HTC Incredible :: Tethering And Streaming Audio

May 6, 2010

I've been jonesing to be able to listen to Sirius and especially Howard Stern while I'm at work. I wanted to test out data usage by using PDANet to stream Howard on my laptop. I didn't pay attention to the clock, but I'm sure it was streaming for at least 2-3 hours. Checked my account today and the data usage jumped by 156 MB in 24 hours.So, bear that in mind if you're thinking of tethering for streaming audio. Consistent usage like that could possibly tip off VZ that something fishy is going on.

HTC Incredible :: Tethering and streaming audio

HTC Incredible :: Way To Disable A2DP Streaming Audio

May 21, 2010

is there a way to disable A2DP streaming audio on the HTC INC? Obviously, I would prefer to play my music thru my car stereo via AUX cable, rather then streaming via my bluetooth speaker.I already spoke with tech support for my new BlueAnt S4 and they said there is no way to disable it via the speakerphone. Hopefully, there is a way to block it on the phone directly.

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HTC Incredible : Fix For Streaming Audio Quality Through Pandora?

Aug 5, 2010

Wondering is there is a fix yet for the poor audio quality through pandora? Sounded much better before 2.2. The only "fix" I have seen drastically slows down performance.

Yes, I did turn on the higher quality sound in the Pandora settings.

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HTC Incredible :: Market And Streaming Audio Fix For Leaked Froyo

Jul 28, 2010

This is an update to the market fix thread from below. However, to fix streaming audio quality, it also requires build.prop changes.So please disregard that thread and take a look at this one. - - online file sharing and storage - download

Note, if you are having trouble with performance, this will JUST fix the market and return the streaming audio settings back to default.

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HTC Incredible : How Do I Install Streaming Audio Fix - Load It Through Clockworkmod

Aug 25, 2010

I have a quick question, I'm running the latest FrankenROM with Sense from 8/22/2010 with the stock kernel and the 2.15 radio. How do I install the streaming audio fix? My pandora sounds terrible now. Is it done through adb (if so, can anyone type up the instructions/commands) or do I just put it on the SD card and load it through clockworkmod?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Can't Play Streaming Audio From Web

Sep 19, 2010

My favorite TV and FM stations all have links on there websites for live streaming vidoe/audio. They all have Quicktime or Windows Media links but my Evo will not plahy them. I've tried several Radio apps on the Market but no luck with them either. Is this a planned fix or do I have to go back to to a I-phone or a windows based phone?

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Android :: Audio Streaming From PC To Phone

Aug 26, 2009

I'd like to be able to keep tabs on my dogs while I'm away. Ideally, I picture an app running on my PC that can stream audio to my cell, when I run an app on my cell. Any ideas around this? And there can be monkeys in the middle (PC to webpage to phone).

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HTC Desire :: Audio Streaming On Bluetooth

May 25, 2010

I can't seem to get my Desire to stream audio on my Parrot MK600 car hands free kit. It pairs and connects, I can make calls over the hands free and it downloads the contact but when I play music from the stock Music app it still comes out over the handset.

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Android :: Audio Streaming Integration

Jan 27, 2009

How can I integrate the cupcake audio streaming code into the existing android sdk?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Way To Output Streaming Video / Audio To TV?

Jun 27, 2010

I subscribed to JetFlix, in the market. (Jetflicks! TV - Android app on AppBrain) It is a $3 app with a $10/month subscription. I watch it on my phone in my car at the lake during my lunch break. I know that probably sounds sad, but it is AWESOME. I'm a manager in the dang corporate world, and I forget that I am at work by the time I'm done with a movie and come on back to the office. It's my dirty little secret. ANYWAY, there are some great shows available on this application, and I was thinking of replacing my Netflix subscription with it if I could just stream it to my TV at home. I haven't bought an HDMI cable yet, because I don't have a use for one just yet. But is anything "streamable" to the tv? I read that only pictures and videos that were shot with the camera stream though the HDMI cable. If that is the case, what is the point? I keep all that stuff on a hard drive anyway. So my question: can I hook up an HDMI cable and stream Jetflicks to my TV? The Jetflicks movies play on the native Internet browser. So I guess a more accurate question would be: Does the native internet browser display on the TV through the HDMI cable? If so, is there audio?

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Android :: Streaming Audio From URL Using MediaPlayer?

Dec 27, 2009

I've been trying to stream mp3's over http using Android's built in MediaPlayer class. The documentation would suggest to me that this should be as easy as :

MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer();

However I am getting the following repeatedly. I have tried different URLs as well. Please don't tell me that streaming doesn't work on mp3's.

E/PlayerDriver( 31): Command PLAYER_SET_DATA_SOURCE completed with an error or info PVMFErrNotSupported
W/PlayerDriver( 31): PVMFInfoErrorHandlingComplete
E/MediaPlayer( 198): error (1, -4)
E/MediaPlayer( 198): start called in state 0
E/MediaPlayer( 198): error (-38, 0)
E/MediaPlayer( 198): Error (1,-4)
E/MediaPlayer( 198): Error (-38,0)

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Android :: Streaming Audio Over TCP Sockets

May 1, 2010

For my app, I need to record audio from MIC on an Android phone, and send it over TCP to the other android phone, where it needs to be played. I am using AudioRecord and AudioTrack class. This works great with a file - write audio to the file using DataOutputStream, and read from it using DataInputStream. However, if I obtain the same stream from a socket instead of a File, and try writing to it, I get an exception. I am at a loss to understand what could possibly be going wrong.

This is the code:.................

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Android :: Streaming Audio AAC Format

Jun 22, 2010

I have developed a streaming app for Android. My app is streaming AAC audio.The app works fine on 1.5, 1.6, and 2.1. I tested it on Froyo, the android 2.2 and it does not work there.I have try everthing - Streaming directly from server url - Download incrementaly the content, store in a temp file, start reading. - Download incrementaly the content, store in a ContentProvider and start reading.No luck, I always got errors : 06-23 02:47:02.257: ERROR/MediaPlayer(266): Unable to to create media player 06-23 02:47:02.257: INFO/System.out(266): setDataSourceFD failed.: status=0x80000000 Does Froyo support AAC? Anyone happens to stream AAC?

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Android : Does SDK 1.5 Support Audio - Mp3 Streaming

Sep 2, 2009

I am working on a music streaming application and cannot find APIs I can use for it (MediaPlayer supports files only local or HTTP). I have a few questions and would appreciate if someone can help me answering them.

Does Android SDK 1.5 support audio streaming (MP3 stream for example)? If does what API calls I can use? If doesn't what are the plans for future SDK releases that would support streaming? Are there any suggested work arounds until the streaming is supported (like temp files etc)?

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Motorola Droid :: Bluetooth Streaming Audio

Dec 1, 2009

let me start out by saying that I totally expected this to flop, and not even come close to working.I have a Kenwood DNX6140 installed in my car.So on the way home tonight for some reason I decided to try an experiment.I live in southern california. I ran the A-Online-Radio app, and searched for a radio station I loved in Rochester, NY when I was going to school there. Low and behold, it shows up in the list.So, I turn on the bluetooth on the phone, and connect to the kenwood. I switch the kenwood to the bluetooth input, it says "connected to Droid" (didn't even expect to get this far lol), and hit play on the A-Online-Radio.

And poof, the audio starts playing through the kenwood and out my car speakers.That is so freaking awesome, I still can't believe it.The last time I was able to do this was with my VZ XV6700. I would use internet explorer on the WM device, and connect to the web page, and start the streaming, which would come out of the phones speakers. Then I'd connect an FM transmitter to the phone, so I could hear it on the stereo in the car. That sucked, was a pain in the butt, but it worked.

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Android :: Update 2.1 Broke Audio Streaming

Jun 30, 2010

I have installed the 2.1 update on my HTC Hero yesterday, and happy as a puppy I instaleld my streaming app... Just to discover that it won't stream decently... It has to stream an mp3 stream and it works on my ADP 1.6 device, on a Samsung Galaxy S test-device (with 2.1) and on the 2.1 emulator...

Logcat is gettign the follwoing errors :

06-30 10:14:18.360: INFO/AudioPolicyService(56): stopOutput(): before lock
06-30 10:14:21.259: DEBUG/dalvikvm(1906): GC freed 28 objects / 1944 bytes in 186ms
06-30 10:14:21.439: INFO/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(56): AudioHardware pcm playback is going to standby.
06-30 10:14:21.439: DEBUG/StreamProcess(56): OutputStreamProcess::ResetAOLC()
06-30 10:14:22.919: INFO/AudioPolicyService(56): startOutput(): before lock
06-30 10:14:22.987: INFO/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(56): AUDIO_START: start kernel pcm_out driver.
06-30 10:14:26.329: DEBUG/dalvikvm(287): GC freed 11 objects / 488 bytes in 268ms
06-30 10:14:47.789: INFO/AudioPolicyService(56): stopOutput(): before lock
06-30 10:14:50.879: INFO/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(56): AudioHardware pcm playback is going to standby.
06-30 10:14:50.879: DEBUG/StreamProcess(56): OutputStreamProcess::ResetAOLC()
06-30 10:14:53.911: INFO/AudioPolicyService(56): startOutput(): before lock
06-30 10:14:54.022: INFO/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(56): AUDIO_START: start kernel pcm_out driver.

The result is a playing player, which stops (pauzes) every 10 seconds, the restarts This will work for about 8-10 restarts and then will simply stop without ever thrwoing an exception or something like that Which makes it somewhat difficult (if not impossible) to catch for us developers So has anyone been experiencing the same problem ? Does anyone have a clue if in this update another OpenCore lib has been used ? Does anyone have any solution ?

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HTC EVO 4G :: STREAMING Music Player - Audio Formats

Jul 20, 2010

Any music player that can stream audio formats aac+,pls,m3u.asx,.ram?

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Motorola CLIQ :: Looking For .m3u Streaming Audio Player

Jan 5, 2010

I'm looking for an audio player that will automatically launch when I click on a .m3u file/link from within my browser. So far I've had no luck finding one.

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Media :: Streaming Audio Via Bluetooth Stereo

Jul 8, 2009

I'm wondering what the current state of streaming online audio through bluetooth stereo is, post cupcake. I think the consensus is that it's not currently possible, but I feel like it should be. In fact, it does ALMOST work. Using StreamFurious or Dizzler, it will start to play and stutter a few seconds, then cut out totally. I can hear a song begin to play, but the audio is choppy and then goes out. So, bluetooth seems to be making, but not maintaining a connection to the audio stream. How to remedy this? I want my streaming SOMAFM.COM.

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HTC Hero :: Playing Streaming Audio Links On Web

Apr 19, 2010

Might be a daft question but is there any app I could download that will assist me with this. On my onld phone (Windows Mobile based) I could listen to certain sports commentaries via the internet stream. (I think they are .wma files). Is there any app that will allow me to play these or is it beyond android to play windows media format at the moment. for information the Hero tries to play but returns a content not supported' type error

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Android :: Audio Only While Streaming Mp4 File To Device

Jul 11, 2010

I 've set Wowza streaming server to stream mp4 videos to Android phones. Android phone can play the RTSP stream successfully but here It only plays audio of the file not the video.

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Android :: Default Streaming Audio Application

Dec 30, 2009

When I pair my sprint htc hero to my car stereo, it always opens the default music player and starts playing a song. Can I prevent this from happening? I generally want to listen to pandora - and not my mp3's. Most annoying part is that the mp3's play simultaneously with pandora until I manually open that music app and pause the music.

There must be a way to either turn off the default action or to plug another program name into that defautl.

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Android :: Streaming Audio To Mobile Phones

May 24, 2010

I'm planning on building an application where audio media is going to be streamed to the mobile phone for the user to listen.The targets are smartphones: iPhone/Blackberry/Android/(J2ME ?).I see that streaming on iPhone has to be done with HTTP Live streaming, but I don't see it supported by other platforms.Should I broadcast the streams via rstp ? http ? Is there any way to use a unified solution for all the different mobile platform ? If anyone already had to go through this, help would be greatly appreciated.

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Android :: How To Play Streaming Audio / Video From URL

Nov 1, 2010

I am new in Android. I am using android os 2.2. I am trying to play streaming audio and video from url. I don't know what to do for that. after 3 days og googling i come to know that I have to use mediaPlayer and MediaController classes.I had use different differend combination of codes found on internet but not succeed.Can anybody guide me what to do for streaming audio/video playing. What about the UI if we use MediaPlayer or Controller class. is there any thing to related these in xml file of layout.if not then even please tell me what may be the code for that.please help me.

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Android : Requires Streaming Of An AAC Audio Stream

Aug 7, 2010

I'm working on an app for a client that requires streaming of an AAC audio stream. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about the stream format on the server. I'm working on Android and have discovered that Android's media player does not support raw AAC streams (which is what I'm getting). I found a project on Google Code that supports it (I tested it with the stream) but it's GPL'ed and that doesn't work for my client. I don't have much experience with this sort of thing so forgive me if my ideas aren't great. I know Android can play AAC encoded content if it is in an MP4 wrapper so I had thought about creating an MP4 wrapper on the fly on the client-side or perhaps even just doing some conversion to another format on the fly. Are these reasonable options? Does anybody have better suggestions?

Edit To rephrase, is it possible to put a raw AAC stream from a web server in an MP4 container in real time? If so, does anybody know of resources to help me with the process?

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Android :: Audio Track Class Streaming Mode

May 18, 2010

I am trying to playback voice data which is received in form of RTP packets in my application. The class extends thread is playing back the audio. The question is
1. For real time streaming operation how to configure the write(byte[], int offsetInBytes, int sizeInBytes) methods?
2. What is the function and purpose of getPlaybackHeadPosition() What is playback head position kindly explain! Note: The RTP packets I am receiving are not from a traditional Datagram Socket but rather then from Ad Hoc Network so there is unknow delay for receiving the RTP packets. I need to design the Receiver class to play back the voice as soon as packets are recieved. Kindly help me in this regard You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers+ unsubscribe@ google For more options, visit this group at

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Android :: Streaming Audio From Computer To Device Via Bluetooth Possible?

May 21, 2010

I want to stream audio directly from my mac via bluetooth to my nexus one. This might sound crazy, but I actually want to be able to control the audio from my mac. I just want to be able to connect an audio jack to my nexus one and let it stream the audio via bluetooth. Is there an app for that?

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Android :: Mediaplayer To Play Live Streaming Audio

Nov 8, 2010

In my music app, i would like to play live streaming like radio broadcasting with mediaplayer as Mediaplayer mp = new Mediaplayer(); mp.setDataSource(LiveStreamingURL); mp.prepare(); mp.start(); but after playing for few seconds it is stopped. I dont know how to overcome it. Give me your suggestions for this.

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Android :: Streaming (live) Video And Audio From Camera Example App?

Mar 23, 2010

Where to get streaming (live) video and audio from camera example for Android? Suppose I want to create some live video streaming service app so I'll have some cool server at the back end. And I know how to do that part. Suppose I have some stand alone app for PCs now I want to go on to mobile devices. So I want to see some sample app grabing audio and video streams from Phone, Synchronizing them, encoding somehow, and sending LIVE stream to server. I need any Open-Source sample that will do this or something like this. Where can I get such one?

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Samsung Moment :: Streaming Audio Stuttering Poll

Nov 5, 2009

It's time we find out if the audio problems are with all Moment's or just some.If you have used any streaming audio apps such as Pandora, or the new Slacker Radio, have you experienced regular stuttering?

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