HTC EVO 4G :: What Do These New Updates Do?
Jun 9, 2010What do these new updates do? I just noticed there are updates available and maybe I'm late? One of them is 1.32.654.6 system upgrade?

What do these new updates do? I just noticed there are updates available and maybe I'm late? One of them is 1.32.654.6 system upgrade?
Ok well after doing several hours of researching i still have a few questions on rooting my droid eris. Of course i'm on the stock 1.5 and have not updated to 2.1 via the leak ware available. Which rom should i use if i want OTA updates? (for when 2.1 comes out) but i also want to use wireless tether and apps2sd? I would like to keep the stock senseui and everything else intact the way it is now. I have it setup nicely i'm just running out of space with the installed apps. I would also like to use platinum backup to backup my contacts, settings, apps etc whenever updates do come out. I don't want to be bothered with flashing new roms all the time. I'd rather just gain the extra features as painlessly as possible. But i'd like to make a backup for future updates so i don't have to go through the hassle of setting up the phone each time they decide to send over a big OTA update that wipes your data.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI installed the velocity Rom, and was wondering when the official froyo comes out, will i be able to ota update?
View 11 Replies View RelatedNEW xtr rom is out 4.0.6 with updates...FIXES GMAIL SYNC! FULL wipe update though :/ [ROM-beta] [8/18/2010] xtrROM4.0.6 [apps2sd,jit,lwp,nav,oc]-Vanilla that embraces HTC - xda-developers
View 47 Replies View RelatedI must have changed a setting because I am no longer getting app update notifications. Anyone know how to fix this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyone know if I release a test version of my app to some BETA testers without publishing it on the market, and later publish it on the market with an updated version number, if the BETA testers will then get a notification from the market that there is a new version available?
View 5 Replies View Relatedi remember on my touch pro with XDA, the market automaticly notified me about app updates as soon as they happen, and that hasn't happend once on my EVO i have had to manualy check everytime, i have the settings set to notify. is there something i am missing?
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy Evo has been selectively updating my apps for the last two weeks.10 total so far. The market version I have is 1.82 and according to the market troubleshooting page the current version is 2.07 for anyone OVER Android 1.6. So is that my problem? I know its supose to auto update but I tried to force it by doing what the troubleshooting page says and nothing, still on 1.82. The only thing that seems to fix this is to uninstall then install it like its new. I've already lost progress on one game and don't feel like doing that again. Any suggestions? Sprint is no help cuz its a market issue.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI'm new to all this Android game, having just taken delivery of my DHD, which I am loving who needs an i phone What I need to know is, how do I get software updates? I'm on line and everything, do they get sent straight to me or do I have to update it manually?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHaven't heard anything lately about the 2.0 update.anybody heard anything about it?is it possible we aren't getting it? any other updates in the works?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis is my first post on this board and I wanted to express a great deal of thanks to everyone for the wealth of information avaiable.I recently rooted my EVO and installed Myn's 2.2 ROM which I am extremely happy with.There is NO CHANCE I would have done this without all the great info here.I have looked for this information and am a bit overwhelmed - this is the first phone I've rooted, so I am proceeding extremely carefully with all the things I do with it.I can't seem to find a definitive answer how to prevent OTA updates entirely.I'm not even sure I have to worry about it since I have a new ROM installed.The last thing I want to have happen is to wake up some morning and suddenly my phone is unrooted with a new version of Sprint's ROM. I am perfectly happy waiting for custom ROMs to come out with feature changes (for example, Gingerbread). If I never see an OTA update prompt again, and I can be sure it won't apply itself without my intervention, I'll be happy as a clam.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThey are popping them out every week or two. Has anyone downloaded anything past pre 11 and if so what if any changes/enhancements did you notice?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've recently Hard Reset (factory reset) my HTC Evo after backing up Applications using File Explorer App. Now, that these applications were restored from the backup, I can't see them in Market Download and therefore I don't receive any updates for them. Per say, I've Smart Keyboard Pro, and I know there's new updated version out but unless I buy the App again, I won't get it. How do you get updates on Applications like these and other?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAs "Allow Automatic updates" is checked I would have thought that the update should download ....... erm . automatically. Nothing happened. until I stated to download something else from the Marketplace and hey presto down came the Maps update. This is the second time this has happened. I can only assume that by initiating a download the Desire is synched with the Market, but this doesn't occur by just browsing the Market.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI canceled all the updates that the phone was scheduled to get during activation, including the PRL update, in hopes of being able to root the phone. Should i not have canceled these initial updates. If they don't interfere with root, is there anything I can do to reactivate these updates?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI easily missed application updates I use. Is there any way to get update notification for each applications I installed? of should I check "My downloads" list occasionally?
View 4 Replies View Relatedi bought the new orange uk htc desire and unlocked the phone. Currently using for 02 network. i want to upgrade android 2.2. Through wifi or gps can't see new system updates. How to upgrade it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedEarlier today, we released updates to several different components in the Android SDK. Xav announced these updates via the Android Developers blog: If you want to follow the blog via Twitter, you can now do so via [url]
In addition to the new tools and platforms, there's one other important change that I wanted to point out. We've added additional clarification to the docs about android:maxSdkVersion and what effects it might have on your app if you use it. You can see these details here: [url]
Can someone tell me, what is the best way to deal with situations when there is no GPS signal or from some reason fix cannot be acquired?
The thing is that I thought that it would be sufficient just to use onStatusChanged method from LocationListener, but when there is no GPS signal it never calls this method. Why is that?
We have a variety of devices for testing purposes, and now that Froyo is being pushed (to the Nexus One so far at least), we have to constantly dismiss upgrade requests. There is no apparent "stop asking me" button.
So, is there any way I can disable OTA OS updates? We want a number of these phones to stay on old OS versions.
I am developing a small app that works as a speedometer with a build in histogram.
But it is quite unresponsive, I test it by driving in my car, and when i go from 80 to 0 it takes about 4-6 seconds before my needle is updated.
For simple outlier removal, i use a 1x3 median filter on my estimated speed the speed. Wich obviously will give me a delay one 1 sample.
******* Here's the real question :) ****** I thought i might get updates every second, and thus a delay of 2 seconds, wich wouldn't be to bad. but is GPS really that slow? or am i doing something completely wrong? *******
I have registrered a listener like so:
To have a steady update of my speedometer, I use a timerTask to poll the listener for the last estimated result, and updates my speedometer view.
And the run method of my task:
If I wanted to go back to my stock OS, is just flashing an OTA update all I need? I am fine jumping from ROM to ROM right now, but I was thinking what if I wanted to back to stock. What would I do.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAs the title says, no updates from O2 to say when they expect Froyo to be re-released, nothing from the @o2 on Twitter nothing from no one except people asking the same question as me. Where is it?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted phone so I don't want any ota updates. How can i stop or ignore them automatically. Prevent the fat finger.
I did a search for 'stop ota updates' and didn't see anything.
I have an application that currently has about 15 groups of photos. Every week, I've been updating the application with a new group of photos, but I have to upload the entire thing, and they have to download the entire thing. I want to be able to make it so when a new group of photos is available, they just have to click a button inside the app that downloads the "album" as well as all of the photos for that album.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just wanted to know how to do it. HTC Desire
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I flashed CM6 that was ported for the Eris and I looked in the ROM manager application and noticed that there are updates you can check for. If theres an update will it be compatible with me phone? Because it was ported for the eris. So does that cause any issues?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm rooted and I manually installed 2.2 a few weeks ago, but a couple times a week I get a notification I have a system update. If I hit install later, it keeps popping up like every hour or something like that. If I try to install it, it just says installation failed. Is there a way to completely block OTA updates so I don't have to be annoyed with this anymore?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have set my updates for Peep and Facebook and Freindstream for every 30 mins, but in order for this to work I need to constantly be connected to wifi or mobile web. I am fine with this, but it makes the battery die so quickly. Any way I can make my phone auto connect to wifi or mobile web to do the updates, and then auto connect. Also, any decent facebook app that isnt the default one? I have also read that you can set different profiles up for work or home etc.
View 7 Replies View RelatedDoes an app developer need to do something peculiar in code to get a newer version of an uploaded app to show up in the notification bar on installed users' phone?I am reading comments that vary wildly and I can neither determine if the message content I am reading is relevant or current.With the pace of change in Android, perhaps we should filter messages older than a year from results? :)
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