Java Library For Syntax Highlighting Dynamic Text?
Apr 8, 2013Is there a Java library for colourings text in an EditText? Or is this just accomplished with Regex? I looked into Google Prettify but that seems to be for static text.

Is there a Java library for colourings text in an EditText? Or is this just accomplished with Regex? I looked into Google Prettify but that seems to be for static text.
Anyone know of a Subversion client for Android OS? Same goes for a syntax highlighting text editor on there.
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I want to build an notepad-style application on android that will have syntax highlighting. But when I search around the web, I find the syntax highlighting can be done only through use of an awt class. How could I syntax highlight in maybe a custom EditText or TextView view? I know that the release of a syntax highlighter is sort of anticipated, so I want to add my syntax highlighter on the market.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedOK, So I want to set the background to a transparent image and change the color of the background on an event firing. I can set the background image to a resource in an xml file, and I can also change the color of a TextView on event firing, but for some reason I can't do both at the same time. Do I need to create a drawable or something? Also, how do I reference the top level LinearLayout. I'm programming using eclipse JEE Galileo with the ADT Plugin and the android sdk. O.S. android 2.1-update1 (eclair). My friend can do it in actionscript and I have to do it in java to beat him lol.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI don't want to code things that already exist.
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I would like to build an app that OCR a pictures and get text from them. What java library should I use?
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI have developed bluetooth application where native library will be initiated by Java application (using JNI wrapper). JNI will call the entry function of the native library and then it will create Pthread to for scanning the device. Once Scanning is over, i will get the callback which i registered during the entry function of the native lib (called by app). But i haven't received the callback, but if i run the same native library in the shell (executable from the shell terminal) it is working fine. Can any one help me, if there is any specific architecture needs to follow while developing Java application based on native lib?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm writing a JNI library for a game. I have java code that I want to replace with functions from the library. Is it true that most of the devices out there are compatible with my code if I compile it for the default arm processor, or will I find that there are many devices out there that my library won't run on? What I'm asking is, should I maintain java code that does the same thing as my jni library for compatibility purposes, or is it safe to have jni libraries alone? How large is the group of devices that cannot use the libraries I write? Where are there stats regarding what population is using processors other than the arm processors?
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Trying to copy the sources to my Application I get this:
Attempt to include a core VM class in something other than a core library. It is likely that you have attempted to include the core library from a desktop virtual machine into an application, which will most assuredly not work. If you really intend to build a core library -- which is only appropriate as part of creating a full virtual machine binary, as opposed to compiling an application -- then use the "--core-library" option to suppress this error message. If you go ahead and use "--core-library" but are in fact building an application, then please be aware that your build will still fail at some point; you will simply be denied the pleasure of reading this helpful error message.
My solution: 1) build a core library with consisting out of java.beans.PropertyChangeListener 2) integrate that library (jar?) into my application.
My question: - how can I build a core library using eclipse?
I'm an Android Developer and as part of my next app I will need to evaluate a large variety of user created mathematical expressions and equations. I am looking for a good java library that is lightweight and can evaluate mathematical expressions using user defined variables and constants, trig and exponential functions, etc.I've looked around and Jep seems to be popular, but I would like to hear more suggestions, especially from people who have used these libraries before.
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View 8 Replies View RelatedIn my application i am dynamically creating a table layout. In each row of the table layout have 3 text views. but the auto wrap of the text is not working on these text views in multiple screen resolutions.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI need a library in java that can take HTML content and generate text in the same format that is generated by the Linux lynx program.
That's it. Reasons below if you care.
I need to expose data provided by 3rd party servers to end users on Android. Data format is ancient, in badly formatted HTML, so much that I've tried reading it using java and it fails occasionally (unacceptable). It is also growing every month (preinstall ruled out) and I can't convince them to change to "modern" stuff (life would be great in XML etc.).
Shortest route: I wrote a class to use the W3 html2txt service online (google search it). It worked fine on the app until I got complains and noticed that the W3 service fails occasionally. It's not that big of a deal, but the black box logic expects the output to be in this "lynx like" text format.
So I would like a library to do the conversion (HTML->TXT) in "lynx style" inside the app and avoid the outages in the W3 service. And besides, the lynx output the probably the best I've seen, the most organized and neat.
I'm using the Android Development Toolkit (ADT) in Eclipse Galileo. I've created a project in which to develop some util classes, which I intend to use in several upcoming Android projects. However, when I come to use these util classes (deployed as a jar and included in the Android project as a user library), I get a java.lang.VerifyError during the startup of the emulator. Can I force the verification of these library files, or do I need to include them as part of the Android project, and not as an external jar?
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how i can introspect a javabean and fill its fields?
I am new to Android. I need to view one text on the screen. After thread sleep time I need to add another text on the screen. I have to show the text adding but my code display after all the append operation. How to show adding text one by one? code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been testing a whole mess of different browsers, and so far, I've only found three that have dynamic text reflow (by which I mean the text resizes to whatever zoom level you choose): Opera Mobile, Opera Mini and UC Browser, and UC Browser's text reflow is somewhat glitchy and unreliable. Not even Opera Beta has the text reflow.
I'm also aware some browsers have the double-tap after zoom to reflow the text, but I find that generally rather unreliable, too; it sometimes zooms out instead of reflowing.
Why is this? Is there a technical limitation with doing this in Webkit, that Presto made easy or something? Am I wasting my time trying to hunt down a new browser with dynamic text reflow? (Opera Mobile is starting to drag a bit.)
If i click on a button on one layout it should add text view in another layout dynamically again if i click that button same procedure should get repeat.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to make a simple order system. So the user selects a burger type from a spinner, then the user can enter in the quantity and then there is some math taking place in the background which sets a text view at the bottom with the total price. I'm not sure what method I'm meant to use so that it is updated dynamically when the user changes the text view quantity.
If i just say that all burgers are 2.50, i need some sort of method saying, if/when data is entered into the edit text , take that data and then times it by 2.50 and set it in the total text view below. I'm just unsure on the method part of it so it's dynamic and will change when the edit text quantity is altered.
import java.util.Random;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
I am using this following code which creates a ListView with text and an icon but the problem that I have which the following I want the array to be dynamic instead of static so my list gets created dynamically not statistically. My ultimate goal is to retrieve specific strings from my Db and to display it then on the Listview where every string would be in each row.
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View 5 Replies View RelatedI using Eclipse Gallileo to develop Android application and Java library for this application. Please, help to set Android application dependency from my custom Java library rightly. I want this library automatically build if necessary and be included to .apk file.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen I open Google Translate it asks me if I want to install the Text-to-Speak Extended Library. When I tap yes, it goes to the Market and says it can't find anything. When it pulls up the Market, it searches for some TTS file or something. Anyone else have this problem and/or know how to solve it?
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