KitKat 4.4 :: Long Songs Skipping Halfway Through?

Nov 8, 2013

I download radio shows directly to my device so i can listen on the subway and when I don't have a connection. Been doing this for years with my galaxy nexus (4.2 and 4.3). Tired it today on my shiny new nexus 5 and the tracks auto skip about halfway through. The tracks are typically a few hours long. I usually use mortplayer, but I tried antennapod and google music and it is happening is those apps too.

KitKat 4.4 :: Long songs skipping halfway through?

HTC Eris : Music Player Starts Frantically Skipping Through Songs - Going Crazy

May 13, 2010

I'm so fed up...

I open the music player to start playing music and it starts frantically skipping through songs and going crazy. I restart and it still happens.

This also happens with podcasts in google listen. I'll be listening and all of a sudden it'll switch to another podcast.

I can't figure out why this is happening. On maybe the same note. i restarted and had the same music player issue, then went to Taskiller Free and found that all my apps were running...???? This is 2 min after a restart.

What's going on here. I'm on stock Eris, no rooting.

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General :: How To Enable To Change Songs With Volume Long Press

Jan 23, 2014

I am new to android and i had owned a sony walkman mobile the feature which enabled me to change the songs with volume rocker long missing on android...currently i own a sony xperia sp and running stock rom and stock to root the mobile or mess around with the software..all i know is to download apks and install developing apk which enables users to change songs with long press of volume rocker?..and as i mentioned above i do not have a rooted mobile so is there any way i can find or instal an apk to change songs with the volume rocker without rooting and custom roms?

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General :: How To Use Long Press Volume Keys To Change Songs In Wildfire

Jul 14, 2012

I tried the mod for other set models like galaxy s 2 but they put my phone into bootloops.

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HTC EVO 4G :: No Internet Connection - Loading Bar Go Halfway And Stop

Jul 7, 2010

For the past 3 days I have been having problems browsing the internet. Sometimes when trying to load a page the green loading bar goes about halfway and stops (the page is already loaded), if I try to stop the action and hit the X button it says 'Stopping' but the bar stays stuck on halfway, and when I try to enter text like in google, nothing happens when I hit the search button. Its not my internet as this happens both on WiFi and 3G. I would take the phone back but I am a bit scared as my phone so far has no light leakage, 30+ hours of battery life, hardware 003, and a nice novatec screen.

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HTC Droid Eris :: SMS Text - Get About Halfway Through Typing It

Feb 5, 2010

I love my Eris, but I'm having one recurring and frustrating problem. Almost every time I try to send a text, I'll get about halfway through typing it, and the program will just go back to the previous page without warning. I lose the text and I have to start over. This happens EVERY time I try to send a sms to a group. (Which means I can't send a group text ever, which is frustrating).

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Android :: Intent Activity Crash Behaviour - App Restarts Halfway Through The App

Oct 13, 2010

I have a pretty standard iPhone app that creates a series of around 7 unique Activities initialised by Intents.

However if the app crashes on the 7th Activity, the app restarts on the users phone around the 5th activity. The problem then is the info gathered from activities 1-4 is null, meaning the app is useless and the only way to get the app working again is to either continually press back or else kill the process.

Why does this behaviour occur, and is there a way to force the app to start back at the first activity when it crashes.

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Motorola Droid :: Docking Cradle - Cant Plug From Front Of Nightstand Halfway Down Back

Nov 18, 2009

Just got my backorder in. It's nice, but jeez moto a 3 ft USB cable... You cant even get the plug from the front of the nightstand halfway down the back.

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Motorola Droid X :: Music Player - Play Songs In Alphabetical Order - Play All Songs By Artist

Jul 31, 2010

Coming from a Iphone to the X the music player is a little lacking. Often I will go into a certain artist and want to play all the songs by that artist, or thumb through all their songs to find a certain one. On the stock music player on the X this seems hard to do (maybe I'm missing something).

if I pull up the music by artist and select a certain artist then it shows me all their albums (The iphone has the option at this point to select all albums and see all the songs of that artist in alphabetical order). The X doesn't give a option to select all albums at this point. If I go to artists and long press on a certain artist I can select play and it will start playing all that artists songs, then I can hit pause and go into the list from that point to see all the songs but they seem to be in a random order making it hard to find a specific song.

I've tried a couple other players and haven't been able to find one that functions like the Iphone, makes it hard to quickly find one song.

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HTC Desire :: Skipping Music

Aug 27, 2010

I have a desire running froyo, using an 8gb card. I'm finding that my music is skipping with increasing frequency. It is not consistent, a track will skip at one point the first time then somewhere else the next time.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Music Skipping Using Aux Input In Car

Jun 6, 2010

I am having a significant issue using the Evo in my car for music. As soon as I hit play, it starts skipping through songs... playing 1-2 seconds and then skipping to the next. I have not had this issue using earbuds- just the 3.5mm cable into my car's aux input. Searching, I found a similar issue with the HTC Incredible on the HTC support forum.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Music Skipping - Beginning Of A Track

Sep 3, 2010

My music just started skipping, or hanging up, especially at the beginning of a track.

I think it might have something to do with scrobbleing. I just signed up for, and discovered that I could scrobble the tracks I play from my other music players, which I think is a pretty great feature.

I have several music players: Tunewiki, MixZing, 3, and Zimly. (I'm trying to figure out which one I like best to stick with.) I downloaded ScrobbleDroid for the players that don't support scrobbleing natively.

Now, I don't know if the scrobble feature has anything to do with my music hang ups, but this is the only thing I've changed relating to music.

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HTC Eris :: Music Player Skipping

Feb 16, 2010

Music player often skips, I can watch the bar go "15 seconds" "19 seconds" "22 seconds" "27 seconds" etc... When I try to change songs the app just shows the album art spinning around. Then I exit (or force close the app) it sometimes starts up on its own?

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HTC Incredible :: Music Player Skipping

May 4, 2010

About every 2 mins, the music player pauses for a second of silence and then resumes.

I have a 16 GB MicroSD that I bought at MicroCenter a long while back. It's branded MicroCenter but made by Ricoh. In any event, I put 9 GB of MP3s on it last night by just copying them to the MicroSD (after a full format, not a quick format).

Now, I would fault the card but, it plays fine in my Blackberry without skips. Any solution here? Would it make a difference if I formatted the card in Linux instead of Windows or something like that?

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HTC Desire :: Skipping Music Player

Mar 29, 2010

Using the HTC music player and it is acting strangely. When I have it in my pocket (with the screen locked) it seems to keep skipping about between tracks. I can recreate this effect by tilting it backwards and forwards and it skips a track. I at first thought it would be helped by turning off the accelerometer, but there seems no obvious way of doing that. What I have since noticed is that sometimes the player detects my headphones as a headset (a headset icon appears in the top bar) and then I get these problems. When it actually detects them as headphones, which gives a slightly different icon, it seems to actually work perfectly. It seems to be just luck as to which it recognises as, and it makes it useless as a music player.

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HTC Hero :: Music Player Skipping

Apr 11, 2010

Sometimes when I'm istening to music, the player 'skips' and sometimes stops all together, until I get it out of my pocket and hit the home button to wake the screen up. I think it's caused by my phone dropping the signal completely, but it only happens when I've got the phone in my pocket. Is there a way to stop this? I've switched from the HTC player to MixZing lite, which has helped a lot, but it still does it.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Skipping In Music Player And FM Radio

Jun 8, 2010

I downloaded MixZing yesterday as a music player and I had a weird experience. When I would start the application and it would begin playing a song, I would set the phone down on the desk and the music player would start skipping through songs, playing each about 2-5 seconds only.

I stopped the app and then when I put it back on the desk, it would start by itself and start playing again.

Today, I noticed a similar issue with the FM player. I started the FM player on a station while I was holding the phone upright, when I put it down it would start skipping through the stations by itself and I could not stop it, I had to turn off the FM radio.

When I placed the phone down on the desk, lying flat, and I started the FM radio from there, it played the one station I wanted without skipping.

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HTC Hero :: Music Skipping On Playback - G2 Touch

Jan 20, 2010

I have had my G2 Touch for nearly a month now and I am noticing that when listening to music in the music player there is a lot of skipping and stuttering. It seems to be worse with particular tracks. I also listen to spotify offline playlists which seem to be OK. Initially, I noticed the problem was worse when I had scrobbling turned on...but now that and all data hungry apps are off (that I can think of) and still the bad playback. I am wondering if it is specific to my phone - in which case I am probably still able to get T-mobile to exchange it.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Music Skipping And Voice Dialer Self-starting

Jun 4, 2010

I know this is a known issue on the Incredible and Desire, and now it seems like the EVO too. I have regular sony headphones in my EVO and after about 2 or 3 minutes the icon will change from headphones to headphones with mic the voice dialer comes up and the music player just starts to skip. Is there any way to disable the voice dialer?

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Samsung Fascinate :: Keyboard Skipping Letters?

Sep 17, 2010

Has anyone else notice this? I have th HTC_IME keyboard installed and if I type too fast, it skips letters. Never did that on Incredible.

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Android :: Emulator Skipping Return Statement?

Jul 28, 2010

I'm getting unexpected behavior in my Android 1.5 application under the Windows emulator and debugging with Eclipse. Here's a generalization of what the code is doing:

if (someCondition) {
System.out.println("got here");
return "a";

if (someOtherCondition)....................

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Samsung Vibrant :: Skipping Song With Earphones

Oct 30, 2010

Ive had few android phones and with all of them I was able to skip songs pressing twice the button on my earphones mic. Now with the vibrant I cant do it anymore. any suggestion? is this normal?

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HTC Hero :: When Is Bluetooth Stereo Skipping Going To Be Fixed

Nov 1, 2009

i know all about the problem with stereo bluetooth with android.just got my hero and it seems ok being i turned it just to bluetooth stereo and not phone.doesn't seem to skip as bad. haven't tried it outside was awful out there and unusable. is there any app to fix it or tweak.

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Android :: Eclipse Debugger Is Skipping Instructions!

Jul 23, 2010

I am debugging an app that tests an API I wrote. There is a section of code that simply reads a DB cursor like this:


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Samsung Captivate :: Music Jitter And Skipping Revisited

Jul 29, 2010

I thought I had this figured out when I took Weather and Toggle off the phone, but now I'm still having trouble with some stutter and skip with the music players I've tried. I've been using Mixzing recently and I've upped the buffer as high as it can go and still some skipping.

Anyone else having this problem/find a solution/have an idea what's causing it. I use the phone more for music than I do as a phone and this is really bugging me. Never had this problem with my *ahem* iPhone.

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Samsung Captivate :: Music Jitter And Skipping - Sussed

Jul 21, 2010

I was having a bunch of trouble when listening to the music player where every so often the thing would stutter while in playback. I was getting pissed and thinking I was going to have to take the Captivate back, but tonight as I was fooling around with launcher pro and listening to tunes i noticed that the hiccup came every time the clock widget changed minutes (Weather and Toggle). I deleted the widget and low and behold, stuttering gone.

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General :: Skipping Line In Loading Text From Internet

Jun 15, 2012

I am trying to create a simple android app that loads a text file from the internet and displays in a scrollable view. I got the text file to load just fine but I cant seem to figure out how to get it to skip lines using the traditional "/n"

Here is my code:

package com.brooksytech.ykyacw;

[Code] .......

Supposedly this code is similar to what I want to do but I dont know how to implement it correctly:

public static String readRawTextFile(Context ctx, int resId)
InputStream inputStream = ctx.getResources().openRawResource(resId);
InputStreamReader inputreader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream);
BufferedReader buffreader = new BufferedReader(inputreader);

[Code] .....

All I want it to do is skip a line when it sees /n

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HTC Incredible :: Fixing Random Song Skipping Using Headphone Jack

Jun 2, 2010

Does your Incredible randomly skip songs and activate the voice dialer while using the headphone jack?? Mine did.I found a nice widget in the market that stops the random song skipping and voice dialer from activating.I tried it and it works great.Do a search for, "headset blocker" in the market.I can finally listen to Pandora in my living room without randomly dialing my contacts!

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General :: Headphones That Allow Song Skipping With Slacker Radio On Android?

Nov 7, 2012

As of yesterday I'm now the proud owner of a new Samsung Galaxy S3. I'm also an avid slacker Radio fan, but have found that my headphones now won't skip songs on that app as they did on my iPhone.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Voice Phone Dial Randomly Opening - Music Tracks Skipping Around - Phone Acts Possessed

Jun 11, 2010

I've noticed this since I bought the phone (I had other issues before such as low battery life, vibration feedback simply not working, etc - I hard reset the phone and those went away, but this is back), and I'm wondering if it's my hardware, or the software.

Basically, if I'm listening to music (Pandora or the Music app), it'll randomly hit Next song - if it's the music app, it'll be a mish-mash of fast forward and next track. This is with the phone screen off or on. When it starts happening I turn the screen on and notice it jumping all over, and I've not touched anything. Additionally, while this is happening, voice dialer opens over and over after I close it, and sometimes it'll just start making a call to the last dialed/received number (which is making me a hit with all my friends).

Finally, I say possessed because this is not consistent. For example, I'm listening to Pandora now with no issues. However, the fact that I have to even worry about this happening again (it's almost surefire in the car, for some reason, but not exclusive to there) is a dealbreaker, and my 30 day trial is still going, so I should probably decide.

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