General :: How To Root LG Optimus L3 E400
Jan 23, 2014I Saw All The Post On Forum For Rooting And I Can't Root,

I Saw All The Post On Forum For Rooting And I Can't Root,
I rooted my phone LG e400 by using superuser, and now I want to unroot it how can i unroot my phone?
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to install apps on internal (1gb) memory or the sdcard and not in system memory (157mb)?? I install only a few apps and it notifies me about low error.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI had done several things before (rooting, installing cwm recovery through rom manager, etc) until my phone got bricked, and tried a lot of things until i have flashed Cyanogenmod, and it woks just fine (and its cool), but I have changed it back to original stock firmware using KDZ flasher. Now, I tried to boot my phone in recovery mode (by holding volume down+back+power button) and CWM recovery is booted. I want to get rid of it and restore back my original recovery, because, i suppose, it was the reason why my phone was bricked before (i wiped and formatted the system and updated the firmware using fOTA, and the result was a CWM bootloop)
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there any solution to unlock phone from network , to be sim free ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI updated my LG E400's firmware from 10J to 10L last with PC Sync. After upgrading the root was still intact. SuperUser still installed, though I had to install Lucky Patcher and had to select Patch to Android for the Android Market again. However, when I tapped About phone in Settings, there was an error and a force close. I looked up the LG firmware site and downloaded the 10L firmware and updated with KDZ updater. The problem started right after that.
I have not been able to root with any ninja script, doomlord script, superoneclick. I have tried reverting to an older firmware (the original version 10J cannot be downloaded) 10D or 10I I think, but got the same error while trying to root. Finally, I tried the "without computer" means of rooting like framaroot and Exynosabuse but none worked. So here I have a fine phone with the latest firmware but with all crap like the LG Keyboard and Google Search, Remote Talk, Play Book, Weather and stuff that I can't get rid off. Also, I can't install Link2SD to increase internal memory.
i'm using lg l3 e400 ! actually my went in boot loop ,so it ws unable to start then i flashed kdz V10L(as i'm from india ). then my phone sarted normally!but the main problem is that now i tired to root my phone so many times but always and error comes link failed permission denied !!so i think that after flashing orginal kdz flash (stock rom )kdz V10L we are unable to root !!
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to root my phone LG Optimus Hub E510 ,but im a noob at rooting.what apps should i get ,how to root it and also how does flashing roms work?I want to do this right and not brick my phone.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do i root and flash cm10.1 on lg optimus g?i want stock android but don't know how to do it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just brought this phone(LG OPTIMUS LTE TAG F-120k. and upgraded to 4.1.2 jelly bean using LG PC SUIT
I'm asking if there's anyway to root this phone. [URL]....
Its been many months ive been waiting for the p690 root and custom rom but i have no luck...
I have a problem with my phone i purchased from a friend with e userdebug V08b test keys build gingerbread 2.3 withbaseband version unknown...
there have been some problem with the light, it automatically turns on most of the time....
root it and install a ROM is not userdebug
Hopefully you can extract it from your phone..
how to root lg optimus mach, used in korea (operator U+). now:eek:S android 2.2 and unlocked (using other operator)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI had my LG Optimus rooted successfully using Motochopper but I ended up getting a update and it removed the root, I re-ran Motochopper like five times and not a single was successful so I'm assuming that update patched the exploit.
Is there anyway I can root it other than Motochopper or anyway I can get Motochopper to work again..?
I have an LG Optimus S that I am trying to root, however I can't get it to connect to my PC. My brother has the same device and his connects fine right away to my system, however mine does nothing but charge when connected (used same drivers, PC, chord, etc.)
I tried restoring it to factory settings and no luck. Later took it to Sprint and he just re-updated the software and it connected right away to their PC. Then as soon as I got home it didn't connect again.
Also tried with my work laptop. His connects, mine doesn't. Could there be a reason why mine didn't work as soon as I got back from the store?
I made sure that the settings from by brothers phone matched mine and verified that the software is identical.
I am using LG Optimus Vu P895 with V10c FW and its rootable with Root with Restore Bin4ry version 17 or 18, but now I got the phone upgraded to V10c over OTA (or KDZ file) and my phone is no more rootable by that method. I tried to run the tool as I did before but it ended very soon and the phone didn't restart as expected, maybe LG fixed the exploit to root this phone. How to root it after upgrading to V10c?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIt is possable to run asphalt 8 on LG L3 E400? i saw some youtube videos and guys run it with this phone, so i downloaded data and game(cracked) and when i start game its says to game data is successfully downloaded. i press ok, and game relunch and its says checking license and there is logo of gameloft and game then just close? what shell i do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedLG-E400 one week ago. The phone is running v2.3.6. It is running on Spain's tuenti network and up until two days ago it was running fine in every way. The problem now is that it will not allow 'turn on' the wifi, let alone connect or use it. When I check the 'Turn on Wi-Fi' box in Settings>Wireless & networks it tells me that it is turning on, and on occasion tells me that it is turned on, but invariably it 'turns off' within 10 seconds or less. When I turn on wifi using the icon int he pull down menu it likewise changes colour to signify that it is on, but turns off of its own accord within a few seconds. The wifi had worked perfectly until a few days ago, and nothing has changed since that time to the best of my knowledge. It is a new phone, has been used carefully, and there have been no other issues with it.
View 6 Replies View Relatedhave some knowledge about Java,C++.I want to port CM10 to my device (LG Optimus L3 E400) from another LDPI,ARMv7 device but I don't know how to do.Is this possible?If yes HOW?Is there any work in progress?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to unroot my LG E400 and uninstall the CyanogenMod 9
View 1 Replies View Relatedwant to build CM 10 for lg e400. so far I have build CM9 for lg e400. I want to know how to build CM 10 (not even CM 9 (they used to, but noe stopped) nor CM 10 nightly is released by cyanogenmod). I'm fine with Java, and C++ and web languages such as HTML, CSS, PHP, JAVASCRIPT etc. Now I want to know how to build CM 10 for LG E400.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy friends gave me An lg l3 that i stick on emergency mode, i can'go in other mode He told me that he was flashing a new kernel and after that It could start on in emergency, the problem is that the pc can't Find the device, i've tryed all things But nothing, Kdz supporto tool pv suite d adb doesn't works...
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View 3 Replies View RelatedJust installed CM9 in my LG E400. Looks good. But I have few problems..
Fonts are not getting displayed properly. - Looks Blurred, not clear
Play Store stops at a sudden
Camera App stops at a sudden
Rest not discovered yet.
I Want To Make Zips By Phone But Can't Find A Way To Update Binary....
View 1 Replies View RelatedI flashed my custom rom through cwm and now i cant even access it,boot screen doesnt load at all and i cant even access adb.
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View 1 Replies View Relatedupload a rom for lg optimus L3 e405. I rooted the phone.But I cannot find a rom for the phone
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have the LG optimus elite(vm696/ls696) and we need the .tot and .DLL to root it because that is the only way we know. Is the only way to get these to have a source at LG? If so what should we do to root this?
View 1 Replies View Relatedtake MIUI ROM for my LG Optimus Hub?
It's a wonderful ROM for android mobile and i like it so much.