General :: Any Custom Recovery For GT-S6012
Jan 6, 2014develop a custom recovery for Samsung Galaxy Music Duos GT-S6012?If needed ican upload the stock recovery.

develop a custom recovery for Samsung Galaxy Music Duos GT-S6012?If needed ican upload the stock recovery.
how to root my galaxy music duos GT-S6012
View 3 Replies View Relatedi have just purchased a new Samsung galaxy music duos GT S6012
i want to root the phone , searched over the forum but could not root using any of the update files available.
phone info:
model No : GT S6012
Android Ver : 4.0.4
Kernel Version : 3.0.15-1178404
build number : IMM76D.S6012XWALL1
After updating my S6012 aka Samsung Galaxy Music Duos to JB by looking at this guide.. [URL]
My phone networks 3g and WiFi have lags.. In WiFi mode it connects but network is not found.. In 3g mode it takes so long to on even First time i did it worked fine then few days ago i sent the phone into bootloop and then did it second time two days ago..
First off let me say that I was wrong about this issue. Its not an issue with Easy root it is just something built into android. So I apologize to anyone I argued this subject with but specifically Patch. Its also not an issue with rom manager. This applys to users that after flashing a custom recovery they can boot into it once but the next time you try to boot into recovery it has reverted to stock.
This mostly happens to users of easy root or users that use my guide for rooting using Linux
So for the fix.
Download this file and place it in the root of your sd card.
Download Terminal Emulator from the market. The one by the dev Jack Palevich.
Open it and type the following commands.
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system
dd if=/sdcard/ of=/system/etc/
chmod 550 /system/etc/
after that just flash the custom recovery of your choice and you should be good to go.
I tested this on my phone and another user tested it for me and it worked for both of us. If anyone has an issue let me know. This issue is so sporadic that its hard to have people test the fix.
Is there a way to dynamically load/use a custom recovery on an Andoid phone (generally, any phone) without actually having to overwrite the phone's stock recovery? For example, by booting to stock recovery, flashing a zip file that will start up CWM/TWRP so you can use it temporarily, but stock recovery is still there and when you reboot the phone it will still be there? Sort of like using a Linux live cd.
I'm asking about this because I have a phone that I want to get into that is protected by a pattern lock. I haven't examined it yet, but I am strongly expecting:
- No root
- No custom recovery
- No ADB debugging enabled
I know I can bypass the pattern lock from CWM/TWRP (rm /data/system/gesture.key)...but I would prefer to not have to do an overwrite of the recovery partition if it can be avoided.
I have myTab 7 tablet and it's not officially supported device for any recovery. Does it matter? Can I flash any custom recovery e.g. CWM touch recovery or TWRP? Won't it destroy my tablet?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been looking for a custom recovery for my HTC Rhyme (Bliss) and I've tried EVERYTHING!
Clockworkmod recovery, 4ExtRecover, Amon Ra Recovery, etc. There is no option in ROM Manager Pro and there are no custom ROMS for my phone. Even if there was a ROM for my phone, I can't flash any ROMS!!! So, how to build a recovery.
I'm using Samsung Galaxy S6012.. I have rooted my phone.. I even downloaded RomManager..
But it seems in selecting the mobile phone model S6012 is not shown.. Is there anyway i can have a recovery on my mobile??
How to make a CWM custom recovery for a specific phone (like as Spice Mi-270) ?
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View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to install custom recovery on a nextbook8hd? i have looked all over with how to root and install roms but not how to install recovery...
View 4 Replies View RelatedI did not brick a tablet without having a cwm installed first and a nandroid backup. The tablet is an allwinner a23 not in some peoples opinion worth a lot of effort to fix. We have an identical tablet with the same firmware. If I root and install a custom recovery on the unbricked tablet can that zip be flashed without a custom recovery? I have looked about a bit and there seems to be conflicting opinions on this. The only prob I can see is the stock recovery may not have the option to wipe the dalvik cache.
I have rooted my karbonn a4+ but I am unable to install any custom rom as I am not able to find The cwm recovery.
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View 3 Replies View RelatedRecovery on the device is missing. no boot mode. who can see the boot. img can something be done? img only sews a built-in soft.
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View 1 Replies View Relatedcan we install custom roms through stock recovery?
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[URL] ......
I just purchased a cheap 9.7" Android Tablet, Model AM09-D2. It came with ICS 4.0.4, has 16Gb ram and a dual core Cortex A9 CPU. I would like to know how I go about backing this thing up. It is rooted and has absolutely no blootwear installed. Is it possible to flash a custom recovery. Like TWRP or CWM to save a image of the rom. I have already did a data and app backup with Mybackup Pro. Now I would like to backup the Rom and maybe do dump. Is it possible and if so how? Not really that comfortable with ADB/fastboot, truthfully I don't understand what the difference is. I already have drivers setup for Samsung Galaxy Nexus on my Win 8 notebook. Will installing ADB/fastboot screw things up?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedAlright guys, latest OTA update just hit my phone. I'm curious if I'm in a safe position to update? I'm using drellisdee's recovery v1.2.3 and Velocity 0.2 From what I've read, Amon-ra and clockwork custom recoveries will block this update from installing. I just want to be sure before going ahead and telling it to install. I assume this will keep my recovery and rom intact, and stop the notifications? Are there any other ways to stop the notifications? Just want to get a definitive answer from someone that's already done this with a custom rom and recovery.
View 10 Replies View Relatedso now that im comfortable with flashing rom's, radio's and kernels i would like to partition my SD card.Although learning i am still not 100% clear on how the 3 partitions work.I understand one is for where all the apps (apps 2sd) music, photo's and video's go, another one is for increased system performance like increasing the phones virtual memory or something and i have no clue what the other is for.Also i am hopeing that you all can recommend what custom recovery you are all using, i understand that some of the new recovery's have a few diffrent options on partitioning the sd card.So basically i am looking for a little clarity in what the diffrent partitions do and recommendations on a good custom recovery tool. also do i install the new recovery tool just like flashing a new rom? i don't know how to replace the new recovery over the current one. and i cant seem to find a forum thread that explains enough of this for me. been looking for a few hours.still learning
View 8 Replies View RelatedI bought a nexus one from someone off craigslist and it was already rooted and has a custom recovery RA-nexus-v1.7.0.1 installed. I currently have FRF93 installed but my phone keeps harassing me to download the OTA 2.2.1 update. Of course when I try to install the update it gives the standard verification failed and I'm assuming I need a custom like I needed when I upgraded to FRF93.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to undo all of this via one of the RUU files or something? No problems yet, just curious in case I ever have a warranty issue or something.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have been able to flash velocity 0.2 and then decided to upgrade to 0.3. When I did, I looked into flashing the turbo kernel for ally. Followed the instructions as said and now I have the choice to boot to recovery or if I let the boot go all the way through it gets stuck after the verizon logo. When I try to flash a different ROM, I hit install from SD card and everytime, no matter which ROM I pick, it starts updating but says opening file, then like 2 more lines saying opening, then it stops the install.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIm trying to install BB V1.0 and I keep getting E: Can't open /sdcard/ (No such file or directory) Installation aborted. I have no idea where I went wrong. I renamed the file to also tried The file name was right in Astro. So I have no clue whats wrong with it or what to do?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi am getting my hero tommorow, but its locked on orange, so, instead of doing the goldcard method, can i just use flashrepc and flash a custom recovery image, then open the generic firmware on my comp, extract the, rename it and do a nandroid, wipe then flash? i only want generic from htc(stock version) not a custom firmware.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm feeling the itch to go beyond the standard settings in Android and get into rooting. I'm following along with a lot of the developments here, but I often feel like I'm missing a lot of the background knowledge and vocabulary (what is recovery, how does one access it, what are all these different programs - nandroid, adb, etc.) to have a really strong grasp of what's going on here.
Now, if this were my computer, I'd just hop right in and start following along as best I can and mess things up along the way, no biggie, I have multiple computers and I'm competent to fix them.
I don't have a landline though, so I want to be a little more prepared before I accidentally brick my link to the outside world. Is there a good "tinkering with Android primer" out there that any of you would recommend?
Also, how easy is it to get back from whence I came on the Ally? I read the thread on unrooting, and I honestly didn't understand a lot of it, so I'm just looking for a "not gonna happen" or "it'll be easy when you finally understand."