HTC EVO 4G :: Rooting And Custom ROMs

Nov 24, 2010

I have searched here and via Google searches about Rooting and custom ROMs. I still am not quite sure what any of it means. I know rooting allows access to things that you normally cannot do such as removing HTC and Sprint apps. Which I would LOVE to do. I mean, who the hell wants the stock widget anyway?

HTC EVO 4G :: Rooting and Custom ROMs

HTC Incredible :: Installing Custom Roms / Rooting

Sep 27, 2010

I have been using the INC for about 2 months now and i really do like the phone. As all of you know, the battery sucks. I picked up the 1500 battery about the same time the 2.2 came out and the battery life dropped over the 2.1/stocker. I thought it may have been the battery so i used the stock 1300 for a while and it was TERRIBLE. To add to the issue, the battery takes longer to charge then it does die. And thats why i am posting this. Could someone give me a list of what i need to do while rooting my phone and installing custom roms? that will speed up charge time? Normally i wont ask for help like this but i have zero time to sit down and read about everything. Just looking for a simple fix to get me by for the next few months.

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Samsung Vibrant :: What All Can Do With Rooting Besides Custom Roms?

Nov 5, 2010

What all can i do with rooting besides custom roms?

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Samsung Galaxy I7500 :: Rooting - Custom Roms

Jul 8, 2010

Custom roms/rooting business and I'm looking for a few pointers.

1) do I need to use a computer to root my device?

2) will I be able to use flash and various other features such as installling apps to my sd card that are included in the 2.2 firmware for android, (which Samsung completely abandoned us in updating from. 2.1)?

3) (according to features listed above that I need) which rom is the best?

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LG Ally :: Basics Of Rooting - Recovery And Custom ROMs

Aug 19, 2010

I'm feeling the itch to go beyond the standard settings in Android and get into rooting. I'm following along with a lot of the developments here, but I often feel like I'm missing a lot of the background knowledge and vocabulary (what is recovery, how does one access it, what are all these different programs - nandroid, adb, etc.) to have a really strong grasp of what's going on here.

Now, if this were my computer, I'd just hop right in and start following along as best I can and mess things up along the way, no biggie, I have multiple computers and I'm competent to fix them.

I don't have a landline though, so I want to be a little more prepared before I accidentally brick my link to the outside world. Is there a good "tinkering with Android primer" out there that any of you would recommend?

Also, how easy is it to get back from whence I came on the Ally? I read the thread on unrooting, and I honestly didn't understand a lot of it, so I'm just looking for a "not gonna happen" or "it'll be easy when you finally understand."

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Android :: Benefits Of Rooting Without Installing Custom Roms

Mar 20, 2010

I just wanted to know if there are any benefits of rooting without installing custom roms? Now i've seen many threads here listing many benefits but its not clear whether u get those extra features from the custom roms or just from being rooted. So i was to root my phone and then leave the stock rom on, what extra would i be able to do?

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Android :: Best Site For Rooting And Applying Custom ROMs?

Jan 4, 2010

So I am pretty computer savvy but just getting into the phone scene. Wondering what site is best for the hacker side talk of phones?
Androidcommunity vs Androidforums vs XDA dev forums?

Which is better for instructions on rootings and applying custom ROMs?
Which is better for finding ROMs?
Which has more users?
Which has more experts?

Anyone familiar with the other site or one I may not know about can fill me in a bit? I seem to like this site the most but if there is more information elsewhere, I may need to pool my resources. I would prefer for android forums to be my 1 stop shop n go.

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Motorola Droid :: Rooting And Installing Custom Roms

Aug 27, 2010

I have been messing around with rooting and installing custom roms then going stock messing with settings then going to another to see how I like it. In the past, after I flashed a stock .sbf file I would be prompted for the Froyo OTA update. I just did it again last night. I was wondering, can you flash your phone too many times where you start to cause problems? And, does Verizon keep a check on how many times you've downloaded an update? Or, is it just not popping up because FRG22D is out?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Rooting - Wipe Data - Flash Custom Roms?

Jun 3, 2010

I looked over at the instructions and it says all you data will be wiped. So rooting will likely be the absolute first thing I do. After you root its stated you can flash custom roms. Can someone go more in depth on this? Will Sense not work anymore once the phone is rooted? Any other points of interest that is worth noting?

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General :: Security Concerns About Rooting / Custom Roms

Dec 26, 2012

So after having seen that I could use CyanogenMod 10.1 to get version 4.2.1 onto my Tab, I've gained a particular interest in rooting my p3113. With that said, I still have concerns about security with custom roms;

-How do I make sure I am as secure as possible?
-Is it still safe to purchase with Google Wallet on the Play Store?
-What should I avoid in order to remain safe?

I know the "risks" involved in rooting a device, although following instructions will assure that such issues do not occure. So other than the actual security issues, I need no additional information

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General :: Rooting / Custom ROMs For Huawei Ascend G600 (U8950-1)

Feb 27, 2013

Having obtained the bootloader unlock key from Huawei, how does one unlock and root the phone? Will one be able to backup the original firmware that comes bundled with the phone and restore it on a whim, if required? Are there any custom ROMs for this particular model?

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HTC Eris :: Rooting Eris And Glashing Custom ROMs

Jul 10, 2010

Anybody have a complete guide to rooting official 2.1 eris and then flashing custom ROM ? I got this Eris from ebay, anyway I can restore it to default official ROM if it is rooted and then go through the whole process ?

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HTC Hero :: Rooting And Roms

Jun 6, 2010

I have a hero on orange. I have managed to root the phone and can download root apps etc.

I am struggling to get a new rom ( can anyone recommend) downloaded. i have installed an app called "rom manager" which gives me the option to install rom from SD card. I have or think i have a villian 10 rom in zip format which i have on the root of my SD card.

It is recognised when I search on rom manager gives me 2 options to backup and wip/clear cache and says press ok to complete install.

I press ok and nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? should the rom file be zipped and if not can anyone give me a few short steps from here?

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HTC Desire :: Rooting And ROMs

Jul 8, 2010

I plan to root my Desire this weekend. From what I gather after that I can install 'ROM manager' and then run different ROMs from there.

Is this all correct so far? Have I missed anything?


Once I'm at this stage where do I get the ROMs from?

Is there a good resource somewhere detailing what ROMs have what and where to download them?

I want to go to vanilla FroYo, can anybody recommend a ROM?

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Motorola Droid :: Rooting 2.1 ROMS

Feb 18, 2010

I'm rooted, and swap roms, backup everything pretty confidently (thanks again to Joe for helping me get in the pool).

But there are some things I don't understand. I really want to go to a 2.1 ROM. I've tried a few with verying degrees of happyness, and some of the later ones I've tried just send me through enless reboot cycles. I've tried Pete's new one (figuring if anybody put out something dependable it would be him) and though it boots up FAST and runs great, after playing around for a while it sends me through reboot cycles and freezes up.

I always follow all instructions to the "T", so it makes no sense that others are having success when I am not. Is there some other process that I have to go through that are just unspoken "common sense" steps among the more advanced users that aren't outlined in install instructions? Or am I just supposed to let the phone do it's thing for a while after installing? It just makes me nervouse when it is looping through 3-5 reboots in a row.

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Motorola Droid :: Rooting - ROMs

Jul 7, 2010

Does rooting and installing ROMs void my warranty and insurrance I have with my Motorola Droid?

How exactly do I root the Droid?

How do I install ROMs?

Are there any ROMs recommended to try?

What are the feature differences of a vanilla 2.2 ROM and BuglessBeast?

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Motorola Droid :: Rooting - Roms Via Mac

Aug 20, 2010

I'm looking into putting a Rom on my OTA 2.2 Droid. After doing a bit of searching it seems like you can only do install SPRecovery and whatnot only via Linux or Windows.

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Motorola Droid :: Best ROMs For Rooting

Aug 8, 2010

I just received my Motorola Droid this past Friday. Verizon offered it to me after going through 3 HTC Eris's, 2 in one month.I love this phone! It is so much faster and more responsive.I want to root, what are the best ROMs to do this with?

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General :: LG Revolution Rooting And ROMs?

Feb 12, 2012

I just got a LG revolution for free as a replacement for my Droid X until I can upgrade. and So far I really dig this phone. I miss my 8mp Camera a bit, but that sacrifice is well worth the faster CPU, and the myriad of other improvements and performance boots over the Droid X.

ANYWAYS. So I am not new to rooting or using ROMs, did it all the time on my DX and D2G. But I haven't had a chance to check out whats out there for the Revolution. where i can find the tools i need to root this phone (can i use 4zroot ?) and the how to on it.

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Motorola Droid :: Rooting - Wifi Tether - ROMS

Aug 27, 2010

Finally going to make the root leap on my D1 today.

I have some pretty specific and limited needs and I have been reading EVERYTHING on rooting for the last two weeks and still don't have a clear idea on a few tidbits.

Here is what I hope to achieve by rooting:

1. Wireless wifi tether

2. Improved battery life

3. Eliminate my wifi problems that came with FRG01B OTA

4. Be AT LEAST as smooth and fast as my current setup

5. Be AT LEAST as reliable/bug-free as my current stock Froyo

I am entirely satisfied with the look and feel of my device so I don't NEED to have any themes etc...

I know through research that some ROM's provide easy wifi tethering and some do not. I need one that does since that is my prime requirement.

I am also concerned about the new OTA this week screwing up my root access before or after I root the device.

In reading a bazillion threads everyone keeps saying that each phone is unique in what ROMS/Kernels the phone will "like" which I find quite baffling honestly...but I guess you all know what you are talking about.

I would not even change ROM or kernel if I can achieve my 5 requirements, but from what I see, I do need to change my ROM at the least.

Any recommendations on which ROM's to try? Please note any ROM that does not allow easy wifi tethering is a waste of my time.

I already have ROM Manager, SetCPU and Titanium Backup all queued up on APPBrain for me and I will be pulling the trigger on this today.

I have read all the instructions on rooting the "hard way" and the "easy way" and my time is very valuable so I will use easyroot or the other one...Universal Androot.

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HTC Desire :: Tips For A Newbie To Android / Whats Os For Rooting - Roms Etc

Aug 28, 2010

I'm soon to be getting my first android phone, htc desire on t-mobile UK (so from what ive heard it will be branded), i will be rooting it and ideally a custom rom. im happy with the rooting process (done quite a bit of modding with consoles), im just at a loss with custom roms for it at the minute, if anyone could suggest one that would suit my needs it would be awesome.

Im after a fairly similar to stock, idealy 2.2, but with some performance tweaks, im after:
-HTC sense
-the ability to overclock (and ideally auto underclock settings when in sleep mode)
- battery performance tweak

and also what is the difference in omoled vs slcd screens when it comes to custom roms and rooting, and also just generally in day to day use? are there any differences in quality, display etc?

and also whats the best os for rooting, roms etc? i mainly use a mac but also have xp, vista, 7 and linux. i understand theres no software currently for mac? and id rather stay away from 7 if at all possible (my copys not that stable) all help would be greatly appreciated, and i hope this is in the right forum

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HTC EVO 4G :: Custom Roms

Sep 24, 2010

Do I get my battery use to look like this

Am I doing something wrong? mine still has like 58% android system. Is my phone faulty?

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General :: MID7015 Roms And Rooting Procedures Work With Coby Kyros MID7012

Nov 9, 2011

Is there any new development on this tablet. Been searching google and all I come up with that is close is the MID 7015. I guess my question is can the same roms and rooting procedures work with the MID7012.

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HTC Desire :: Pro's And Con's Of Custom Roms

Oct 26, 2010

Can anybody provide some pro's and con's to using custom roms like LeeDroid etc. I am not sure i want to use a custom rom or stick to a stock rom.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Build Your Own Custom ROMs

Nov 16, 2010

Has anyone tried this to build your own custom ROM? There are bits and pieces of different ROMs that I want to have in one, but haven't found the one that will work for me, so I'm considering trying to make my own to have *EXACTLY* what I want, but I know *NOTHING* about coding. I found this link over on XDA, has anyone tried it before?

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HTC EVO 4G :: What Are Advantages Of Custom Roms?

Sep 4, 2010

Can someone explain to me the advantages of using custom roms instead of the stock one I flashed when I rooted. What do the different roms actually do?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Comparisons Of Custom Roms?

Jul 2, 2010

Ok after I patched my Evo with the OTA update, I am wishing I had rooted first. In an attempt to figure out what I want to do at this point, I'm leaning toward rooting and flashing a custom rom. The questions in my mind are:

1) What are the benefits/disadvantages of the different ROMs out there today? Has anyone made any sort of review site for roms, or a comparison chart?

2) Is there one source that would have all major ROMs in one place? (I'm thinking xda forums, but haven't had time to try to pour through that yet).

3) If all one is looking for is to be able to run root-required apps (Backups, Tether, screen shots, etc..) Is a root + stock ROM the best way to go?

4) Should I Plan on losing ALL my data/settings on the first root? (I know google and other cloud stuff remains intact, as well as the SD card items). Coming from a Palm OS (sadly not WebOS), I find Android great in some respects, but the lockdown of a true backup still boggles my mind. I'm sure these have been asked elsewhere, and if you know where feel free to boot me in that direction, sadly after sifting through a few hours worth of root forums I still can't find the basic info above when it comes to the Evo 4G (I found answers for a few other models)

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HTC EVO 4G :: Which Custom ROMS Use Sense UI?

Jun 30, 2010

I know that FRESH does. Do any others? I thought I'd ask instead of installing each one and looking.

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HTC Hero :: Use Custom Roms?

Dec 21, 2009

So Im kinda confused of this whole custom rom thing, is it like a custom firmware on PSP or jailbreak on iphone? Does HTC update the hero a lot? I mean what if I just wanted to stick with HTCs firmwares? Are they good? What is the most significant advantage of the custom roms? I like things simple.

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HTC EVO 4G : Anyone Know Of Completely Custom Roms?

Oct 11, 2010

Im using Miui and its completely different experience from sense and most of the roms that are out. I was wondering if there any other roms that are completely different like this. I see alot use fresh but whats the big difference over Sense?

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