General :: Analysis Of Power Consumption Per Process?
Nov 20, 2012What is the best android software for showing power consumption by process over time?

What is the best android software for showing power consumption by process over time?
My question is basically "can anyone recommend an application that will tell me which applications are draining my battery". I've read about task killers and usage and turning stuff on and off, I'm not worried about that, and I don't need to know why (i.e Google Earth uses X units per hour.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI often have notifications telling me my phone is using more power than my charger/external battery pack is able to provide.could it be my phones battery ?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI want to develop a peripheral device to connect to an android phone via USB OTG. The OTG specs [1] says: "A Targeted Host shall provide sufficient power to each peripheral on its TPL in at least one supported configuration".
Where do I find those TPL ("Targeted Peripheral List") lists? I searched at Sony Ericsson (because I have a Xperia Mini) and Samsung (as a different manufacturer) but with no luck. Is this an android related list?
On github I found a code fragement [2] from DooMLoRD. It mentions a OTG whitelist. But it seems to be something like a skeleton.
I do this research because I want to use the peripheral device in high power mode with about 300 mA. I thought I could compare the TPL with devices that also need 300 mA.
[URL] .....
find out which app is draining my battery and if it's really necessary. couldn't find any information on the SDK pages.My Phone seems to be very often Awake while in standby. I can't understand why it has to wake up that often. Am I right, that this "Awake" means, that the cpu is running (not in sleep mode)?
Is there any way to log which software is waking the device up?
I'm looking for a new music player app with low power consumption because Google music is eating up my battery quickly.
View 9 Replies View RelatedThere are quite some pit falls that an application developer may hit. In order to simplify life Sony Ericsson Developer world has produced a little guideline called "Android Application Coding Guidelines - Power Save".
View 2 Replies View Relatedphone: HTC Desire HD
accelerator: off
animation: off
brightness: zero
screen timeout: 15 seconds
notification: off
wallpaper: black / non-live
however battery use screen shows display 73%..! Is that normal, how can I reduce it?
does SQLite have any big impact on power consumption? I am just thinking about storing data in a List or Map or in a database. I have a lot of inserts and queries, several a second.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm the developer of PowerTutor, a power profiling tool for the system. This tool profiles the system power consumption and decomposes power consumption on hardware components (e.g. LCD, Wi-Fi, CPU and etc.). It also assigns power consumption to individual application as the application is running alone in the system. In this way, it could potentially help developers to profile the app and detect energy inefficiency usage behavior in the application.
More details could be found at
Note that PowerTutor is free to download and no advertisement is embedded. I'm posting this here to so that the Android community can be aware of it. Any one who cares about power consumption of their applications will find it useful.
seems like anything using 3g drains my battery. slacker player saps 30% of a 2600mah battery in a single hour. If I were to be conservative, it would be 25% of a 2200mah, accounting for other parts of the phone and possibly a low quality battery. Even then, that's horrible. It didn't used to be this bad. And now I suspect it's a combination of a new radio update that boosts signal by consuming more power, and the fact that 3g coverage is weak where I'm at (though it worked good enough before the update). So if there's any way to downgrade radio without losing froyo or other phone functionality, or directly influence power consumption of the 3g radio, please let me know.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI've never seen this process before today. My power went from 100 to 20% very quickly for some reason. When I checked the battery usage, whisperd was using 87%. I've never seen whisperd before, let alone have a process use that much of the battery. how to disable it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was using the Google navigation on 3G network with the phone connected to a 500mA car charger. After 1hr, the battery dropped 20%. Anyone knows if a 1000mA car if enough?? Tonight, I was watching a Youtube HD video on 4G network (2/3 bars on 4G) with the phone connected to a 1000mA USB wall charger. After 10min, the battery dropped 2%...Well, even 1000mA cannot compensate the consumption of the battery. The power consumption of this phone is ridiculous. Something must be wrong with the system/circuit design.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I connet device to DDMS sdk tool, I can see the running process.But I don't think that those process are tatal processes.For example, I have 10 android applications, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J.If I want to run only A, B, C application on the power-on, how can I do that.?Where can I make a list for processes running in the poweron time.?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted Galaxy S3 with Android 4.1.2, and for some strange reason they've changed the screenshot combination away from the Power+VolDown that other Androids use to Power+Home which can't realistically be pressed one-handed. How can I change it back to Power+VolDown?
View 6 Replies View Relatedmy phone is karbon A9+ and i wiped the cash,system and data and after that flashed a Custom ROM ! but now the phone just power on in download mode!! how to power on, for recovery or normal power on ! the phone just have the black screen with "Entry QPTS Downloading" Text..i will back to India 5 month later ! can it be fixed or i have to wait for 5 month to come back and send it to service !
View 1 Replies View RelatedI had made changes in S/W as suggested in post : [URL] .....
The device I am working is also having wake up lag about 2 sec.It varies from 1.2sec,0.8sec,1.8sec..etc. I implemented the new wake log to prevent the phone from deep sleep as you have mentioned. Now the time required for wake up from deep sleep is reduced to 0.8s and its quite consistent. Although I have to yet check for battery consumption during deep sleep.
However I have found that now when the phone is reset the battery consumption is more during the power up of the phone. For Ex. from 36% before power up and 24% after powerup.
Checked with another device and its only taking 3% for boot up.
I have only 150mb of internal memory on my phone. These are some items that consume critical amounts of internal memory space. When I download an app, it seems I am downloading an install package. The installed app itself takes up additional space. I believe the install package persists on the internal memory, invisible to the average retail user, and takes up internal space even after the app is moved to the card.
Ex: an anonymous app
android market listed size- 3.51mb (this must be the download size of the installer)
download and install on internal memory, size listed- 5.73mb
move to SD card, size listed- 2mb
move back to internal memory, size listed- 5.73mb
Further thoughts:
1. The install package seems to remain on the internal memory even though the app moves to the card.
2. Beyond the above example, I went through each and every item listed in my settings - applications - storage use - All.
I found 105 total items on internal memory and SD card all together. By adding up the listed "Total" size of each (yes, I went through each and every one), I arrived at approximately 109mb. The phone lists internal memory use at 135mb. I would expect the internal memory use to be LESS than 109mb because some of the apps are on the card. My assumption is that much of this extra internal storage is taken up by all of the installers sitting invisible on the internal memory.
3. Based on observing the change in the Internal Memory usage when I delete app "Data", I believe the app data is being written to the internal memory even if the app is on the SD card.
Why isn't the install package deleted after the app is successfully installed? Is there an app for that?If I uninstall the app while it sits on internal memory, does it also delete the install package?If I uninstall the app without first moving it back to the internal memory, does it delete the uninstall package? How can I reclaim this internal memory space for actual use??
I own a (quite old now) Google Nexus One and I recently upgraded from Google Maps v6.9.0 to Google Maps v6.10.0
And I was quite surprised to see my user memory decrease a lot while the install apk is quite the same between both versions.
My Nexus One is rooted and running stock Android 2.3.6 (GB, not ICS)So I investigated and here is what I found about this new version of Google Maps.First, you must know that the memory available to the user to install new applications is mounted by the android system as '/data'.By running a 'du' command, I discovered that the following folder:
takes 11.9 Mo, which is a lot.[code].....
Recently bought a Polaroid PMID701C tablet. I was looking for that battery consumption graph that is on most android phones/tablets. The one where it shows which apps and hardware are consuming the most power. i couldn't find it and gave up. until one day when a low battery warning appeared on the screen. usually i cancel it, but this one time i clicked OK and it brought me to the battery consumption graph i was looking for.
seems to be the only way i can access it. i understand that this tablet is entry level, but shouldn't i be able to get to this without having to wait for a low battery warning?
I want to develop a Vibration Analysis application. I want to use it to measure the vibration in an Elevator so one can analyze the riding comfort.
First, the phone will be put on the flooring in the middle of the cabin, the measurement should be along the Elevator's total travel (up to 1min ride) and at least following to 2 axis (X and Y, if I can measure following Z too, it will be great). Once those data are captured during this 1min, I want to plot them on a separate graphs (first graph: X position vs time, second graph: Y position vs time). Also, I might add the feature of measuring the elevator speed while traveling inside the cabin.
My questions are:
1- Can I get the data that I want only from the accelerometer? or I should use the gyroscope and the digital campus as well?
2- Can the accelerometer (on Samsung Note 2 for example) detect small vibrations? like ones that occurs in an elevator (around 15 m-g)
is possible to analyze audio stream spectrum with Android API (similar to what you can easily do with Flash). Basically what I need is to determine the duration between two claps in a small audio record. The claps are much louder than the background, so theoretically it should be somehow possible..
View 5 Replies View RelatedAs the world cup is the main sport event and the Vuvuzelas are the most annoying sound in the world, I had an idea to remove them definitively by reading this new ( that told us that the sound has some frequencies at 233Hz + 466,932,1864Hz.
I have already made a lot of Android application by myself but never touching the signal analysis and filtering part, so here are a few questions, I do not ask for precise answer but maybe links and tutorial to find something to work on. I guess that a new Android phone has the CPU and power to make real-time filtering.
1) How can I intercept the sound coming from the Jack microphone - Line-IN plug- ( I plan to link my TV to my phone with Jack to Jack plug). My question is totally software and coding, I have all the wires and adapters to plug a jack into my android phone Line IN.
2) Are there some Fourier analysis librairies, may I have a look to Java libraries on the web and import them to my Android project?
I want to know what kind of users are using my app.
I think I need the device id, the network type, the network provider name and its ip address. is there any framework to do this thing? And of course I will ask user to enable it before I can do it and leave an option to disable it when user want to toggle it off.
I am a golf professional from Pennsylvania. I am looking for an app that I can:
-Record and import videos taken w/ the Droid
-Slowmotion Playback (forward and reverse)
-Frame by Frame Playback (forward and reverse)
-Save clips by video angle (down the line, face on, etc)
-Ability to draw lines/shapes on the screen w/ various drawing tools
So since I got the phone on Thursday, at random, I'll get these popup crash messages, that say "The process has stopped unexpectedly" it has a "Force Close" button, which doesn't seem to change anything other than to acknowlege the message.It will happen at random, sometimes while I'm on the home screen, or sending a text message, but more recently, as I was trying to manage & link contacts. When I searched for this message it seemed to be related to people using Gmail, but I always get this message when I'm doing other things and not even touching my Gmail account.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSometimes the DDMS in the Eclipse not listing the process.
To do the debug in this condition,
1) Is their any way force the DDMS to list the process?
2) Any command to attach the process from the command line?
I bought a new phone, but I can not run it.
I get the following information: "Sorry! The process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again".
At a certain point in my program, when I'm completely done with my service, my activity executes unbindService() and stopService() -- yet the process persists. I can tell that it persists because I run "ps" in "adb -e shell":
"adb logcat", I can show you the sequence of events:
ACTIVITY: context.unbindService(serviceConnection);
SERVICE: onUnbind();
ACTIVITY: stopService(serviceIntent); & returns true!
SERVICE: onDestroy();
First, my activity calls unbindService(serviceConnection). According to the documentation, unbindService() will "Disconnect from an application service. You will no longer receive calls as the service is restarted, and the service is now allowed to stop at any time." So that is fine, and it is happening.
Appropriately, we see the onUnbind() call happen on the service side. According to the documentation, onUnbind() is called when "all clients have disconnected from a particular interface published by the service." So this confirms the correct service connection is being passed, and that the service is responding accordingly.
Next, my activity calls stopService(serviceIntent), and returns true. According to the documentation, stopService() does the following: "If there is a service matching the given Intent that is already running, then it is stopped and true is returned; else false is returned." Again, this is happening and returning true.
In response, the service's onDestroy() method is called. According to the documentation, onDestroy() is "Called by the system to notify a Service that it is no longer used and is being removed. The service should clean up any resources it holds (threads, registered receivers, etc) at this point. Upon return, there will be no more calls in to this Service object and it is effectively dead."
At this point I expect the process to disappear from the process table. Yet it remains indefinitely. But why?
Also, the process is so persistent that I can bind to it again, and I see that it is the same exact process responding because the PID (process ID) is the same!
I've searched around the forums (here and SDX forums) and although it seems the few people that had this issue were able to solve it, my case seems a bit different.
It's different because of the people I've read solving the issue, it was a problem with something they changed / removed with gmail / gmail storage or talk / talk storage. And when they cleared the cache or re-installed the problem went away. Also, it seemed that the same people had a problem with downloading from the market...
Neither of the above apply to me, but yet I'm still getting this FC error all the time!
I was helping a friend with their CL14 Moment out of the box...and went from stock 1.5 CL14 to 2.1 DD03 w/Joey recovery to EclairDD10 and v5 root. I then did the streaming media fix, and then the private app (build.prop) fix (all previously done with my phone no problems). I did all of these update right in a row, and after my last re-boot the FC error (process has stoped unexpectedly) started showing up and won't go away.
The only .apk / odex files I removed were the preloaded Sprint apps
Does anybody have any other ideas on how I can get this FC error to stop? I've tried clearing the cache / data for all the mail / talk apps, rebooted, cleared dalvik cache...