible Battery Fix
do you think it would work for the Ally?
Some of my games like Homerun Battle 3D and Backbreaker Football aren't running as good as they should be. In fact, They're laggin a lot. Does anyone know a way to make the LG Ally less laggy?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to remove keyboard shortcuts for a rooted phone? For instance, while texting i sometimes press ALT+DEL and it removes the whole line i was typing. Kind of frustrating. So if there were a way to remove those shortcuts through terminal or modifying files that would be great
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhat's the best app for tethering the Ally as a modem? PDANet?
View 2 Replies View RelatedBefore applying the Turbo4 ROM, I ran Linpack to get a base number so I can compare it with the number I get after I apply Turbo4. I got a 4.188. The phone is rooted with many of the stock apps removed running the Zeam Launcher, but no other custom ROMS.
Is that a pretty good number to start with? It was higher than I was expecting because most linpack scores i've read about are in the 3's.
Is it possible to notify outgoing sms programmatically?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI am writing my own ContentProvider for my own application. And there is a ListView with a CursorAdapter pulling data from my Content Provider. My question is when there is a data change in my ContentProvider, how can I notify my CursorAdatper to requery the data and then have the ListView updated?
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