HTC Incredible :: Verizon Bookmark Link Broken?

May 27, 2010

After doing a hard reset at the VZW corporate store with a techie last week for my MMS (pix msg) error/delivery failures, I've noticed that my pre-installed Internet Browser Bookmark to My Verizon no longer works. I then went into the Verizon Home Page Bookmark to access My Verizon from there, and it doesn't work there either. I get a page saying: Device Not Supported in a red tool bar, and This device is not supported in the white space below it. Prior to the reset, I was able to access my usage in a hot second. I called VZW for tech support today, and we could not fix the bookmarks. They're instructions were for me to download the My Verizon App, which is fine. But I'd like to know why the "much quicker Bookmarks" no longer work.

HTC Incredible :: Verizon Bookmark link broken?

Android :: LG Ally From Verizon 2.1-update1 Has Broken Apps

Sep 26, 2010

I have been told by one of my customers that my app (and some others) no longer works on his phone since he got an OTA for2.1-update. a bit of a Google about and it sounds like yes - my customer and my app are not alone. Has any-one else encountered this - is it Verizon's fault or has my app got some obscure bug? The icon has changed from the normal group text icon to a generic android icon, and instead of being called group text, the name that shows up in my app menu is "com.smallbould". When I click on the icon, every time I get an immediate message saying that Andriod Home has to be force closed. I never even make it to the group text main screen... nothing from group text loads, period. I can uninstall the app and then reinstall it from Android market and everything goes back to normal... the icon and the app name go back to normal and the app loads and works without a problem. But as soon as I power down the phone, the app reverts to the generic icon and becomes totally non functional again. For what its worth, Fandango and History Eraser also have this problem after 2.1-update1. All of these apps worked flawlessly before the update. My phone is an LG Ally from Verizon.

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HTC Incredible :: Bookmark - Alphabetical Order On The Widget?

Aug 10, 2010

I'm using the stock bookmark widget. Is there any way to set it up in alphabetical order on the widget? I can set it to show me my bookmarks in alphabetical order each time I start the browser, but it reverts back to the order I saved them in on the widget.

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HTC Incredible :: Browser Bookmark Buttons Force Closes

Jun 21, 2010

My HTC incredible browser force closes every time I touch the bookmarks button. There was no update or any change preceding this.

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Android :: Eclipse Download Link At Https:// Broken

Jun 22, 2010

I want to get started with an Android application but can't download the plug-in.

Anyone know where else I can get this?

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HTC Incredible :: Facebook App Broken?

May 14, 2010

I do not get face book notifications and have tried every setting. Does the app work for you?

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Android :: StartForeground() Broken On Incredible

May 24, 2010

It seems that on the Incredible the startForeground() call is non- functional, causing my process to be put into the background scheduler class even though it has an active ongoing notification. I'm calling it the same as on other 2.x devices (through reflection as suggested by Diane for backward-compatibility), and this works fine on the Droid, with the same OS level (2.1-update1). I can see in the debugger that it gets all the way to ActivityManagerNative.setServiceForeground() with the notification param being non-null, so it's got to be in the ActivityManager or below.

The really telling thing is that the stock music player acts the same way. When I'm playing a song and go to the home screen the process goes into the bg class, even though its notification is still active. This is a real problem for us, as it denies us the CPU we need to play back music in some cases without stuttering. Any ideas on whether this is getting fixed, and how I might work around it?

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HTC Incredible :: Youtube Player Broken

Jul 23, 2010

youtube was fine up till root, now, it freezes the phone, or decides to give me a error playback message. anyone else have this prob? running the stock rom rooted.

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HTC Incredible :: Getting Files Off Broken Phone?

Aug 6, 2010

I dropped my phone and broke the screen underlying the glass. Over the course of the next few hours the screen turned black. I would like to get some of the pictures off of the phone I took but i don't know how to do that. The phone still turns on you just can't see anything and when i try to connect it to the computer it sees the E and F drives but won't allow me to access them.

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HTC Incredible :: App Market Broken After Root / What To Do?

Jul 1, 2010

I rooted and tried 2 roms, then went back to my original setup I had on my own but with root and tether. Now the android market has stopped working. Any suggestions? Or a place to get a full backup that would put me back to 100% stock so I can bring the phone into a verizon store if I need.

I used clockworkmod for all roms and restores. I did the wipe data and cache etc before loading roms or restoring from nand.

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HTC Incredible :: Alarm Broken After Froyo Update

Sep 26, 2010

Ever since the froyo update (installed fresh from the RUU file), there are random days where my alarm will not sound, both from the stock htc alarm app, and Alarm Klock.At first, I thought it may be gonig off, but I've been muting it in my sleep, but today my suspicions were confirmed when I was awake in time to see it attempt to go off, only for the alarm screen to come up with no sound, despite the alarm volume being cranked up to maximum.I'm honestly at my wit's end with this; I can't find anyone else with this problem, and I've had to buy a cheap clock from CVS to wake myself up in the morning.Has ANYONE else been having this problem? I've already been late to work twice because of it!

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HTC Incredible :: LCD / Digitizer Broken - Need Internal Memory

Sep 20, 2010

My sitch is this: My HTC Incredible has broken screen and digitizer. Otherwise the phone seems to power up and work. I have all my pictures stored on the internal memory (boo). Is there any way to get to the internal memory given that I can't set the phone to USB Debugging mode? Is there an app that I can install on my pc that will allow me to "press buttons" on the phone? I have installed DroidExplorer and I can see the phone, and the sync works... But thats it.

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HTC Incredible :: Link Yahoo Mail To Gmail On My Incredible

Oct 10, 2010

How can I link my Yahoo mail to show in my Gmail on my phone? On my computer, I can see they are linked.I have my Yahoo account listed in Gmail on my laptop when I look at it.I can see all the Yahoo messages imported in my Gmail on my laptop.I also have my local cable provider email (Cox) linked to my Gmail which also shows on my laptop and it imports on both my laptop AND my Inc.I have a seperate Yahoo Icon on my phone and I can get my Yahoo emails on that just fine but I want to have all my emails linked and dumped into my Gmail so I don't have to go into different icons to get my mail.I heard you can do this, even called Verizon and he assured me you could, then wasn't sure, then said he didn't know but to get in touch with Google for this.

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HTC Incredible : Slow Browser - Broken Media Player In 2.2?

Sep 6, 2010

Ever since 2.2, my browser (I use Dolphin HD) moves very slow. Slow load times, and after hitting the Menu button it takes a few seconds for the menu to pop up. Am I the only experiencing this?

Also after the update, the stock media player (I use the HTC one) has developed a few problems. The biggest problem is that it no longer remembers where I pause my music. This problem only develops after being paused for a few minutes. After that, when I press play it restarts the song it was paused on. The other problem, which I've seen reported a few times, is that the player can lag easily and skips sometimes. I've noticed that when I play music and try to look through my music at the same time, that will also lag the music. Is there either a fix, or another music player that will remember where in the song it was paused and not be so laggy? I also need it to be able to Scrobble with my account.

The laggy browser, the laggy music player and a general legginess seems to me like the phone is being over-taxed while doing nothing so when it's told to do anything else it lags. This was never a problem in 2.1. Also, after the 2.2 update I did a factory reset to make sure there was no lingering problems, and I have experienced all of these issues while using and while not using a task killer.

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HTC Incredible :: Broken LCD - How To Retrieve Photos From Onboard Memory

Aug 10, 2010

I'm trying to help my gf with a phone issue with her Droid Incredible. Her screen recently stopped working, so we took it into the Verizon store and she got a warranty replacement. We still have her old phone (it must be returned within 10 days), and I was hoping I might be able to retrieve her photos from the onboard memory.

She does have an SD card, but she only installed it a few days prior to this incident, so I assume her photos were being stored to the onboard memory prior to this.

The phone appears to still be functional except for the screen... It still rings when it receives calls (but can't answer them), still beeps for text messages, etc., and when I hook it up to a computer via USB, two inaccessible disk drives appear.

The problem, as far as I can tell from reading online, is that the onboard memory can't be accessed unless you click "Disk mode" [or whatever it's called] on the phone after plugging it in, and if you don't click this option, it defaults to "Charge Only".

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Motorola Droid :: Can't Setup My Verizon / Yahoo Mail Account (

Nov 10, 2009

For some strange reason I can't seem to set-up my personal e-mail account on this Droid phone. I click on "e-mail", I type in my e-mail address and my password, and then I click "next". And then I get a message that says my username and/or password does not match. But I am positive it does, as I have gone online to test it. I have tried retyping my username and passwrod over and over again without any success. I can't get passed that screen.
I have Verizon FiOS at my house, so my e-mail is set-up through Verizon/Yahoo.

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HTC Incredible :: HTC Or Verizon Logo?

Jul 2, 2010

Do your guys phone have an HTC or Verizon on top? I saw this Engadget article Droid Incredible OTA update said to be bringing mobile hotspot, 720p recording Engadget and the phone has an HTC logo instead of Verizon. Just out of curiosity, does anyone here have a Dinc with htc branding instead of Verizon?

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HTC Incredible :: Which Verizon Case Will You Get?

Apr 24, 2010

Looks like we will only have two Verizon options for cases upon launch. For those of us getting cases from Verizon (until other manufacturers start producing) which one will you choose. I would like this discussion to be focused on just Verizon options.

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HTC Incredible :: Verizon Voicemail

Jul 8, 2010

I hardly ever get Voicemails on my phone. However, I just got one and I went to check it and it is asking for a 4 digit pin. I remember getting an automated call from Verizon that they were altering their voicemail system, but now I don't know how to check it. Where do we go to set this up and create our 4 digit pin, etc?

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HTC Incredible :: What Verizon Plan Are You Getting / Using?

Apr 18, 2010

Curious what plans everyone has or is planning to get? At present I have no contract.I just went on and picked a random smartphone and set up a mock plan- total monthly bill came out to $117.97 a month!Does that sound rediculous? The plan includes: 900 minutes +nights and weekends+5 friends+ unlimited texts 79.99 Unlimited Dataplan 29.99 Total Insurance 7.99 TOTAL: 117.97 How can I get a better deal? Or is that what everyone else is going to do?I have the ability to join a friends Family Plan, would that be wise?

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HTC Incredible :: Use Verizon Inc As Gps In Europe?

Sep 15, 2010

I'll be going to Belgium and Germany next week and wondered if there is any way to use my gps in my Verizon inc while there. Does the gps work even if I am on a different cell network?

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HTC Incredible :: How Do You Get Rid Of Verizon Thing That Keeps Popping Up?

Sep 12, 2010

after getting the 2.2 ota, whenever i plug my phone in to my computer it will have the popup say there is software available to use, do you want to install it? and at the same time brings my web browser to a verizon website. i don't see any option for disabling this. is there something i'm missing?

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HTC Incredible :: Verizon Network Borked

Jul 26, 2010

I'm not sure if this is related to rooting my phone, I don't think it is, but since my phone is rooted and there's a chance that it is related I figured I'd ask here. I recently downloaded the SwitchPro widget and one of the toggles is a 2G/3G button. I was exploring each switch and this one didn't seem to do anything except disable the mobile non-wifi internet. However since then it's not been working properly at all.This is effecting me if I am without Wifi, so I start by disabling Wifi. If I go to Settings > Wireless & networks, Mobile network is checked and says "Use phone for data connection when Wi-Fi is unavailable." But mobile internet doesn't work (only calls and SMS come through). If I go to Internet and launch a page, I immediately get an error that the network is unavailable with an option to click Settings or Cancel. If I click Settings, the Mobile network checkbox is grayed out and then after a few seconds it says Connected. After a few minutes of being idle, this happens again. If I go back to the Wireless & networks listing, it says "Use phone for data connection when Wi-Fi is unavailable" and the box is checked. If I uncheck and recheck is says "Connected."Clearly this widget borked my Mobile network settings, presumably because it's meant for GSM. How can I restore these settings to what they should be without completely restoring my phone from scratch?

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HTC Incredible :: Verizon 3g Network Very Slow?

Jul 29, 2010

Are you guys having any issues in North East/Tri State area of NYC/NJ? Im not getting MMS, can't download attachments, and internet is bogged down like a hooker after a long night. I wanted to know if it's just me, or if other people are having the same issues? Could it be all the droid X users bogging down our network?

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HTC Incredible :: Verizon Contracts - Can We Get Out Without Penalty?

Oct 22, 2010

Got my DINC, 2 of em from a Diamond partner booth in the mall. So many problems, and there was so much we are still discovering. Because it seemed to be lack of full disclosure, can we get out of the contract legally?
The issues have been:
- Didn't notify us about cancellation fee of previous line (we knew but he mad eit sound like he found a way around it - nope)
- Didn't cancel a line so we incurred a month and a half of charges on it
- Employee discount we were counting on was ineligible on unlimited plans and only applies to the primary account on a family plan (just found out today, 3 months later after wondering why the discount was so low) Do you think we have recourse to cancel our contract?

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HTC Incredible :: Verizon Pre-order Warning

Apr 18, 2010

I called and spoke with two different CSR on the phone today as well as one the guys at our local Verizon corporate store. I am still undecided about whether to pre-order tomorrow to save myself from dealing with the mail-in rebate or buying it in store on 4/29. The first CSR I spoke with told me I should receive the phone by FedEx on 4/29. I called later to ask another question about my ne2 and changing plans. I asked the second CSR the same "when will I get it if I pre-order" question and she says I will get it on Friday 4/30. I told her that every thing I have heard and read says it will be there by Thursday 4/29. She told me it was going to be shipped using FedEx 2-day service. I called my local store in Indiana to see if they have ever sold out of any phones when they debut. He says that most of the excitement over the Incredible is by "techies" like me and he expects plenty in stock. I had him check to see when I would get it if I pre-ordered online. He says that it would be shipped 2-day FedEx and I would receive it on Friday 4/30. I told him I would be in on 4/29 to get my phone because I do not want to take a chance on waiting an extra day. This is just a FYI for those expecting it on Thursday because it may take an extra day to get to you.

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HTC Incredible :: Verizon Commercial On Camera

May 21, 2010

YouTube - Verizon DROID INCREDIBLE by HTC - Camera

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Android :: Stay With Verizon And Get Incredible Or Get Evo?

May 23, 2010

looking forward to getting my first android. I currently have an LG Dare with verizon and my contract isn't up until October. So I'm due for an upgrade and can get the Incredible whenever I want. I have been reading up on the Evo (still don't know a lot, but I do know some of the differences between the phones) and can't decide if the Evo is worth getting to pay $80 for ETF.I just started working at Walmart so I can get a 20% discount at Verizon, not sure on Sprint as of now, I live Springfield, MO (3rd largest city in MO) Sprints site says it has "best" coverage, but I don't see 4G being in the picture for a while.Should I stay with Verizon and get the incredible and just get a 4g phone next year? or make the leap to my 3rd carrier in 6 years?

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HTC Incredible :: Why Doesn't Verizon Do What Apple Does?

Apr 12, 2010

Ok so whenever Apple has something "special" or "magical" they hold a press conference, show off the device or software and generate huge industry buzz and keep the fanboys apple-boners hard. Take the iPad and recent iPhone OS4. Yeah people came out and said they hate what they are a closed system, but 700,000+ iPads sold obviously was generated by the press conference/unveiling. So my question is, why don't Verizon, Google and HTC team up and unveil the incredible a month or so in advance? Do pre-sales and make it happen. sounds simple and lucrative.Without it being unveiled this forum has generated 31k+ replies and 1.8 million views on the **Official** thread for the Incredible and its NOT EVEN OUT YET.

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HTC Incredible :: Verizon Annual Upgrade

Oct 29, 2010

my dad has the primary line on my plan and he pays more than 49.99 per month so he qualifies for the annual upgrade. i wanted to know if i can use that upgrade as an alternate upgrade and upgrade my samsung reality to an htc incredible using his upgrade?

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