HTC Droid Eris :: Pop Email Not Working Properly

Dec 11, 2009

I put in all my hotmail info for the eris to automatically pull my emails several times a day. After a couple days it just stops working and then I have to reenter all my info again.It is frustrating.Has this happened to anyone else? How can this be fixed.Sorry if this is already covered here, but I did a search and nothing came up.

HTC Droid Eris :: Pop email not working properly

Motorola Droid X :: Push Email Not Working Properly

Jul 18, 2010

Using the stock Messenging app with the universal inbox. I have a couple of IMAP accounts setup and push turned on. Something odd happens to the Messenging app that prevents it from getting mail. It will hang quite often to the point where no mail is received at all until it gets unstuck (sometimes up to a half hour). If I go into the email account, it shows the spinning arrows as if it is trying to sync, but it just spins.

At first, I tried all the usual troubleshooting. I removed and re-added the e-mail accounts. I turned push off and on. I rebooted. I tried just about everything I could think of, but this has been going on since I got the Droid X. I made sure it was set to sync even when wifi is off. I'm not sure what is causing it to hang, but I removed and added each account and it's still happening. Eventually, I'll get the emails but sometimes it takes a half hour or more before it frees itself up. I can't even use a Task killer to kill the messenger app because when I open it back up, the arrows are still spinning.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Message Application Not Working Properly

Apr 12, 2010

once I check a message, the app still says I have a message until I reply. Is there a way to fix that? I do have handcent but I still prefer the htc message app.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Awake Time Not Working Properly

Jun 5, 2010

Last night, I checked "awake time," and it was about 6 hours (uptime was about 14 or 15). The 6 hours may have been a little bit high, but it was probably about right. This morning as soon as I woke up I checked awake time again, and it was at 14.5 hours. So it had been "awake" literally all night. I killed extraneous tasks before I went to bed, but here's what I've got installed:

Pure Calender*
Gmail Unread Count*
Audio Manager*
Movies by Flixster
Google Voice
My Tracks
BatteryLife widget by CurveFish*

The ones with * were the only ones running when we went to bed (I have those excluded from my task killer).
This morning, I killed "Messages" because I read that the stock SMS app can cause the phone to stay awake, but "awake" time continues to increase despite the phone appearing to be asleep. A couple other things: we used my tracks yesterday, but turned off the GPS and killed the app when we were finished using it. And she played Teeter for like 20 minutes a little while before we went to bed.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Shift / ABC Keys Not Working Properly Since Update.

Jul 23, 2010

Since I updated my software the other day, when I type a text message in the native program I cannot use the Shift (up arrow key) when the phone is vertical. When I flip it horizontal the shift key works, but then the ABC to # key no longer works. Does anyone else have this problem? Verizon's only advice was to pull the battery out...of course did nothing.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Email Stopped Working

Jan 25, 2010

I was receiving emails on three different accounts up until this morning. I have been in the Application Manager stopping and clearing various services and apps I don't use. Obviously I have not done that to email, but are there any apps or services in there that affect email? I'm wondering if I messed something up by going too far parring down the device of stuff I don't use, or if this has happened to somebody else with an Eris and it's a bug.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Pop3 Email Stops Working

Dec 4, 2009

My pop3 e-mail (not exchange) stops working about once every 1-2 days. It looks for mail, but doesn't return any results, even though there is mail in the account.I have to delete the account and start over to get it to work

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Motorola Droid X :: Wi-Fi Not Working Properly?

Jul 21, 2010

It seems as though my droid x has a hard time with the wi-fi connection. I turn it on and the wi-fi signal comes up but i am getting horrible speeds. my ping is anywhere from 300 to 900 (Horrible) and then my download speed is 1400kbps or so. and the upload is around 1500 kbps or so. I have tried atleast a dozen tests. The speeds almost seem like 3g speeds. is it becuase the 3g isnt being turned off when the wifi is on and that is what i really am testing? please any advice would be great, i really like this phone but if my internet connection is going to be like this I don't think i can handle it.

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Motorola Droid X :: Dialer Not Working Properly

Jul 22, 2010

I had to call in to the automated system and enter my jury ID number and pin. The ID number is 9 digits and the pin is 4 digits. When punching these numbers in using the stock dialer, the system I was calling kept messing up. It didn't prompt me like it should, and when it read my entries back to me, they were wrong. The system would report that I'd entered 88 when I'd entered 80 or something. I tried this 3 or so times before I started to think my phone was the problem. I called back with another phone and it worked fine (it was some old Motorola phone but I've actually interacted with this system using my iPhone 3G in the past just fine). I called the system back with my X and, this time, punched in the numbers slowly (half a second or so between key presses). This time, everything went swimmingly. I haven't replicated this on other automated systems, but it's clear at least one of them has a problem with the X's stock dialer when it's used quickly. Anyone have a similar problem?

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Motorola Droid :: Calculator Not Working Properly

Mar 3, 2010

The calculator app that comes with the Android OS apparently has an error. I've confirmed this error with two other Moto Droids and one HTC Android phone. In the calculator app enter:

3322.72 - 3321.92 then = and the answer is .799999

The correct answer is .80. This may seem like a minor point (.000001 error) but the answer is still wrong! Basic arithmetic operations should be a no brainer.A Verizon service rep confirmed this error on the Droid and Eris phones he had in their call center.

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Motorola Droid :: Browser Not Working Properly On Rooted

Mar 26, 2010

I've recently rooted my droid and installed Bugless Beast 0.9 and Chevy1 OC'ing on it. Ever since then my browser will just decide to close and it takes me back to the home screen. I don't get a forced closed message it just takes me back to the home screen. I'm new to this rooting business so I'm not sure if there is something I am overlooking or what. I followed the instructions completed and wiped the phone before doing any of this.

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Motorola Droid X :: Stock Browser Not Working Properly

Jul 26, 2010

Whenever I'm trying to sign in to a webpage or enter a zipcode to locate a store the browser won't send the information through. When I click on send, search, or login nothing happens. It's frustrating when you're on the road and need to find something. I'm using the stock browser. I love my Droid X but this is starting to bother me.

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Motorola Droid :: Speaker Phone Stopped Working Properly

Aug 17, 2010

About two days ago, my speaker phone stopped working properly.I can hear peole, but people can't hear me when in speaker mode on phone calls.Anyone else having this problem?

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Motorola Droid :: Custom Ringtone Notifications Not Working Properly

Jun 17, 2010

I programmed (in the "Settings") to have a custom ringtone (the Kimmunicator ringtone for Kim Possible) for notifications. However, it only vibrates when I get a text message. Also, the sounds only happens at random times, when I have NO notifications. It really bothers me. I want my Droid to give off the notification ringtone only when I have notifications, not when I don't have them.

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Motorola Droid X :: Phone Not Working Properly - Need To Restart Unit

Nov 8, 2010

These little bugs are starting to get annoying. This morning no sound on phone. Restart the unit and all is fine. If people had to restart and pull the battery as much on a BB Storm, they'd be complaining like crazy. Actually I rarely had to pull the battery on my Storm. Of course the Storm sat for a long time trying to load a website, but it did.

This thing is starting to bug me. It's official now. Open media and Camera Roll doesn't show it's icon half the time. Start it up and everything on SD card takes a while to show an icon. Go to Market and every other time nothing loads. This little stuff is adding up. Feel free to add your little bugs.

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Motorola Droid :: Email Notification / Email Check Not Working?

Jan 14, 2010

I have a work email pop3, is not a g mail account. Well, i have putted to be notified in 1 hour if i have new emails the problem is the phone didn't check the emails and didn't have the notifications. only if i enter on the "Mail" application i have the new emails.. if i didn't enter, this didn't check the emails. What is the problem?. I have APN droid installed and i have deactivated the 3g 2g gaps. But i have configuration the WIFI to stay connected always.

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HTC Droid Eris : Not Booting Up Properly

Mar 18, 2010

Earlier in the evening my Eris was working fine. My son was playing toddler lock and afterwards, it seemed to be working fine. browsed the web for a bit and no issues what so ever... Powered it down to get it as much of a charge as possible before heading out for the night and when i booted it back up, the following processes were force closing.And if i select to being the phone up, it says android.process.acore has stopped and must be FC'd as well. when i use the mobile widget to turn the mobile network on, it says that the application, HTC sense (process has stopped and much be fc'd.Anyone got any ideas?The phone hasn't been rooted or anything done to it other than a few apps from the market.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Mail Not Always Polling Properly

Jun 11, 2010

Ever since I upgraded to 2.1 my email accounts have not been polling like they are set to. In some cases, it won't poll until I manually check it. I've tried 2 factory resets, but no luck. They are set to 5 min.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Gmail Inbox Not Syncing Properly

May 21, 2010

i just got the Eris a couple days ago, and love it with a few exceptions. I've been searching and searching for an answer to this, and i cant seem to find it. When I activated my phone at the VZW store, I synced it with my gmail account. When I opened my inbox on my phone, I was surprised to see emails that i had deleted some time ago (using a computer). It synced over 2000 messages from my inbox. My first question is WHY?!? and is there a way to 'undo' that madness, and erase them all short of having to check every message's box and delete them?Also, why when I delete a message it doesn't get deleted right away? I usually have to close out the app then reopen it and it'll be gone. Also, why when I delete a message does it still appear when I check gmail on my computer? if I delete it from the inbox using my computer/phone, shouldn't it not still be on the other device?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Text Jokes Dont Run Properly

Mar 3, 2010

When i get a text msg with a pic or video attached or with a song attached to a pic I can only do one at a time. (ok they r usually just jokes but still,) my regular nonsmart phone knew to play them together. i have do download each to hear or view separately (kinda ruins the jokes) can I fix this or are my text jokes ruined forever?

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HTC Droid Eris : Google Voice Not Refreshing Properly

Feb 3, 2010

When I first got my phone, one of the things I did to save on battery life was to turn off the "always on mobile" setting, as I read that the refresh intervals still work properly and refresh according to your settings (ie: mail will still be checked every 5 min, etc.). For the next few weeks, it did work properly like I read and I never had issues when i pressed the sleep/standby button on my phone as far as receiving mail and google voice messages every 5 minutes.the other day I checked the "enable always on mobile" box, and realized it was taking up too much battery, so I decided to uncheck it once again, thinking it would go back to how it was before, but now I am not receiving mail / google voice / etc. properly, and only seems to refresh if I take the phone out of standby.For example, with the "scoreboard" google app I will not receive an update until i physically press the power on my phone (which can be 3 hours later after the game ends), I have mail that I received at 5:00pm that I didnt receive until I physically turn on the screen at 5:45, and I don't get notifications for text messages through google voice properly ,same as above. I had a google voice text message received at 3:00pm and didn't receive notification until I turned on my phone at 6:00 pm.I have checked the scoreboard app, google voice, and mail settings and they are all set to 5 min intervals. Does anybody have any idea why this is happening? I only noticed this ever since I "checked" and then "unchecked" the always-on-mobile setting under wireless settings. I know 100% I had "always on" turned off before when I was still receiving everything fine.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Otterbox Impact Case Not Fitting Properly

May 19, 2010

does anyone else have the otterbox impact case ? wondering if mine is the only one that isn't fitting properly. the top of it is now sitting above the ear piece and sensor hole.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Select All Email / Psat Email And Mark As Read...

Jan 4, 2010

I am a converted BB user. One of the features i cant seem to find that i liked on the BB is the select all/previous and mark as read function. I have tried pressing keys on the keyboard (if only there was a ctrl+A function) and looking under every menu i can find. Does anyone have any idea as to how i could do this?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Calculator Not Working Properly

Sep 1, 2010

So, the moral of the story is "Don't use the native calculator to do your taxes". Open the standard calculator, and enter 49990-49602.62 (a simple subtraction problem) Then push the = sign. Handy-Calc (excellent App) does not do this.

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Android :: Emulator Not Working Properly

Aug 1, 2009

My little apps used to run fine in eclipse and on the android emulator.Then for some reason they stopped working. Now, no new apps or changes will appear on the phone.I have followed the instructions on the FAQ but it doesn't change. Now also if I want to change some code and then re-run it by pressing play, it says: emulator: ERROR: the user data image is used by another emulator.

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HTC Desire :: HTC Sync Not Working Properly

Aug 17, 2010

After working fine for months I've just noticed that phone to ms outlook sync of calendar is not working. It started a few days ago but I can't be specific when.Pc to phone of calendar is fine, contacts sync fine both ways.I debranded from Vodafone and went to Froyo 10 days ago.Could this be the cause?Just installed the latest sync 2.0.33 from HTC - no change.It's a pain because I started using the phone to make work appointments, fortunately spotting the problems before any real damage was done with clients.Has anyone else come across this and if so found a fix?

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HTC Desire :: Upgraded To 2.2 Wi-Fi Not Working Properly

Aug 23, 2010

Disclaimer: I've started a new thread as I felt this was distinct enough from 2.2 feedback and different from a similar thread.I upgraded to 2.2 today, did it over my mobile H connection and it all worked fine, no problems to report.Got home and turned the wi-fi on and while it will see all the surround access points, included mine, it won't actually connect to mine. When I go right into the settings and look at what's happening it appears to be unable to get past 'Obtaining Address.Nothing has changed on my wireless setup from this morning when 2.1 connected fine.I've rebooted both the router and the phone and it still doesn't connect. All i've not done yet is a factory reset on the phone, but to be honest i'm loathe to do that unless it's completely necessary.Strangely the wi-fi hotspot feature on the phone is working fine.Can someone please help, this is a major issue for me.

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HTC Incredible :: Weather Isn't Working Properly

Aug 31, 2010

I am on phone #3 since the last two blew out the external speakers. Anyway this one hasn't had the weather working properly since I have received it, even after going to Froyo. It shoes my weather town name as "Current Location" instead of my towns name which the first two Incredibles showed just fine. The phone will occasionally show my town but not always. I have tried updating the weather a couple times but no luck. I also made sure all the location settings were turned on.

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LG Ally :: Apps2sd Is Working Properly?

Oct 25, 2010

How can I confirm that apps2sd is working properly? Every time I install an app my internal memory decreases (I'm pretty sure that means it is not working).Is there a folder located on the sd card where all of my apps should be located?

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Android :: CoPilot Not Working Properly

May 8, 2010

Started on the missus iphone that it stopped sayiing 'Welcome to CoPilot' when you started the app (even though it is switched to on in the settings), also none of the directions are audible yet the button clicks are fine. Sent a support request to ALK a week ago... no reply. Today fired up CoPilot on my HTC Desire and exactly the same thing has happened throughly pissed off.?

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