HTC EVO 4G :: Bad Camera Or Bad Battery

Jun 6, 2010

I bought an HTC oem battery off ebay for my EVO. This was not a red battery. I believe it is for the TP2. When I use the battery everything works except my camera. When push the camera widget, the camera starts to load but then the phone returns to home screen. When I take the battery out it takes a while for the phone to go back to normal so I can use the camera again. So is it my ebay battery or is it the camera? Or could it be something else?

HTC EVO 4G :: Bad camera or bad battery

HTC EVO 4G :: Camera Burning My Battery

Jun 12, 2010

When i look to see what is using up my battery, it appears that everytime it says that camera is around 45%. I have checked everywhere i know and it does not appear that my camera is running.....

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Samsung Moment :: Use Camera On Low Battery

May 17, 2010

Is there any way to get around how on the phone when you go to camera when the battery is red. That you can still use the camera and takes photos. This is a real pain considering the phone is almost always showing red battery and I can never take photos. How can I get around this.

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HTC Desire :: Why Battery Use Showing 48% For Camera

Jun 28, 2010

In the battery use menu on my desire its showing as 48% use for camera even though ive only used the camera about 4 times (to take 4 pictures) since I got the phone on Friday !

Its showing the same percentage use (48%) for Android system as well which I can expect but why all the use for the camera ?

Other use at the moment is 'Cell Standby' 2% and 'Phone Idle' 2%

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HTC Incredible :: Camera Battery Drain

Jun 30, 2010

When I use the camera the battery gets used up quick. Is it the replacement droid I have or is this common? Camera also freezes up soemtimes(was told this is a known issue and can get replacement...

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HTC Incredible :: Camera Killing Battery

Jun 2, 2010

Will take the past three days for example. Monday i took ONE picture and all day under menu>settings>about phone>battery>battery use..... it said the camera app used 94% of my battery and that was after a days use.

Tuesday then rolls around and i didn't use my camera and i had charged my phone monday night but whats weird is it still said the camera app used about 87% of my battery and my battery died QUICK that day.

Today is wednesday and so far the only time i used my camera was when i quickly opened the bar code scanner app but i didn't even scan a code i just opened it for maybe 3 seconds and today it says the camera used 47% of my battery.

Is my camera app staying open even though under running services it isn't there and neither is it there when i use task killers such as "Android system Info"

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HTC Droid Eris :: Camera Is Draining Battery

Jul 6, 2010

I've noticed that for the past few days I have been experiencing lower than normal battery performance with my Eris. I checked the battery sonsumption and it says that it is the camera that is doing it. OK. So I force kill everything (reinstalled a task killer) and opened the camera and closed it again. I always exit an app with the back button, not the home button. Still the problem persists. I noticed that while it was charging last night that the camera was using 100% of my battery. So my conclusion is that whenever I charge my Eris the camera runs in the background even after I take it off of the charger. Is anyone having this problem?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Camera Eats Up Battery Even When Off

Jul 5, 2010

I've noticed a few people have had the same problem. Notice to charge your phone, check battery usage and it says "camera a million percent." Best advice so far is to turn your phone off then back on and it goes away. But this happens every time I use my camera. Am I gonna have to turn off my phone every time I'm done with the camera or is there a way to make this stop happening? It's only a recent problem too. When I got the phone a few weeks ago, I had no problems. If the battery was low and I checked why it'd show display and cell standby and phone idle. It's just been the last few days that it started showing the camera.

BTW when I press on it (where it says "camera a million percent") for more details it says "turn off GPS" why do I need to turn of GPS to make my camera stop draining the battery or is that totaly unrelated advice?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Camera Killing Battery

Apr 18, 2010

Basically I was messing around and decided to check my battery usage because it seemed to have run down pretty fast lately, and i see this. Whenever i run my camera once this seems to happen. I always use the back button to back out of the camera after i use it and i've gone as far as ending all tasks using the system app. Is there any way to stop the camera from using so much of my battery, or should I just stop using it?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Coverage - Navigation - Camera And Battery Life

Jun 6, 2010

We planned a trip to Kemah Boardwalk and I thought this would be a perfect time to do a small review of the Evo. So here is what I experienced with the Evo 4G. Please bear in mind that my focus was to have fun and not make this as an in-depth review of the phone.

1. 4G Coverage: Although Sprint's maps says that on our area (Sugar Land, Missouri, and Stafford) it has almost complete 4G coverage. My tests from different part of the vicinity only shows mostly 3G connectivity. And if it does show 4G, I don't notice any major change in speed, then again, I haven't timed it so please bear in mind the word - "notice".

2. Navigation was excellent! I prefer Google Navigation then Sprint's because of the satellite viewing while navigating... Even full-fledged navigation devices do not have this capability! There were a few times that google navigation would give a longer/slower route, but so does all other GPS devices. Over all, I'm pretty impressed with Google Navigation!

3. For a phone's camera, this thing is impressive! It won't replace a regular point and shoot camera. But this camera is excellent for internet viewing. Reduce the size to 25% of it's original size and almost all it's image quality issues will be greatly reduced. Here are some pictures I took at Kemah (Please take note, the pictures have been reduced 25%):

4. Lastly - Battery life... The battery didn't last long for me, yes I did put brightness to auto-brightness, turned off 4G, GPS (When I wasn't using it) and wifi. It barely lasted 3 hours, good thing I got my Seidio 1750 mAh extended battery, and no, I didn't notice any major difference between the OEM battery and the extended battery. Again no scientific and in-depth review here. My focus is not to review this phone, but to have fun. My second battery pretty much held out till we got back home, with me posting on FB on transit.

Overall, I have not too much to complain about, I just found some solutions to my issues. The only solution I haven't found yet, is the 4G coverage. From Sprint's map, it says we're fully covered, but as I go from place to place, the 4G coverage was spotty at best.

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Motorola Droid :: HUGE Camera Bug On Low Battery

Dec 9, 2009

When the battery is low (Red LED blinkng) and somtimes at 15% when the popup comes up and you try to take pictures in close to or complete darkness pictures taken will look cut off like below:

Picasa Web Albums - JeffreyPeacock

If you keep taking pictures it will get to a point where the flash will stop working altogether and it will focus red bars take a picture of darkness since the flash did not come off. Opening and closing the camera app fixes this problem temporarily. If you plug it in and take pictures while plugged in the problem goes away. If you let it charge for a little bit unil it gets to around 15% and take unplug it and take pictures, the pictures will be fine until the battery drops to low (Red LED blinking). Two of my droids experiences this issue and my friend's droid as well.

This happened with 2.0 and 2.0.1

Additional Info:
What is weird is that when I start taking pictures, first 1/4 of the photo will be cut off, then 1/2, then 3/4, finally just a sliver of picture will come through. Then the flash wont even come on at all... even if I force the flash on under settings no light will appear. Then I have to restart the camera app to get it to cycle through. It would make sense it is a battery issue having a decrease in voltage and not being able to supply the needed power to the LED, but do all droids have that problem? Do I defected unit or battery?

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HTC Desire :: Battery Life - Video Camera?

May 30, 2010

have been a nokia man for years now,but saw the desire once in a vodafone store,and loved it!!only issues just now are the battery life,and the video camera.took a video of our pup,and it was"jerky".was'nt in low light or tried another video in an even lighter area,but was the this a software issue or are there settings to cancel this out?

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Samsung Captivate :: Override Camera Not Working With Low Battery

Aug 11, 2010

Phone gets to 15% (which is plenty of battery IMO) and I can't take a pic. Get in a car wreck and need to take some photos? oh no 15% battery because its the end of the day and you forgot your charger. Need to snap a pic of a deadly snake that just bit your dog to take with you to the vet's office? can't low battery. These 2 events happened to me (wasn't driving though). Please tell me this is a setting I can fix

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HTC Droid Eris :: Camera Eating Battery After Close

May 25, 2010

Since receiving the 2.1 OTA it seems that the camera is not closing properly after exiting. I first noticed this after I received the OTA update and just assumed I needed to do a factory reset, which i did yesterday.I checked it again this morning, took a pic, waited an hour and a half, and voila it's still eating battery at a prodigious rate as compared to other apps and systems currently consuming battery. The only thing I've found that works to date is rebooting the phone.Any ideas? anyone else experiencing this? My 1.5 ran beautifully and 2.1 is too, (I'm in the Frisco camp) with the exception of this camera glitch.

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Samsung Fascinate :: Way To Stop Camera From Disabling At 15% Battery

Sep 23, 2010

I love this phone, but I am annoyed that it won't let me use my camera if I have less than 15% left on my battery. Is there anyway to disable this? I appreciate the idea, but if I want to let my battery run out using my camera, then I should be able to do so.

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Samsung Fascinate :: Battery Drain - Cant Get Camera App To Close

Nov 1, 2010

I've had my Fascinate for a week and am having some trouble - actually, lots of trouble with it. Any suggestions are welcome:

1. At night I close out all running programs except Zeam - which I'm using as a home replacement since LauncherPro doesn't play nicely with the Fascinate (too much lag). When I close down I have about 90% left on my battery, in the morning, the phone is dead, battery drained. I typically wake up to about 5 emails and no other notifications so it's not processing a ton of incoming data. I can plug it in at night, but the standby time is supposed to be 312 hours. Am I doing something wrong?

2. I can't get the camera app to close. I sometimes have to pull the battery in order to get it to close. I try hitting the home key and get no response, the back key yields nothing, and the power key won't turn it off. The camera remains functional as I try each of these keys. Even after hitting the power key I can immediately take a picture.

3. GPS won't get a lock. I know this is a known problem, but is it a problem on every device, or is it hit and miss?

I really love the Fascinate's form factor and gorgeous screen, but I'm struggling with whether or not to trade for the Droid X before my 30 days are up. The home key lights, lack of text editing assistance (via trackball, trackpad, or on screen software), lack of LED notification light, GPS issues, and lag are making me lean towards the X. I had an X when they first came out and I never quite got used to the size of it. It never felt comfortable in my hand. But the phone itself worked great. I'd prefer not to have to root my phone to get it to work properly.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Excessive Camera App Battery Usage

Jun 5, 2010

Ever since I installed the Android 2.1 update I have noticed a significant increase in my battery depletion when I am using the camera app. This is even if I am using the camera app for a very short period of time. For example, I might take three or four shots in the course of two minutes and my battery drain would be on the order of 7% - 8%. This is way more battery drain from the camera app than I ever witnessed when I was using it with Android 1.5.

I also noticed on the battery status screen, where you can see how much percentage of your total battery life that various apps and system processes are using, that the camera app skyrockets up to over 90% of the total usage every time I use it for a few minutes.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Honest Opinions About Battery Life And Camera?

Jul 9, 2010

Ive got the xperia x10 which I love now the battery problems are sorted but I've another upgrade due and had a quick play with the galaxy s today. Seemed pretty good but before deciding whether I should take it whats peoples opinions on the battery life and the camera? The battery on all my android phones hasn't been great but as long as I can happily get a day/day and half out of it with reasonable use i.e. bit of music, lot of texts, a little web and a few calls then id be happy with it. Also I notice the camera doesn't have a flash, what are the pics like people have been taking? I really liked the look and feel of phone but a little worried the amoled screen would drain the battery too much.

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Samsung Captivate :: Open Camera - Message Pops Us Saying Low Battery

Sep 27, 2010

Has anyone else noticed that when there you have a low battery, I guess under 10%, the phone will not let you open then camera? I've tried to open the camera, and a message pops us saying "Low Battery" and then the application automatically closes itself. Any way around this?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Removing Scratches In Camera Window Of Battery Cover

Nov 17, 2010

There are some minor scratches in the window that the camera lens uses to take pictures on the battery cover. Even if I don't get all of them (some MIGHT be too deep, its hard to tell whether my fingernail catches or not in that little area), it would still be better if I could get some of them out. Any way I can do this without harming the lens even more?The scratches are on the outside of the cover, btw, not the tiny circle opening on the inside.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Says That Camera Has Used Like 80 Percent - Battery Life Is Dieing Very Quickly

May 27, 2010

I just got my Eris 2 weeks ago and all of a sudden my battery life is dieing very quickly and i looked to see why and it says that my camera has used like 80 percent of it..... and i don't even use it that often.

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HTC Hero :: Camera Not Working - Message The Application Camera Process Has Stopped Unexpectedly Please Try Again

Dec 6, 2009

My camera stopped working. When I click my camera application I get the message "The application camera (process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again". It's just a blank screen?

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini/pro :: Battery Charges Pretty Fast - Drains Just As Quickly - Digital Zoom On It's Camera?

Jul 28, 2010

Got my SE Xperia Mini Pro last weekend. This week's been pretty interesting with some delightful discoveries, and a few rude shocks too.

I've a few queries about my Mini Pro.

Is the battery life for the mini pro generally this sad? Or is it just my piece that's rubbish? I've noticed that my battery charges pretty fast. Sadly, it drains just as quickly. I'm yet to do a proper test on how long it lasts, as I haven't been able to keep my hands off my phone I'd hazard a guess that the battery, by regular use, wouldn't last 12 hours! I'd charged my phone fully last night. I woke up 8 hours later to see the battery indicator show 80%. 20% discharge for doing nothing? Seriously? I downloaded the Bluetooth File Transfer app, and I'm now able to send files via Bluetooth. Still haven't figured out how to receive files though. How do I send a contact from my phone to another phone? Why would Sony Ericsson not have digital zoom on it's camera?

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Samsung Fascinate :: Front Facing Camera / Camera Flash?

Aug 4, 2010

If you could only choose one of these, which would you have chosen for the Fascinate? (Obviously it would be best to have both).

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Motorola Droid X :: Why Camera Button Is Tiggering Volume And Not Camera?

Aug 19, 2010

I cant figure out why my camera button is tiggering the volume and not the camera. Every time I press it to use my camera it keeps lowering my ringer volume and when im in the camera mode(from app) it wont snap any pics, it just takes me back to my main page and lower the volume. Can anyone help me out?

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Android :: Need A Camera App That Makes Magic Camera Not Suck?

Nov 15, 2009

Whats a camera app that will actually work and not take 30 seconds to take the picture after clicking to take it?

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Android :: How Can Camera API Support To Two Camera Device?

Feb 1, 2010

The android camera API is bound to one camera device, but in some situation we have lots of camera device in a netbook or handset. We can't use the same application with different camera device dynamically. For example, we can select the camera device in the VLC (Video LAN Client) on windows because there is direct show on it, but we can't do that on android by camera API without changing the framework. Guys, is there any mistake at my understand? Is there any plan to modify framework to support this situation ?

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Motorola Droid X :: Camera VS HTC Incredible Camera

Jul 17, 2010

So I spent the last hour or more in my backyard in 107 degrees taking pictures of flowers at stock settings with both phones. NOT an easy task I will tell you that. My back hurts, but besides that... I did my best to show the best quality of BOTH cameras, because they are both great. I realize that not everyone will agree with me, or will think I messed with something in my pictures. But these are all completely stock settings, not messed with at all. I only touched the flash on/off button.

My decision is I like the X camera better, it is easier to focus, and much snappier. Plus designated camera button! I found on the Incredible while the pictures look great on the phone itself and in gallery, that as soon as they were uploaded the colours looked washed out and not as great. I know this is due to the AMOLED screen. But both overall great. My decision is the X though.



NOTE: Inc would NOT focus any closer without being extremely blurry, tried a gazillion times.







Outside Panoramic View from X NO FLASH (Just for fun):

Outside Normal View from Incredible:

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HTC EVO 4G :: Camera / Video Camera Settings?

Jul 25, 2010

I'm Trying to fine tune the Camera settings and was wondering if you guys changed the settings around and got better Pictures/Video and what did you change your settings to? I'm more concerned about fine tuning the video Settings even though i know both the Camera/Camcorder share the same settings.

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Samsung EPIC 4G :: Evo 4G Camera Vs Epic 4G Camera Comparison (with Photos)

Sep 1, 2010

Here are a few shots taken using both my Epic 4G and my Evo 4G.

1) I'm not a photographer

2) I used Vignette on the Evo 4G

3) I used both the Stock camera and Vignette for the Epic

4) The Epic pictures were taken while there was more sunlight out, the Evo was more in optimum lighting.

5) Neither has been retouched in any way

I also have 720p video shot with both phones, just don't know where to upload it yet.

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