General :: Alarm Clock Doesn't Turn Phone On?
May 29, 2013My blackberry did, but my S4 doesn't turn on if it's off to sound the alarm. Is there an internal setting I can put on to fix this, or do I have to download a quick fix app for it?

My blackberry did, but my S4 doesn't turn on if it's off to sound the alarm. Is there an internal setting I can put on to fix this, or do I have to download a quick fix app for it?
Tried to set an alarm on the default clock app on the Legend. To my surprise, it never went off when it was supposed to. When I tested it I was quite shocked to find that the built-in/default sounds wouldn't play. When it put I enabled the vibrate checkbox, it began to vibrate at the set time but there was no sound. So I downloaded an alarm app from the droid marketplace and it worked fine. Even the default Legend sounds were working in the app. When I went back to the built-in alarm, the sounds started playing normally. Not sure what could've caused this. Could it have something to do with the task-killer?
View 3 Replies View Relatedgot a few things im not sure how to fix or what im doing wrong. first off my alarm clock does not go off in the mornings for work. i set a alarm for a few mins ahead of the actual time to see if it works and it goes off. but the next morning nothing still. also both my emails do not refresh themselves anymore. i have to go in and refresh to see if i got any mail. Another thing is when i change my notification ringtone for my text messages it does not change to what i set. i go back in and it is still set to what i put it at but when i get a text its not what i set... does anyone have any ideas on any of this. im sure im doing something wrong but its driving me crazy
View 21 Replies View RelatedI have sorted out my Launcher Pro problem from my last thread, but here's another. Long story short - I can't switch off my alarm clock (or snooze). I have to turn off the phone completely to make it stop. I use Launcher Pro, Widget locker and stock alarm. Unfortunately none of the buttons work, nothing appears on the screen and I don't know how to switch the damn thing off - which makes alarm clock unusable. But I really need alarm clock, can't live without it.
View 9 Replies View RelatedAs far as I'm aware the standard alarm clock will not alarm when the phone is switched off. Does anybody know an alarm clock that will alarm when the phone is switched off ...? (preferably free)
View 2 Replies View RelatedThere is this LG LII optimus series phone, it was bought at a physical reputable store, haven't been changed whats so ever (not a single new program was added).
I've just noticed that the alarm clock app that came preinstalled has the following permissions:
-Your personal information- read call logs,read your contacts.
-Network communication-full network access.
-Phone calls- read phone status and identity.
-System tools-
-Network communications- view network communications, wifi connections.
-Development toos- test access to protected storage.
-Hardware controls-
-Run at start up.
- Modify system settings.
I'm probably missing something...
Are there any good alarm applications for the X10i?
Basically I use my phone as an alarm to get up for work. My old Nokia N96 I could set the alarm and then switch the phone off at night and the alarm would still go off on time. This does not seem to be the case with the X10i. It doesn't even go off when the phones in airplane mode which is poor. I just don't want to have to leave my phone on overnight in case it rings and i wake up.
Are there any good alarm apps that allows you to turn the phone off and the alarm would still ring at 6.30 for work?
Is there any way to turn off clock display at the upper right corner of the phone?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI wanted to use this phone as an alarm clock and use it in landscape mode using the kickstand. Is there a way to do this normally or does an app have to be made to use the accelerometer or something?
View 43 Replies View RelatedIs there an alarm clock on this phone?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI installed a kernel which is not compatible with my phone. Now it stuck. I cannot turn on my phone. I tried everything on that is written on the forum. I tried volume key tricks everything. Non of them worked.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am using the factory Alarm Clock on my Inc. It works okay but if my phone is off, the alarm will not wake up the phone and sound alarm or at least the alarm going off would work for me.
On my BB Curve even if the phone was off the alarm would go off at the set time and the phone would turn on. Kinda nice, only downfall is only had 1 alarm where as Inc has a few.
With the marginal battery life on this thing I sometimes turn it off to charge when going to sleep at nite and do a few bumps in the morning. Problem is the alarm doesnt go off if the phone is off.
IF the factory phone alarm does not do this does anyone know of one that does? Perhaps in Market?
OK let me clarify, it does work, but only if I am actively using the phone. If I set my alarm then hit the power button to turn the screen off, or even just allow the screen to timeout and turn off, then the alarm fails to go off. This is REALLY annoying as it renders the entire alarm feature completely useless.
View 49 Replies View RelatedI have a widget that should launch the AlarmClock when its clicked. After searching for a result it seems to me that every phone can have its own AlarmClock-application, and that what I am trying to do isnt really possible? I have been using this for HTC Hero: i.setClassName("", " android. worldclock.WorldClockTabControl"); resolved = packageManager.resolveActivity(i, PackageManager .MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY); And this if not HTC Hero: i.setClassName("", " .alarmclock.AlarmClock"); resolved = packageManager.resolveActivity(i, PackageManager. MATCH _DEFAULT _ONLY); This way I can check if the AlarmClock application is there. But now it seems that the Nexus One has yet another application. Does anyone know the component name and class for the Nexus AlarmClock? I can see that this will be a growing list of checks, so is there a better way?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am having a hard time finding a bedside alarm clock docking station for android phones.. HTC Legend.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a friend who's alarm clock will work even with the phone powered off. Is there an alarm clock app for the Moto Droid that will work even if I have the phone powered down?
View 1 Replies View RelatedEither I'm losing my mind, or I just can't seem to pin point where it is on my phone. I did have it set up for everyday, which it does go off at my time 4PM. However, I can't seem to find where it is on my phone to add another temporary alarm to go off at a different time today.
Does anyone know where I should find this app at on my phone?
I am using service class to play the mp3 file using media player object on Android platform, problem is, i am not able to handle the alarm interruption.When any previous set alarm clock reach to it's alarm time it starts to play in parallel with mp3.I want that mp3 should become paused and after alarm it again start to play,same thing should happen with snooze.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to purposely change your app names? Is it even possible? i.e, " better alarm clock " to just alarm..
View 4 Replies View RelatedI deleted (accidentally) some system files, and then nothing happened, but i hit the restore or backup from setting and it went fine untill the loading screen, i mean it shut down then the first loading image fine and the next one doesn't load my system.. What can i do? (I think i know what software i shouldn't have deleted).
View 3 Replies View RelatedOn my old BB when the phone was off/died during the night, it would turn on and go off if the alarm was set.It doesn't seem like the INC does that. Is there an app or something that will turn the phone on so the alarm goes off if somehow the phone shuts down? I use my phone as my alarm every morning, and I need it to go off, even if the phone is off/battery dies during the night.
View 19 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering if anyone is aware of an app that will shut off my alarm clock if I wake and unplug my phone from the charger, then reset it for the following day. I almost always wake before my alarm, and use the alarm in case I oversleep. Would be nice if I didn't have to hear it go off a half hour later.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have got the htc tattoo and when i set the alarm to come on it only seems to work when the phone is actually turned on.
I have set the alarm and turned the phone off and the alarm clock does not come on at all.
I have gotten a new Sony Xperia Z1 Compact (android 4.4.3), but i HATE the system clock widget/app with the analog hands,and minimalist design,so i installed an apk extractor on my Samsung Galaxy S3 (android 4.0.4) to try and get the system clock app from there as i absolutly love it with its big digital numbers,and exact manual input of desired countdown timer,and apk extracted fine,but when i try and install it on my xperia i get an "app not installed" error after installation actually has happened.
Is this not possible what i am trying to do? Is the clock proprietary to each company the phone is from?
I'm looking for a new Alarm Clock/Digital Clock widget because the default one lags. Any suggestions?
View 18 Replies View RelatedAnyone know where I can get the original Htc alarm/clock/stopwatch app that comes w/ sense?
I rooted/rom'd to virt and have somehow lost the app. So I can't set an alarm on my phone LoL. Just want the original back & would rather not have to reflash my phone if possible.
I use Gentle Alarm as my clock, and I want a way to have just Gentle Alarm without any other apps running, and without even being able to run anything else. Basically, I want to convert my smartphone into a dumb alarm clock at night, and make it so that I have to reboot it to start messing with email, twitter, etc.
The reason I don't use a regular "dumb" alarm clock (which is ideal for me, really) is that I need something that vibrates and doesn't ring.
So, has anyone found an alarm clock app that works when phone is completely off yet??
Been reading about this and it goes back as far as Octber 2008!! WTF is going on. Sony are bound to have a simple fix for this.
All of my sony ericsson phones before (including the satio) had a working alarm clock when i turned my phone off at night time.
I am overriding the functionalities of current android alarm clock. As of now, if we have set two alarm of ,say, 10:10 and 10:15, now if the first alarm pops up at 10:10, and we click on snooze button(snooze time: 10 mins), then it says that the snooze will not be set since there is already an alarm in between(the 10:15th one). Here i want to both the alarm(i.e, snoozed one and 10:15th one) to be set. Any ideas???
View 3 Replies View RelatedI found out about the AMAZING app Timely. It is absolutely beautiful and works great. I really love the default sounds it comes with, and would like to know if I could get one of the alarms as my ringtone. So is there a way to get the music off this app?
Galaxy note 3 Sprint, not rooted (yet)