HTC Hero :: Open Source Wi-Fi Spot?
Nov 9, 2009Is there an app or setting for the Hero that would alert you to the fact you are in an open source wifi spot?

Is there an app or setting for the Hero that would alert you to the fact you are in an open source wifi spot?
I see a Sprint Hotspot app on the Epic. What happens if you press it? Does it auto-activate the hotspot, or does it check to see if you have the add-on plan before it can be used?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering what is your take on the best open source SMS app? I'm getting sick of developing off of SMSPopup... is there any other ones that are better?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI haven't seen many open source android apps yet. Can I make my app gpl open source just like that? Or do I have to include legal statements regarding the Android code that my app is using?
View 3 Replies View RelatedBasically im looking to make a type of "search and opens a custom page" type app, such as when you type in a word (maybe adding in suggestions to what you are typing) , and when you click the word you desire, it opens a page made by myself with data on it.
I found an opensource of a dictionary, sounds lame, but it's a generally close idea to what i would like to create.
My question: What part of this code would i edit? and what exactly would i put at that location? also, how do I create a custom page for it to go to when it click the said word ?
Where is the best place to host an Open Source project for an Android app? I am thinking about setting my app eTools free into an open source license. I want to know the best place to host that project. I will probably go with but wanted to hear what others have done.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAny android emulator open source code. I need to slightly modify it for my task.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am currently working on an open source collection of Android APIs that will be collected into a toolkit. Essentially, this toolkit is intended to ease coding pains for developers by simplifying things such as network operations, file operations, etc..
I already have a bunch of things planned, such as PHP POST and GET operations, POP3, IMAP, and SMTP operations, File management operations (creating files, downloading files, parsing files, etc...). What other kinds of operations do you all think could be simplified or even just want an alternative to?
I recently became acutely aware of how dependent I am on Feedly when it went down for my a couple days ago.Are there any good community driven open source RSS applications available?
View 3 Replies View RelatedCould any one tell me how to get open source eclair code. Or is it available for public to download.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAs a thesis for my graduation I'm going to start an open source project: My idea is to port a complete set of mathematical libraries to Android, to perform numeric and symbolic operations, in the form of a programmable calculator like matlab or sage. I want to release this project under GPL, because I believe that ideas need to be free to work, but I also know that i will spend a lot of money to buy multiple device to do debug and fine tuning. I thought about selling the prepacked app on the market for 0.99, while giving the source to compile on the site for free. It would be like a small tax on laziness. What do you think? How do you think I could fund this project?
View 2 Replies View Relateddoes somebody know site(s) with open-source games for Android?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am looking for the hp slate 21 open source kernel. I want to modify the kernel image to change the power_start from 0 to 1 so the tablet can boot when the tablet is plugged. How to do it or has the open source kernel that would be to unpack the zImage kernel for the hp slate 21.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWithin all the call recorder app available on the play store, which one has fulfill your needs ? One of them is open source ? I don't know which one to choose and there are no reviews about it...And I heard that a lot of these apps record only mic and not the other voice during the call.
View 7 Replies View RelatedCurrently we are working on a free and open source NFC software implementation. The hardware requirements are only one (low-power consuming) chip and an antenna. The corresponding API and software is mostly developed and already working on several NFC devices out there.
View 2 Replies View RelatedToday is quite a big day to me. After all the work, studies and sleepless nights that I've been through, I've decided to share all that with the community opening the source of Phonebook Sharing. We have been chosen by the Android powered users as well as by Google as one of the ADC's Top 20 Social Networking applications. This application explores and makes use of many many features available by the platform (Android 1.5 / 1.6) as well as custom components/features that the platform does not provide yet, such as ListView pagination. Not just the Android client but also the J2EE server, I've made available quite a few interessting things such as Video Streaming and EJB3 stuff. I've also built a fake server that responds to all the request events made by the android client therefore you will be able to run client/ server and see how the communication goes. I'm still wrapping up the project building some documentation on our Wiki section.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to use some open source code with GPL3. As usual I don't want to open source code for full application.
Now what I understand is if I make two separate process one with my main application code and other as a service or something with Open source library then in that case I have to open source code only for the other one.
Now the question is what is the best way to do so in Android. Suppose My Main App is A Open Source code is B. So A will give some data to B. B will process this and sends data back to A. B may not need to have any UI.
1. Is it possible to install 2 seperate applications / processes from one APK? 2. What is the best way ?Should B be a service? How will be the communication between A and B ? 3. Is it possible to run/call B from A?
I wanna compile Mokee Open Source for i9305, how i can with the guide of
Here is my contribution to Android and the Open source..
I just wanted to share my Holo Theme port to Android 1.X and 2.X. This port is fully compatible with ActionBarSherlock and should be really easy to install.
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I know you can get OTA updates on a custom ROM via rom manager but its proprietary. Are there any open source solutions to OTA updates on custom roms?
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust wondering how folks are publishing to the Market. Is there an open source reader program/application I can use to encode a book to a specific format then upload it to the Market? How does Android ensure that there isn't a copyright violation going on?
View 2 Replies View RelatedTrying to build Android open source project on Ubuntu 10.04 (on VMware Player).
I followed the instructions at this link (and it said to use sun-java5 JDK 1.5 which takes some fishing to find for Ubuntu) -
Got 299 compile errors. Wondering if the direction to use JDK 1.5 is out of date? Some of the errors are as follows (and many similar) -
Motorola releases open-source portions of the Droid X source code Android Central. Does this mean we can take off blur?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am setting up an open source 3D game engine for android. What license should we use? Thought we'd go with something like BSD or maybe GPL/LGPL, but getting confused about it. Want a license that helps developers - doesn't hinder them - and an engine that's as open as possible.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn my app, I'm taking advantage of a web-based API (the Sunlight Labs API) that requires an API Key.The project is also open source, hosted on Github. I want to avoid committing my API key into the codebase.I'd be fine with creating some other .xml file of special string values, and git-ignoring that file (while providing a .xml.example file to copy into its place), but I don't know the best way of doing that with the Android SDK.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWith this update, Sapphire is starting to hit its stride.Going from just an upstart from source build, to a true well kept rom.There have been many doubter's and from some parts of the community outright hostility and contempt.No matter what is said about this rom and the people behind it, this project is just that competition.Calling all developers to up their game and make everything better and more polished than ever before.
View 35 Replies View RelatedI open task manager i find no apps running i leave it for 1 min for example and i reopen it, i find some apps running without i run them such as MAIL, Touch input, why do they open
View 1 Replies View RelatedRED 5 video server on Android mobile phone. Is there any Open Source port project? So like simple opensource live Camera Video Audio encoding to FLV... I need such Opensource project to create Android live video streaming client for my server (I want to encode video on clients into FLV)
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis question here lists some good links to general Android applications (that I'm already looking over) but I'm interested at the moment in specifically games (board-type, intelligent games rather than action - in other words, I don't need real-time). What are the best sources for applications like that? I want to look over the source code to get myself up to speed quickly.
(Please don't just Google for results, I've already done that and the pickings are a little scarce. I'm interested in anyone who's actually taken time to find and evaluate good sites for this - so ideally, you'd already be an Android developer interested in developing games).
I'm writing a JavaScript for an open source browser available for Android to replace the text in the body tag of the pages loaded into the browser with some different text. This should be worked in away that once a page get loaded into the browser, this JavaScript executes & the replacements take place & finally the page with replaced text is visible in the browser.
This is the replacing part of the code:
var textnodes, node, i;
textnodes = document.evaluate("//body//text()[not(ancestor::script) and not(ancestor::style)]",document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null);
function replace() {
for (i = 0; i < textnodes.snapshotLength; i++) {
node = textnodes.snapshotItem(i);
text =;
text = text.replace(/'/g, "'");
//The rest of the replacements = text;
However document.evaluate seems to be not working. How to correct this code or any suggestions to do this replacing body text task in any other way?