Android :: And Libdrm1_jni. / Purpose Of Those Libs?
Sep 30, 2009My questions is already on the title of this post ^^
Does anyone know what are and purpose?
My questions is already on the title of this post ^^
Does anyone know what are and purpose?
My team is currently trying to package a native .so library within an AIR APK. This native library is used by a native extension we've built, but the library is not the extension itself, therefore the standard process of creating an AIR APK with an extension does not include these libraries. We have to, somehow, instruct AIR to include the native libs in the packaging process.
The real headache is that for Android to link to these libraries, it appears that they must sit in the following directories (we have 2 .so files):
When using ADT we can include the /lib directory in the APK, but AIR sticks the /lib directory in the APK's /assets directory with the rest of the AIR files....but this does not work because Android does not appear to find the native libs.
how we can get this lib directory sitting at the root of the APK?
I want to add functionality to an app to easily apply filters and such to images. Examples for the kinds of filters/effect I am looking for are Dithering, Blur, Black & White, Gray Scale, Invert Color, etc.
know any frameworks/libs that provide this functionality to be easily used in an App? Or a source that lists frameworks for Android.
I was only able to find a list of Android Libraries provided by OpenIntents.
When you are porting a Rom, how do you know which libs to copy over? Also I'm porting for the fascinate, but the porting rom is for the nexus, should I copy all of the hw libs?
What is the purpose of this?
View 5 Replies View RelatediFMW was upgraded: Mobile site for public person or private file share for secret person in one app.
It has two inversion functions on one app.
Public person can get his/her own public web site on the phone and secret person can use only private file sharing directly on the phone without uploading.
Those who want two demands above will use whole functions.
What will you choose of those choices?
What is translatable attribute translatable="false" means?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat is meant by System.img in Android? What is the purpose of using it?
Can anyone help me regarding this issue?
When ever we need to send an email in Android we will invoke registered email application using Intent.ACTION_SEND. like the below
Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(i, "Send mail..."));
My doubt is why do we need to use Intent.createChooser in startActivity rather than using
Is there any specific reason of using Intent.createChooser()?
I'm reading the android source code, and wanna make orientation animation. I've found that when I rotate the screen, the code will be executed to public boolean setRotationUncheckedLocked(int rotation, int animFlags){}, in which there's a line startFreezingDisplayLocked(). If this method works, there's no animation when I rotate the screen. Thus, I wanna know whether Google forbid orientation animation on purpose, and if I wanna make an animation, whether just use stopFreezingDisplayLocked() instead? Thanks a lot.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm writing a JNI library for a game. I have java code that I want to replace with functions from the library. Is it true that most of the devices out there are compatible with my code if I compile it for the default arm processor, or will I find that there are many devices out there that my library won't run on? What I'm asking is, should I maintain java code that does the same thing as my jni library for compatibility purposes, or is it safe to have jni libraries alone? How large is the group of devices that cannot use the libraries I write? Where are there stats regarding what population is using processors other than the arm processors?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there an application or combination of apps that serve a purpose similar to all the uses of MyPhone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to capture Intents with a specific Uri pattern that uses the http scheme. I DO NOT want the chooser dialog to pop up. The Android API advertises filtering of intents based on pattern matching of the path part of the Uri: /guide/topics /manifest/data-element.html However, when I try to specify a pattern for my path other than ".*" (which pops up the chooser, which I'm trying to avoid), it doesn't work, and the browser automatically handles the Intent. So, my question is, what is the purpose of the pathPattern/pathPrefix if, for the http scheme, it either auto resolves to the browser, or pops up the chooser anyways?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo under menu, accts and sync I have twitter for htc sense, facebook for htc sence, twitter, weather and stocks. Why are they there...i also have facebook for android installed that pushes data...along with sep twitter app. Not sure what purpose this plays.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe Inc is my first smartphone so I don't know anything about how the LED indicators work. When I get emails and texts, I get the green LED indicator that flashes. Is the LED supposed to keep flashing until you clear the email/text from your notifications panel? I ask because I got an email last night and I didn't check it until I woke up this morning and the LED indicator wasn't flashing anymore. If this is intentional, what's the purpose of having the LED flash for only a limited amount of time?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnybody else thinking that the revs are being leaked deliberatly and they are using us to test them and find the bugs?
View 22 Replies View RelatedI was browsing the /data folder, looking for what the hell does eat up all my 420Mb on the Xperia Arc S partition.
I found that the folder /data/local contains copies of some *.apk files that also exists on /system/app with the exact same size!
What is the purpose of this folder and if I can safely delete the apks inside it safely, without affecting their usage?It is occupying 60Mb of space,,
what does the access control enable purpose on the wireless tether i have mine disable.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI installed a trial or free version of Wave Secure to my Droid for the purpose of backing up SMS messages. I used it once or twice. Now it's locking me out of my phone. It's asking for a PIN, and I don't know it. If you go to the Wave Secure website, there is a page for resetting the PIN, but I can't seem to enter an email or phone # with international code that it accepts.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI am developing an android application and I am novice in Touch enabled Android Application. I have read the article about "onFling" and "onScroll" event on:
But I didn't get exactly what is the meaning and for what we can use OnFling and onScroll event?
What is Package Manager ? What is the purpose of using it ?What does the following methods describe:
(1) getPackageManager()
(2) getApplicationInfo()
(3) getPackageName()
Can any one give detailed description as I could not get complete inf. in Android developer guide.
And also one sample program that comprises all the methods.
I am looking for a feature-rich app that will allow me to add a few notes to a log for EACH completed call. Here is what I need -(and since my requirements are driven by the IRS' need to have a log of these data elements, I'm SURE I'm not alone in this requirement)..
View 1 Replies View Relatedtoday i meet the problem.i need technic can control the android machine from server.then i want send data from server to android with no request from android.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to open a dialog window, but every time I try to open it it throws this exception:
I'm creating it by calling showDialog with the display's id. The onCreateDialog handler logs fine and I can step through it without an issue, but I've attached it since it seems like I'm missing something:
Is there something missing from this? Some questions have talked about having this problem when creating a dialog from onCreate, which happen because the activity isn't created yet, but this is coming from a call from a menu object, and the appContext variable seems like it is correctly populated in the debugger.
I'm writing an application which connects to a back office site. The backoffice site contains a whole slew of JavaScript functions, at least 100 times the average site. Unfortunately it does not load them, and causes much of the functionality to not work properly. So I am running a test. I put a page out on my server which loads the FireBugLite javascript text. Its a lot of javascript and perfect to test and see if the Android WebView will load it. The WebView loads nothing, but the browser loads the Firebug Icon. What on earth would make the difference, why can it run in the browser and not in my WebView? Any suggestions.
More background information, in order to get the stinking backoffice application available on a Droid (or any other platform except windows) I needed to trick the bakcoffice application to believe what's accessing the website is Internet Explorer. I do this by modifying the WebView User Agent.Also for this application I've slimmed my landing page, so I could give you the source to offer me aid. package ksc.myKMB;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuInflater;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.view.Window;
import android.webkit.WebChromeClient;
import android.webkit.WebView;
import android.webkit.WebSettings;
import android.webkit.WebViewClient;
import android.widget.Toast;
public class myKMB extends Activity {
I already have JavaScript on the web browser on, the problem is the web view is acting to different from the web browser.
I want to implement my own Tokenizer base on the file
but I encounter an error " cannot be resolved" when I try to
import "" to my project.
I haven't research any solutions to resolve this problem.How to correct "" my own attr?
1- Does Android Browser (Éclair code base) support the "plug-in" or not?
2- Why "Google Gears" support is removed from the clair code base?
I searched the forum and came to know that earlier version of the Android does not support it at all? Here is the link for that, but this query asked in Dec'2008.
At first,I have a database created by using Ruby on rails.I just already implement insert function(HTTPPost) in my Android Application and it's work.But I don't know how to retrieve specific record from my databases and insert it back to specific record in Android (Like edit function in RoR)This is my insert code :
private void insertComment() {DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();HttpPost post = new HttpPost("");
// Configure the form parameters
List<NameValuePair> nvps = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("comment[content]", t_comment.getText().toString();
nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("comment[id_account]", "1"));
nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("comment[id_place]", Integer.toString(position)I really try many ways out but it doesn't work and it takes very long time to fight with this piece of code. Actually, I really don't know how to specify RowID to HTTPPost.
I am doing some android development, and now I need to send some android application generated data onto a remote server (a database)?How can I do that? can I use direct JDBC connection and sql?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo i am making a android app, and i want it to be so if i call lets say 911 it sends my GPS coordinents to a certain IP, i know everything but how i make it so if i call 911 it sends the info and how i can make it send the info to the IP via 3g,
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