General :: MicroSD Card - Unable To Add Files On It From Laptop
Jun 10, 2013
I have a 16 GB SDcard. I have used it on my Samsung Galaxy Ace for around 8 months now and it has worked fine. Today I when I tried connecting it to my laptop to update my music I faced some problems.
My computer detects it and displays all files, but I am unable to make any changes to the the folders/files i.e. delete, cut or copy new files onto it. I was also unable to format it. So I formatted it via the phone itself and tried it on my laptop again. I am still unable add new files to it. However, it works without any problems on my phone.
Since I do not have my the USB cord, I am using a Samsung Micro SD adapter to access it on my laptop.
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Dec 19, 2013
Verizon Galaxy Note 3, up-to-date, stock ROM, not rooted.
I have a 64gb MicroSD card installed, and put a copy of my photography website on it. I find I am unable to figure out a way to open it in Google Chrome.
I used ES File Explorer's FTP function to begin with, to copy files from my website to the card, and this worked beautifully. When I click on the index.html file on the card, the only options offered are HTML Viewer and some text editors. Chrome is not an option (Chrome is the default browser for my phone). I can try "Open as" and choose Chrome, but get the same error message as below.
If I long-press the file, and select Properties, I can copy the (full) Path for the file, but when I paste this into Chrome's URL bar, it won't open:
Access to the file was denied "The file at file:///storage/extSdCard/PhotoWebsite/index.html is not readable. It may have been removed, moved, or file permissions may be preventing access"
I have searched quite a bit, and tried various addresses, including localhost, localhost/mnt, content:, etc., etc., but nothing seems to work.
Ultimately I want to have a Bookmark in Chrome where I can view my website offline when necessary, but this seems to be more complex than would appear necessary.
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Jun 1, 2010
With the problems I've been hearing about the SD card that's included with the EVO, I've been in a quandary over what to do: I have an 8GB Class 6 MicroSD Card that I believe trumps the included Class 2 card that comes with the EVO, so I expect I will move everything over to that card....which begs the following - I've copied over all the photos, videos, documents, and music from my card to my PC. Should I just reformat the SD card in the device, and then copy these files over? Could I just use the SD card as I have it currently set up (I have it in my Hero at this point, running 2.1). Or should I copy the contents of the new card to my PC, add the files from my old card to that, reformat my Class 6 card, and then copy the files from the PC to this card?
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Aug 24, 2010
I have had my Droid for a week now and I noticed in the settings menu that I haven't used my MicroSD card at all to save any files or apps. How can I fix this? I thought all of the Apps were saved to the microsd card to start with? I have 6 GB's life on my phone and still have 14.7 GBs when I connect it to my computer.
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Jul 21, 2010
i have a new card and after transfering the files (which takes forever) the files are not there. on one occasion i transfered the files then inserted the card into my evo and then the music player says the file is not playable then the files seem to disappear. i am new to microsd cards but not new to pc hardware and software. to me i view the new evo as almost a mini laptop with a phone built in.
the damn phone does everything and is my first and probably last cell phone. about the card though, i formated it with my pc (windows 7) with the multimedia card reader built in. and had no luck with this issue then... i formatted the card with the phone and still no change. it is like the files just disappear
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May 19, 2010
Does anyone have any ideas on how to mount the microSD card to PC desktop other than to have pull it out of the Droid each time. Please advice
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May 24, 2014
I bought a SanDisk Ultra 32gb microsd card to use it with my Galaxy S4 GT-I9500 several months ago, I've been using it with no hassle for a while now. Few days ago, my device stopped recognising the card, as if it didn't even exist. So what I did was insert the microsd into my laptop using an adapter, and I could see all the files intact and safe. The problem is, I cannot copy the files off the card, it's like it keeps disconnecting every about 10secs, once a copy or move operation starts, it goes about 10% and then stops, forcing me to cancel the operation, and sometimes it doesn't even start. The files are there, i can view them, i just cannot copy them. I want to copy the files off in order to format the microsd card to be able to use it again.
Another major problem is, files and complete folders are disappearing! I lost my photos folder and all my music folder (luckily i have a backup of those).
I have read somewhere that SanDisk manufactured faulty 32gb cards, and i get to return it and get a replacement, but i bought it from Amazon and i shipped internationally, it will be very cost inefficient to return it. GT-I9500
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Dec 13, 2013
I have a problem on my galaxy note II GT-N7100, running Paranoid Android 4.0 beta, android 4.4.1
Ever since I've upgraded to KitKat, some of my apps don't detect data on external micro SD card. Most noticeably quick office, the bards tale. As most of my files are stored on micro SD this is very annoying. I can access those files using es file explorer but it would be better if apps could detect them as well. My external SD card pathway should be mnt/media_rw/sdcard1 but that's empty and I get invalid file path error.
I can access the ext sd by storage/sdcard01 though. I've tried to format my ext SD, edit platform.xls etc but no solution. So any clue how to make quockoffice access documents on external micro sd?
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Nov 29, 2013
I am getting a Dell Venue 8 Pro 32 GB and want to install Bluestacks. Given the limited storage of the Venue Pro.
1. Can you install Bluestacks on a micros card?
2. If so, I assume any apps installed in bluestacks will install on the card.
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Jun 4, 2013
Or if this is no longer possible as I suspect it may not be. Is there a way for me to switch external memory with eternal memory
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Sep 11, 2012
I am looking to upgrade the microSD cards for both my HTC Thunderbolt and my Motorola Xoom. If these two devices could support a sd card that size. I know the wifi xoom I have has been upgraded to jellybean but the thunderbolt is still using gingerbread.
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Sep 15, 2012
I have used partitions on my old rooted phone where I thought the sd card had crashed because of partitioning it. Now I have removed the partition and I am still getting problems. Then I formatted my whole micro sd card using windows.
Whenever I insert my sd card into windows via my phone, it asks me to format it. Why has micro sd partitioning wrecked my sd card???!!
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May 4, 2013
I have a WinXP laptop that can use my router, and an HTC V One that can use my router. But they don't see each other, and I would like to transfer files from the laptop to the phone without that pesky USB cable.
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Sep 21, 2013
I'm trying to put my 6000+ mp3 collection on a 64GB microSD card (class10) and I can transfer them fine on my computer but when I go to view the folder on my phone it says there is nothing in it while my pictures folder (3GB) on the same card on the same phone shows everything fine. Using stock Android 4.1.2 on LG Optimus Pro G. Am I hitting some subfolder limitation or something?
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Jul 4, 2012
In my android phone Xperia Pro memory card locked after factory reset (running updated Android 4.0.4)
While trying to delete the files at first it delete but after some time when I open file explore the files again show. Also in storage menu after deleting files available space increase and after some time it will again decreased.
I have tried also connecting phone with both media transfer mode and mass transfer mode the same problem persists.
I have also tried removing memory card from mobile and inserted it in memory card reader, but the same problem persist. I also tried to format memory card with windows, dos, HP disk format, Ubuntu , in this all case it says cannot format media and with SDFormatter_3 message memory card locked.
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Jan 25, 2014
my android phone is Alps MITOT300.I tried to format my mini sdcard to ext4 type using MiniTools Partition Wizard on windows 7 , but when I put it back to my smartphone it keep saying "Damaged SD Card" , I format it using different phone but it keep saying the same thing over and over ...
The real problem is , it doesn't detected on my Windows (even using MiniTools Partition Wizard) , some Forum says to format it on PC , but how could I format it if my micro Sd card undetectable on my PC ?
Conclusion :
- Micro Sd Card Fully formated to Ext4 using MiniTools Partition Wizard
- Keep saying "Damaged SD Card" on many Different Android Smartphone
- microSD Card is Undetectable on windows 7 (using Card Reader or USB Cable)
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Jan 15, 2013
ihave tryed all the free apps on play store they only move my apps to the 2gb internal sd card. so how du i move the apps to external sd card i.e the micro sd card??mphone: iball andi 4.5h i have root
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Nov 7, 2013
Samsung Note 2. 16GB Samsung SDHC card. Not rooted. Stock ROM. The other day out of the blue, pops up and says "SD Card Blank/Unsupported Filesystem".
Attempting to put SD card in other phones = same result.
So trying to get it to connect to a computer. Yes, the adapter that I have supports SDHC cards.
Trying to run command prompt and it's not seeing the pathway to the drive (F.
Here's what's interesting to me...If I go START>COMPUTER>RIGHT CLICK>MANAGE>COMPUTER MANAGEMENT>DISK MANAGEMENT...IF I have the SD card connected to the computer, then that box freezes right there and stops responding...If I disconnect the SD card, box automatically pops up and shows the hard drives on the computer. Plug it back it, that box stops responding again.
Another intersting note...Now AUTOPLAY is attempting to pop up and keeps running the bar back and forth like it's attempting to read, but then it just disappears. If I go to MY COMPUTER and look, I can see the F DRIVE there...but when I attempt to click on it...It just freezes that box as well, stops responding and I have to force close it.
With the AutoPlay kicking on and MY COMPUTER recognizing the F Drive, that leads me to believe that the card itself isn't 100% toast and recoverable...Has the controller module on the card gone out?
And FWIW, I have tried getting the card to read on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux and OS-X...The AutoPlay that it's doing now is on an XP machine. Obviously, I can't attempt to salvage any files if I can't get the computer to atleast recognize (and continue to recognize) the card.
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Jan 16, 2013
Wondering if I can download files on my phone an have them automatically downloaded on my laptop assuming my laptop is connected to the internet.
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Dec 1, 2013
how to get files from my droid to my laptop without taking out the chip or using an usb cable?
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Dec 20, 2012
At the moment I'm using an mk 808 as media player with two usb drives attached (and xbmc).
I was planning on installing a samba server on the mk808 as well (sanba filesharing), but that seemed to be rather slow (probably because the connection to the router isn't that great). The other samba or ftp servers I tried weren't faster or couldn't read/write to the usb drives.
Of course just plugging in the usb drives in the laptop is a good option, but I was trying to avoid having to disconnect them from the mk808.
I have also been thinking about just connecting the mk808 to the laptop, but then it only shows the sdcard folder. Is it possible to mount the usb-drives in a subfolder of the sdcard and then being able to acces them through usb-connected mk808? I tried changing the mountpoint in vold.fstab, but that didn't seem to affect anything (still mounting to the same spot)
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Aug 6, 2013
Earlier today I got an OTA upgrade of my Samsung Galaxy S4 to Jellybean 4.3.
Everything is working great except for some reason my external SD card (A 64 GB SanDisk MicroSD) is read only. The only thing I can do with it is to format it. Otherwise all write operations to it fail.
I have tried two different cards and several different apps (Terminal, Astro File Manager for instance) and none of them can write to the device.
I am almost thinking it is a matter of a missing new permission but I can't find anything in the SDK docs about it (If this is the case that is fine because my main use of the card is a home made music player that I've written).
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Apr 30, 2014
i not able to transfer files from my note 3 n9000 my laptop detects my phone but not able to copy files from my phone but able to send files to my phone
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Feb 9, 2013
I want to format my phone, it's kinda full and going very slow. Here comes the question: Is it a good way to back up my android phone by connecting it to my laptop and copy all the files and maps in to my D: drive. I don't mind if it doesn't my text messages and contacts.
I am using a rooted Samsung Galaxy S plus (i9001).
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May 6, 2013
Is it possible to explore the SD card's contents on Android phone using Bluetooth connection ?
Years back when I had Sony K800, i switched on BT on phone and laptop, and I could see the K800 on the "My Computer" page.
then i could enter and explore and transfer files directly through the windows explorer.Currently I have HTC Desire S, running Android 2.3.5 and Laptop CQ-45 (Compaq) running Vista.But I am not able to explore the phone easily.
To transfer file I have to select each file, then start the BT file transfer wizard on laptop, which could either send or receive ONE file at a time.if I try to send more than one file (pictures, few MBs), then only one gets sent and I have to restart the BT file wizard again to receive another file on the laptop.
I use this just if I need to transfer a few snaps i might have taken with the phone, for larger files (videos) i use the USB cable.I installed the BT File Transfer app from the Market, but that also does not work.
My wifi is not always on, so i cannot use Airdroid or some such way.Options are BT or USB.
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Mar 19, 2014
My Sandisc 64GB SD card went kaputt last week, it froze at 33GB, luckily the existing files are all ok and I was able to copy all the files onto my PC, however nothing new can be written to it. I've tried formatting with no success. So I copied the files onto the PC and just got a new this time Samsung 64GB micro SD card. Problem I'm having now is that on several attempts it's failed to copy the files back to my SD card (from PC) I've formatted the card in the Note 3..the music files about 4 GB transferred just fine, the problem seems to be with the Pix and Videos. I'm currently trying to copy the DCIM folder back onto the micro sd and it's saying it'll take 6 hours.
I have tried: copying from PC to micro SD in the phone via USB copying from PC to micro SD in SD card adapter plugged directly into PC
copying from PC to micro SD in USB adapter plugged into PC
all results the same
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Jun 21, 2010
It appears as if my Evo is erasing files from the Sandisk card that was pre-installed. For instance, I'll copy over wallpapers from my laptop last night & this morning, only half appear in that folder in the gallery. I'm wondering if this issue is somehow attributed to the update that was supposed to fix the "SD card" issue. I might just try re-formatting my card & see if that solves it.
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Jun 5, 2010
I formatted my card per Radio Shacks instructions but in hindsight I should have checked to see what came preinstalled first. I am fairly sure that the HTC Sync installation file was on there, but I think there was some music as the music widget had a song on it but after the format there wasn't anything.
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May 24, 2010
I'm looking to get a microSD card for my EVO by the 4th and I want to know what I should go for. I know Class 6 is the fastest, so that's what I thought I wanted to get and I wanted to get a 16gb but it looks like it's $80 on Amazon. Now, that's damn expensive for 16gb of storage and I'm not used to buying storage for my phone since I've had an iPhone. Is it worth it to drop to a lower storage capacity or a lower speed? How much of a difference does the transfer speed make on the phone? Does it hinder the speed of the phone at all? Also, for those lucky bastards that got the HTC EVO ahead of time, what kind of card comes with it?
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Jan 14, 2010
I'm looking to buy a slightly bigger card for my hero, especially since apps2sd has stolen some of the space on my card now. This is the card I was thinking of going with, (UK) - Mobile - Free Delivery But since I've never purchased anything like this before, just wanted to check this is the right thing. It's listed as 'Micro SDHC Plus', but I take it that's just marketing spiel for plain old Micro SD rather than a different type of card?
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