Android :: Pass Bundle To An Activity On An Instrumentation Test Case
Jan 29, 2009When implementing an ActivityInstrumentationTestCase, how do you start the activity with a Bundle of saved state?

When implementing an ActivityInstrumentationTestCase, how do you start the activity with a Bundle of saved state?
I have added the "android.test.runner" user library and "android.test.InsturmentationTestRunner" in instrumentation. But when i run the test in Instrumentation, 0 test has been run.
My test class is as below: package;
I have an instrumentation test case that is waiting for an incoming call. I would like to abort this test case after some time from outside of this test case. Is there any argument to "adb shell am instrument" command that will stop the on going instrument test case?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI use the following instrumentation testrunner command line to run JUnit tests on my project :
and it runs OK.
I am now trying to pass a property value argument to my instrumentation test runner, something equivalent to the eclipse vm argument -Dcom.myApplication.myProperty="String" The value ("String") of a property (com.myApplication.myProperty) must be defined in the command line. I tried to bend my command line to make this work, changing it for example into :
but didn't manage to make it work correctly. Is there a way to make this work ?
I am using ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 to do some test for an activity. I get a button in the setUp() method like this: protected void setUp() throws Exception {super.setUp(); act = getActivity(); btn = Button)act.find ViewById ( ); // this button has been defined in layout} Then I use this button to perform a click in a test method like this: public void testBikeButton(){ //click the bike button btn.performClick();}
View 7 Replies View RelatedSo I have a MapActivity that runs an asynchtask that occasionally updates what exactly it's displaying on the map (via a string). I originally pass this string in from the intent when the activity is first created. And then if you click on one of the drawables on the map, it opens a new activity, which can then create a new mapview (same class) with a different string setting. The problem I have is that I only want one instance of the mapview to be running at once. Thus I set android:launchmode="singletask" in the manifest. This works in that it brings the mapactivity to the front, but is there any way to send it a new intent bundle to get a new setting for the string it needs? I tried regetting the extras from the bundle, but it seems to retain the old bundle, not the new intent that was passed to it. I'm not sure I want to do startActivityForResult because the 2nd activity may or may not want to update the original activity. I hope that made sense. I can post code if necessary, but I think that should explain my situation.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat's the correct way to pass a bundle to the activity that is being launched from the current one? Shared properties?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan we write instrumentation test cases for an android application in Groovy? If so , how ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDo anyone have idea about testing a service using instrumentation framework.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWe are currently working on an instrumentation test suite which runs on our build server, but while the tests pass on a dev machine using a normal Android emulator, the builds fail on the build server since there we only run a headless emulator with the -no-window flag.The failure occurs when trying to invoke the InstrumentationTestCase.sendKeys() method to programatically open the options menu.We also tried to let the instrumentation test app and the app under test share the same Linux user ID using android:sharedUserId and run in the same process (android:process -- we weren't sure if that was already the case), but still no luck. Does this mean it's currently impossible to run instrumentations which contain key events on a headless emulator, or are we missing something?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy app launches the camera to allow the user to capture a picture. Sometimes this causes the OS will kill my App to free up memory for the camera. Once the picture is taken, my app starts back up where it left off using the Bundle I saved in onSaveInstanceState(). My app had a bug where in the code that restores the state. Is there anyway that I can simulate or test this case to make sure I am restoring correctly now? It seems I am having trouble making this happen when I want to test it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm getting this error when trying to run unit tests from Eclipse with an Android Project. The list of Instrumentation Test Runners is empty in the Android preferences.
Google-fu failing me.
I tried to run a unit test once, that's what I always want to do...
I am working on android automation ,and i am new to this field , i went through the test example available at developer site and i am getting
11-05 14:43:14.509: WARN/TestGrouping(1485): Invalid Package: '' could not be found or has no tests
as error on running this code .
I have downloaded donut branch and build for emulator. I am running the author test case in the following way cd /data;test_pvauthorengine -test 5 5 -video yuvtestinput.yuv - videoconfigfile mp4_config.cfg -audio amrtestinput.amr - audioconfigfile amr_config.cfg -output mp4.3gp Starting Test 5: AMR & YUV to AV using M4V Encoder .3gp Test PVSCHED:Scheduler 'PVAuthorEngineTestScheduler', Thread 0xafe43c24: Error! AO PvmiMIOFileInput Error 101 not handled PVSCHED:Scheduler 'PVAuthorEngineTestScheduler', Thread 0xafe43c24: Error! Reason 101
View 3 Replies View RelatedFrom 2.0 the cts is freely downloadable from android's repository.
But there is no documents about it.
Does anyone can tell me:
How to build cts? Is there a standard procedure? How to run cts? How to add customized test case?
Here, share my experience. After repo sync all source, you can't directly run "make" to build all source.
You will get some errors.
Now, I'am trying to first build android source without cts, and then build cts alone.
Also, here are some reference for run cts:!article&articleId=157
1st time Update @ 5-13 18:39 +8:00
I do the following steps: android source without cts (move cts out of the $SDK_ROOT). cts (move cts back).
both jdk1.5 and 1.6 have the following errors:
I am adding an android testcase for the UI. I have been following the tuto for the Spinner Test.Unfortunately I have a nullpointerexception on a object medtSalePercent.setText("10"); which has been initialised.
import jle.base.WorkActivity;
import android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.TextView;
There is no exception on medtPriceValue.setText("50");.but there is one on the screen for medtSalePercent.setText("10");
How to start/bind a service from a test case. I tried using the ServiceTestCase and somehow I am getting the context as null and the test is not launching/starting the service.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to run Junit test case for the android APIDemo project under eclipse. I create an eclipse project from the APIDemo source, it compiles fine and then I did: 1. Debug->Run as Junit tests
But I get this error: 'Lanuching AllTests' has encountered a problem. Cannot connect to VM...................
After following some instructions on Diego Torres blog I am able to test my classes using the regular Eclipse JUnit test-runner, however I also want to be able to run my unit tests from within the emulated android environment. For now this should make no real difference since the classes I am working on do very basic numerical or networking tasks, but obviously anything which involves the UI or Android API specific functions can only ever be tested on the emulator.
I set up a new run configuration of type AndroidJUnitTest wich uses the ndroid.test.InstrumentationTestRunner, however whenever I fire up the test I get the following error in the console:
[2010-01-09 00:45:23 - Pal1]Uploading Pal1.apk onto device 'emulator-5556'....................
I have an application where I navigate from Activity A to Activity B and back to A and then B. I want to resume the activity B (which has a Bundle passed to it ) from Activity A. The documentation says that OnSaveInstance() is called only when the activity is killed, so how do i use OnPause which does not have the Bundle to resume the activity B.
View 13 Replies View RelatedThe integers pass successfully but string is failed. What's the problem?
From my activity I do startActivityForResult(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE),and then I land in the builtin camera activity (in this case in the emulator).in my testcase, it does not find ANY button (null is found for index=0).How do I write a Solo/Robotium testcase that uses the builtin camera to take a picture ?
View 1 Replies View String[] items={"one","two"}; Bundle map = new Bundle(); map.putStringArray ("link",items); Intent myintent = new Intent(view.getContext(),two.class); myintent. put Extras (map) ;startActivityForResult(myintent,0); Bundle map=this. get Intent() .getExtras(); String links=map.getString("link"); tell me that how can i get the two string values from one activity to another one. such as links[0]="one"; and links[1] ="two";
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to do some automated testcase with Instrumentation . Suggest that my AUT has 2 Activity. After clicking the button in ther first Activity, the second one will be shown with new content base on what we enter in the first Activity.) Instrumentation provides us the function called startActivitySync() and return the Activity object for processing. My question is how we can get the pointer of the second Activity after the it is shown by clicking the button on the first activity.?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a notification that starts my activity and passes a messages using the intent's putExtra() function. The message is then displayed to the user in the activity's onCreate function. When the application is restarted due to a orientation change, the message is shown again as it is still in the intent's bundled data.
How can I remove the extra data?
I tried the following:
Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();
if (bundle.getBoolean("showMessage")) {
// ... show message that is in bundle.getString("message")
// remove message
But the message will still be shown after the orientation changed, seems like the intent used is not the one I changed, but the original one. The only workaround I found is to save the showMessage additionally in onSaveInstanceState(). Is there another way? Or is this the way to go?
I have two activity in my project. I am callilng second activity from main activity. can some one tell me how can i pass some data to that activity? Simply i want to pass object array. Can some one tell me how can i do it ?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn my Android app,I start a new activity with startActivityForResult(). I get the result in onActivityResult() perfectly. My problem is that there is a small bit of data that I know before I start the activity and I need that value to be available in onActivityResult(), too. I tried attaching it to my intent as an extra, but it wasn't attached to the intent that is available when the activity returns the result. I made it work by storing the data in a global variable, but I really don't like that approach. Is there a better, right way to pass data through an activity (instead of just to it)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs this possible? I am trying to open a SQLite database cursor in one activity, and pass it to another activity.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAssume that there activity A and B, A has a handler, now B is activate by A, how can i pass the handler to B? Currently i have a thread receive messages from socket, and dispatch messages to A and B, I think when B is activated, pass handler to B, then the handler can receive message from the thread. But I don't know how to do.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an activity which implements an OnItemClickListener.code...
However, I need to pass some objects from MyActivity1 to MyActivity2 --
I see there is an Intent.putExtra() for all the basic types, and I even see a Bundle which is a collection of basic types, but how can I pass a generic "Object" to MyActivity2 ?