HTC Hero :: Not Receiving Messages But Worst Of All

Sep 9, 2009

Just the same here not receiving messages on vodafone, but worst of all i cannot send them either! Once i have composed the message and click send it just says loading, the message never gets sent I sent a message from my iphone to my Hero and the Hero beep to say i had a message but there was nothing there. Anyone else having these problems?

HTC Hero :: Not receiving messages but worst of all

HTC Hero :: Not Receiving Text Messages - Notification

Mar 12, 2010

I just got my HTC hero and for some reason I am not receiving my text messages, not even a notification.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Not Receiving All Of My Messages With Fresh 1.0

Apr 15, 2010

i know there have been some issues about this already, but none of them have been able to help me. i'm currently flashed with Fresh 1.0 and Gumbo Kernel, but i am definately not receiving all of my text messages. i've tried handcent, didn't work. i've tried chomp, didn't work. i've tried the stock app, didn't work. i've also tried updating my profile and prl, didn't work. If there isn't a solution, i might just go ahead and join the bandwagon and flash the Leaked 2.1. But i love fresh 1.0. btw, can anyone direct me to where i can download the 2.1?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Receiving Pictures In Text Messages

Jan 17, 2010

For a while now, I don't know exactly how long, my phone stopped receiving pictures in text messages.I get a notification that a new text msg is in, but when I click on it, it just says "downloading".Once in a blue moon the pic will appear after about 20 minutes, but most of the time it never comes up.I am using Handcent, but I get the same result with the stock messaging program.The one thread I saw said that a hard reset had to be done.I really don't want to have to do that.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Stopped Receiving Text Messages

Oct 14, 2009

I was receiving text messages, but then all of a sudden, they stopped. I haven't downloaded any new apps. I am able to send them, but not receive.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Is Anyone Receiving SMS / Text Messages Delayed?

Oct 18, 2009

I am getting a 5-15 minute delay on some of my SMS/TXT messages, is anyone getting this too?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Not Receiving Text Messages In Hybrid Mode

Dec 21, 2009

I'm not getting texts, I'm in "hybrid mode" and have sent the "allow all" text to 9999.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Cm6 - Receiving Picture Text Messages Loads Shows It For One Sec Then Go's Off

Nov 24, 2010

im running cyanogen mod and im having problems receiving picture text messages. it loads shows it for one sec then go's off real quick.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Stopped Receiving Text Messages And Calls - Doesnt Ring At All

Dec 2, 2009

So just yesterday 12-1-09 my phone stopped receiving text messages and phone calls. People try to call me and get 4 rings then voicemail. My phone doesnt ring at all. I can place calls and browse the internet, run sprint navigation and all my apps just fine. It has been a perfect phone ever since I bought it. (11-01-09). I did a factory Hard Reset and still my phone didnt receive calls. Called Sprint and they had me turn off my phone and refreshed some info. Had to change the MSID # when i turned my phone back on but still nothing. Has anyone else had this happen to them. The only way I can receive my text messages is if I place a call then they seem to come through.

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HTC Hero :: The Worst Camera Ever Seen

Jan 3, 2010

I now own the Hero for two weeks, but this is the Phone with one of the worst cameras i have seen.I also own a Nokia N95, this one is 100x better.or a phone that claims all in one and one of the latest models, without a flash, cannot claim this.Then they said it is 5MP, i think it is even 1.5mp.My wife has a old Samsung with 1MP, this thing makes even better Photo's then the Hero.It is a crap that i have to buy a program like FX to make better photo's.And yes i know, a phone is to make calls.Then there is the lack of very bad Bluetooth.I hope HTC will fix this soon, or i return the phone.Are there any positives, Yes i like the model and the layout.The touch screen is very good, also the touch keyboard.The phone presumes to be a business one, but at the moment i would not recommend it to my colleagues.

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Sprint HTC :: Whats Worst You Have Ever Dropped Your Hero?

Jun 5, 2010

Just dropped mine for the FIRST time since I purchased it in February. Dropped it from about average arms height onto a hard-wood floor, and it had a silicone case on it. Not really worried, but I am just curious how bad you have dropped your Hero at one time or another? Also, what kind of testing do these phones go through? Are they designed to take a bit of a drop? I have always been curious about that.

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Motorola Droid :: Sending / Receiving Messages 3 Times - Deleting Messages

Dec 11, 2009

So I was using my the handcent sms app on my Droid today and all a sudden the person i was sending messages to was receiving the messages 3 times. Then all a sudden when i went back to text someone else my whole thread was gone and all my messages had been deleted. Then I try using the stock messaging app and obviously all my threads are deleted but messages send twice, any suggestions?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Turn Off Receiving Messages On Both Messages And Handscent

Oct 13, 2010

Newly replaced Eris, so I'm reinstalling a lot of apps. But now I've forgotten how I fixed this problem the last time. I'm getting double the messages (and notifications), via both Messages and Handscent. All i really wanna see/hear from/use is Handscent.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Worst Battery Killer - Prevents Sleeping From Cold Boot - No Interaction Required

May 24, 2010

Merely turning your phone on may be enough to prevent it from sleeping. What I'm about to tell you is 100% repeatable. I've done it about ten times now; it has happened every time. I'm running the stock Android 2.1 ROM from Sprint. <Background> When Android boots, it preloads a huge number of apps into RAM. Essentially, it's starting JVM processes and loading the classes of applications without actually executing any of their code. Android does this to reduce the lag you would feel when activating one of these apps. These preloaded apps are said to be EMPTY. There's no real penalty for preloading these apps since they're loaded in the background in otherwise idle CPU cycles and their processes will be terminated as needed to free up RAM for applications you begin using. </Background>

Although it should be impossible, one of those preloaded apps is preventing the Hero from sleeping. By process of elimination, I have found which one it is: Footprints.............

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HTC EVO 4G :: Not Receiving Picture Messages

Jul 9, 2010

Well I've looked at all 31 pages in this forum and search and I'm probably not searching right but I still can't find anything.We've got two EVo's on our plan and my husband just brought it to my attention that he is not receiving pictures that have texted to him. So I sent one and while I didn't receive any kind of message that it didn't go, he didn't receive it.He turned around and took a picture and sent it to me and I didn't receive it.It's probably a setting but I can't find it, can someone please direct me in the right direction

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HTC EVO 4G :: Randomly Not Receiving Text Messages

Jun 10, 2010

I received my Evo Tuesday in the mail. I had my number ported over from AT&T Tuesday afternoon and my EVO activated. Since that time I have received only a few of the text messages being sent to me and some I send are not being received. For example:
1. I was having a conversation with a Verizon user, I got 2 of their replies, then I never got their 3rd one. They sent 2 more messages after that, never got those either.
2. I had a conversation with an AT&T person and we had about 5 replies back and forth before they stopped receiving mine.
3. A Verizon person sent me a random text and I never got it.
4. A Verizon person sent me a random text and I got it, but they never got my reply.

These scenarios have occurred over and over with both Verizon and AT&T customers. Sometimes the texts will make it, sometimes not. I don't know anyone else on Sprint's network to test it with them. I have literally spent the last 2 days on the phone with Sprint tech support, No one can figure this out.
- My EVO isn't rooted or doing anything fancy, it's pretty much out of the box.
- I am NOT using a task killer.
- I have updated PRL multiple times
- I have updated profile multiple times
- I have rebooted and removed the battery multiple times
- I tried downloading both chompsms and handcent to see if that helped but it didn't.
- I had an "RTN" (was also referred to by tech support as a ##something-or-other) hard reset done at the Sprint store (losing everything on the phone in the process). It didn't help.

Tech support was positive this would resolve the problem because all else had failed. Since it didn't, they're all out of ideas. I know it can take a day or two for routing to get straighted out but it's been 2 days and the behavior has not improved. It also doesn't make much sense if you're going back and forth fine one minute and the next minute it just fails completely. I use this phone for my job, and 90% of what I do on it is messaging. I really need to get this working. I do not want to go through the drama of doing the Sprint 30-day return and trying to get my AT&T account back. It seems a very simple thing to just be able to send & receive texts messages. My SMS service with AT&T was quite reliable.

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HTC Incredible :: Not Receiving Text Messages - Why?

Sep 18, 2010

I seem to in almost all instances not be receiving text messages. This is definitely hit or miss. I've determined it's not service related as it's only happening to me, and it's not location related. It's not related to the services of the people texting me. It's definitely not every single time, but it's a lot. My messages seem to be going out without a problem. After extensive testing I seem to have narrowed down this problem somewhat. There seems to be a problem with the messaging app on my phone. I determined this by downloading Handcent SMS. The moment I did this, I started receiving text messages again consistently and without problem. Uninstalling the program put me int he same place I was before. Can anyone determine what the problem may be with this additional information. Perhaps I have done something ill-advised to my phone so here is as much information about it that I can think of:

Firmware Version - 2.1update1
Baseband Version -
Kernel Version - 2.6.29-cc1c2268 htc-kernel@and18-2#1
Build number - 1.22.605.0 CL161493 release eyes
Software number - 1.22.605.0
Browser Version - WebKit 3.1
PRI Version 1.28_002
PRL Version 51920
ERI Version 5

I am running a 2.1 rooted phone with (as far as I know) the stock ROM that came with the Incredible (prior to 2.2). I purchased the phone with 2.1 and it did an OTA update to 2.2. However there were so many problems with the update that I decided to go back to 2.1. I did this and rooted which seems to prevent the OTA update even though I don't have a custom ROM. In addition to Rooting, I disabled (using the method of moving the files to a disabled folder)

Aside from this and installing some apps, I haven't done anything that I can think of to the phone that may have caused this problem. There are only a few apps that I've installed that I didn't have before downgrading and rooting my phone.
Wireless Tether
VLC Stream & Convert
Startup Auditor (Messages has NOT been disabled)

I do occasionally receive a text message but it seems more "miss" than hit. As far as I know, I was not having this problem before I went to 2.2 (and then downgraded back to 2.1). Since I'm back at 2.1, I don't see how it should be any different from before unless I did something. Seeing as how it doesn't look like anyone else has had this problem after rooting (as far as I've been able to see in the forum). I'm hoping I've missed something. I've tried *228 option 2 (and option 1). Nothing else seems affected, not call quality or email or any data services that I can tell. I'm of course perfectly willing to completely reset my phone but only want to do that if it will actually do some good.

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General :: Receiving Messages From One Contact

Oct 10, 2013

I have a problem on receiving messages from one contact so that I can't see his messages the problem started when I have installed (NQ Vault app) and marked this contact as a private one after little days I've removed this contact from the private list & uninstalled the app (vault) ..

I've noticed that when I send him a message > he receives it normally but it is fastly disappeared from my conversation history.

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Android :: Activity Receiving Messages After On Destroy

Apr 28, 2010

I have an Activity with an inner Handler. The problem is that after the activity is destroyed, the Handler is receiving messages for the destroyed activity. This breaks things because the activity is in an inconsistent state. I'm thinking this might be a bug in Android - it should probably delete all the messages in the queue when the activity is destroyed. There doesn't appear to be any way I can manually delete all messages in the queue (except by calling removeMessage(int what) with every possible variation of what, which seems a bit ridiculous). The only other solution I can think of is to create my own is_destroyed instance variable and check it in handleMessage(), but again that seems like a ridiculous hack. Has anyone come across this problem before?

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Samsung Fascinate :: Having Trouble Receiving Pic Messages

Oct 15, 2010

I receive some pictures just fine but others never download. Can I adjust for this?

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General :: Receiving Picture Messages With No Data

Apr 23, 2013

so my phone battery is terrible, so i have an app that shuts off the network in certain situations.. my question is this: i know that when the network is off, i am not capable of receiving pix. but when the network comes back, will i eventually get the pictures i was sent? ive heard of some ppl getting my pix hours after i send them, so i hope i should at least get the pics.. if so, is there a way to speed up the process?

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Android :: Sending And Receiving Data Messages Via A BroadcastReceiver

Feb 15, 2009

Is there already functionality similar to the push registry or wireless messaging API in J2ME implemented in Android? Or at least plans to do so?I have been looking at this issue for a while, because in a corporate environment it is essential to be able to push information out, or trigger actions via SMS or other connections.I have successfully sent an SMS between emulator instances, and successfully received an SMS by using a BroadcastReceiver on another emulator instance. I have also been able to use SmsManager. sendDataMessage to send a data message to a port on another emulator instance, but in this case the BroadcastReceiver is never triggered. This seems to be the closest the API's get to what I'm looking for.

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Samsung Moment :: Picture / Video Messages Not Receiving

Apr 30, 2010

My phone has the rooted 2.1 dd10 version or whichever and I am not receiving picture/video messages. I called Sprint and they said I was "in the red." We tried everything over the phone to try to get around the issue without having to reflash. Any other ideas? I tried pulling the battery for 2 minutes, changing the MSID number.The MSID number won't stay.It goes back to 0000000. Any other ideas or is reflashing the way to go?

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Samsung Fascinate :: Some People Not Receiving My Sent Text Messages

Nov 22, 2010

Anyone have this issue where some people do not get your sent text messages? I seem to receive text messages without problems but sending text messages does not get to certain people. One colleague at work who is on ATT can send me a text but does not receive mine in return. Similar stories for some other contacts of mine and some are on Verizon as well.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Just Not Receiving Any Text Messages

Oct 23, 2010

I am having a difficulty getting texts on my x10. It is branded orange but is unlocked and "working" on three UK. I can surf the net on it (I added a APN) and send and receive calls again just not getting any texts. At one point I did and it was when 3 told me to reboot the phone to finish the process and after reboot hey presto! I can send texts on three and other SIMs work fine. Can't receive calls either, when you phone it is says the number is not recognized.

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HTC Incredible :: IQ Test - Contacts Start Receiving Messages

Nov 9, 2010

So by now most people are aware of the IQTest Hack. If not, it's a common hack. Usually you get it bc you clicked on a link you shouldn't have. Suddenly your contacts all start receiving a message from "you" I use eBuddy on my HTC Android. It is the ONLY way that I have logged into Yahoo IM in more than 5 years. I rarely even log on. And I have NEVER clicked on any link within that program (therefore within yahoo IM) And yet somehow, ALL of my contacts were contacted by "me" this morning with a similar conversation (only this jerk hacker said I'd give them $20 if they could beat me) So, what does that mean? I've already changed my yahoo password. But if I've never clicked on a link to give them access, how did they get in in the first place? Did they hack my phone? My Yahoo account? Or eBuddy? Secondly, I've been reading that when you are the victim of this hack, it's not just the messenger client that is affected, but your PC as well and that you should at least change your password AND run anti-Malware but this is my PHONE. Could a hacker have actually hacked into my cell phone? How can I tell? What do I do? I have TONS of private info stored on my phone so I'm stressing here.

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Motorola Droid :: Certain Contacts Not Receiving Sent Text Messages

Nov 9, 2009

Just bought the droid and I cant text certain individuals they never receive my text I can get texts from them but they don't receive mine but its only certain people thanks in advance for your feedback.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Delay In Receiving Sms Messages

Sep 19, 2010

i have the x10 on orange and have been experiencing problems receiving (or not as the case maybe) sms, it can take hours for a txt to come through and then usually half a dozen arrive at the same time, anybody else had a problem with this? and does anyone know what causes it and what i can do to fix it?

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Bluetooth Adapter Which Handles Sending And Receiving Messages

Sep 23, 2011

I'm writing an app which contains three tabs.. let's just call them TabA, TabB, and TabC.

In my main class which extends TabActivity I have a Bluetooth Adapter which handles sending and receiving messages. I initialize the BluetoothAdapter onStart. Part of the initialization tries to reference controls on the three tabs. But my problem is that only TabA (my default tab) has been initialized at this point so when it tries to access TabB and TabC, they're still null.. How can I initialize all 3 activities, and access controls on each of the tabs when receiving messages from the BluetoothAdapter? (Basically I want TabA to contain a TextView to log all messages, TabB will contain a few controls like sliders and checkboxes that will change based on the messages recieved, and TabC will just have an array of buttons that send specific data..)

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Jelly Bean :: Intermittently Receiving Text Messages

Jan 30, 2014

I am receiving text messages intermittently, it isnt specific to who is sending them or what network they are on.

sometimes I wont recieve any of a persons text, but sometimes I will receive the 1st text then not their reply??? I have a chinese unbranded handset on android 4.2

Iv put my sim in a non android phone and it seems to work ok so am hoping its not the device, Iv already done a factory reset. changing network etc, it isn't a signal issue as I can download and use the internet perfectly.

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