HTC Hero :: Preparing For Rooting - Install Custom ROM - Backup?

May 9, 2010

i ve a Hero with Build Number "2.73.707.9". It was bought in Singapore from the carrier SingTel. I ve read thru the instruction in the thread "How To Root + Install Custom ROM + Backup + More", but there dun seem to be an appropriate way for my Hero, since the method for South East Asia model is for "2.73.728.5" instead. so will that same method work for my Hero (aka the Gold Card method)?

HTC Hero :: Preparing for rooting - Install Custom ROM - Backup?

HTC Hero :: Rooting - Do I Have To Install Custom Firmware?

Apr 27, 2010

if i rooted my hero, do i have to install a custom firmware? really all i want is wifi tethering and maybe apps2sd, do i have to install a custom firmware to do these or can i just use a stock one?

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HTC Hero :: How To Root - Install Custom ROM - Backup - More

Mar 20, 2010

I have seen many threads & posts from confused Hero owners. The forum is cluttered full of them. So I thought it would be good for all the information to reside in one thread and if people are still having problems then they should make a new thread. I understand that it is sometimes difficult to find the right instructions as there are conflicting posts / thread everywhere.
There are so many guides out there. Each more confusing than the last. So many unnecessary steps. This way is quick and easy.

Note: I have to the best of my knowledge checked and performed the following guides myself and confirm that they work. If my spelling or grammar is wrong, my methods are wrong, you'd like to add something or whatever please Private Message me with the URL of the post and please specify what is wrong. I will try and change / update it ASAP.

I take no responsibility for anything that may go wrong. It is your responsibility to BACKUP everything periodically. The end.

The following Guides are for GSM Hero's Only (Europe)... US / Sprint Users Please See Here

I have made the following GUIDES:-

What Is Rooting & The Benefits & The Downsides

Which Method Do I Use? (Searchable by firmware) <-- Click Me FIRST


How To Install A Custom ROM

How To Update The Radio

How To Back Up & Restore Your Phone

How to Back Up Your Applications

I am on T-Mobile/3UK & I can't Root my phone / upgrade to a customROM

I Am On Orange [ Firmware] & I Cant Use Any Instant Rooting Methods

WORK IN PROGRESS // Thanks for your support. I would like to thank Modaco, its users and people on this forum for helpful information which enabled me to put this guide together after my own experiences and frustration at finding contradicting info.

My Work Here Is Done. My Time With My Beloved Hero (The Best Phone I Have Ever Had To Date)... Is Now Over. I Have A Samsung Galaxy S Now ^_^ So Unfortunately This Guide Is No Longer Going To Be Updated/Supported. However Everything Within This Guide Will Still Work & Will Be Valid For Ever & Ever ... Feel Free To PM Me If The Thread Needs Updating...I Won't Leave My Fellow Hero Users Completely.

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HTC Hero :: Titanium Backup Error After Rooting

Apr 27, 2010

I am trying to root and install a 2.1 ROM on my Hero. I've downloaded and run the InstantRoot app on my phone, and then installed Titanium Backup as suggested in the thread here.

When I open it, I get the following error:

"busybox works but the "su" command does not elevate to root: "whoami" reports "whoami: unknown uid 10069" instead of root/uid 0. I think your "Superuser Whitelist" system app does not work. Please check with your ROM provider."

Is this error going to stop me installing the 2.1 ROM? I'm worried that I'm a bit out of my depth here, and depsite having googled the error message, I can't find anything that tells me what the error actually means for me!

I'm using an unlocked GSM Hero on Vodafone UK.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Rooting And Custom ROM

Feb 4, 2010

I have been around these forums since the Hero came out. I was lurking then and became a member when I bought a Hero 2 weeks later. I enjoy my Hero although yes it is slow at times. I love watching my SprintTV on my phone and listening to Pandora. I have read that if I but a custom ROM on and SetCPU and a few other goodies, I can speed the phone up a lot and have a better experience. I also hear that I can tether without having to use PDANet.

1. Can I still use Sprint TV?
2. Is the speed boost really worth installing a Custom ROM
3. What is the benefit of just Rooting the phone and keeping the Stock ROM?

4. I see this voids the warranty, but if you put the stock software back on the phone, does sprint ever know that you rooted if you take it in for service?

5. And can some of you that have done this process list out the top 5 favorite features you got out of this. Makes these actual results, not just what you heard about.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Rooting And Loading Custom ROM?

Jan 21, 2010

If i root my sprint htc hero the way says and load a fresh, when 2,1 comes out, will i be able to update to it? i know it probably been answered a thousand times on here, bu ti havent found it. also i hear about nandroid backup. how do i do that, and does it restore to factory settings or can you you choose a specific restore point? thanks in advance. i have to say also the hero is soooooooooo much better than the moment. i had the samsung for about 2 weeks, and was wanting to go to bb, but i read all the great posts on here abou the hero, so i went with it, and couldnt be happier

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Rooting And Installing A Custom Rom

Mar 3, 2010

I have rooted and installed the fresh rom with gumbo on my sprin hero my wife has a cellular south hero and wants me to do the same for hers i was wondering if there was a simple guide to doing this the step by step guide for sprints hero was cool and easy to use.

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HTC Hero :: Can't Install Custom Rom

Nov 3, 2010

So I can't install custom rom. I have rooted phone. Every time when i try to enter Hboot I get this error : Searching , and it doesn't finds it and returns back. I also cannot do a flashrec. I renamed image into recovery-backup,recovery etc,etc, but it says Flash failed,I changed version from the newest to the oldest tried many image files. Nothing helps. When I try to enter a recovery menu I cannot get a custom recovery menu,I am only being stucked at normal hero recovery menu.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Preparing To Root

Jan 17, 2010

About to make the commitment to rooting and flashing to Fresh 1.1, but before I start on that path, I just want to detail my plan and ask a few questions. This is my first time rooting

1. Download that one program to downgrade/take off that recent firmware update
2. Download Fresh 1.1
3. Download File manager (any suggestions?)
4. Follow one-click rooting steps
5. Flash to Fresh 1.1
6. Download/use Nandroid to create a backup
7. Download and install patch for browser's flash player

Am I leaving anything out? Does the order look correct?..................

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Sprint HTC Hero :: How To Install Custom Rom?

Jun 22, 2010

So I rooted my hero to 2.1 and now my question is how to install rom? is there a thread to help. Im extremely new to this. ty

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Sprint HTC Hero : Themes To Install Without Putting A Custom ROM On It?

Jul 24, 2010

I rooted my Hero and am pretty happy with the stock 2.1 with wifi and the bulk removed ,are there any themes I can install without putting a custom ROM on it?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: How To Install Custom Recovery Image In Stock 2.1 Update?

Sep 11, 2010

I have a Sprint HTC Hero 2.1 Update 6. Today, I installed universal one-click root app onto my phone from this link : [APP] [ROOT] 1-click root for N1 (Latest ver: 1.6.2 beta 5) - xda-developers and I believe I got my phone rooted. Now, I am hoping to get custom recovery image installed on my phone so that I can nandroid back up my current stock 2.1 based image before installing CM6. I was hoping to try clockworkmod through ROM Manager app. Does this image work in HTC Hero ? If not, is there any other recovery image that I should try for my 2.1 hero ?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Device Self Service 1.1 Goes Into Preparing Device

Oct 14, 2009

Does anyone know what this program is? What does it do? i launch it, it goes into preparing device and then I am back at home screen.

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HTC EVO 4G : Way Of Backup Phone Without Rooting

Jul 14, 2010

I have not rooted my phone, and need to back everything up as I have a new phone coming (original had battery issues HTC and Radio Shack willing to address). Once I get new phone, _then_ I will finally root my phone and go forward. In the meantime, no point in rooting this one to install backup software, as I'll lose my data anyways. So, given that limitation, what can I backup? I would love to backup my mail account settings, for example.

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Rooting Emulator To Use Titanium Backup

Jun 19, 2012

I really want is to install Whatsapp on my TF101 tablet, but the thing is, I don't have a droid cellphone.So my resources are, run an emulator, run whatsapp (which I`m already doing) install titanium backup on the emulator, back whatsapp and install on my tablet thru titanium backup.

I just came into a problem: I can`t install Titanium Backup on my emulator. Im using SDK/AVD Managers. Ive tried runing thru command prompt with the -root command, tried an shortcut, that I found out:

if (%1)==() echo "MUST SPECIFY AN AVD!" && exit /B
cd /d %~dp0
@echo on

But nothing will work to "root" my AVD. When I try to install titanium backup it just says I don't have access.

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Motorola Droid :: Forgot To Backup Before Rooting / What To Do Now?

Jun 20, 2010

After several hours I finally got my Droid (2.1) rooted. I was having trouble getting RSDLite to recognize my phone. I finally switched computers and it only took 10 minutes. Unfortunately I rooted before I could make a backup in SPRecovery. Is this a problem if I need to Unroot later?

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Motorola Droid X :: Rooting With Method - Run Titanium Backup

Sep 29, 2010

I was thinking about rooting with the droid 2 method. After that I'm unclear what is the safest method.

1. Run Titanium backup
2. Koush's bootstrap recovery
3. install rom manager
4. flash a theme (which is the main reason i want root)

Is that my safest, most recoverable (is that a word) method? Or what should i do after root to be the most safe from bricking my phone?

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Samsung Moment : Want To Backup All Apps With Rooting Phone

May 20, 2010

i have a non rooted samsung moment, & i want to backup my apps, even my paid apps, but i cant seem to find a way to do a backup unless my phone is rooted, any ideas or ways i can backup all my apps w/o rooting my phone?

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Jelly Bean :: Backup All Settings (especially App Folders) Without Rooting?

Feb 28, 2014

app that does a complete backup of my device (Note 3) that will restore all settings including the app folders that I have created. I have used Samsung Kies, but that does not restore my app folders. I have spent a lot of time setting up my apps into folders, but there is no app that I can find that will restore app folders. Many of the apps say the restore system settings, but it doesn't appear to me that those settings include the app folders. Coming from an iPhone, this is the biggest frustration that I have so far with my device. iCloud will restore all settings so that a new device is exactly the same as the one it's replacing.

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General :: Rooting And Using Titanium Backup - Stock App Disappeared?

Oct 5, 2011

I rooted my Defy with Superoneclick n after installing Titanium backup, i was converting certain stock apps to user apps and suddenly Titanium backup force-closed. Somehow, the stock app which was being converted disappeared

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HTC EVO 4G :: Rooting Without Custom Rom

Nov 22, 2010

Just got an EVO a week or so ago, am planning on rooting once unrEVOked is updated to work with 3.30. Here's the question: I'm primarily interested in rooting to be able to remove Sprint's bloatware, and maybe try out the tethering. If you have root access, can you just freely delete the programs you don't want or need to the same extent as if they were market apps, or do I need to install a custom ROM to get rid of the bloatware? Pardon what is probably a very simple question, but I've seen some conflicting info on this point, and wanted to be sure I know what I'm getting myself into.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Does Rooting With Custom Rom Fix Gsm?

Oct 11, 2010

cuz it seems to me that when i have my evo rooted its battery lasts alot longer, am i wrong? the guide im following is here. How to root Android 2.2 on the EVO 4G - xda-developers

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Motorola Droid X :: Steps Of Rooting - Manual Contact Backup?

Oct 10, 2010

I think I'll root tonight. Btw, a lot of the guides and threads I see are pre-ota2.2 so i don't know if that's the safest way. So I am going to root using the D2 method here. As I take it there isn't an easier method for the DX right now. Then from there I 1. Select bootstrap recovery 2. Reboot Recovery 3. When the recovery loads, move down and select "backup/restore" select backup. 4. Press camera button after backup to reboot. 5. Find a theme. Put on sd card. Right? Do I need to select bootstrap recovery every time i want to install a new theme before I hit reboot recovery? I know I need rom manager regardless, is it better to backup on RM or Koush? Or both? Titanium backup will save all my apps, even paid apps correct? Is there anyway my titanium backup can be erased? And so all my contacts are automatically backed up to my gmail account or do I do that myself?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Rooting And Custom ROMs

Nov 24, 2010

I have searched here and via Google searches about Rooting and custom ROMs. I still am not quite sure what any of it means. I know rooting allows access to things that you normally cannot do such as removing HTC and Sprint apps. Which I would LOVE to do. I mean, who the hell wants the stock widget anyway?

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HTC Eris :: Rooting And Custom ROM

Sep 15, 2010

I've recently rooted via the 1-click method and I now want to try a custom ROM. I've tried to read many, many posts but I still have some questions.

1. I'm still not quite clear on how much will be "wiped out" when I flash a new ROM. Is it similar to when I did the OTA 2.1 upgrade? Will I lose all of my installed apps?

2. I thinking of trying xtrSENSE. In looking through the info for that ROM, it's a bit hard to distinguish what's current info and what's info that has evolved over time as the different releases have come out. Is there a single, reliable place to go and be sure I'm getting just the latest info?

3. When I did the 1-click process, I got confused about when to use Vol Up+Power and Vol Down+Power. Can someone explain what each one is for? For example, when I used one of them (can't remember which) I got a screen which I did not really understand. It said "HBOOT" and a number of other things on it. Is there an explanation of this screen somewhere?

4. I assume "personal" data on my SD card is safe? For example, photos? Or is there the chance I will lose all of that too?

5. How about SMS messages? Do I need to back those up too if I don't want to lose them?

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General :: Rooting Nexus 5 And Installing CM 11 - Backup Games Progress And Pictures?

Jan 14, 2014

I was thinking about rooting my Nexus 5 and instaling CM 11 on it. The only thing that stops me is the data I have on my phone. I don't want to lose everything when I instal CM, so any good backup facilities which can backup my games progress, pictures and stuff like that?

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Nexus :: Rooting Without Installing Custom ROM

Mar 26, 2010

Theres not much I'm missing from stock android but wi-fi tethering would be really nice. Plus I would like to still be able to receive OTA updates that google offers. Can you root the phone and keep the stock ROM? If yes will the stock ROM still update? Is there a wi-fi tether app that doesn't require something like Cyanogen?

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Android :: What Rooting And Installing Custom Rom?

Mar 17, 2010

1st. What is rooting? and what is installing a custom rom? do i have to install a custom rom to root my HTC Hero (Sprint)

2nd. If so, what is the best uptodate way of rooting my HTC Hero (Sprint)

3rd. Is there a way to undo this and get my old custom settings back?

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General :: Rooting / Custom ROM - Clarification

Sep 27, 2013

I updated my Galaxy Note GT-N7000 (locked to EE - Orange when I bought it - in the UK) from Android 4.0.4 to 4.1.2 via Kies last week. The update is so awful (terrible battery life and really slow to load basic functions like messaging and contacts) that it has finally tipped me into going for a custom ROM. I haven't done this before, and there is so much information out there that I would just like to make sure I have the right ideas before embarking on the process - I don't want my much-loved Note bricking!

So, my understanding is that there are four steps in the process:

a. Back up data
b. Back up apps and stock ROM
c. Root the phone
d. Install custom ROM

Question 1: Is that right? Question 2: Have I missed anything or added things that are unnecessary? Q3: Have I got the list in the right order?

Next, when it comes to backing up the ROM, there seem to be many programs/apps out there to do the job.

Q4: What are the recommendations for programs to do this based on the criteria of it must be a) intuitive to use, b) reliable, c) put a completely original ROM back if needed, and d) is completely removable itself so that, in the event of it needing to go to be fixed, no-one could tell that I have played with it?

I'm thinking of putting the latest Cyanogenmod ROM on it, because it seems mature, well-documented, and stable.

Q5: Are my thoughts on this accurate? Q6: Are there any ROMs that work better on the GT-N7000 than Cyanogenmod?

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General :: SKK Mobile A5 Rooting And Custom ROM

Jul 30, 2013

Android has educated us end-users to become more savvy into getting the full control with our devices and the many things that we can learn along the way. OK, nuff with the blabbering.

I got a budget friendly phone for this journey - which will be my practice device. I am just fascinated with all the possibilities that may happen with a tiny handheld Android.

So, my initial plan was just to root and install custom ROM for this device. I have done some research for the past couple of hours on how to root SKK Mobile A5. Here are the specs:

SKK Mobile A5

skkmobile com


Baseband: MAUI.11AMD.W11.50.SP.V34, 2012/11/27 19:20
zhangguihong@soft1-05 #1
Thu Jan 3 17:00:06 CST 2013
Build: ALPS.GB2.MP.V2.8
Custom Build: S7HCJR104G2G480800EN


I have tried several methods and for some reasons only this VRoot_1.4.3.3378_Setup worked from bbs(dot)mgyun(dot)com and sadly I could not understand Chinese so before I get distracted from my primary goal (learning to maximize this tiny handheld and customizing ROM) and try to dissect the application to make an English version or learn Chinese so I can read it.

Also, right now it says its rooted but I cannot flash CWM (or maybe it's just because I can't understand the prompts) and as far as what I've read this device doesn't have one yet. SKK's mobile devices looks like they're going to be mass-manufactured and really affordable, so another goal of mine is to maximize this, and also suggest improvements along the way.

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