Android : Gmail Check All MSN Email Or Is The Stock Email Application - Non Gmail
Oct 23, 2010Should I have gmail check al my MSN Email or is the stock email application (non gmail)

Should I have gmail check al my MSN Email or is the stock email application (non gmail)
I am writing an app which needs to send an Email using the Stock Gmail app. Is there anywhere a tutorial on how to do that? Basically in my app I know the recipient, subject and message context, I want the gmail app not to show up, just send the email.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have the moment connected to my hotmail account using the stock "email" account. is there a way to batch delete like gmail? its driving me nuts.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy school email address runs through gmail but is not an address.Is there a way to set up this email with the stock gmail app?If not how do I do it with the stock mail app because I couldn't figure that out either.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have my account set up with the gmail client and love the way it works on my mytouch3g. I have my own that is a gmail domain so my mail looks and acts just like gmail. My issue is that if I use the other android mail client I loose all of the gmail funtionality. How can I use the gmail app with another email address?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow I am supposed to use email on android. Am I supposed to use the gmail app or HTC email app? Also is there a better email app? I am coming from a Palm pre. Is there an email app that views html email better? I like how on the iPhone and pre, you see the whole email, zoomed out. I hate having to pan around, I hate by default it is zoomed in.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI have read through the threads here and I know this is theoretically possible, but I can't get it to work. I have my Google apps email configured through the regular email app and set to push my email, but it doesn't actually push. I thought I'd try it with the GMail app, but I can't get it set up. When I try to configure it as a Google account, it says it "can't establish a reliable data connection to the server" even though my data signal is fine. This happens both on 3G and WiFi.
I had read to add the account as a Google account, using my full as the login and my password, so that's what I've been trying. I can't find anything that works for me on here, and the stuff on Google is really outdated and just sends me to the mobile website.
Googled this issue and can't seem to find the resolution. I am using the Gmail app which came pre-installed on the phone. I have entered my account details, I can send emails but I don't get a notification when I receive an email to my Gmail Inbox. I have checked the settings and I have setup a ringtone and selected the option to flag up an icon in the notification bar. However the only way I know I have an email is if I open the app. I have a task manager and Gmail is on the ignore list.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI cannot send an email with an attachment using the Gmail app on this phone. I tried to send three different photographs to three different email addresses and it failed every time. Emails without attachments go perfectly every time.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have an issue with my Gmail app where I think no information is being 'sent' from the phone. I receive incoming mails, but no mails are sent. Though I delete incoming mails, the next notification which I receive when I get the next mail will show "17 mails" though I would have deleted the previous 16 emails. When I check email on my browser, all the emails what I had deleted are still there. I have tried a factory reset and I still have a problem.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI try to send numerous emails through the Gmail app and they won't send. They sit in my Outbox and never send. Is anyone else having this issue, or had this issue and care to help how to reslove it? I had the Smoked Glass Rom, but switched back to my old edited rooted nandroid backup, then even tried the OEM version I had backed up, but it still won't send.
View 19 Replies View RelatedUnless I'm losing it, whenever I had a new email notification, pulled down the notification bar, and clicked the email, G mail app opened up the email itself. All of a sudden, when I do the same thing, it opens up the G mail In box and I have to click the email itself to open it. Am I delusional and this is how it's always been?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I've never used Gmail before and I'm playing around with it. I've sent two emails and both have been sitting in my outbox for over 5 minutes. Is there normally this long of a delay in sending email with the Gmail app and is there a way to change it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI know this has most likely been discussed many times. But I am looking for a decent email widget.
At the moment I am using the default htc email widget, however when ever I read an email from my gmail account it doesnt update the read status so it still shows as unread.
I would like one that would update the read status and possible the support for unified inbox so I can see new mail from hotmail account and gmail.
I have been reading up on the concept of push email, and how it's supposed to be a huge battery saver (since in theory, the phone would only receive a notification of an e-mail, and not the actual e-mail itself). I have also been reading up on how the "Gmail" app's version of Push email is not the same as other Push e-mail software, in that it requires the phone to "Sync" whenever an e-mail hits the Gmail server. As a result, whenever I would try to turn Auto Sync off (supposedly to save battery), I would no longer be able to get my e-mail notifications in real time.
With this in mind, I attempted to find another application that would enable me to use Push email for my Gmail account, without having to "Sync" with Gmail's server. After messing around for a bit, I found that I could manually input my Gmail account info (Incoming Server, Outgoing Server, Username, Pass, Etc.) into the stock "Email" app that comes with the X. Once this was done, I was able to enable "Data Push" in the "Email" app's Settings menu (as well turning off any Polling intervals). By doing this, I was able to receive new Gmail notifications through the "E-mail" app, even when Auto Sync had been turned off. As a bonus, I received them around 15 seconds faster than I did with the "Gmail" app's version of Push.....
Let me start off by saying that I'm 100% new to Android as of last night. I switched from the iPhone 3G over to the Samsung Captivate.I like it a lot, but have a couple of questions about the email. I have a Gmail icon and I have an Email icon. Seeing that I use Gmail for my personal email, can I replace the Email icon on the home page with the Gmail icon?Also, if you are using Gmail, is there any point to have the Email app installed? Can I uninstall it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI love that Gmail emails come right away but my main email is Yahoo (and I have others) is there anyway to set yahoo up for Push (I have searched and searched but there is no difinitive answer that I could find) - how about other email services.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a Droid Eris, and I haven't really set it up for email yet. I don't need it too badly, as I use my computer for email, but it might be nice on occassion.I'm wondering if some folks can lend some advice on the best way to have a good working email setup between your phone and your computer, if you don't have IMAP as an option, and don't really use Gmail?I use Earthlink for my main email addresses, and I don't believe they support IMAP, so that's not really an option for me.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI Need a application for Droid X that will override sounds on the phone, even if on silent or vibrate. This needs to be application that will notify gmail has arrived even if the phone is on vibrate or silent. Is there such an application that exists?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI started a thread that wound up in the Droid X Troubleshooting forum, but I think this is an Android problem, not a Droid X problem... I'm having read receipt issues with the stock Gmail app (it won't let me send them and it auto-sends them to people who request them of me, without giving me the option of sending or declining). In addition, I'm pretty disappointed with the Gmail app, especially when compared to the Blackberry's handling of Gmail. Blackberry's only gmail issue is when you send an email to someone through gmail you get a copy regardless of whether you want one or not.
I'm really concerned about this and would love to find an alternative -- K9 doesn't appear to be compatible with GMail so even if I wanted to I couldn't use that. Anyone have any suggestions? The web interface, incidentally, doesn't feature read receipts -- already considered logging in to send important emails that way. I'm guessing if there's no alternative then the only alternative is to return to my Blackberry for the time being :-/
I'm using a HTC Magic, When I go to my Google Mail icon on the phone I click it and It says "Your email will appear shortly." I've left it for 2-3 hours and still nothing. Anyone know what the problem is?
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoesn't exist? It seems like a pretty useful, basic thing.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a work email pop3, is not a g mail account. Well, i have putted to be notified in 1 hour if i have new emails the problem is the phone didn't check the emails and didn't have the notifications. only if i enter on the "Mail" application i have the new emails.. if i didn't enter, this didn't check the emails. What is the problem?. I have APN droid installed and i have deactivated the 3g 2g gaps. But i have configuration the WIFI to stay connected always.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone else have the same problem? When I use the default email client from captivate, even when I set the checking period as every 10mins, I won't get new emails unless I open the app and manually refresh, well, except the one of gmail. This happens on my yahoo email, hotmail and my school email, which all worked fine on my old iphone. People have talked about yahoo mails won't be accessible through wifi from Android, which happens on mine too. But even when I was at 3G, the email client won't auto check it either. I have tried K9 email client, it doesn't work either. The only thing I find work is the MailDriod, but the function of this app is very limited, it won't even open attachments by default. Does anyone else here have the same problem, or maybe an idea to fix the default email client?Also, I find when I use the ear set make calls, when I try to click the button on the ear set, it won't hang up the call as my iphone would. Is this a bug or just something Andriod can't do? The button on the ear set seems quite useless with Captivate, it can only control to play or pause by single click when play music, won't do song change when doule click it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can't believe this could be an oversight, surely I'm just missing something. How do I select text in a received email message?
View 15 Replies View RelatedAre there any Google developer here who built the native non-gmail email client? If so, do you think you could investigate why many users (me included) continue to lose ALL email accounts at least once a week, and sometimes twice a day. it's basically an unusable application that can not be relied upon for anything. nice phones though. iphone never lost my email account settings.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI use gmail to manage all my email accounts including my work email but i can't seem to figure out how to change the from address when sending an email from the email app on my phone.
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy gmail account was easy to set up, and by going into options/settings I can edit my signature. But the option for editing/adding a signature on a none-gmail account is nowhere to be seen. What gives?
View 19 Replies View RelatedCan someone tell me if there are differences between using a Gmail email account on my android phone vs. using another email (ie hotmail). Also if there are, what are the differences? You can probably tell I'm new to Android.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a nice Gmail Notification Widget, that shows me the Unread message count via an Icon on the homepage. Clicking it opens Gmail.
Since I currently use HTC Sense on my EVO, I also have a standard "Email" icon/widget that does the same. However that Widget is HTC Sense only and I'm looking to switch to a new launcher...
Is there any 3rd party standard android widgets that will show a simple 1x1 icon (preferably customizable) with your non-gmail email count?