General :: How To Restore Android System File
Apr 17, 2012I had format my phone's system through cwm.
now i want to restore it but it just stuck when i power on my phone.

I had format my phone's system through cwm.
now i want to restore it but it just stuck when i power on my phone.
2 days ago I tried to update my aunts sensation xl and told her that it is better to update its ROM from 2.3.5 to 4.0.3. So i created a google account in phone and added it in order to sync contacts....and after 2 hours, I thought that it has been synced...After upgrading device to ICS, and adding the previous account that i made before upgrading, I was waiting for contacts to restore, but nothing happend.. I opened the gmail account on PC and saw that there was no contacts. So the only way for me to restore the contacts is to find a way to restore them from Phone device. So,is there any software, either on phone or PC, to restore contacts from phone? or is there a way to have access to root folders and files of phone on PC to use a recovery program to restore "Contacts.db" file that was erased while flashing ICS?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhat will the cwm backup?
if I backup a system with locked bootloader,will the bootloader relock after I restore the system from an unlocked bootloader system?
Which content will cwm backup?(include kernel?)
Can i backup and restore system apps with DataSync?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy 4n is Samsung Galaxy y duos. Nomaly it has a 240MB System Space. I installed a custom rom (xDuos V3 2) with him guides. its fine. but I tried to get stock rom back. so i wiped all data ,system... n restore my old cmw backup.
But failed to restore. now my 4n has only 220mb space.
it failed due to low system space <as i think>
I'm looking for an backup application which will allow me to backup my apps and system data on roms based on stock ICS and restore to JB and vice versa.
Titanium backup does the job but after restoring on a new rom I get a lot of fc's and none of the apps works. I cannot restore call log and text messages, accounts, etc.
There's a lot of backup apps, I know. But I would like to be sure that they work as they should. Any app which will do the job?
I used System tuner to tweak a little on my Acer liquid gallant solo E350. I reduced the CPU frequency when the screen is off and changed the governor to ondemand with a minimal frequency of 500 [MHz]. nothing too special here.
A few days ago i did a one click backup with system tuner. Today i restored it because I saw my CPU frequency constancly being 1000[MHz]. After the backup on program after the other start to fail. Unfortunately i turned my phone off and now it won't boot anymore. I got suck at the green glowing acer screen. My idea is now to make an update file which replaces the system files.
My objective is to create a text file in an android file system.
Using java language, I am creating an app. It has a screen with a table of 3columns. Each time a user enters the table row and click on Submit button, the row entry should be created as a separate comma-separated file on an android device. So each time when the table gets updated with new entry and clicks a submit button, a new file is getting created on the device file system. So I am looking for the file connectivity to the internal device memory where I could open the files and access it.
I have done the same in Nokia mobiles using J2ME. But for Android, I am not able to find the device file path.
How to make a restore file of Some sort.... I really need it and I'm sure it will be useful for others too.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAre there any temp, volatile directories in the Android file system that get wiped once the device is off? In Linux we have /tmp, but this doesn't seem to exist in Android.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi edited /system/etc/hosts file but it looks that my edit is ignored by Android.
In "hosts" file i added line with text " customdomain" And then i used "ping customdomain" command in Terminal Emulator but i got error "unknown host am".
why android not support NTFS file system. I think NTFS more speeder than FAT and FAT 32 and other file systems. So is it technical or patent issue? I think NTFS file system developed by Microsoft
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a HUAWEI Y300-0100, and it comes with a funny feature: every time it can't connect to WIFI a popup message appears saying that if you switch to data plan charges may apply.
I am constantly switching between WIFI/no-WIFI zones so that message really bothered me, and I searched a way to disable it.
Presumably, the only way to do that is by modifying a system file called "build.prop". I already had my phone rooted so doing so wasn't very hard.I used Jota+ to change a setting from "true" to "false" (ro.config.hw******), and saved the file in the root of the SD card. Then, with ES File Explorer, I renamed the "build.prop" in /system to "build.prop.bak" and copied there the "build.prop" I previously saved in the SD root.All seemed to be fine, except that after rebooting my phone it could not get past the HUAWEI logo.
Android recovery mode seems to work, but I don't know how to use a lot of its options nor I want to do a Factory Reset if there's a better alternative.Is there a way to modify system files before booting Android? I really would like to try to delete the "build.prop" file and rename the "build.prop.bak" back to "build.prop".
So after a failed attempt to upgrade from CyanogenMod 10.1.3 to 10.2, I was unable to access /data or /sdcard because both systems were encrypted. I ended up having to factory reset my phone because it refused to co-operate or let me access my files. However, before I did that, I was able to run
adb shell "dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2" > data.img
adb shell "dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3" > sdcard.img
Which appears to have copied the raw partition images from the phone (at least, they're the right sizes).
According to my reading, Android (and, I'm inferring, CyanogenMod) encrypts filesystems using dm-crypt, with a AES-CBC ESSIV:SHA256 cipher, with the key being derived from the password using PBKDF2. Knowing the precious little I do about encrypted file systems, my guess is that if I configure the image in cryptsetup to create a drive mapping, I can mount the mapped drive and recover the data from the images.
According to /fstab.herring on my ahem, fresh, install of Android, the /data partition is in ext4 format whereas the /sdcard partition is vFAT. So, once I've gotten through the encryption on the partition images, they should mount normally, right?
I know that dm-crypt accepts plain, LUKS, LoopAES and TrueCrypt device formats. I'm inferring from the PBKDF2 extension that Android goes the LUKS route for encrypting. Is this conclusion correct?
Whether it's possible to decrypt a dumped android image? I'm really hoping that the cypher information is stored on the file system and not on some key file that I nuked in the factory reset. If it can, in theory, be decrypted, am I using the right tools to approach the matter? If so, I'll continue fiddling with cryptsetup and mount, but no sense in wasting time if it's an impossible task.
I deleted (accidentally) some system files, and then nothing happened, but i hit the restore or backup from setting and it went fine untill the loading screen, i mean it shut down then the first loading image fine and the next one doesn't load my system.. What can i do? (I think i know what software i shouldn't have deleted).
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've searched to no prevail. id like to start developing apps but am having issues getting the environment set up. I have the jdk properly installed.
issue 1 (main major ):
I've installed the android sdk from multiple sources, but when i try to start sdk tools, the command prompt flashes/ opens briefly and i get this message:
"Failed to execute toolsandroid.bat: The system cannot find the file specified."
Do i need to change a PATH variable or something...
I cannot get eclipse to run. when i try to open the exe file ( because there is no short cut icon...?) it gives a message about not finding a companion library... ive try to change the properties in the file that is supposed to fix it, but it was already set the way its supposed to be. this is not major as i can use a different IDE.
so im completely lost as to th sdk tool. I just tried adding the file path to the android sdk ( PATH variable) and it still did not work... I also just tried start the android,bat file and the cmd promt flashes briefly saying somthing about xcopy is not an operable command...etc couldn't read all of it... I am on windows 7 home premium
I have a android tablet and I have tried rooting it and I get things like "read only file system" and I looked into it and my /system is read only.. Rooting is putting .su in the xbin or bin inside of the /system. But my /system is read only so i can't root my tablet?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there some sort of log file that will show phone activity? I don't have a password lock on my phone and don't need one, but I suspect someone is using my phone while I'm sleeping. Is there a log that might show events such as someone unlocking the screen and viewing my calls or other applications?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently got to know, that my tab is using UBIFS as file system...what are the advantages compared to the normal ext2-ext4?
I thought about migrating to the ext filesystems, but if UBIFS is better, I'd stay on UBIFS...
my problem is that when i turned on the power button of my se LWW. it's stuck at screen displaying "Free Experia Project".it happened due to i accidently format the system file...all those things needed to startup the phone is missing.what shud i do to fix my phone back so that i can start it like normal?
*I can only go to recovery when press+hold volume rocker button when it's starting up till that "Free Experia Project".
i have a thl w100 and i delete a folder on system, starting hence never got only via fastboot ou recovery. i can just copy the folder ? how ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to revive white Pandigital using ADB commands to push files on the system's folder of the device then flashing them.
The computer sees the device, adb has root access, yet when trying to push files is gives me an error indication that the system/data/midc is a read only. tried adb remount over and over with no lick. Is there any other way to get to write on the system folder?
I have 1 rom, I pulled the file system, for example: system.rfs or system.img.ext4 or factoryfs.rfs. I added, customize the apk and want to put it back and want to be first to run the emulator software to check for errors before running Core issues, problems I faced.
1. how to repackage the system files that (system.rfs, system.img.ext4, factoryfs.rfs, system.img)
2. Using software to run the emulator
OK the system folder was deleted on the Impression 10. It boots but gets hung on the "Impression" logo. I hook it up to the computer, the computer recognzes it but I cannot access the files on both the SD Card nor the internal memory. Android Commander and ADB cannot access it. I have the stock system image file from leader, I also backed-up my system folder. how I can push the files from the computer to the tablet or is it too far gone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWell, I accidentally deleted from my android tablet and now when I turn it on, it reboots once and then the android system recovery appears.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI get as far as being able to push su and busy box but get "failed, read file system only" or "directory doesn't exist".
model PMID700
Android version 2.3.1
kernel version
build number 20110918.170336
Firmware version 2.2
Seen this error. My sd card is not readable on any android phone or computer ive tried it on.
What I think broke it was the NEW SD CARD storage optimizer by Kalyani, I opened it up after downloading off the android market and used a feature called file explorer. It took forever to read all the files on my card and eventually I closed it out before its completion and immediately noticed my sd card is now inaccesable.
Is that error fixable or should I throw out the card?
I can't copy the file 'hosts' back to system/etc. after I cut it out of the folder a couple mins ago. When I use ES File Explorer (don't wanna pay 4euros for Root Explorer..) to try and paste it back (with everything set to RW and having root permissions) it says 'permission denied'. I don't know what I'm doing wrong..
View 3 Replies View Related i was trying to change the background for my x'pop 5035D cause i'm in jelly bean 4.1.1 and all the backgrounds for the system is white and it's very bad for my eyes specially at night ,
i was trying to modify framework-res.apk that exist in :system / framework but i couldn't so i thought i can replace it and i downloaded another frame work- res.apk and i used root explorer to replace it after taking a copy of the original file and since i did that the device restarted and stuck at the logo and i can't boot.
i tried every thing , i did nandroid restore and even wipe data / factory reset and the same result it just stops at the logo every time .
Well actually I wanted to replace/ place a text file in system directory (e.g. /system/etc/) of android phone remotely which means I don't have any physical contact to that phone.
By remotely I mean via downloading or through app. or any other mean ?
- Is it possible?
- Is it necessary to have that phone rooted?