Android : Tasker Profile To Forward SMS

Jul 28, 2010

Anyone that is using tasker. First off, love this application, def my fave so far. I am looking for some help to forward text messages (SMS) to my IM account so that I can get them and respond on my computer when I am at work (8-5) - Is there a way I can send them over to google talk or using an IM client (Meebo) and use that to respond?? Maybe use google voice to transfer them over?

Android : tasker profile to forward SMS

Android : Tasker - How To Set A Default Profile

Oct 9, 2010

Just got Tasker and want to make several location (gps) based profiles but how can I setup a default profile when I an not in and location radius?

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Android :: Setting Up A Specific Tasker Profile?

Sep 12, 2010

I am trying to set up a profile so that while I am driving if I get an SMS a reply is automatically sent. I can get that pretty easy. Here is the tricky part:

I want the reply sent with the exception of 2 numbers:

1. 32665*** (Facebook) - any reply is posted to my FB account so obviously I don't want an auto reply here. The *** is different with every text thread from FB.

2. (123)456-7890 - One number I don't want the auto reply sent to.

I tried Send SMS ... if "%CNUM !~ 1234567890", but when I set that condition a response was not sent to other numbers.

How can I set it to ignore both of the numbers I listed, and how do I format the "if" conditions.

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Android :: Tasker Profile Won't Work With Long Waits

Oct 10, 2010

Hey tasker experts. Don't ask me why, but I'm trying to make a profile, so that when I press a widget button, I get alerted exactly a few hours later, and then an hour after that, and then once again later. This all works very fine when I test it with only 30 second waits, but as soon as I change it to the intended few hour intervals it won't work. I can only assume the device goes into standby if I wait too long which is why the task won't finish.Is there a way to do this all without using "Wait 2h" commands? I'm thinking of something like a variable time context, but that doesn't seem to be an option. Or simply somehow scheduling tasks to run at a certain time from another task. I can't really use the keep awake function because my phone would be active for hours on end.

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Android : Tasker Wifi Profile - Doesnt Seems To Work Very Correctly

Nov 27, 2010

I am trying to get a profile setup for my wifi but that doesnt seems to work very correctly

Here is what i did

Cell near<scanned cells near my house> ---> wifi set on
Wifi near<my SSId>
<-- wifi set off
Now i did this thinking if in my area using scanned cells plus in range of my wifi----> it should turn on

And if the above criteria doesnt match then it should go off

Please advise if i am doing it wrong

I was also thinking when i reach back home phone should say welcome home or something ( was trying just for fun) but that doesnt work properly either i was using it with my wifi profile but the it keeps on reading the message few times i was thinking everytime phone changes the cell it reads the message to me.

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General :: Tasker - Simple GPS / NAV Profile Will Not Work

Sep 28, 2012

This profile is driving me nuts. It can be found all over on the internet as it's quite common, but my phone will just not run it. I simply want my GPS signal to turn on when I open my good maps navigation, and then turn off when I close navigation. My psuedo code is below.

Profile: Nav On
Open app: Navigation
Enter Task:
IF %GPS ~ off
GPS set On
Go Home
Wait 50 MS
Load App: Navigation
Exit Task:
GPS set Off

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General :: Tasker Profile Becomes Inactive After Phone Idle For 10 Minutes

Feb 11, 2014

I have an AT&T Samsung Note 3 SM-N900A running Android 4.3 (baseband version N900AUCUBMJ5, kernel v3.4.0-1625098). I rooted it using Kingo, installed Tasker (with Secure Settings plugin), and created 2 profiles: one with a 'Home' location context, and one with a 'Work' location context. In the 'Location Edit' map screen for each, I set a pinned location w/ a radius of 200m. I also de-select 'GPS' (leaving only 'NET'), since I don't want GPS enabled all the time (to extend battery life). I confirm that these work when I'm actively using the phone.. the profile becomes active when I'm at the specified location (as expected). I know it's active because it's displayed in the Notification Panel (and it's also shown in green in the Tasker profiles list).

The issue I'm having is that after ~10 minutes of idle time (i.e. when the display is off and I'm not using the phone), I find that the profile is no longer active when I turn the display back on and start using the phone again. I confirmed that this *doesn't* happen after 1 minute, 2 minutes, nor 5 minutes, only > 10. I also confirmed that it happens for both profiles consistently. However, as soon as I start Tasker again from the Apps Drawer (or from Recent Apps screen), the profile is immediately activated again, and my Enter task is re-run.

I enabled the run log in Tasker prefs, but it basically shows a clean activation of the profile (with no warnings or anything that looks weird to me).

I know there's a 10-minute timeout in the Display Off Monitoring prefs, but that doesn't seem to be related to my issue. I tried reducing the All Checks Seconds from 600 to 90, rebooted the phone, and it still took ~10 minutes before the profile would become inactive after the phone being idle.

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General :: Tasker Profile - Auto Mute In Meetings (Gmail / Calendar)

May 30, 2013

I've tried for several hours to let this profile work, no success so far . In Tasker I've created the following:

- New Profile , State , Calendar Entry
Title: MuteonMeetings
Location : Empty
Description : Empty
Available : No / Yes (Profile 1) (Profile 2)
Calendar : Google : + (Gmail-adress). I've tried basically all my available Calendars (individually also)

- New Task, Audio, Silent Mode
Mode : On / Off (Profile 1) (Profile 2)
If : (select option) Is not selected. Maybe I need to use it??

And another Task that shows in Text-Plain that the meeting this start (Flash)

And this task is linked to the profile.

I've created another profile and task with the opposite values, to UN-mute automatically after the meeting is over.

I made some test--appointments and synchronized my calendar on phone. When the time of the event hits, nothing happens. Even in the Tasker Log , it says that the profile and task are not started . When I run manually both of the created Tasks for Mute / Un-mute it works. It looks like that Tasker is not checking my Calendar (Time/Events) etc.

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Android :: What Tasker Profiles Are Everyone Using?

Aug 25, 2010

I think we should get a good thread going with how everyone has set up profiles in Tasker. With so many options, sometimes I overlook a really cool way to set up a profile. That is mine except for a few really basic ones. There is still 1 I want to set up:-Face down at a certain time -> screen lock, otherwise no lock, alarm triggered until unlocked if picked up.

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Android :: Tasker And Auto Sync

Aug 25, 2010

I just got tasker and have been trying to find a way to have auto sync turn on for a few minutes every hour to check mail, and update calendar and contacts so I can help conserve battery life. Is there any way to do this using tasker?

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Android :: Tasker Save Gps Location

Aug 4, 2010

Just got my DX in the mail today and I've been playing with it ever since! (Coming from LG Dare)I've been messing with tasker and have an idea but am not sure how to implement it so I thought Id post and see if anyone had any ideas.I have a pioneer gps unit in my car with hands free bluetooth. My idea is to have tasker save the gps location of my phone when it disconnects from my cars bluetooth and then turn off bluetooth. Then, I can have tasker turn bluetooth back on when I enter that saved location.

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General :: How To Make Android App Like Tasker

Apr 18, 2014

How is the app 'Tasker' made? It runs a lot of activity's in the background, and how could you do that with your own app?

I'm making a Virtual Assistant app for Android and I need it to be checking for when the user say's "Okay, Google" or something like that. I need to do something like an Automation app, thats always checking for user input?

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Android :: Tasker WiFi / Mobile Data

Oct 30, 2010

Just learning how to use Tasker. Searching the internet to get whatever help I can find. One thing I am not seeing that I really want to do is:When I open the browser (turn wifi on).(I know how to do this)If wifi is not available ask if I want to turn on mobile data (This is what I can't figure out)If anyone has some suggestions I would love to hear them. Or if someone knows whether or not this is even possible please let me know.

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Android : How To Manually Start A Task With Tasker?

Nov 23, 2010

Is there a way to Manually start a task with Tasker? Scenario being, I have a 2 Profiles setup. One launches the "discreet" task (when I'm at work) and the other launches "Silent" task (that runs at night). But there are occasions when I went to manually start the Tasks (Silent when I'm at the Cinema, for example). I've tried creating the Widgets, but they don't do anything when pressed. I'm happy to go into the app to select the task, but cant find any options to do so.

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Android :: WiFi Toggle / How Widget Work Through Tasker?

Aug 19, 2010

I tried google and forum search on this but can't find it. I read somewhere that the Power bar is a resource hog, and I'd be better off with individual widgets for each. Problem is, I can't figure out how to make a WiFi widget work through tasker. I get the icon, and set it to be WiFi toggle, but it doesn't actually do anything.

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Android :: Tasker Unable To Reliably Detect Changes To Ringer Volume

Aug 1, 2010

About six months ago I installed RingGuard to prevent accidental changes to my ringer volume by accidental presses of the volume rocker. I uninstalled it about 15 minutes later, as (at that time) it prevented Locale from changing the ringer volume. I am now using Tasker, and it is unable to reliably detect changes to the ringer volume. Is it possible that something left over from RingGuard is preventing Tasker from seeing these changes? If so, how would I determine if this is what's happening?

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Android :: Tasker Google Maps Starts / Stops GPS Repeatedly

Aug 9, 2010

I just started using Tasker on my Droid X and have found it to be very useful. I have had a problem with a Profile that I built around Google Maps. After reading about a GPS bug on Droid X (I believe the same issue happens with WiFi, but it not relevant here) I created a profile that turns on GPS when Maps is started and turns off GPS on exit. In order to verify the on/off tasks are being doing at the correct times, I added a popup to the end of the on/off tasks. If this worked as I thought it would, I should see the popup happen after launching Maps and I should also see it when Maps closes: So after setting this profile up in Tasker and launching Maps, I see maps open and the GPS on popup appear, but after a few seconds, the GPS off popup appears. After a few seconds, the GPS on popup appears and the GPS off popup apear again. This repeats for as long as I have the Maps app open. Maybe this has something to do with how Google Maps launches/works/exits, but I'm at a loss here. Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening?

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HTC Incredible :: Tasker App Updated

Sep 20, 2010

I played around with Tasker back when I first got the Incredible, and it was really neat, but I didn't buy it since the Mobile Data Off setting wasn't working for CDMA phones.It was recently updated and this ability was supposed to be live now, but it still doesn't seem to work for me.I work in a very shielded building so when my phone senses the wifi network I want it to turn the mobile data connection off to prevent signal searching and associated drain.Anyone else have any luck w/ this? It's an awesome app w/ a lot of control, but this not working just leaves me using Timeriffic instead.

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HTC Hero :: Battery Saving Using Tasker

Oct 30, 2010

I think this should be possible, but I'll need a bit of help setting it up as I'm not yet competent with tasker.

During the day I have "data enabled" most of the time because if someone sends me an email I want to be able to reply. However data enabled does cause significant battery drain and my email only gets checked every hour.

Is it possible to create a tasker task that turns on "data enabled" and checks emails once an hour and then turns off "data enabled"?

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General :: Set Tasker To Kill App When WiFi Is Off?

Feb 24, 2012

What I'm trying to do is call-forward my number to Dell VOIP when connected to WiFI, but I want to kill the Dell Voice app when I'm not connected to wifi because it's a battery drainer. So far I have everything setup so that when I'm on WiFi, all calls get routed through WiFi into the Dell Voice app.. what I cannot figure out how to do is kill the app once I disconnect from WiFI. I tried searching but couldn't find an answer.

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General :: Motorola Always Ready With Tasker?

Aug 6, 2013

I really like the motorola "always ready" feature where you can say "Ok, Google Now" and bring up google now instantly. Is it possible to integrate voice actions into tasker?

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General :: Tasker Doesn't See XML Files

Apr 4, 2014

Tasker won't see any xml files, regardless of where I put them.

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General :: Install Tasker App On Galaxy Gio / CM 7.2 Rom

Mar 18, 2012

I try to instsll Tasker app on my phone but it say's "application not installed "

Galaxy gio with Cm7.2 Rom

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General :: Tasker Lock Screen Off?

Apr 25, 2013

I have Tasker on my phone, since I just downloaded the app a few days ago. I have been trying to create a profile where if im connected to my home wifi, the lock pattern on my lockscreen will be off. if im not connected to my home wifi network, I want the lock pattern to be back on. I followed Armandas guide on YouTube but it did not work for me. BTW im on a Galaxy s2, using a 4.2.2 ROM with the DashClock widget as my default lock screen.

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General :: How To Use Data From Torque In Tasker

Oct 8, 2012

I'm looking for a way to use data from Torque in Tasker.

I want to take data from torque and use it to drive actions in Tasker. Specifically, I'd like to turn the screen on when the engine comes on. Is anyone aware of previous work done in this area that might get me started? Or, would I need to code a Tasker plugin?

I'm aware I could accomplish this using ACC power as the on/off flag, but I'd like to charge the tablet at all times and not just when the car is running.

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Android :: How Do You Forward A MMS In Handcent?

Nov 24, 2009

How do you forward a MMS in Handcent. When I get a pic and want to send it to someone else there is no option for it.

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Samsung Captivate :: Want Automation App Tasker For Phone

Aug 18, 2010

Has anyone got the automation app tasker? If so anyone got any good profiles they recommend?

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General :: How To Stop And Start Tasker By Itself Via Bashscript

Sep 16, 2013

I want to stop and start tasker by itself via a bashscript since I see no other way to do so. This works if you put in terminal line by line:


am force-stop
am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n

But now I'm stock

My guess was that it would have to work if i put in a file "" and run


sh ./
as root.

But it doesn't work and it seems to ignore the linebreaks in the file.

So here I am, knowing the commands and need to run them with one call. How do I do that?

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General :: Can Tasker Determine If Media Is Playing?

Dec 17, 2012

I'd like to have Tasker read incoming texts to me while in the car but pause and playing media first. I have a profile setup to trigger the task and everything work, except the part about pausing the media. As it is now it just read the text over the top of the media and neither are understandable.

I've searched and I can't seem to find a reliable way to determine if media is playing, pause it, then play it again after the text is read. I'm familiar with %MTRACK, but that only works with some players (none of which I use). I typically use PlayerPro and BeyondPod.

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General :: Tasker - How To Pass Variable From Trigger

May 15, 2012

I am a complete newbie with tasker. I am trying to create a profile with which I wish to auto-send an sms to wish people, for example on their birthday. So birthdays, set from contact appear on my calendar as "personName. Birthday"

I am able to trigger an action reading "*Birthday" in calendar event. But how do I pass the personName from the trigger, that matched "*Birthday" to the action to use as contact (directly or by extracting number for that contact) and the enter in the message like: Happy Birthday personName!

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