HTC Desire Z :: Can I Switch From A Samsung Impact To An HTC Desire Z?
Nov 3, 2010Also Im on Bell and how much would it cost to switch?

Also Im on Bell and how much would it cost to switch?
I am trying to investigate why I seem to come to my phone (without dropping it) and it is sometimes off. I remembered that I had a couple of small drops before, the kind of drop that would not have made any previous phone I've had even skip a beat. So I did a test and dropped it on purpose.
3cm drop.
Phone dropped completely flat on it's back so it landed flat.
Phone in silicone/gel tight fitting case.
Glass table.
Screen on when dropped.
Result? Phone instantly off on impact. To me, I find this way too delicate in comparison to phones I've owned. Now, this is my first big screen smartphone, but not my first smartphone. My last was the Nokia E71 which was very very well built. Evidently, it was even better built than I thought.
Am I being harsh/naive and this is normal, or do I have a delicate unit?
Assume that, I have a TCP connection that doing heavy data transmitting on my 3G network; and I walked home, Android switch to my home Wifi automatically. Now what happen to the existing connection? is it simply disconnect? or it will keep going, only new connections will use wifi? In addition, what if I walk away from home, wifi lost signal and switch to 3g? It should be safe to guess the connection is dropped. For my application, do I need to handle the reconnection or there is a auto fall back solution.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAs the title says really, I can get it on stand by but I can't turn it off. I wonder if I am doing something obviously stupid.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy Desire seems to switch off once the battery gets to just under 10%. What does yours do ?
View 11 Replies View RelatedTried a bit of a buggy ROM and not happy with the outcome.Now, I followed the very helpful guide for one-click rooting to add the new ROM but I wanna switch to the LeeDroid 1.4 release now so what do I need to do? I'm thinking a complete wipe would probably be best so gonna format my backed-up SD card as well and partition it for a2sd+ but can anyone just run me quickly through what I need to do with ClockworkMod etc. to scrub off the old ROM and install the new one pretty please?
View 2 Replies View Relatedalright, I have already rooted my HTC Desire and now i want to switch from an 8-gb sd card to a 16-gb one. I tried whatever way i could think of, but it just won't work. Does anyone know how to go about doing that?One way i think it would work is to unroot my phone and then re-root it with the new sd card, but i just don't know what version of rom to download in order to unroot the phone.I'd rather do it without going through unrooting process, but if that's then only way i could get my new sd card to work, it's ok.
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust got my HTC Desire and previously had a Nokia E71. I want to use the 16gb sd card from my E71 in my Desire but what do I have to do to keep from losing info, and app info that's already on my Desire sd card? Is there a program that backs it up completely? I've heard that some people have switched just by copying onto PC and then back onto the new card, but have had problems with application data etc. Also, is the 16gb card going to run really slowly? Slowed down my E71 a bit but I'm assuming the Desire could cope much better?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there an app to switch off the phone at automatic times? I.e, turns off at midnight so no calls in the night, but switches on before the alarm goes off? I'm fairly sure the alarm doesn't currently go off if the phones off, some of my previous phones have been forced on by the alarm.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy phone is unbranded, unlocked, rooted, partitioned EXT3/FAT32 and running oxygen 0.2.1.I am upgrading to a 16 gig microsdhc card. What do I need to do to switch over?Is clockwork recovery on my sd card? I am concerned if I switch to a freshly partitioned card i'll lose the ability to flash.I don't care about personal data lost because I don't have any. This phone is barely a few days old. I don't mind starting fresh as I'm still experimenting with roms and such.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have searched but cannot find an answer to this. I have a friend who has an older android phone, I think it is a vodaphone branded phone, he has the ability to turn on bluetooth and if a connection is not made within a short time bluetooth automatically turns off and it also turns off if it is not connected for a short period. Sounds ideal if you want to connect to a head unit (bluetooth enabled car radio).I have seen such an app for android but it was only for Andriod 1.5 (or 1.6) and not any version newer than that - is there such a thing for 2.1 and 2.2 in the future?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI really like the default browser with the HTC desire. It seems fast and intuitive, and above all I love the way it zooms - formatting text to fit the window, and especially the way it seems to 'snap' to the edges of tables - great for reading news sites where the content is sandwiched in between loads of junk.
But I've never used a different browser on a smartphone, and I wondered how others compared. It's not perfect - swtiching between windows is cumbersome and there doesn't seem to be tabs - which means that sometimes pages can be doing stuff in the background and you'll never even know. And the menus and controls aren't ideal - it's all there but it's annoying having to hit menu then more before you can hit the 'home' key.
So are there any other browsers that have the speed, perfect layout, and intuitive feel of the default browser but better controls and other features? Would appreciate some recommendations of others to try
Is there an app I can use to switch easily between GSM & WCDMA modes? I have quick settings app which will switch on/off but not between?
View 4 Replies View RelatedCan you tell me how I can switch off the little music that is played when I turn on my phone.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI cannot seem to find how to switch off the Loud HTC start up sound on the Desire.
View 21 Replies View RelatedUp to now i have switched it off for 2 reasons. 1. because once it didn't read my headphone being connected, so it needed a restart.2. it was giving no signal at all, whatsoever. On both of these occasions, the phone took as much as 5 minutes to switch off, why? I always kill the applications with multi task, so it cant be the apps that are running.
View 19 Replies View RelatedEvery time I try to type anything, every single word results in the predictive text box appearing giving suggestions which most of the time are wrong. After 30 words or so, it becomes so sluggish that it can take 30secs+ before I can type the next word.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am on a debranded Desire with 2.2 Apologies if this is a duplicate post but can someone plese advise how to turn off the Calendar sync with Facebook? It is a nice feature but my calendar is swamped with birthdays from my Facebook "friends"
View 14 Replies View RelatedIs there an app that allows me to switch between open apps?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI go out into cities alot, and I usualy grab a coffee in either a Costa, or a Nero. These both have BTFON WiFi hotspots. At the moment I can connect to these as I have BT Openworld at home. However, my BT contract is being cancelled tomorrow, they're bloody expensive, and as a result, my access to these hotspots will stop unless I subscribe to thier BTFON service.
If I stop my Desire connecting to these by switching off WIFI, will the phone then automatically switch to 3G for internet access?
Just got HTC Desire on eBay. Seems new as advertised and certainly all cables charger etc. in original packaging. The manual; says that when I switch on for the first time quote 'the phone displays tutorials and guides you to set up your email accounts and favorite social networks such as Facebook�, YouTube�, and Twitter�. You can follow the onscreen instructions to complete the setup, or skip the setup and do it at another time. This didn't happen when I switched on. Will it happen if I do a factory reset?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnyone know a good one-click widget to switch on/off the mobile network?
Have tried the one from Curvefish but its a shortcut and doesn't bring to the correct page.
Basically, I'd like to install the Slide Screen launcher on my Desire, but I don't know if I can switch back to Sense easily. Is there a way to do this, via a simple means, or by downloading a specific launcher switching app?
I'm not comfortable enough with Android yet to Root my phone, but if that is the only way, then so be it. (Although I doubt it is, what with the lovely customisation options we have at our disposal).
I have lost the quick switch button to turn the mobile internet from one of the home screens, how do i re-add these? I have tried the "add to homescreen" but i cant find it in any of the options there
View 2 Replies View RelatedI kept rejecting phone calls whilst pulling the desire from my pocket, so I have switch the lock screen using lockbot to a side swipe instead, this is working very well.However, now when i receive a call it jumps straight to an answer or decline screen which is just as easy to reject by mistake.Does anyone know a solution this problem? I suppose what im looking for is to have to unlock the phone before answering the call.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anybody know of a decent app for the Desire that will switch off mobile data when the battery reaches a certain threshold?
I've tried Battery-fu but I get an apn error all the time which stops the mobile data toggle working - which kinda defeats the object.
It would be handy to have mobile data ennoblement automated in case three battery gets low when you're not near a power source.
Just watched this video about the screen responsiveness on the Desire vs the Samsung Galaxy S. These are the two phones I'm considering, so I just wanted people's opinions on it.
View 24 Replies View Relatedi am looking for a way to directly switch off my android 4.1 htc desire 600 dual sim phone by long pressing the power button presently, when i long press the power button, a dialog appears with the choices of Reboot, Airplane mode, Power off
i read somewhere that *#*#7594*#*# will disable this dialog box and directly switch off the phone but this is not happening
if you know any way or if there is such an app to do this
my phone is not rooted
Android Version: 2.2 T-Mobile branded
Network: Base - a brand of e-plus, Germany
Taskiller Used: None
Issue: Switch on tethering OR mobile hotspot ->mobile network dies
I've installed Froyo on a T-Mobile branded Desire. After the update, turning on USB tethering leads to immediate loss of mobile network - it just turns itself off. Same goes for the mobile Wifi hotspot: turn on -> for 2 seconds, it's working -> mobile network drops off. Moving into airplane mode and back brings back the network, but tethering is a goner. With 2.1, USB tethering had worked. I'm on Base, a brand of e-plus. I've talked to their customer services, they say Base absolutely supports tethering.
Not had my desire long but down loaded a few apps for it they all seem to be stored on phone memory not the sd card. what is stored to the sd card seems to be unused so far. do you have to set it up to use sd card or does it know one is fitted. does it switch to sd card when phone memory full. will run out of space soon if can't get things to store to card instead of phone mem.
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