General :: Navigation App With No (Internet Access) Permission

Apr 6, 2014

Looking for a navigation app with no "Internet access" permission. Maps will probably be loaded manually...

I've spent some time at the market with no results. I'm looking for an old fashioned solution where you simply load in a map into your device (manually), the GPS reciever takes the required signals from the sky and shows your coordinates on the map. That's it.

No internet connection, no fancy 'in store purchases', simply a man and his interactive map- just like my grandpappy used to do back in 1845.

General :: Navigation app with no (Internet access) permission

Android :: What Permission Required To Access Internet From Application?

Mar 4, 2010

I get the following Exception running my app: Permission denied (maybe missing INTERNET permission)
How do I solve the missing permission problem?

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Android :: Access Internet While Bypassing Permission Check?

Jan 9, 2010

I'm working on a security project which needs connect to internet in a stealthy manner. It will be perfect if our app can access internet without asking for the permission INTERNET. I found it is OK to open browser with a URL without that permission but the user will notice that. Is there a way to access Internet without the INTERNET permission and hide from user?

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General :: Shell Gives (ADB / Permission Denied) Cannot Access Properly

Apr 24, 2012

The DroidExplorer shell gives "adb: permission denied" cannot access properly into Coby Kyros MID7125 tablet.

I cannot see my root contents and folders with shell. I have rooted my MID7125 and it has ClockWork recovery too. I have made a backup successfully. I can connect to it with my PC using DroidExplorer. I go into shell and get my $ prompt. I enter adb devices and get the following: "adb: permission denied" Is there a password? If so, what is it and how do I enter it to access properly. How can I see the folders?

I used this method to root. [URL]

I originally used the SuperOneClick method and had the same outcome.

I followed this to get my PC ready for DroidExplorer. Howto: Install the Android SDK - CyanogenMod Wiki

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General :: App Need Permission - Access Email Provider Data?

Jun 9, 2013

I was looking at this free Kingsoft Office and here is what it lists among its required permissions:

"Access email provider data. Allows this application to access your email database, including received messages, sent messages, usernames and passwords."

It seems highly suspicious to me even without the usernames and passwords part. The app is in Google Play.

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Android :: Internet Permission Crashes My App / Fix This?

Mar 14, 2009

When i add Internet permissions to my manifest file my application refuses to even start and i get this in my console code...

fix this? code....

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General :: HTC One Cannot Access Internet

Dec 8, 2013

I'm having an issue with HTC One. The problem is the phone CAN connect to wifi / mobile network, but it CANNOT access internet. Every time I try to access any websites or apps that require internet connection like Facebook, it takes so long for the page-loading thing, and then it said:"The webpage is not available" or "No network connection." I also attempted to shut it down and restart, disconnect wifi and re-type the password. It doesn't work at all.

P.S: I did test the other devices, and the network works fine. So, apparently, it's not the network problem itself.

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Android :: Can't Connect To The Internet - Added Permission?

Jun 16, 2009

why cant connect to the internet, I have added the permission, Code.....................................

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Android :: Internet Permission In Application (Manifest XML)

Mar 5, 2010

One of my users is experiencing an odd problem on network access via my application. Checking his logs shows up the following exception. The odd thing is that I have "android.permission.INTERNET" in application AndroidManifest.xml and many users have already used my app with no problem (I've launched it 4 months ago). Permission denied (maybe missing INTERNET permission) at org.apache.harmony.luni.platform.OSNetworkSystem.createStreamSocketImpl(Native Method) at org.apache.harmony.luni.platform.OSNetworkSystem.createStreamSocket( at­) at at at<init> ( at $ConnectionPool.getHttpConnection( at .getConnection( at HTTPConnection( at nect( at OutputStream( ......

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General :: App To Block Internet Access

Oct 1, 2012

I'm looking for an application that is hard to find. I want an application to block the internet, but only for some applications, for example leaving the WhatsApp with access to receive real-time notifications.

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General :: Popup Asking For Internet Access?

Feb 19, 2013

I like LBE Privacy Guard, especially for its on-demand permission requests when an app asks to access my SMS Inbox or whatnot; I like that I can ensure that it never accesses it, always does without asking, or continues to ask each time.

I'm also using the firewall with mixed results; I don't like having to choose each app and whether it's allowed to access the internet via 3g/wifi ahead of time. I'd like a popup request with similar options (though I guess it would be more like a timeout rather than per-session, e.g. "yes it can access the internet over my 3g connection but only for the next 10 minutes."

Is there already an app that does this? I've checked a few firewall apps like Droid Wall (and a few similar apps) and they don't offer this on-demand (or on-app-accessing-internet, I suppose!)

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General :: Apps Do Not Get Internet Access

Jul 12, 2012

I am unable to get internet access for my installed apps. I am able to browse through default browser and opera mini, suggesting that my internet connection is working fine. However, none of my apps are able to access it. I cannot use Play Store or youtube. I cannot even login to either twitter or facebook via their apps. I am using Nexus One on stock Froyo. Phone is rooted.

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Android :: Added Internet Permission - No Connection To Server

Sep 8, 2010

I wrote this:
HttpsURLConnection con = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL ("Here my server URL is provided")
openConnection(); con.setDoOutput(true); con.setDoInput(true); con.connect();//
At this point I am getting error saying denied..

Actually I am sending request to server after getting request in XML format I want parse using
xr.parse(new InputSource("URL"));
But its giving error at con.connect(); only. And I have added Internet permission in manifest file.

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General :: Not Switching From WiFi To 2G / 3G On (No Internet Access)

Feb 27, 2014

In my home, i have poor isp connection loosing internet access most of the time. This results in WiFi available and no internet access in my mobile (Nexus 4, Android 4.2.2). Am tired of searching relevant solution "avoid poor connection - under wifi advance settings", with applications and tasker script,

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General :: How To Install File Manager From SD Without ADB And Internet Access

Jun 29, 2012

I just flashed and rooted for the first time and discovered I can't use ADB anymore(adb server is out of date.

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Motorola Droid X :: Hidden Permission Access?

Jul 30, 2010

I've been closely watching what i install and what permissions they ask for. I installed "Diet & Food Tracker" by Spark People. On the app market it said that it only needed internet access.

When I looked under manage applications it said the permissions were internet access
read phone state and identity
read and modify sd card data

is it normal to have hidden permission access?

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General :: Internet Access Required For Reading Kindle Books?

Aug 7, 2011

This may sounds like a silly question but I don't have a smart phone and am thinking of getting an Android phone.

I noticed that Amazon has Kindle for Android application and I want to use the Android phone to read Kindle books.

If internet access is not required to read the Kindle book on the Android phone, then it means I can read the Kindle book in a remote area where there is no wireless service. Also, I don't incur long distance charges if I read the kindle book outside my local dialing area.

1. After I purchased the Kindle book from Amazon, do I need internet access to read the Kindle book on the Android phone (using Kindle for Android software)?

2. Is the Kindle azw file sitting physically in the Android phone?

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General :: Xperia Sola ICS 4.0.4 - Completely Ban Internet Access To Certain Applications

Oct 25, 2012

I have xperia sola ICS 4.0.4, although we can restrict background data , but cant restrict wifi or foreground data ..

how do i restrict internet access completely to an application so that it doesn't automatically takes my precious internet data !!

blacklist or whitelist features ?? so ?? how to do this ??

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General :: Samsung Galaxy Mini Plus WiFi - Don't Have Internet Access?

Jun 9, 2012

I have problem with wifi conection. I'm normally connected to wifi but I don't have internet access.

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General :: IPv6 Tethering - PC Access To Phone Internet Connection?

May 31, 2012

Assuming the following:

Android 2.3.7 device is connected to an IPv6 internet connection

Tethering is legal for your device/carrier

The ipv6-test gives 10/10 (perfect score) for IPv6 readiness for your phone, and you can access e.g. [URL] ..... using the phone itself

You want to tether to a PC using USB

Device is rooted

Is there a way to give the PC access to the phone's IPv6 internet connection?

I'm assuming that we can't give the PC a public IPv6 address, because the phone is probably only allotted one IPv6 address from the carrier; plus they might treat your plan differently or something if you try to claim another IP address (it's an unnecessary complexity)

So what we actually need to do is, to create a NAT IPv6 space on the device, just like we do for IPv4 when we tether, and provision an IP to the PC that way. Then we have to do something for DNS; I guess we can use OpenDNS's AAAA servers.

Do any of the existing tethering methods support this at all, or is this something I'd have to do manually? Also, is it possible even in theory on Android 2.3, or is it known that a newer version of Android will enable it?

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Android :: How Can I Access A Data Provider Where Permission Is Null?

Nov 23, 2009

I have as an example, this provider information from the PackageManager. Code...

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Android :: Set Permission To Access Server In Androidmanifest File?

Mar 13, 2010

do we want set permission to access the server with username password authendication in Androidmanifest file?

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Android :: Application Access Permission To Files On Internal Storage

Jun 30, 2010

A question about the internal storage that's private to each application (especially when storing files with Context.MODE_PRIVATE).

How is that storage actually assigned to the application? Just by package name or also somehow bound to the sign key of the app?

Let's say I have installed application 1 and then write another application 2 with the same name and package name (just differently signed with different keys) and install it (app 2 replacing app 1), would that application 2 get access to the /data/data/[app]/files ?

Or would I not even be able to replace app1 with app2 due to different sign keys in the first place?

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General :: Asus Slider Sl101 - WiFi Connected But No Internet Access (won't Work)

Nov 29, 2013

I have an Asus Slider Sl101. Around 3 days ago, our router had been changes as the previous one wasn't working properly. Our carrier is Charter and our router is Netgear. We hooked every device up to that new router and everything worked fine, including the tablet. But later on in the day,the Internet on there stopped working.

It shows that it's connected, but when I try to access the internet through the browser, it does not work. The blue line at the top of the browser starts up, moves forward a little, and stops entirely while the browser then says "Webpage Not Available". Apps that require Internet, such as Accuweather and my SAT apps, fail to work as well. Other devices that use our wifi include another computer and Nintendo DSi and 3DS. They all work fine. Our router shows that our android is connected to it, as well.

I've tried the static IP stuff, restarted the router, left the wifi off on the tablet for a few hours, and turned it off and off. I even factory resetted it and not even that worked.

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Android : Use G1 For GPS Navigation Without Accessing Internet?

Jun 27, 2009

Has anyone figured out if it's possible to use the G1 for GPS navigation without accessing the internet? I'm about to drive to a different country and really don't want to pay the massive data roaming charges!

I've already tried openstreetmap, I couldn't get it to work.

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Android :: Command Access Device Shell / Terminal Permission Denied Error

Nov 22, 2010

By using command prompt access the device shell/terminal. then use the su command getting permission denied error. Why this happening? how can i solve this problem.

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Motorola Milestone :: Does Google Navigation Work Without Internet?

Dec 30, 2009

After seeing the image of Google selling the unlocked version of the Nexus One, I'm intrigued to buy one. However, I'm wondering if Google navigation will work without Internet as I don't plan on buying a data plan. If Google navigation does work, can you tell me what features, if any, are lacking because of the loss of Internet. I understand that this cannot answered by a person without a Nexus One, since its not released yet, but does anyone with a Motorola Milestone know the answer?

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Motorola Milestone :: Milestone Doesn't Take Permission To Connect To 3G Internet

Sep 8, 2010

I just got a milestone yesterday, and I was fascinated by it. The only thing that kills me, is that it doesn't take permission to connect to the internet. I used to have a Nokia, which always had to take my permission first to connect to 3G internet network.

But with the milestone, it doesn't, and I get charged for every single 1kb used I just lost what is equivalent to $10 USD in the last 5 mins for just trying to open Google and download the SlideME app. is there some kind of hidden tasks that uses the internet or something ?

One more thing, today morning, I opened facebook after recharging my credit balance with 20 USD. And guess what ? They're all gone too for just opening the home page! if I have an active internet connection, how can I close it ?

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General :: No Internet Access / File Manager - Install APK File From Terminal Emulator?

Oct 8, 2012

Let's say you don't have internet access at the moment. Let's say all you have is fresh install of CyanogenMod 9, which for some reason, does not come with a File Manager :

Let's say you have an apk file on your SD card. How would you install the apk file? Terminal emulator, using which commands or another way?

By the way, ASTRO File Manager vs. ES File Explorer, which one and why?

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HTC EVO 4G :: How To Get Internet Access For Laptop?

Jun 4, 2010

My hotspot is all set up. I turn it on and I can see it from my laptop. I connect the laptop and EVO says there is 1 connection. But, the laptop connection gets no Internet access. I've tried it with and without security set up. I've rebooted. I even took the battery out and let it rest. (All of that cleared out the Error 67 on the phone but still the laptop sees no Internet.) Internet on the phone is great - even got 4G, but. What in the heck am I doing wrong? How can I get Internet access for the laptop?

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