General :: Multiple Devices Not Downloading While Using WiFi?

Jan 17, 2013

We have multiple Android devices in our home my Motorola Photon Q and my fiance's Samsung Galaxy S2. In addition to our Motorola Xoom. Recently my finace and I both noticed that when our phones are on WiFi instead of 3G/4G we can't get apps to download, we also noticed this happening on the Xoom which is really a problem since we don't have any mobile service on that. Nothing changed in our WiFi configuration between when it was working properly and now. And all devices did it at the same time. what may be affecting the devices to cause this to happen.

General :: Multiple devices not downloading while using WiFi?

General :: Pairing And Using Multiple Devices?

Sep 3, 2012

So I already have my phone paired to my Nexus 7 for Tablet Talk. I am going to be getting a Bluetooth headset, along with a Keyboard, and eventually my smart watch. Yes! Radioactive! So my question was can the Nexus 7 support all of these devices working together simultaneously?

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General :: Calendar App That Syncs Across Multiple Devices?

Oct 6, 2012

This may already exist somewhere but I am just unaware of it. I'm looking for a calendar app that will allow me to share schedules with my family on our respective devices. For example, if I add an event to a calendar this week, I want the event to appear on the calendar on each of my family members devices, and update any additional changes automatically.


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General :: Multiple Bluetooth Devices At Same Time

Jul 12, 2013

can you connect multiple dissimilar bt devices at same time?i want to connect 5!


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General :: Single USB Cable - AB And Multiple Devices?

May 11, 2012

Any cable is available where you can plug multiple devices into one end of the cable, the other into the computer, and when you install an application from say, Eclipse, it installs it to all the connected devices in one go?

I have about 4 devices running various versions of Android I use for testing, and when I have them all set up together, it gets tedious manually pushing the code from Eclipse to all the devices.

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General :: Notification Sync Across Multiple Devices?

May 23, 2013

Saw this mentioned at the Google i/o last week - when this is rolling out? It annoys me to have to keep dismissing notifications between my Nexus 7 & 4.

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General :: Sideloading APKs To Multiple Devices At Once?

Nov 11, 2013

sideloading apks to multiple android devices at once (like, 8 or 9 of em). Searched around the forums a bit and couldn't find anything directly relating to this issue, so I figured I'd ask. I dunno if this belongs more in App development, but its an Android specific issue so...

At present I'm using Test Flight App (I'd post the URL but I'm too much of a noob here) to manage builds and releases. Its really great for getting beta builds out to the studio team, and to various beta testers and potential partners.

1) Actually downloading the apks is a manual process per device. So if you've a small QA team (or are working solo) it takes alot of time to get the newest build onto everything.

2) Each build has to be uploaded via the Test Flight website, then distributed to users on a build by build basis. This is a difficult to automate process, so makes having any kind of continuous integration system for nightlies etc. difficult at best.

I've been looking into possibly doing something like installing a Dropbox on each device and automating CI builds to a dedicated folder, which is shared via Dropbox to everything, but its a bit of work up front to get it working and I may still have to actually manually install the things each time.

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General :: Nexus 7 - Sync Music Between Multiple Devices

Aug 22, 2012

I have recently got a Nexus 7 and I was looking for an app that could sync my music between it, my Galaxy Nexus, PC and preferably also Macbook. I know I can use doubleTwist for this however I really like PowerAmp and would like to keep it as my music player. Is there any program I can use to achieve this (preferably with WiFi sync ?)

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General :: Play Website Does Not Show Apps On Multiple Devices Anymore

Aug 9, 2013

I just have purchased a Nexus 7. I went to the google play website and I used to be able to see all my devices individually and see what apps were installed on each device and all the apps in my library. It made it easy to add apps to a new device. Now I just see all the apps installed but not broken down by device, so I have to click on each individual app to see on which device they are installed. It is a more convoluted process, and I would like to see on the website at a glance which apps are installed on each device I own. Did something change or something I am missing? I also can't log in do the device manager with Chrome but I can with Safari. Mac OS X10.8, Android 4.1

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General :: Find Bluetooth Speaker That Can Retain In Its Memory Multiple Devices

Feb 22, 2012

I am trying to find a Bluetooth speaker that can retain in its memory multiple devices (5 preferred but 3-5 is okay too). I know the Bose Soundlink does this, but it is more money than I want to spend right now. I have an imonster, but it only remembers one device at a time.

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General :: Nexus 7 / TPad / LG Connect - Sync Apps Across Multiple Devices

Aug 10, 2012

Any way to automatically sync Play Store applications across multiple devices. In other words, I have a Nexus 7, TPad, LG Connect (work phone) and then I also switch between a GNex and Rezound (personal phone).

Is there anyway that if I download an app from one device that the app will also automatically be pushed/downloaded on the other devices?

It is a real pain to have to remember to go to each other device and download the app, and even worse when I switch between handsets that may not have been used for several week.

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General :: Connect Two Devices Using WiFi Without Router?

Aug 23, 2013

What is a good app to connect two devices using wifi without a router? Just to share pics, vids, and files. I have a Bionic (4.1.2) and a Polaroid PMID705X (4.0.4, wifi only) tablet I'm wanting to do this with

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General :: Two Android Devices On Same WiFi Network?

Nov 3, 2013

I have two android devices at home, a HTC One S and a Nexus 7(2012). The problem is that when I am using one or another occasionally the wi-fi will simply stop working. I'm still getting full signal in the notification bar, but either Chrome or whatever app that is using the wi-fi will stop retrieving data and eventually time-out or stay on buffering.

I have tried some things including changing the channel my wi-fi is set to from Auto to 6 and Mixed B/N/G mode to N only, but nothing seems to fix this problem except for one thing; turning the wi-fi off on one of these devices. The connections seem perfectly stable when I do this.

I also have a laptop in the house, my girlfriend comes over with her iphone, and I have an ipad from work that I occasionally bring home (I'm a teacher) and none of these devices ever have any issues, it's only the two android devices.

It's almost as it they are sharing the same wi-fi train track and only one can ride it at a time.

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General :: Android Devices And WiFi Extender

Jan 6, 2013

Recently I bought a wifi range extender (TP-Link tl-wa730re first version) and I configured it in order to extend (range extender mode) wifi signal of my router over some rooms of my house. In particular I use this extender to take the signal into a room in which I already get router signal, but it's too low to have a fast connection.

So in this room I have 2 signal (I used this app to analyze my conditions Play Store Link): the router one, with 20-30%, and the repeater one, with 70 %. I haven't any problem with my pc, but I have the same issue with my android devices (galaxy nexus, 2 nexus 7, htc sensation, xperia u): they randomly disconnect themselves for just a couple of seconds and then they switch between the 2 signals

Moreover about every 10 hours, I must reboot the extender, or every android device stops to get a working connection. For example, my gnex lost connection and continuously tries to connect to router, but it always fail.

If I move from this room to another one (especially if in this room router signal is stronger than before) my devices lost connection and I have to reboot phone or tab to get connection back...

My router has a WPA-PSK TKIP-AES password, dhcp enabled, automatic channel search enabled (the usual channel is always free), and wifi bg with a speed up to 125 mbps. My extender has no password configured, dhcp disabled, same channel of router and its extended wifi has been seen by every android as the same of router (only 1 signal is detected into settings).

I already tried to set a static IP from wifi settings on phones but nothing change..

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General :: HTC One M8 / Nexus 7 - Slowdown On WiFi Across All Android Devices?

Apr 15, 2014

My main device is an HTC One M8, but I also have a Nexus 7 2013, Nexus 7 2012, Galaxy Nexus, and a Moto X running on the same Wi-Fi network. They are all experiencing some slow activity on Wi-Fi. I also have 2 desktop PCs and a Laptop running on the same network and they are running fine, no noticeable lag.

On all of my Android devices, browsing the web via Chrome is almost as snappy (but still not the speeds I get on data) as it is on my computers. However when it comes to certain apps, there is a noticeable slowdown. Instagram has a lot of trouble loading images, Facebook, Twitter, Play Store downloads are stupid slow as well. And a bunch of push notifications from those apps, as well as GMail, won't come through or will come through hours after they should have.

But if I just switch Wi-Fi off on the devices that also have a data plan running (Moto X, One M8, GNex) everything comes through as fast as expected.

Could it be my router? I have a Linksys E800.

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General :: Multiplayer Games Via Bluetooth Or WiFi On Two Devices

Oct 4, 2011

I want to play in Tic Tac Toe and Chess with my friends. But I want to play on two devices - via bluetooth or WiFi. Any games with this features?

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General :: Live Video Between Android Devices Over WiFi / 3G

Apr 13, 2012

Best software for streaming audio/video from android to android, this question is 2 fold.

1 I would like to use my old POS zte racer android device with a restive screen and 3.2 mpxl camera as a video monitor in my babies room, over WiFi.

2 I would like to duct tape an old android device to the front of my RC monster truck and drive it through an apple store on fire. Over 3G or perhaps WiFi hotspot from my good phone, shared with the duct taped bumper droid.

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General :: Faster WiFi Network Scanning In Android Devices

Apr 10, 2014

I am working on a capstone project for school, what i need is to be able to take WiFi scans (no need to connect, only scan available network BSSID and signal Levels) quickly.

Currently, the Android API takes up to 5 seconds for a scan. Is there something i can do to improve my scan rate?

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General :: WiFi Disconnect While Downloading Torrents On Android

Jun 15, 2012

When i downloading torrents using my android phone over the WiFi, its connection lost several times. My phone WiFi policy is "Keep WI-Fi on during sleep" as "Always". I use "Torrent" app client. Most of the time Torrent display "No suitable network" error. If i turn on the screen, problem not fix.

I have android 4.0.3 ROM and i connected my phone into my ADSL router, not a public.

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General :: Allshare Video Playback From Other Devices Over WiFi Just Stopped Working

May 28, 2013

Note 10.1 (N8020).

Allshare video playback from other devices over wifi just stopped working. It was totally fine and I have absolutely no idea what happened. It still plays music and shows photos and all the files stored on external devices. The only problem is that it won't play video. It plays video stored locally or on sd card just fine, but when I want to play anything from my note 2 (n7105) or my pc's allshare app, video player shows error message: "Cannot play video. This video cannot be played".

It plays the same files just fine, when I copy them to the device, so I think it might be the case of some transcoding error. It is not a case of network settings - I've checked on 4 different wifi networks and it's the same everywhere. My note 2 works just fine on any wifi and plays all video from tablet or pc. Here is what I tried so far, with no results:

1. Restoring to factory defaults,
2. Wiping cache and dalvik cache,
3. Flashing fresh stock rom,
4. Erasing all allshare apps and video player data

N8020 & N7105 (JB 4.1.2 rooted + stock)

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General :: Android 4.4 - WiFi Is Intermittent / Buffering / Dropping Connections On Nexus Devices

Jan 6, 2014

I've recently upgraded my Nexus 4, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 all to Android 4.4 and as soon as I upgraded my Wi-Fi has been awful.The Wi-Fi is incredibly unstable, steaming media has major buffering / intermittency issues, messages sent over instant messaging apps are sometimes instant and sometimes take 30+ seconds to send.

Skype is the most telling of the issues as it randomly loses connection and my notifications literally never come through..Router Wi-Fi Settings: I've tried Channels, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 11

I've also tried adding

to the WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini file as found:URL>...Wi-Fi is Always On, Wi-Fi Frequency is Auto or 2.4, Wi-Fi Optimization is Off.The wireless / wifi works fine on other tablets, laptops and wireless devices just my nexus devices on 4.4

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Android :: Purchased Apps On Multiple Devices?

Mar 20, 2010

I have a question about the way the Android market handles purchased apps.I've seen in other posts where if you upgrade to a new phone, your purchased apps will follow you.But how about if you use more than one Android device? For instance, later this year I may get an Android tablet. Presumably the apps I purchased on my Droid will downloadable on the tablet. But will they remain downloadable on my Droid? And if I purchase an app on the tablet, will it also be downloadable on my Droid?It seems to me that if the apps are associated with your account, then you should be able to download them on multiple devices.I was just wondering if anyone has actually tried and confirmed this.

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How To Test Android App On Multiple Real Devices

Mar 3, 2014

I would like to introduce my startup for testing android app!You can test your app on multible Real devices with one click!Just three words: Powerful, Fast and Free! QA Monkey.

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Android :: Adapting Bluetooth Chat For Multiple Devices

Jun 1, 2010

I'm doing a college project on Bluetooth for Android, and I'm trying to understand how to manage communication between multiple connected devices. Eventually I'm going to develop a multiplayer Bluetooth Game.Currently I've adapted Android's sample app BluetoothChat to connect my three Nexxus One phones.1 connects to 2 who connects to 3.1 sends its messages successfully to 2. 3 sends its messages successfully to 2 as well. 2 can send its messages successfully to 1 and 3, as it shares a ConnectedThread with both. But I can't figure to handle getting communication from 1 to 3. Does anyone have any examples of communication between multiple devices or has done this themselves?

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Android :: Multiple Framebuffer Devices Support For Surface Flinger

Sep 15, 2009

As suface flinger uses fb0 for rendering the image and video. i want to change the frame buffer devices dynamically for rendering the image on the screen one time on Fb0 other time on Fb1. i am looking into the surface flinger code. but we are not able to get the pointer where to change for this. can simeone please give us some pointer.

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HTC Desire :: Increasing Number Of Multiple Exchange Accounts In Android Devices?

Sep 19, 2010

Is there any plan to increase the number of Exchange type accounts on HTC Android devices. Maybe in the new Sense Updates? Why did HTC not implement the code included in the stock Androind mail app (since at least 2.1), or at lease leave it alone! Since Hotmail has improved it's service to offer an Exchange style connection option there is a real day to day need to have at least two Exchange accounts on one device. I have been using the stock 2.2 android email client for some time and although it feeds into the unified calender app it does not feed into the Sense contacts ribon etc., I also goes high CPU at times (file conflict?) so is not a suitable workaround. And no I do not wish to use a third party app such as countdown, I like that with HTC's Sense system all things feed into a common thread - third party apps I have found have their own databases for email & calender etc. which I do not want.

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Android :: How Google Account / Paid Applications Work With Multiple Devices?

Aug 8, 2010

Happy droid user on Nexus One. Thinking about playing around with one of those cheap android tablets. If I logon to that tablet with my google account, will it mess up my N1 and existing account/settings? Also what happens with my apps? can I download the ones I've paid for again (onto the new device)? etc.

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Android :: How Does A Solo / Small Group Of Developers Test On Multiple Devices?

Nov 10, 2010

First off, sorry if this is too subjective, I just didnt know how else/where to ask.Anyway, in the light of all my recent questions, I'm getting ready to release an Android app soon, and most of the testing has been done on my phone, the Droid. I really dont have the money to test on "multiple" devices, nor do I know anyone with an older phone that I could ask for help that would possibly get any kind of bug. Not to mention, when I do get a bug report, how would I go about fixing it for that particular phone without having to buy it to make sure it actually gets fixed, or that the person didnt just came across a one-time freakish accident of a glitch?

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Android : Displayed Bottom Portion / Supporting Multiple Screens In Devices?

Sep 2, 2010

I am very new to android,i developed an sample web application and hosted it apk build file in different android version and on different sized devices,here i am getting problem in my design of layout such as listview not being displayed properly bottom portion is not displayed well and the align is not so good.

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Motorola Droid :: Swype Automatically Downloading Multiple Times

Sep 12, 2010

I read today that there was a new version of Swype available from their download page, so I logged in and downloaded it and installed it. Everything it working fine. However, since I installed it I have noticed in the notification bar that I have now downloaded two new Swype installed files. Thing is, I never went back and redownloaded it. Once I had opened up Twicca and once I had opened up the Market apps and it just started donwloading.

Anyone have any idea what's going on and how it's downloading without me instructing it to?

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