Android :: Googlemap Out Of Memory

May 17, 2010

I made an android application with googlemap api, and draw some 16x16 png (about 200 count) on overlay. When I move or zoom on/in mapview, "out of memory" error occurs very often.

I also used the googlemap appication in my htc itself. Seams that it uses about 14+MB memmory, and never happens "out of memory".

How to save memmory usage in a googlemap api, or how to enlarge android api memmory limit.

Android :: googlemap Out of memory

Android :: App Working But GoogleMap Not Coming

Sep 22, 2010

I have a very simple app showing current Position using GPS-Provider in emulator. (Location is being picked up from emulator Control). If I send any updated location, the new location also getting picked (showing toast) and able to animate to new point. I'm working behind a firewall (proxy enabled). - App is showing the MapView but background is Grey with line-Grids (not real google maps visible) - Proxy is working fine. What can be the reason for actual maps not getting visible? Do we need to get access 'enabled' for any kind of URL (which might getting blocked by firewall)?

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Android :: Actualice The Positions Of The Items In A Googlemap?

Nov 18, 2010

Hi, i have a googlemap app that displays two items (itemizedoverlay class) and i have a Update button. When i press the update button, i want to remove the items from the map, and put again the same items but with the new latitude and longitude values (i have a service that actualice the latitude and longitude fields that i have in sharedPreferences, and also i recibe the other position by a bundle)

what i am doing wrong? when i try my code, the items of the map doesn't be removed.... just new items appear... but i want to remove the old ones


And these are my two functions:


I also tryed with invalidate() on the mapview but it doesn't works... still paint the old items...

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Android :: Change State Of Any OverlayItem On Googlemap?

Feb 5, 2010

I am able to display multiple overlayItems on Googlemap, now I want to change icon of any specific overlayItem (to show it is currently selected event). I want to do it through navigation buttons (next, previous) as on Google maps.

I am using StateListDrawable to display icons for OverlayItems. code...

Now my question is how do I change the state of any overlayItem/Icon on map when user click on one of navigation keys?

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Android :: Put A Googlemap In Middle Section Of User Interface?

Nov 17, 2010

I need that my user interface haves 3 sections

NORTH SECTION: four textviews with info about a user MIDDLE SECTION: a googlemap view with the position of the user SOUTH SECTION: a textview with time of last position, and a button to actualice the position (retrieving it from a database)

is this possible? i can't find any information about that on google or android developers guide...

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Android :: Update Positions Of Items Of Mi Googlemap But They Only Get Repainted When Move Or Zoom Map

Nov 18, 2010

I actualice the positions of the items of mi googlemap but they only get repainted when i move or zoom the map...

I want that every time the possitions got updated then they get repainted on the map without having to move or zoom it with my finger

Invalidate is not the answer, because it makes a full repaint of all and needs to redownload the map from internet...

My code:..........................

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GoogleMap Resets And Stops Responding?

Jan 27, 2013

I am working on an app that uses a GoogleMap and lots of overlays/markers. Controls and navigation is handled automatically (no direct user interaction with the map needed so far).

Things work the way I want right until the app pauses and goes into the background. When I resume the app the map has zoomed out to 0:0 and it doesn't react to animateMap or anything anymore. I can't seem to figure how I get it back to the state where it doesn't react to user interaction and actually updates with my markers and stuff..

Below are the three methods handling the map, and it doesn't seem to react on any of it after a resume.

private void setupMap(){
getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, new SupportMapFragment()).commit();[code]......

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General :: GoogleMap Resets And Stops Responding

Jan 27, 2013

I am working on an app that uses a GoogleMap and lots of overlays/markers. Controls and navigation is handled automatically (no direct user interaction with the map needed so far).

Things work the way I want right until the app pauses and goes into the background. When I resume the app the map has zoomed out to 0:0 and it doesn't react to animateMap or anything anymore. I can't seem to figure how I get it back to the state where it doesn't react to user interaction and actually updates with my markers and stuff..

Below are the three methods handling the map, and it doesn't seem to react on any of it after a resume.

private void setupMap(){
getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, new SupportMapFragment()).commit();
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
SupportMapFragment supportMapFragment = (SupportMapFragment) fragmentManager.findFragmentById(;

[Code] .....

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Android :: How To Compile An Application For Avd Profile Android With Googlemap Addons

Jul 15, 2009

What are the differences in ant script we should take care to compile the application which uses maps api. Tried with bootlcasspath with both android and maps.jar file. but it fails to create dex file.

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Android :: Installer Intent To Install On Memory Card Or On Phone Memory

Dec 2, 2009

How to tell the installer intent to install on memory card or on phone memory ?

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Android :: Out Of Memory / Orientation Change / Memory Analyzer Question

Jan 21, 2010

My application is designed to support both portrait and landscape orientations. Using my HTC IO device, it survives 12 orientation changes before throwing an out of memory exception while inflating my activity.When I follow the recommended procedure of using DDMS to first force a GC and then write a heap dump, and then load it into the Eclipse Memory Analyzer, there is only one retained instance of my application, as there should be. None of the other retained objects are obvious offenders. Just for yuks, I reran the test, and did everything the same way except I didn't force a GC. In this case I see 13 instances of my application, which is more consistent with throwing an OOM exception. Is this telling me something useful? If forcing a GC with DDMS reclaims the memory used by now-defunct instances of my activity, I would have thought the VM would have garbage collected some, if not all of these defunct activities automatically. Do I need to request GC at the very beginning of my activity lifecycle to make sure?

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: How Do I Transfer Photos From Phone Memory To My Memory Card

Jul 10, 2010

iv got a x10i how do i transfer photos from phone memory to my memory card as i can't find an option do do this.

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HTC Droid Eris : Low Memory - When Open App Manager It Shows Mail App Is Using 59mb Of Memory

Jun 24, 2010

My phone is low on memory, when I open my app manager it shows my mail app is using 59mb of memory. I have erased all mail and cleared the cache with no change. I am running android 2.1

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HTC Desire :: MiniSD Card Showing 200MB Memory Instead 4GB Memory

Jun 25, 2010

I have a 4GB SD card and it thinks that it has a total of 200MB on there (Its empty). I have tried formatting it using my Mac & via the phone itself but it continues to believe that its a 200MB MiniSD card.

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HTC Wildfire :: Can Install Apps Onto Memory Card Rather Then Phones Memory

Sep 18, 2010

Is there anyway I can install apps onto the memory card rather then the phones memory as I keep getting the 'memory low' message on my phone esp when I install games/apps that are around 15mb in size.

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HTC Desire : Memory - Switch To Sd Card When Phone Memory Full

Sep 9, 2010

Not had my desire long but down loaded a few apps for it they all seem to be stored on phone memory not the sd card. what is stored to the sd card seems to be unused so far. do you have to set it up to use sd card or does it know one is fitted. does it switch to sd card when phone memory full. will run out of space soon if can't get things to store to card instead of phone mem.

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HTC Incredible :: Saving To Internal Memory Instead Of Phone Memory?

Aug 19, 2010

Every time I download a app it installs in phone memory and not internal memory.Where is the settings for this? I am switching over from windows mobile phone to my new incredible

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HTC Desire : Get Apps To Memory Card Instead Of Phone Memory?

Sep 16, 2010

I need help to get my apps to the memory card instead of phone memory, how do I do that?

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General :: Way To Use Memory From SD Card For Phones Internal Memory

Apr 7, 2013

I'm wanting to learn more about android. Is there a way to use memory from the sd card for the phones internal memory? Is there an app that will tell me whats useing up so much memory? I'm on the ZTE warp sequent ,rooted.

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Android :: Android - Memory Analyzing - Eclipse Memory Analyzer?

Jun 24, 2010

I need to check my application for memory leaks, i also need to see the memory allocation of my application.I downloaded and installed eclipse memory analyzer, and it looks like the first step is to open a heap dump.But what is a heap dump, how can i create a heap dump.And how exactly am i going to use this software, I did some googling but i couldn't find any useful information

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HTC Legend :: Phone Memory And External Memory

Apr 27, 2010

how can you tell where an app is being downloaded to? is everything set to download to the sd card?if not what is set to download to the phone memory? i'm guessing phone back ups and settings?

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HTC Incredible :: Low Memory Warning But Plenty Of Memory Available

Jun 7, 2010

Here's the proof of the madness. I deleted several space hogging applications and it hasn't gone away. I have also power cycled and messed around with a few settings and the low storage warning will not go away.

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Android :: How To Keep Program Not Using Out Of Memory?

Sep 22, 2010

I used advance task killer and check frequently to see which programs are running in the background, frequently there are a number of programs I never use running in the background. How do I keep these programs from loading?

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Android :: Get Memory And CPU Usage?

Jun 25, 2010

Is there any API by which we can get CPU or Memory usage of android? I have tried one code as below: Please look into it and let me know if this is the correct way?

package com.infostretch.mainactivity;

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Android :: See Usage Of Memory?

Jun 30, 2010

1 I want to see the usage of memory in the android through the procrank command,but throw a error error: creating kernel interface. Why/ 2 if use the top command, but the info of the %MEM is not correct. Because all the pid's info's sum will >100% ,so Why?

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Android :: Out Of Memory Exception

Sep 2, 2010

I have a problem with a strange out of memory exception that only occurs on some devices (mostly HTC Desire). It happens there every time a user starts a certain activity (no matter how - there are two paths to that activity) and i'm really puzzled as to why (i checked for leaks and couldn't find any)...

The error is either thrown when calling setContentView or shortly after.

This is the code block that throws the error:


As i said - the error is usually thrown when calling setContentView or when calling getMonthTimeStamps()

getMonthTimeStamps is a helper function which creates a list of dates available in the internal database. It creates a couple of (small objects) and returns an ArrayList.

Here is the function:


I'm not claiming that my code is flawless or perfect, but i really don't understand why this error is thrown. The XML-layout doesn't contain any references to images and not very complicated (textview, spinner, tablelayout).

Here is the error log i received from one user:


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Android :: Traceview Out Of Memory

Jun 15, 2009

I have been trying to use traceview for profiling my Android app. So far I have gotten it to work on very small parts of the program. If I use it for bigger chunks it creates too much information (.trace file is too large) and I get an OutOfMemory (heap memory) error from the java compiler. I tried some tricks with setting higher min and max heap memory values but no luck. If anyone has used traceview with similar effects before. I would highly appreciate any tips you may have. Here are the details. First I am reproducing the error message: $ traceview.bat tmp.trace Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:.....

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Android :: Running Out Of Memory

Feb 2, 2009

I am running a script that runs randomly the browser and music.After 7-8 instances of browser getting opened I see the following error :-


Is it possible to open the browser windows consecutively for 10 mins.Secondly why does the background process get killed?

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Android :: ListActivity Out Of Memory

Sep 8, 2009

I am using a ListActivity. Each list entry contains an ImageView and a TextView. I have a huge list and has been getting Out of Memory errors once I scroll through a fair amount of them. I figured I need to reduce the size of the images but I am wondering what happens to the objects once the list entry is hidden from view (as i scroll down the list). I have read somewhere that the list entry objects are automatically re-use. But what happens to the drawable images which were loaded into the ImageView? IF the ImageView object is reused, what happens to the binary image? Are they freed automatically? How do I prevent the OutOfMemory exception? I want to do something similar like the Android Market. As one scroll downwards the images are loaded and new entries are loaded. The Markey can have a long list which one can scroll down and all the way back up again without any problem. The only difference being mine throws OutOfMemory Exception. Advice anyone?

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Android :: App That Needs To Use Non-memory SD Card

Feb 2, 2010

I'm contemplating making an android version of my iPhone app. One of the attractions is the availability of a micro/miniSD card from Spectec that has an Ant+ radio in it, to communicate with Ant+ protocol devices.

The technical feasibility of this is not my question; but rather its practicality:

This obviously involves taking out the SD memory card in the handset and replacing it with one with no on-board memory, leaving the device with only the builtin 256mb or whatever. this is plenty for my app, but I'm concerned that, aside from annoying the user by having all their music removed, there will be apps on the users device that save data to the SD and will be broken by removing the SD memory.

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