HTC EVO 4G :: Costs Of Phone And Extras

Jul 31, 2010

I am currently on tmobile using a vibrant. The bugs with the vibrant are starting to bug me, and there is no where else to go to for tmobile. I am thinking about going to sprint for the EVO. I will have to figure out a way to get out of my tmobile contract, (hasn't been 14 days) if anyone wants to help me with ideas.
my main question is, is it true that you have to pay an extra $10 a month for the Evo? I don't have 4G in my area, do I still have to pay for it? What kind of deals can I get from sprint for a new contract? Can I keep my same number?

HTC EVO 4G :: costs of phone and extras

HTC Desire :: Charge Costs

Aug 9, 2010

Does anyone have an idea what it costs in terms of juice/s to charge a Desire overnight for say 7 hours, as I'm sure many of us do?

Also, does the mains charger still continue to use some power when attached to the mains even when the device isn't attached, as dumb phone chargers apparently do?

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Android :: Google Voice - Pro's - Con's - Costs

May 7, 2010

Here is what I have learned thus far, comments, corrections welcome.

The Principle Behind GV
There is an excellent YouTube Video that explains the principles of GV: YouTube - GoogleVoice's Channel

So assuming you want to use the GV number as the only number you give everyone, here are some possible advantages and shortcomings:

ADVANTAGE: between the market app for your phone and the web interface, you can shut off any "Visual Voice Mail" (Verizon) service you might have, save a few dollars a month and some phone memory.

SHORTCOMING: The voice quality from GV is not as good as Verizon's but is acceptable especially given the transcription feature.

ADVANTAGE: Voicemail transcription. Very cool.

SHORTCOMING: Possible increase in Texting Costs. Assuming you do not have an unlimited texting plan, you need to shut off SMS text notification of new voicemail (defaults on I believe). You can receive email alerts for free, and if you use the Android GV app (and you should) you won't need either as the ap does the notification.

You can outbound text for free thru the web interface, inbound texts to your GV number that are passed through do count as out of plan text messages so you'll need to get around that using email notification. If you are a big texter and don't have an unlimited plan, this is going to be an issue if you want to maintain the illusion of having a single number.

SHORTCOMING: Possible increase in airtime costs. There are several caveats here. I will explain for a Verizon Wireless Plan with unlimited "In" minutes and the capability to assign 10 friends and family numbers as "In".

"In" means unlimited airtime.

Using GV for inbound and outbound calls, you will see two new numbers on your cell bill: for incoming calls including calls you initiate through the browser interface, you will see the GV number you chose.

For outgoing calls made from the handset using the GV app, you will see some number in your area code or a nearby area code that your cell dials to make the connection to the person you are calling. The person sees the GV number on their callerID but your phone actually dials another number to connect.

The way to get around these airtime costs given the Verizon plan scheme above is to add these two numbers to your Family and Friends list.

Note that the phone does seem to dial the same number to make outgoing connections. You (and I) will need to keep tabs on that to make sure it doesn't change.

I have heard about reliability issues but have none yet to report.

I haven't noticed any impact to in call voice quality that you might expect given what I assume is routing through GV infrastructure.

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Android :: Projected Costs Of Phones

Aug 23, 2010

I'm interested in finding data on projected Android handset prices in the next 5 and 10 years. All I can find are titles of market research reports selling for $$$$$. I realize that the cutting edge phones will probably stay at the same price-points, but I'm wondering what future phones with current specs will cost. Will mid/low-end phones comparable to current Droid X, EVO, and or Incredible be available for ~US$50 in the next 5 years?

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HTC Magic :: Internet - Wifi - Costs

Jul 16, 2009

I have internet blox on my htc magic. It means unlimited internet in my country. This summer, I am going on holiday in an other country. They probably have a WiFi connection on the camping. Now my question is: does it cost me money if I use that wifi connection? Or do I get a warning or so when I am paying for the internet?

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Samsung Fascinate :: Costs Money Use 3G Hotspot

Oct 19, 2010

I was just looking at my Verizon Plan, and though I don't have it currently as an option that I'm paying for, it costs $20 a month to use the 3G Hotspot feature? I thought this was just something the phone did through your unlimited data plan. if the 3G Mobile Hotspot app does indeed require this $20 a month charge, and whether there's any other app or way to get the same functionality without paying.

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Motorola Droid X :: Themes And Extras

Nov 9, 2010

This is a list of Themes and some Extra's for the Droid X.

The themes are listed by ROM compatibility. One's marked "Verified" will represent the ones the creator verified with me or it states in the creators post. If it does not say "verified" I used my digression. If something is wrong, don't shoot the messenger.

- If you find dead links or anything I am missing, please PM me.

- If a theme is listed under the wrong section PM me.

- If a theme works with other roms other then the section listed in, PM me and I will note it on that theme.

- If you have questions or issues regarding a theme, direct your question to that creators post.

- Updated 12/8/2010

- See my ROM section - HERE
================================================== =======

Themes for 2.2 Froyo 2.3.15 Deodexed Roms(if these themes work on other Roms PM ME and I will note it)

Creator: phimuskapsi
Vanilla Android

Creator: drewden123 - Verified

Creator: D13 - Verified
NexTheme w/ Teenfaces statusbar

Creator: Webst3r
SenseX 2.2

Creator: 928 Droid
Black Glass X

Creator: bad4u6669 - Verified
Red Overload
Royal Blue

Creator: bignadad
BiG Droid X

Creator: Mike919
Purple Passion

Creator: Mrbobrowitz - Verified "Themes will work for any Blur/ Non Blur Rom"
Galaxy S
Drop Theme (Red)

Creator: Explodee
Froyo Dynamite

Minimal Matte - gotta pay for it

Creator: Krayzee - Verified
Droid X theme - he needs beta testers

Themes for Blur Roms

Creator: Fabolous - Verified
REVOlution R2

Creator: Team Incognito - Verified
Incognito Blurred Themes

Themes for Blur-less Roms

Creator: BBCrackman - Verified
BBC Dark Status Bar and Clear Lock Screen

Themes for Specific Roms

Creator: javroch - Verified
Black Out for Fission DX

Creator: Many Creators - Verified
Themes for the Fission Rom

Creator: Fabolous - Verified
NexTheme for ApeX
REVOlution for ApeX

Creator: Mrbobrowitz - Verified
Galaxy S for Tranquility

Creator: Bgill55 - Verified
Incognito Color Series For RubiX - link down

Creator: JsinLegacy and Rola - Verified
iX for rubiX Focused
Xpired for rubiX Focused- post#3
Sinful Series for rubiX Focused

Creator: Juicemane - Verified
Black Juice for rubiX Focused (2 color choices)
Blur Based Black Juice Theme for any Deodexed 2.2 rom
Black Juice for rubiX Blurry

Creator: Natemz - Verified
ProDX Red Theme for the Droid X (only tested on Tranquility 2.8)

Creator: BarracudaCM - Verified
Nebraska Theme /ColoredNebraska (Themes for: rubiX, FlyX, Fission, Tranquality and any roms)

Creator: Faber78 - Verified
KangeradeX for Fission

Creator: Joe722 - Verified
X v1.1.4 for Fission 2.0+

Ports By: Bjoe722 - Verified
NexTheme for Fission
Revolution Remix for Fission
Galaxy S for Fission
Revolution for Fission
Kangerade Blue for Fission

Creator: gregtard- Verified
DarkAndroid for rubiX Focused 1.9.3
Blue Droid Theme for rubiX Focused 1.8.6, 1.9.3, & 1.9.0 Leak/Non-Leak
DarkAndroid for Tranquility 3.5 & 3.5.1

Ported By: RoLa
Flavored Ice- Dark Berry Edition by Jairomeo for Rubix Focused

Creator: Team Incognito
Incognito Back bar mod for Ruibx Focused

Creator: ArmyRanger
Simple Black bar Mod For Blur Roms

Creator: Mrbobrowitz - Verified
Blackmodzz 2.0 - for ANY 2.2.1 Rom


Creator: bad4u6669
Themed Swype / stock keyboard

Creator: WJG
Droid X Modified Gallery

Creator: acidbath5546
Dark Vanilla Lockscreen mods for Droid X - Metamorph needed

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Android : Get A Parcel From Intent's Extras?

Sep 16, 2010

I've implemented parcelable on a class of mine per the doc instructions, works fine: code...

but I haven't implemented a copy constructor. However, the createFromParcel() method which I did implement is almost like a copy constructor. I'm wondering if I can use it make a copy, but I can't figure out how to get a Parcel instance from the intent extras:

MyParcelable mp2 = MyParcelable.CREATOR.createFromParcel(getIntent().getExtras().getParcelable("key"));// ? just need a parcel ?

it's not the greatest idea, just wondering if it's possible to avoid making another method for my class which will almost be identical to what's already implemented for the Parcelable interface..

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Android : Put Extras To Intent From Preferences?

Jan 17, 2010

I'm launching activity from preferences screen. Activity is shared among three preferences.
I wonder if i can set extras for this activity in xml. code...

All i need to do to pass an integer really. I can different actions and check action instead of extras.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Need Thread Rooting For Dummies + Extras Stickied?

Nov 19, 2010

I first want to start by saying I mean zero disrespect. I have the utmost respect for the moderators here and all the people who make this the most user friendly android forum around! With that said is there any way to have the thread ROOTING For Dummies + Extras stickied? This is nearly a request. Mat lock has made a great guide that has been proven to be a great tool. Im sure many people would agree that having it stickied would benefit many users especially the newer users trying to learn. Short and sweet, to the point.

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Android :: Is There A Limit On Extras Inside An Intent?

May 20, 2009

- Hide quoted text -

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Android :: Intent And Extras - Set PendingIntent On A Notification

Nov 23, 2010

I set an PendingIntent on a Notification (notification.setLatestEventInfo). this intent is actually the same intent used to launch my app, only with a flag that I put in the extra (intent.putExtra(TAB_INDEX_PARAM_NAME, UPDATES_TAB_INDEX)).

So my first activity launches, it queries it's intent's extras and immediately navigates to an Alerts activity rather the normal activity on a regular launch.

The problem: from this point, every activation of my app navigates to this Alerts activity. when debugged, I find that the flag is "stuck" in the intent even though I removed/changed it. it just won't change.

How can change an extra on a giving Intent?

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 : Need New Look Homescreen - With Extras

Oct 20, 2010

So many people may be reading this, wondering just what its all about, well, here goes.

As of probably August/September i was new in here, with no idea what to do with the X10 - through the X10 community - nay FAMILY - on this forum, i have developed from someone using basic stock icons, to well, a fully custom layout. HUGE HUGE thanks go out to X10iUser for the guidance in getting my phone here and the late night tutorial tonight lol

and to everyone else in this forum with their thoughts and ideas - whether its on what widget looks nice, or what background - keep them going, cos they bring us to the end results we dream of (well it has done mine lol)

So thats where i came to - i've modded the HTC Keyboard - which CuBz does an awesome job on explaining how to install here How to install HTC keyboard Step-by-step

and then modded with the guide from GIMPSTA at XDA here, the homescreens were taken from advice on widgets and apps in here Show Us Your X10 Homescreen... and the fonts from here Android Fonts... I have imaged a few different screens from my setup here

So to close it off - if you feel stupid (trust me, i did), confused or just curious about something, ask the question - after asking the question you have some idea's then share them - after you've shared them and you want to progress further - then i'm sure someone can help

Look where i took mine to from its simple beginnings in a few weeks. And if i haven't laid credit where credit is due then please, let me know and i will reference and update it. Now sod it, its 4am - i'm off to bed

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Android :: How To Get Location Information From Intent Bundle Extras?

Jan 2, 2010

I am trying to use Android's LocationManager requestLocationUpdates. Everything is working until I try to extract the actual location object that in my broadcast receiver. Do I need to specifically define the "extras" to my custom intent so that the Android LocationManager before I pass it to requestLocationUpdates so it knows how to add it into the intent, or will it create the extras-bundle regardless when it passes the fired intent to the broadcast receiver?

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Android :: How To Declare Pending Intent That Keeps Fresh Extras?

Jun 29, 2010

A few days ago I was struggling to find a way to use custom intents for my alarms. Although I got clear answer that I have to customize the Intents based on some unique ID eg. setAction() still have some problems.This can happen more than once for a contact. And when the second message is generated, the notification is raised well (message is fine there) but the intent when the user actions the notification it uses old data, so previous message is passed and not the brand new message.So someway the intent is caching and reusing previous extras. How can I make it unique per contact and per action?

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Android :: Way To Catch Intent's Extras If Activity Is Already Running

Mar 4, 2010

I put a notification in the status bar with a PendingIntent (with Extras info) that points to my main app (main activity). When the user clicks the staus bar, the PendingIntent is fired and my app launches and I can read the Extras info in my onCreate() method. So far so good.

But if my app is already running, the PendingIntent simply causes the app to come to the foreground and it does not call any of my methods, so I can't read the content in Extras. What can I do?

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Android :: Why PendingIntent Doesn't Send Back My Custom Extras Setup For Intent

Jun 27, 2010

This questions somehow relates to the question when I was looking to get the extras back in startActivityForResult but now I face another challenge.

I have subscribed to receive ProximityAlerts and I have explicitly constructed the Intent to include some Extras. But when I got the service the extras are not there.

After the answers here is the working code:


The documentation says param PendingIntent to be sent for each location update.

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Android :: Launch The Same Activity From Widget With Different Extras - Prevent Same Instance Show Up After Returned From HOME Button?

Nov 5, 2010

I have a widget that contains 4 buttons to show 4 stock prices, each of them will launch into the same activity Quote.class to show stock details. In onUpdate(), it will set up the pendingIntent with extras with stock symbol. After I hit button A, it goes to Quote activity that shows stock A. Then I hit the BACK button to the homescreen, Quote activity calls onDestroy() and when I hit button B, stock B will show properly. However, when i hit HOME button after it shows stock A, the Quote activity only calls onStop without calling onDestroy(), then as i hit button B, it will call onStart() and it shows the same instance that shows stock A.


Originally I thought adding a flag in the Intent should solve this problem. But I have tried
i.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK or FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK or FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY), none of them makes any difference.

So is there any ways to make it work? How can i remove the history stack from HOME button? How can I call onCreate in Quote activity and get new extras when i hit button B?

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HTC EVO 4G :: 4G Data Costs More Than 3G Data

Apr 7, 2010

If 4G data costs more than 3G data for the EVO, will you still get it? Let's see if the price difference matters!

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Phone Do New Contacts Save To Sim / Phone / Memory Card?

Jul 14, 2010

I have the new x10 mini and cant work out how to or where the new contacts are added to after the initial transfer are,can anyone shed any light on how to check this please?

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HTC Eris :: Phone Sends Blank Text Messages / Phone Faulty - Can Change?

Nov 23, 2009

I was surprised that I really couldn't find much on this, but I can't be the only one with the problem. My Droid Eris is sending blank text messages repeatedly. Is the phone faulty or is there some setting that I can change. I downloaded ChompSMS hoping that would fix it, but it doesn't appear to. When I open my text messaging program, many times it will send a blank text to the last person I texted. The other day, I turned the phone off and turned it back on and it sent a blank text at the exact time I turned it on.

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Killed My Phone - Restore This Phone Back To Its Original State?

Apr 20, 2010

I was trying to root my samsng behold 2 earlier today using the command codes on I thought everything was going well as I went all the way to the last step where it rebooted my behold 2. Problem is, the phone kinda just turned off after doing the reboot command and didn't turn back on by itself (I gave it like 10 minutes). I eventually then just turned on the phone manually and noticed that everything was super laggy. Even when I used taskkiller to kill every task minus GDE, it said I only had 38MB ram available. I rebooted my phone a few times and it was laggy everytime so I decided to do a hard reset. The problem is that when I attempted the hard-reset, it will now get stuck on the samsung screen when trying to load up (stayed there for over 30 minutes). I can still enter the phone if I just start it up regularly without trying to hard-reset, but it will continue to be VERY laggy.

Is there anything I can do to restore this phone back to its original state? I was reading about using ODIN to flash it or something, but for some reason my computer doesn't detect my phone when I go into Download mode on startup (it does however detect the usb drivers on my phone once the phone officially startsup into its homepage).

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Motorola Droid X :: Phone Sync Facebook's Pictures Without Other Junk Like Their Phone Numbers?

Jul 21, 2010

Is there any other way on the X to sync FB's pictures without it syncing the other junk like their phone numbers? I've tried Syncmypix but the quality of the pictures are kinda crappy.

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Motorola Droid X : Remove Themes And Return Phone To Stock / Get Froyo On Phone?

Aug 20, 2010

How do I remove my themes and return the phone to stock, trying to get Froyo on my droid x..

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Samsung Captivate :: Apps Get Stored On Internal SD Card On Phone - Its Phone Storage?

Aug 5, 2010

Do the apps get stored on the internal SD card on the phone? Or on the section where it says Internal phone storage?

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HTC Incredible :: Set Phone To Send Text From Pc Using Cell Phone Not Google Voice Number?

Aug 6, 2010

Is it possible to set it up so I can send a text from my computer using my cell phone # and not my google voice # ?

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General :: Making / Answering Phone Calls From Computer Routed Through Android Phone?

Dec 31, 2013

i'm looking for a way to make phonecalls with my computer+Logitech G230, through my android device (Jiayu G4 Advanced)

The Remotecall app in Playstore still requires me to pick up my phone in order to actually hear something..
its got all the other features i'd like to use: answer calls from my PC, make calls from pc (from , for example, the outlook contactlist), call Log capability; but i have to pick up my phone when i probably can just hear it through my headphone (connected to PC)

I think i should be looking for some sort of voip server on my phone and let my computer act as voip client, but i'm not entirely sure about that.

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Motorola Droid X :: Phone Ringer Wont Play Out Of Phone Speaker

Oct 20, 2010

I really want those characters people use on Facebook: hearts, smiley face, sun, etc. My best friend has a BB and says I can gwt them if i have auto text. I've Google the info and it there was one page that said to get the smart keyboard pro app. I have no idea in how to use it or get those cute little symbols. Please, anyine, HELP!!

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HTC Droid Eris :: Activating Old Phone - Input Phone Number For Activation

Jul 14, 2010

I cracked my screen and got a replacement. I am trying to activate the old phone after I have preformed a factory reset. It asked me to input a phone number for activation. I do not want to do this. what are my options.

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Motorola Milestone :: Phone Doesn't Ring Seems When I Don't Use Phone For Long Time?

Mar 22, 2010

After many lost calls now I'm sure sometimes my Milestone just doesn't ring.This seems to happens when I don't use the phone for a long time, but I was not able to voluntarily reproduce the issue.Do anyone have the same problem?

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