General :: Modifying Game APK
Sep 2, 2013
So after fiddling around with theming and getting comfortable decompiling, recompiling and pushing system apk's to my phone I figured I would try to mod one of my games. The game is called chess time and is a free online pvp chess game. I am trying to find the movement permissions to the specific pieces. I have had no luck. I decompiled the apk and checked all the xml's and cannot find anything that seems relevant. Where those would be? If it would be in any of the small files than I have more reading to do since how to modify those. Here's the apk:
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Jan 3, 2013
I want to modify my apk with Eclipse . but I don't know how to give apk to eclipse and modify package name and manifest.xml and I don't want to use Apk manager .
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Jan 9, 2013
I want to modify some apps but when I do I can't seem to get them working on devices.
I am happy with the use of APK tool and zipaling, and have successfully modified my SystemUI.apk but when I try to mod apps it does not work.
I have tried modding the apk in data/app and just replacing the file and tried modding the downloaded apk and try to install.
My process:
Decompile (APKtool)
Recompile (APKtool) - with errors
I add the files from the original APK that errored during recompile with 7zip
Transfer back to the device
Samsung S3 mini & Nexus 7 - both running stock rooted JB 4.1.1
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May 25, 2014
I have tried to modifying and app for android so I can install the same app 2 times but I failed. I want to change the name of the app in the files and repack it so I can install it?
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Sep 5, 2012
I want to modify some xml files in the google maps app (
I copied the original apk from my phone, used apkmultitool to decompile it, chanched the files an recompiled it (using option 11: system apk) after recompiling, the file size ist about 1Mb different to the original.
When i now place it on the sd card and try to install, i get message that it wasn't installed.
Do i have to deinstall the "old" app?
Do i make sth wrong?
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Oct 8, 2012
how to edit the touchscreen driver? Problem is on the Asus Transformer Prime TF201 none of the replacement touchscreens have a proper X-axis, they're all inverted. I wanted to try my hand at editing the driver(s) that control the digitizer.
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Mar 28, 2013
I wanna Bring it down but i dont want to flash a rom ... I want to do it with modifying the FrameWork ...How can i do it ?
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Dec 20, 2012
How to replace the default boot splash on an Allwinner A13 tablet? I'm thinking about replacing the rather tacky default image on it, and maybe the battery charge and other bitmaps.
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Apr 8, 2013
Rooting Celkon A87.
Celkon A87
Android version - 2.3.6
Baseband version -sc6820
Kernel version - Android_2.6.35.7
Software version - PZ320FN_KMOB_CEIKON_A87_FOREIGN_V2.0.3_usr_r10187
Hardware version - 1.1.0
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Aug 21, 2012
GSM Galaxy Nexus - Maguro
Latest GM 10 Nightly
Is it possible to modify the folder grid width within android. For example, by default if I have 3 apps within a folder it will be displayed within the folder in a 2x2 grid with the top two spots and the bottom left occupied with an app. Instead I would like to modify it to be a 3x1 horizontal grid.
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Sep 28, 2013
I have a HUAWEI Y300-0100, and it comes with a funny feature: every time it can't connect to WIFI a popup message appears saying that if you switch to data plan charges may apply.
I am constantly switching between WIFI/no-WIFI zones so that message really bothered me, and I searched a way to disable it.
Presumably, the only way to do that is by modifying a system file called "build.prop". I already had my phone rooted so doing so wasn't very hard.I used Jota+ to change a setting from "true" to "false" (ro.config.hw******), and saved the file in the root of the SD card. Then, with ES File Explorer, I renamed the "build.prop" in /system to "build.prop.bak" and copied there the "build.prop" I previously saved in the SD root.All seemed to be fine, except that after rebooting my phone it could not get past the HUAWEI logo.
Android recovery mode seems to work, but I don't know how to use a lot of its options nor I want to do a Factory Reset if there's a better alternative.Is there a way to modify system files before booting Android? I really would like to try to delete the "build.prop" file and rename the "build.prop.bak" back to "build.prop".
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Jun 14, 2013
I don't think iOS7 is such an "amazing" upgrade. Some icons are hideous and almost all new features already exists in Android.But i have to say, i instantly fell in love with the awesome window-transtions when opening and closing apps, se below:
I currently run a Nexus 4 (Jelly Bean, CM10.1 Linaro) with a modified framework-res.apk file with ICS transitions.I know how to create animations (I am an android developer) but wouldn't it be cool to implement them on our system?In the anims folder of framework-res.apk you find all of these xmls containing different animations
Some of them are pretty obvious (toast_enter.xml for example) but i dont really know which one does what.
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Oct 12, 2013
For reasons that are explained here: Alternate Power-off Option? , I am wanting to try a couple of ideas for controlling/modifying the power on/off function of my phone (Sony Xperia Z). I never wanted to root this phone but now it seems like I'm going to have to to give me any fighting chance of getting around the issue I'm currently in.
Anyway, what I need to know is if any of the following things will be possible if I were to root my device:
--- Disable power button from waking screen or doing anything else, and preferably set a combination of keys to be what lights-up the screen, (e.g. nothing will happen on the phone unless for example the volume up key, then volume down key, then power button are pressed in that order). Then, if this is achievable, would it be possible to keep my mobile internet data turned on, while disabling people from calling me, (so that my phone won't ring at all)
--- Edit the power off function on my device so that instead of just turning off, it reboots instead. (However in saying this I would want this function hidden, as in, I want there to be a button that says 'Power Off', but instead of just powering-off, it does a reboot instead).
--- If the above is not possible, is there some sort of light 'sleep' mode that my phone can be put into so that it appears off, however can be automated to turn back on at a set time. (I understand that Android's can't be woken when shut-down because they literally are completely shut down and can't run any apps, but maybe there's a way to have it in a sort of 'sleep' mode where it can be automated to turn on at a set time?)
--- Any other option that will either A) make someone think my phone is turned off when it's actually still on, or B) allow my phone to turn back on automatically at a set time, or do a reboot instead of shut down when 'power off' is chosen.
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May 22, 2010
I have a square grid, for a turn based game ( grid is similar to the chess board ), but the moves in the games are different based on whether you have lapped your opponent pawn at least once or not.i.e if you have not lapped (beaten any of the opponents pawns) in the outer most grid as below.if you have lapped your opponent pawn once at least, then you get to reach home,this way.Any player having all his pawns reaching "home" first wins.The ones in yellow are safe-houses, i.e both the opponent pawn and the player's pawn get to stay in the same grid, this is not considered to be lapping ( the opponent ).The lapped pawn will return to its start point.Now the question is, what is the effective way to store the paths for the all the pawns.we will have 4 pawns for the player and 4 opponent pawns.Is there any pattern to store such static information, in a elegant way?
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Nov 12, 2010
I have a puzzle game with a 7x7 grid of graphics, and a timer, its just about ready to go. But I am stuck on how to go about saving/continuing game. For example when someone exits I want them to be able to save and exit, then come back and click continue to pick up where they left off with all of the graphics in the right place, timer and score. I looked at onSaveInstanceState android examples, but not sure if this is what I need or how to implement it in my case.
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May 25, 2013
I have a JAR comprised of java and class files. It is my understanding that the JAR is an executable library comprised of the .class files within. I need to open one of these class folders change a few things and reinsert it into the jar. i am on linux and i have been at this all day to no avail.
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Jul 11, 2009
So I have the basics down... I can create a UI with the XML, I can show it and change the screen to another UI (another XML file) but how do I add to the UI?
Hard to explain...
Say I have a header (just 2 textviews) that will remain at the top and below that is a search box and button (main.xml). The user searches and I have it display the search UI (search.xml). This UI will have the same header (2 textviews) and below it will have several textviews each one containing a search result... Kinda like if you search for an app in the market. There's no way of telling how many results would be returned so I figured I would have to create each textview on the fly within the .java file. I'm not sure how to do this. Most likely would require a loop of some sort, but whats the syntax to create a new textview and display it right below the one above it? I'm working with linear here so I would assume just creating a new textview it will by default go to the next one down which is what I want.
Also, say I have 30 results... How do I get those to scroll but leave the 2 textview header in place? Would I create a ScrollView and put the new TextViews in that?
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Sep 11, 2010
In an Android application I am writing, the styling for my various TextView elements is defined in an xml resource. I would like enable the user to change certain styles such as android:typeface using a PreferenceActivity. Is there a way to modify a style resource programmatically such that all associated widgets will update correctly? If not, must I manually select all widgets by id and change their styling?
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Aug 2, 2010 I am attempting to modify/replace the default boot animation on my Incredible. I am currently running Froyo 2.2 (not sure if that's relevant). I downloaded the BIOS style boot animation and the zip file contains: Code...
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Jul 17, 2010
So I thought I read somewhere that once rooted, you can modify which programs startup on a fresh boot of the i making things up or can anybody help me find that info? i've gone back seven pages of threads and can't find anything in search either
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Nov 3, 2010
I am writing an application that will run on 2.0 and above. Now, I am thinking of adding the Data backup feature to the application. Is there anyway to modify the manifest file to include the metadata only if the phone is using Froyo(2.2). Ideally, i would like to avoid creating a separate application for just Froyo.
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Oct 6, 2009
Have a question regarding RotateAnimation. If I do not set the property FillAfter to true then the image in my view, that I use RotateAnimation to animate, returns to the initial position after the animation is done. My problem is that when I set fillafter to true when I later set the image on my imageview to another image than the one I animated some kind of transformation is applied to that image also.
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May 31, 2009
What I want to do, is to make a software to resolve the following Android issue:
2009/5/31 <>
- Hide quoted text -
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May 23, 2010
I am wondering if there is a way to modify or edit a .apk file or files inside an .apk file, & then be able to repack/compress the .apk to be able to put back on phone.
1. can this be done
2. what do i need
3. how is it done.
Im asking b/c I have a few game apps that have some of the files (i assume, they are jpg, or png files) dont fit my screen right, they are too big & are partly cut off, so i want to resize them & put them back on my phone.
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Nov 8, 2009
Has anyone had any success in modifying the apps tab? Is it possible to change the view? Instead of all icons from left to right can they be changed to a list view? Can you add folders to separate system tools from others such as games and etc...?
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Apr 29, 2009
I am looking for some answers from some of the experts here. I have a project in mind that I want to start. It is about using HTC's Touch HD phone as a device in a museum with rich media/video about the art and the artists on it. Besides the videos and animation, I also want to show some content from a web browser. Now my biggestest issue. I do not want that the museum guest who pick up the phone for the tour get to see the standard Android user interface. Is there a way to develop a new user interface that would start up directly once the phone is turned on? It should then automatically start the app with the museum infos. Later I may want to add some GPS functions and even sms and photo taking, etc....
What do you think, how flexible is Android to allow that?
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Feb 19, 2010
I'm primarily working on the Android SDK on windows, but would like to modify/tweak some functionality in the application framework.I have a separate ubuntu box where I downloaded the android source code, built it using "make" as well as "make sdk". I have a few questions in mind. Is it possible to import the binaries that I built on the ubuntu box into the android windows SDK? If so, what are the (proper) steps in doing so.For example, say I modified some functionality in the file, then built it on ubuntu. I want to be able to make use of my modifications and continue my app development on my Windows SDK. Can I somehow import the framework binaries built from this step over to my windows SDK and continue my development from there? If so, what are the binaries I need and what are the steps to import them?
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Mar 23, 2010
I need to load an audio resource and play it, but I also need to be able to modify some parameters (like the volume, or the playback rate) while the audio is being played. For example, I might want to play a 10 seconds audio stream, and change the volume only after 3 seconds. Is there a way to do it? I've been experimenting a little with AudioTrack without results.
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Mar 24, 2010
I've had my Eros about a week. It's not a bad piece of equipment, but boy do I find it hard to figure out to get it to do what I want.
The notification feature is driving me nuts.
I can't choose which applications send me a notification nor how frequently it updates. I'd actually be happy if I could turn off notications all together. The only way I've found to do this is put the phone on airplane mode- which then turns off the phone, too.
Can anyone give me some simple tips for how modify or turn off notifications from apps?
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Jul 21, 2010
Is there any way to change the lock screen or at least have it show a different wall paper than the home screen?
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