HTC Desire :: Adding Contact Photos
Apr 15, 2010Does anyone know how to add photos for a contact if they're not on Facebook/Twitter etc.? I've got a few photos in my phone that I'd like to add to specific contacts, but can't figure out how.

Does anyone know how to add photos for a contact if they're not on Facebook/Twitter etc.? I've got a few photos in my phone that I'd like to add to specific contacts, but can't figure out how.
Can anyone tell me how to add contact photo in android emulator. I want to show the contact photo in my app. I am mew to Android.
View 2 Replies View Relatedim new to the droid other winmo phone had spb mobile 3 and there was a feature that took facebook pics and set them as the contact there a way to do that instead of taking pics?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do I make my contact photo stay as the google photo.I have several contacts who are linked to facebook contacts and have selected the google image are their main photo. Unfortunately some of the contacts seem to keep changing back to the facebook photo after a short while, whilst others remain OK.I have been struggling with this for quite some time, each time I change the selected image back to google but it always changes itself back.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't find out how to add photos to the contacts I have on my phone.I read in another post that I should go to Google mail and do it from there, but my contacts aren't synced with anything. I just want to access them on my phone, and see a photo when they call. I added everyone's details myself, but I can't believe there's no Add photo option (or non that I can find anyway!)
View 7 Replies View RelatedToday I set up a group on my desire so that I can send a group text or email to the parents of the kids football team that I help to run. It seem that it uses the primary number that's selected in the persons contact info. Some parents have given me both their mobile numbers and sometimes two email addresses so I want to include them all in the same group. Does anyone know how I can do this? On my previous blackberry curve 8900 I could select multiple numbers/email addresses from the same contact to go into the group.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI thought that if we sync'd facebook to the Hero that people's display pictures would automatically become their contact photo on the hero.can someone tell me if this is possible and how they've done it?
View 16 Replies View RelatedI like to attach photos to my contacts, but they are all blurry. I've tried changing the resolution, but whatever size and resolution I choose, I can't seem to get it right.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAfter having linked all my contacts with their facebook profiles. their profile pics came up on their contact info. HOWEVER now they do not update. for e.g when they update their profile pic on facebook. my desire wont update it to their contact info on my desire. i have syncing automatically and manually through settings...but no luck. what am i doing wrong?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to remove it?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI have a contact that is linked to a Google and a Facebook contact. Both have photos. If I open the contact, press the link and then press the drop-down that overlays over their image at the top-left, I can change the contact to use the Google picture - which I prefer.but the picture ALWAYS reverts to the Facebook one after a while. Why is this?I should note that the Google picture is not THEIR google picture in GTalk - it's one I uploaded for them.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor my closest contacts, I use the People widget that shows a "big" thumbnail photo for each contact. Most of my contacts are set to display their Facebook profile photo, and yes I'm one of the ones who has complained to HTC about it not updating.
However, a couple of days ago I noticed my Dad's picture had gone missing. He's not on Facebook, but his photo is synced to his Google Account picture. But now there's just the standard grey "no photo" icon. He definitely hasn't updated his photo, it's still there in Google Talk.
Just today I've noticed that 4 more people on this small contact list have also lost their photos. Weirder still, those contacts all have their picture set to Facebook ...
I've just run a "sync all" on my Desire and only one of those contact photos came back. A few still show the "no photo" icon.
Even weirder, is that other contact photos on the list did update to the most recent Facebook photo! Weird. I'll keep track to see if they update automatically. I don't have high hopes. (and my own profile pic still hasn't updated from a month ago)
(the sync all has also reset heaps of my contacts names back from their Google contact name to their Facebook or Google Account name.
I want to add,delete,update android Contact Database using native c code. please tell me how to do if any one have done it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs anyone getting the same problem as me when trying to upload photos taken with the camera to Google Photos, directly (from Photo->Menu->Share->Picasa). Photos are uploaded 100% complete but when i go onto Google Photos, the photos are chopped, only top 80-90% are there, the rest is filled with a grey border.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHas anyone encountered an error adding a new contact from edit contact screen?I've encountered this in the emulator and I want to confirm if this is a bug or not.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI added several new contacts to my Incredible but they do not show up in my Google account? Seems to work fine if I enter it in Gmail first?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to add a contact on the phone memory. The code...
And I'm getting an error at executing the LAST line. The exception is called: UnsopportedOperationException. I have added the permission about writting contacts -> WRITE_CONTACTS and it go on getting this error. The error is showed at 1593 line of ViewRoot.handelMessage. What can I do?
to display the contact i have used this coding
Cursor cursor = getContacts();
String[] fields = new String[] { ContactsContract.Data.DISPLAY_NAME };
//this.setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,android.R.layout.simple_list_item_checked,));
SimpleCursorAdapter adapter =
new SimpleCursorAdapter(this,
android.R.layout.simple_list_item_checked, cursor, fields,
newint[] { });
exception is thrown, i got successful in textview but i want it in listview(scrollable) to add the contact, i have used the code
ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> ops = new ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation>();
.withValue(Phone.NUMBER, "1-800-GOOG-411")
.withValue(Phone.TYPE, Phone.TYPE_CUSTOM)
.withValue(Phone.LABEL, "free directory assistance")
i both add and delete i am not getting any error, but it is not reflected nither in the contact nor in the textView.
I have contacts saved already but want to add their emails or home #'s, not sure how to do it tho.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI don't want to add the Favorite's tool aka People Widget. I want to add a single contact to one of the pages. I had my boyfriend on one, but I wanted to move it to another page, and I accidentally deleted the icon (he's still in my People contact list). But I can't figure out how to add just ONE contact to the desktop.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSteps necessary to add a couple simple attributes to the stock Android Contacts application. Also, in the event the vendor has shipped their own Contacts application, will the same solution apply equally well to those handsets shipped with custom apps? I'm not looking for anyone to supply code; just a design pattern and any caveats I need to be aware of. I am writing an application that requires a couple new properties on the contact.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOk every time out of the blue I add my contacts and it asks what account i want it under (shows yahoo or gmail). No matter what I choose it will not put my contacts on my damn contact list! I have tried what people have said on another post but that **** didnt work. If this doesnt get solved im getting my money back and getting something that isnt a droid
View 1 Replies View RelatedWell at the moment I'm trying to set the contact photo in a custom view to the RemoteView of my custom expaneded statur bar.Well now I got the problem that I don't have a static ImageViewResource and the method "loadContactPhoto(...)" just delivers a Bitmap which I can't set to the RemoteView.Now my question. Is there a possibility to get the Uri to the contact photo of a specific contact? Or how could I reach the above mentioned behaviour?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI believe I have "stumbled" onto a possible solution to compressed/panelized contact images. I have owned the Hero, Droid and now the EVO. I have tried everything imaginable through exchange and gmail accounts by sending, receiving and downloading images to contacts with no luck....until today!!
I first start with an email with a photo attached from a computer and sent to my gmail account on my EVO. I click the download button the image downloads and then the image comes up on the screen after it completes the fetch of the attachment. Now with that image on the screen click the phone's menu button to share this image via text message as a mms to yourself. I use the Handcent app from the Market and when that image is RECEIVED press and hold on the image to copy it to the SD card. Now you should be able to see two thumbnails of this image in the gallery and the RECEIVED mms image that was saved to the SD card will be noticeably sharper. The lower res one is the first one from the first download from the gmail email. Your mms should show two images the one you SENT and the one you RECEIVED. You need to use the RECEIVED image. For some reason this one is not affected and compressed. The SENT image can not be used, I tried that. It is the RECEIVED mms.*
Then in contacts choose the person you want, click the edit button, tap the square where the image shows in contacts, choose gallery and pick the sharper of the two that were saved. It has worked for me on the EVO today and my daughter's Hero. I have not tried this on the Droid yet. Multiple test calls show a nice, sharp contact image!
I have searched the Android store, and also searched these forums but maybe some more advanced Droid users can help me find an answer.
As with the iphone, inputting a new phone number within seconds is rather difficult on the Droid. That got me wondering if there were any third party apps or at least a way through the device OS that will let me quickly add a new contact. So far as I can tell the quickest way is to hit Phone--> input # --->option key---> add to contacts ---> Create new contact. That is 6 steps just to take someone's number! There's got to be a better way.
On my wifes Droid X when ever she goes to contacts, the photos take about 3-5 seconds to load. And no we have no other apps running.Even after a restart etc.My HTC incredible doesn't do this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've just done a factory reset, and now can't remember how I got my contact photos - something to do with syncing with facebook.
View 2 Replies View RelatedRecently received my Incredible (FINALLY!). I synced my contacts from my old phone (Omnia i910) with google so I could download them onto the Inc. When I did, I also synced up some contacts with Facebook. But, it looks like several of the contact pics are blurry / pixelated. Some of them are the Facebook ones, while others are the Google synced ones. Anyone know how to fix this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedOk I've got a lot of contacts without photos, when putting them in a favorite widget they all look the same. In my old Palm Century I could assign not just pictures, but Icons to people from various icon packs... there by making each person distinguished.
I wondered if anyone saw such an app for Android, or knows of a collection of basic HeadShot graphics I can use as JPEGs and throw on the SD card.
I can do this myself if I really want to hunt down an icon pack and extract everything.. but figured I'd ask if someone's seen something like this already first.
Is there any way I can backup my contacts so that I can save all the high res photos? because I just reapplied everyone's contact picture and so they are nice and pretty. However, when I wipe my phone and re-sync contacts with google, all of their photos are going to go back to being horribly pixelated. Can I use titanium backup or something?
and as an added bonus, is there any way i can backup everyone's custom ringtone?