General :: MicroSD Will Not Save Anything Correctly Since Partition
Apr 15, 2013
My SD card won't save anything correctly (pictures, apks, Roms, etc.) since it was partitioned. The oddest thing is that some things will save correctly, but very few. Everything will save, but when you try to open something, the phone says it can't be opened. When I rooted my Motorola Atrix 4g, it forced me to partition my SD card. I don't know anything about modding and I just followed online instructions to root my phone. I don't remember exactly what was going on, but my phone wouldn't work until I partitioned. I used ROM manager to partition. Anyway, I was thinking about formatting my card, but I'm afraid my phone won't work without the car being partitioned. So, I was also thinking about partitioning again. What should I do, and why is the card acting this way?
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Mar 23, 2013
I've a rooted Samsung Galaxy Ace GT-S5830I and I've been looking for a post that explains how to partition my sd card correctly and i've learnt that you can't S-OFF Samsung phones. If you can't S-OFF Samsung phones how do I partition my sd card? My internal memory keeps running out I've to un-install apps all the time.
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Oct 8, 2013
I am running rooted stock Android 2.3 on LG E405 (no working 4.x ROMs exist for the device)
I have two questions:
1) What is the shell command to manually make android allow the PC to mount androids' (internal) partition as USB-drive? (I cannot think of right keywords to google this one up - )
2) How does android determine which partition is which (i.e. which one to remount for the PC when connecting in "USB storage" mode), beside vold.fstab and init.rc? On android 2.3 that info is not in "framework-res.apk", so where is it? In the partition table itself?
I had switched data partition with internal sdcard partition.
Here's how: Phone had a very small "/data" partition on /dev/block/mmcblk0p21 and large internal "/sdcard" partition on mmcblk0p20
So I reformatted mmcblk0p20 (ex-sdcard partition) into EXT4 and mmcblk0p21 (ex-data partition) into FAT32
Then I changed init.rc to mount mmcblk0p20 as /data type EXT4 and mmcblk0p21 as /sdcard type VFAT (mounting /sdcard was commented out in stock init.rc for some reason). This required modifying my boot image.
I have also set correct partition number in vold.fstab:
[#]dev_mount sdcard /mnt/sdcard auto /devices/platform/msm_sdcc.3/mmc_host[/#]
So basicly I now have a large /data partition and small internal /sdcard. I'm able install up to a gigabyte of APKs and it works fine.
However, when I connect to my PC via USB into "USB Storage" mode, the phone seems to still try to unmount what was previously sdcard partition (/dev/block/mmcblk0p20), instead of what is NOW an sdcard partition (/dev/block/mmcblk0p21) I can still send files to the phone via wi-fi and ADB, but the ability to mount it directly would be nice.
If I accidentally select "erase internal sdcard" from storage menu, that will also most likely erase what is now my /data partition, softbricking the phone. The "factory reset" option will probably only corrupt the sdcard.
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Oct 19, 2012
I'm have been trying to create a second partition on my sd card using miniTool Partition Wizard.But in the end I never get a 2nd partition but just a smaller first one.My approach is as follows:
insert empty SD card (FAT32, 4GB)
open miniTool Partition Wizard
right click on SD card - "Move/Resize"
choose 1gb for unallocated space after - click ok
right click on 2nd partition and choose "create"
create 2nd partition with FAT32/Ext2/Ext3 (tried all options already) and "primary" and Cluster 4KB - click ok
Afterwards my SD card is still shown as one partition, but this has just 1gb less capacity then before.Neither the Wizard nor the phone detects the 2nd partition then.
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Aug 26, 2012
I can't figure what is exactly meaning the Partition Sdcard values in CWM.
I have an i9000, with 8Gb of flash. Some are system reserved. Available is around 6Gb.
When i run CWM, i can partition my sdcard, but i don't see what means the possible values (for 256 to 4096).
This is obviously not ruling the space left on /sdcard mountpoint (i partition to 2048, i still have nearly 6Gb available)... So what exactly means partition sdcard from CWM ??
i can't find an answer, and i dislike, when flashing rom, following commands i don't really master (generally a partition SD 2048 / SWAP 256 or SWAP 0).
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Jan 14, 2013
I have bought a cheap chinese phone that had a 4g rom. 512mb is mapped to data as p3 and p4 is mapped to internal storage which is 2g.
I have managed to work out how to delete partition4 and extend partition3 as they follow on from each other.
However how do I remove all links to it in the system as it still tries to mount it on boot even though it isn't there.
I have removed the line from vold.fstab and that just crashed the external and internal sdcards and the storage section inside the system settings.
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Apr 19, 2014
I have a Motorola Moto G 8GB which is running very low on storage (only about 800mb left). This phone does not take Micro SD cards but it comes with 50GB Google Drive storage. However i haven't used this at all. I am wondering whether i could download android apps and games to google drive, dropbox etc. Games like Real Racing take up about 1GB so i cannot download it to my phone. Can i download it to the Cloud? If this is not possible, is there any way that i could save the app data on the cloud. E.g. The Simpsons: Tapped Out is about 37mb to download off the play store, but then you must download the updates etc which are about another 250mb. is there anyway to save this 250mb on the cloud. Or any other games data.
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Feb 12, 2012
Is it possible to change the read / write permissions on my MicroSD? Want to have files on my MicroSD that you can not delete or make changes in.
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Jun 8, 2012
I have a rooted motorola atrix 2 since I'm not sure if it's the same for all androids or not.
I've been using the 2gb microsd that came with my phone til now, but I'm out of space so I had to upgrade. All my apps and games have been saving onto the sd instead of my phone since day one(not sure if this can be altered). I need to know how to transfer all the apps onto my new microsd card without having to reinstall them all after switching.
Also, I edited the build.prop making the phone thinks it's an optimus 2x(I think thats the name of the phone) so that I could play Order and Chaos Online. Not sure if that would change anything needed for this task.
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May 24, 2014
I bought a SanDisk Ultra 32gb microsd card to use it with my Galaxy S4 GT-I9500 several months ago, I've been using it with no hassle for a while now. Few days ago, my device stopped recognising the card, as if it didn't even exist. So what I did was insert the microsd into my laptop using an adapter, and I could see all the files intact and safe. The problem is, I cannot copy the files off the card, it's like it keeps disconnecting every about 10secs, once a copy or move operation starts, it goes about 10% and then stops, forcing me to cancel the operation, and sometimes it doesn't even start. The files are there, i can view them, i just cannot copy them. I want to copy the files off in order to format the microsd card to be able to use it again.
Another major problem is, files and complete folders are disappearing! I lost my photos folder and all my music folder (luckily i have a backup of those).
I have read somewhere that SanDisk manufactured faulty 32gb cards, and i get to return it and get a replacement, but i bought it from Amazon and i shipped internationally, it will be very cost inefficient to return it. GT-I9500
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Nov 29, 2013
I am getting a Dell Venue 8 Pro 32 GB and want to install Bluestacks. Given the limited storage of the Venue Pro.
1. Can you install Bluestacks on a micros card?
2. If so, I assume any apps installed in bluestacks will install on the card.
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Jun 10, 2013
I have a 16 GB SDcard. I have used it on my Samsung Galaxy Ace for around 8 months now and it has worked fine. Today I when I tried connecting it to my laptop to update my music I faced some problems.
My computer detects it and displays all files, but I am unable to make any changes to the the folders/files i.e. delete, cut or copy new files onto it. I was also unable to format it. So I formatted it via the phone itself and tried it on my laptop again. I am still unable add new files to it. However, it works without any problems on my phone.
Since I do not have my the USB cord, I am using a Samsung Micro SD adapter to access it on my laptop.
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Jun 4, 2013
Or if this is no longer possible as I suspect it may not be. Is there a way for me to switch external memory with eternal memory
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Sep 11, 2012
I am looking to upgrade the microSD cards for both my HTC Thunderbolt and my Motorola Xoom. If these two devices could support a sd card that size. I know the wifi xoom I have has been upgraded to jellybean but the thunderbolt is still using gingerbread.
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Dec 13, 2013
I have a problem on my galaxy note II GT-N7100, running Paranoid Android 4.0 beta, android 4.4.1
Ever since I've upgraded to KitKat, some of my apps don't detect data on external micro SD card. Most noticeably quick office, the bards tale. As most of my files are stored on micro SD this is very annoying. I can access those files using es file explorer but it would be better if apps could detect them as well. My external SD card pathway should be mnt/media_rw/sdcard1 but that's empty and I get invalid file path error.
I can access the ext sd by storage/sdcard01 though. I've tried to format my ext SD, edit platform.xls etc but no solution. So any clue how to make quockoffice access documents on external micro sd?
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Sep 15, 2012
I have used partitions on my old rooted phone where I thought the sd card had crashed because of partitioning it. Now I have removed the partition and I am still getting problems. Then I formatted my whole micro sd card using windows.
Whenever I insert my sd card into windows via my phone, it asks me to format it. Why has micro sd partitioning wrecked my sd card???!!
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Jan 20, 2014
I recently had a problem with my LG Spectrum that required a hard reset to restart the OS. I wasn't aware the photos were being encrypted. When the reset was done the phone required I enter a passcode. I entered every known passcode I have and still could not get the phone to recognize the photos on the microSD card. Is there a work around for this process? I have over a years worth of pictures on the microSD card. The LG Spectrum model is a VS920.
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Jan 1, 2013
I just bought my micro sd card (8g) and I inserted it into my phone. It says its there but I don't know how to transfer my apps or music, videos, extc onto it! I have the Samsung Galaxy Rush. I tried downloading apps to move it but it says there is an option 'move to sd card' and there isn't. Is it not reading the micro sd card right? I tried moving simple apps, messenger, bubble worlds, fruit ninja, whale trails, things like that but all it said was clear cache and no other options. I downloaded a few of these apps to transfer to the sd but they didn't work. I don't really know what to do because it says I have little space but the sd card is in there. It has 7 gigs of space but nothing is on it. How do I transfer my apps?
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Feb 3, 2012
Just got a razr maxx - Once I figure how to remove the microsd from the maxx (It's very tough to remove) I want to insert one I had in a Thunderbolt. What do I need to do to do so? I really just want my music and pics from the old phone...
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Sep 21, 2013
I'm trying to put my 6000+ mp3 collection on a 64GB microSD card (class10) and I can transfer them fine on my computer but when I go to view the folder on my phone it says there is nothing in it while my pictures folder (3GB) on the same card on the same phone shows everything fine. Using stock Android 4.1.2 on LG Optimus Pro G. Am I hitting some subfolder limitation or something?
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Jul 4, 2012
In my android phone Xperia Pro memory card locked after factory reset (running updated Android 4.0.4)
While trying to delete the files at first it delete but after some time when I open file explore the files again show. Also in storage menu after deleting files available space increase and after some time it will again decreased.
I have tried also connecting phone with both media transfer mode and mass transfer mode the same problem persists.
I have also tried removing memory card from mobile and inserted it in memory card reader, but the same problem persist. I also tried to format memory card with windows, dos, HP disk format, Ubuntu , in this all case it says cannot format media and with SDFormatter_3 message memory card locked.
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Jan 25, 2014
my android phone is Alps MITOT300.I tried to format my mini sdcard to ext4 type using MiniTools Partition Wizard on windows 7 , but when I put it back to my smartphone it keep saying "Damaged SD Card" , I format it using different phone but it keep saying the same thing over and over ...
The real problem is , it doesn't detected on my Windows (even using MiniTools Partition Wizard) , some Forum says to format it on PC , but how could I format it if my micro Sd card undetectable on my PC ?
Conclusion :
- Micro Sd Card Fully formated to Ext4 using MiniTools Partition Wizard
- Keep saying "Damaged SD Card" on many Different Android Smartphone
- microSD Card is Undetectable on windows 7 (using Card Reader or USB Cable)
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Apr 15, 2014
So recently I got lack of internal memory(it is only 512MB though) and I tried to swap internal memory with microSD(marked as sdcard2). However, Im noob in this and after changing the lines I understood, that I changed sdcard with sdcard2(swapped sdcard and sdcard2), however, my android system seems to be not working now. I can boot and access settings, but thats all. No menu, no apps, no anything. Empty screen, only settings accessible. I cannot access any files or anything...
What I tried:
- Connecting phone to PC as I have Android Commander program which can browse system files from pc, unfortunately, failed to connect.
- Factory reset. Didnt work.
- Recovery mode - tried all options that are available, didnt work.
The phone is Prestigio Multiphone PAP4300 DUO. When I boot to the phone, I unlock it and I get many messages saying, system and such things stopped working. When pressing HOME button, it goes to home, but its empty(empty screen) and tells Launcher stopped working too. All I can do is access the settings. Cant call anyone though.
What to say to warranty service when I will bring the phone to them. Can they recognize that its rooted/that the vold.fstab file is modified?
Specs: [URL] ......
That looks to be white, but mine is black. I rooted it only. Havent done any changes to the phone until yesterday - swap the memories.
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Feb 3, 2012
I have recently bought this Smartphone, and I am planning to change the original 8GB micro SD card with a 16GB micro SD. But what class of memory which suitable for my Xperia Neo.
Should I buy class 2, 4, 6 or 10 ? Cos I don't want it effects on the phone's performance, if I choose the wrong class memory.
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Jan 15, 2013
ihave tryed all the free apps on play store they only move my apps to the 2gb internal sd card. so how du i move the apps to external sd card i.e the micro sd card??mphone: iball andi 4.5h i have root
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Nov 7, 2013
Samsung Note 2. 16GB Samsung SDHC card. Not rooted. Stock ROM. The other day out of the blue, pops up and says "SD Card Blank/Unsupported Filesystem".
Attempting to put SD card in other phones = same result.
So trying to get it to connect to a computer. Yes, the adapter that I have supports SDHC cards.
Trying to run command prompt and it's not seeing the pathway to the drive (F.
Here's what's interesting to me...If I go START>COMPUTER>RIGHT CLICK>MANAGE>COMPUTER MANAGEMENT>DISK MANAGEMENT...IF I have the SD card connected to the computer, then that box freezes right there and stops responding...If I disconnect the SD card, box automatically pops up and shows the hard drives on the computer. Plug it back it, that box stops responding again.
Another intersting note...Now AUTOPLAY is attempting to pop up and keeps running the bar back and forth like it's attempting to read, but then it just disappears. If I go to MY COMPUTER and look, I can see the F DRIVE there...but when I attempt to click on it...It just freezes that box as well, stops responding and I have to force close it.
With the AutoPlay kicking on and MY COMPUTER recognizing the F Drive, that leads me to believe that the card itself isn't 100% toast and recoverable...Has the controller module on the card gone out?
And FWIW, I have tried getting the card to read on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux and OS-X...The AutoPlay that it's doing now is on an XP machine. Obviously, I can't attempt to salvage any files if I can't get the computer to atleast recognize (and continue to recognize) the card.
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Aug 28, 2012
If I wipe data/factory reset or format sdcard in Clockworkmod Recovery, will it delete the partition that I created on my SD card?
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Dec 13, 2012
is it possible to use swap on a sd-ext partition? I started to use simple 2ext and I don't know if it's that possible.
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May 21, 2014
As the title says how do I partition O+8.31z
O+8.31z had a very small internal mem. as we know 165mb
I do got 4gb mem. and I would like to partition it to use as my internal memory. So I could download and install game or an app as I want.
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Jan 11, 2012
I am trying to create an sd-ext partiton so I can move applications and backup to that partition on my 4GB external SD card.
I've got ROM Manager but when I select Partiton SD card it reboots and tries to reformat but I don't see anything on the Card just a LOST.DIR folder. I can't read the system messages when in Recovery mode cos it all happens so fast.
I tried via ADB and booted into recovery and selected the option to partition manually but still nothing. I reformatted the card with FAT32. Nothing.
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