Android :: Get File Within Package - Application

Oct 14, 2009

I'm am creating an Android application, but in order to have one of the functionalities working I need to read a predefined xml file whilst only knowing its name, not the

In normal Java I know I can use


But using the limited Android SDK thats not working, any knows how to solve this?

Android :: get File within package -  application

Android :: Attaching Txt File While Email From Internal Package File Storage

Jun 8, 2010

I am successful in creating file using openFileOutput(). and can read the file using openFileInput().

I am able attach file from external storage sdcard while emailing the same using getExternalStorageDirectory as sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.parse("file://"+Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+"/ zibra.txt"));

But while trying to attach file from the openOutputFile stored area using sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.parse("file://"+ getFilesDir() + "/zibra.txt"));, resulting emptied file emailing.

My file is stored in "/data/data/com.example/files/zibra.txt".

what is going wrong in it?


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Android :: PackageManage - Couldn't Copy Package File To Temp File

Jan 12, 2010

We are suddenly unable to install our app on G1 developer phones with 1.6. Works perfectly on emulator. When installing the app we get:

Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE Please check logcat output for more details. Launch canceled!

And logcat:

PackageManage: Couldn't copy package file to temp file.

What does this mean? We checked that there is actually room enough on the phone.. We tried reverting the code to a revision that worked previously, but are getting the same error.

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Android :: Deleted AndroidManifest File / Get It File Into Package?

Sep 15, 2010

I accidentally deleted the AndroidManifest.xml from the Package Explorer panel. The file still exists intact in the original directory but I cant find any option in the Eclipse ide that seems to be for restoring it. I thought it might be 'Import' but manifest isnt one of the types on offer. Can anyone suggest how I can get the file into the package?

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Android :: Package An XML File With App

May 14, 2010

I am trying to put an XML file containing over 1,000 different fish into my app so that I can read this file, create an Array and attach that to the AutoCompleteTextView. I first tried to create a string-array in a resource file but apparently the array was to large and would never actually load anything after a certain number of values. So want I want to do is add that XML file to a place in my app that I can access it and read from it. Whenever I try to bring the XML file in I get all these errors in Eclipse. So how do I add this file and how do I reference it later in order to access it? I could just store it online and access it that way but I think it is a little bit of a waste to have to access the net for that if I can instead just add it to my package setup someplace.

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Android :: Reading Package Name From Apk File

Aug 12, 2009

If i have a apk file and want to know the package name and class hierarchy, how do i do it?

Suppose I have some sample APK file named "SampApp.apk" which contains classes inside "".

Is there any tool in Android SDK which shows the package name when APK file is passed as a parameter.

As the Class files are compressed to dex file I am not able to check the actual package name.

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Android :: Package A File And Then - Fopen It From JNI

Mar 4, 2010

How to package a static file and then be able to ::fopen it from JNI?

I have read about res/raw/blah and R.raw.blah stuff, but when I install app on emulator and do "adb -e shell", cd /data/data/my_app/, ls, the file is not there.

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Android :: Looking For Package To Put Service Into JAR File?

Jul 9, 2010

I have created a service that works great, it is launched from an activity at the moment. I'm looking to package it into a .jar file so that other people can add the jar to then their projects and then run the service. Can anyone tell me how I can launch this service from the app that it is included in?

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Android :: Pack A Config File Into Apk Package

Apr 21, 2010

I need to save these configurations into a file, and in my app I could change these configurations. In other words, I need a file to take all my config data, and in my app, I could read/write this file as I want.

I've searched document and mailing list archive, and have not found the exact solution. 1. SharedPreferences could not solve : It could only do with simple key/value pairs, my configuration data is more complex . 2. file in /assets , /res/raw could not solve: It seems that the file in these position would be read only

I've found a way, it almost solved my problem, but still not. Our code could deal with the file in /data/data/package-name/files on the target file system, this is good to me, but how could I put my file in this directory after my app has been installed? My app need to read these configurations when it starts.

My question is how could I pack my data file into my apk package, and then my app could read/write this file when it is run.

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Android :: How To Parse The AndroidManifest.xml File Inside An .apk Package

Jan 19, 2010

This file appears to be in a binary XML format. What is this format and how can it be parsed programmatically (as opposed to using the aapt dump tool in the SDK)?

This binary format is not discussed in the in the documentation here:

I want to access this information from outside the Android environment, preferably from Java.

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Android :: Notification Sound From File Inside The App Package

Jan 22, 2010

Is it possible to play a notification sound from a sound file inside the application package ?

Where should this file be stored in the apk (/res/raw or /assets) and what should be the URI to pass to the notification ?

notification.sound = Uri.parse(... ? ...);

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Android :: Failed To Install Apk File By Package Installer

Nov 24, 2010

I have some problem installing my apk file in code. Wondering if anyone could find out what I did wrong.
What I was trying to do is put a Check Upgrade function in our program. When user clicks it, it will send request to our web server and find out what is the latest version. I use app versionName to stamp a version, something like 2010.11.23. I don't use the version code in Manifest.xml file. So our program sees the latest VersionName is later than itself, it will download the latest one, and then use the following code to install the new apk file:


Now looks like, everytime when I changed the VersionName, it will fail to install the apk file. It downloads the file fine. I don't know exactly why. Sometimes, in Eclips, when I hit debug, I got error saying "Re-installation failed due to different application signatures". I don't know if this is the same error caused the installation failed.

So, looks like my questions are:

Should that upgrade logic work? I am wondering if it has something to do with the VersoinName.
What could cause the application signature change? (I did sign our program before I put it on our server, but I always use the same key file for different versionName. )

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Android :: Instruct Eclipse And Ant To Have File Generated In Package

Jan 1, 2010

Is it possible to instruct Eclipse and Ant to have a file generated in the package com.example whilst the package declared in an AndroidManifest.xml file is com.example.d?

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Android :: Installation Unsuccessful - Package File Was Not Signed Correctly

Apr 6, 2009

I published my app on the market, and when I first tried installing it from there, I got the 'package file was not signed correctly' error. Uninstalling the unsigned version I was testing with let me install from the market with no problems. However, from the comments, it looks like no one else can install my application.

I've put other versions up that worked, and I used the same certificate, so I'm pretty sure it is not an issue with the validity days for the certificate.

The name of my application is Bloxors. It will be going up and down as I try to figure out what the issue is here, but if someone else who is getting the error can debug it it would be greatly appreciated.

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Android :: Specify Package Name And Output Folder From - Generated Ant Build File

Apr 13, 2010

I dont want to hardcode the name of the package or where it lives when building an Android project with ant. Im using the build file generated by Android. What properties contain the output folder (bin) and package name (e.g. package.apk) ?

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Android :: Published Apk Gives Error - Package File Was Not Signed Correctly

Mar 25, 2010

I recently uploaded my application to the android market however it's refusing to run when downloaded due to the error

Package file was not signed correctly

I first published the packet using eclipse, right click export, creating a keystore then publishing, however it refuses to work.

I then downloaded the keytool and jarsigner and used them to sign an upgrade which I posted instead. However this gives the same error.

And since I cannot delete the application I cannot try and start again,

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HTC Incredible :: Invalid Package File

May 25, 2010

is the error message I receive when I try and download google earth from the market. Has anyone else received this error message; if so, did you manage to get it resolved?

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General :: Package File Is Invalid?

Mar 24, 2014

I'm the developer of a French Android Application about handball french competitions, Hand Score.

Since my last update I've just published, many of my users are not able to download the update, or even reinstall the application. They got this message : "Package file is invalid"

But for unknown reasons, other users aren't faced with this problem. SO I really don't understand what is the origin of my problem and how can i solve it !

I ask some of my users to clean cache and clear data of Google Play application, but it didn't resolve it. So I am in a dead end...

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HTC EVO 4G :: After Installing APK - Adequate To Delete Package File

Aug 6, 2010

General question for those in the "know". I'm trying to free up some space on my SD card (before I upgrade to a 32GB) and I was wondering---for apk's downloaded outside of the market..once you install that apk, can u delete the apk package file off your SD? Or will this cause problems to the overall application itself?

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General :: Package File Is Invalid - Facebook

Feb 28, 2013

I'm currently running Liquidsmooth Rom on my AT&T Galaxy SIII. I've got everything running fine, but when I go to install Facebook from the Play Store, I'm getting "Package file invalid" every time. I've tried clearing data from both the play store and the google play services, rebooted the phone into recovery and cleared cache and dalvik cache. The same thing happens no matter what.

Edit:After trying to download on LTE rather than on WIFI, it worked fine.

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Android :: Installing Package Just Like Market Application?

Aug 12, 2010

How to install package without asking user just like market app?

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Android :: Application Shutdown During Package Reinstall

Aug 21, 2009

I'm working on the upgrade process for an Android app and am having a hard time ensuring a graceful shutdown of the old version. Can someone explain how the old version of the app is killed and if there is anything we can do to hook into the process? In more detail:

We notice that a new version of our app is available and launch a new activity with Intent.ACTION_VIEW pointing to the new apk file (or to the marketplace, once our app is there). However, the user has 2 chances to abort the install (once at the warning about reinstalling the app, and the second when warned about the permissions our app needs). My understanding is that I can't use startActivityForResult() with ACTION_VIEW, so I can't find out if the Action is aborted or not. So we can't tell if/when the install has been started.

We'd like to ensure that our app shuts down cleanly since we use a lot of native code and threads. We could kill our app proactively, as soon as we launch the ACTION_VIEW activity, but then we're left in a bad state if the user aborts. We could wait for the installer to remove our files, prior to installing the new version, but that's a hack. Is there any clean way to do this? Our main window is never seeing an onDestroy(), btw.

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Android :: Application Package 1.6 - Class Rightaway

May 4, 2010

I have developed an application which has several packages within it's project. A class in one of those packages is called right away in the first line of code, which throws the dreaded java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError error. I don't get it, the package simply is within the project, and it works fine on my Android 1.6 device, but won't work with my 1.5 device. I do have to say that the project was originally set for 1.6, but then I changed the within the manifest from 4 to 3. Is that bad practice? Or maybe it has nothing to do with the platform version? Also I do get these lines as wel from the DDMS :

05-04 17:24:59.921: WARN/dalvikvm(2041): VFY: unable to resolve static field 2 (MANUFACTURER) in Landroid/os/Build;
05-04 17:24:59.921: WARN/dalvikvm(2041): VFY: rejecting opcode 0x62 at 0x0034
05-04 17:24:59.921: WARN/dalvikvm(2041): VFY: rejected ***/android/managementModule/Management;.getDeviceSpecifics ()V
05-04 17:24:59.921: WARN/dalvikvm(2041): Verifier rejected class ***/android/managementModule/Management;......

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Android :: Start Another Application From Another Package With An Intent

May 6, 2010

I know how to update my own programs, and I know how to open programs using the a predefined Uri (for sms or email for example)

I need to know how I can create an Intent to open MyTracks or any other application that I don't know what intents they listen to.

I got this info from DDMS, but I havn't been succesful in turning this to an Intent I can use. This is taken from when opening MyTracks manually.


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Android : Start Application Knowing Package Name?

Aug 6, 2010

Can someone tell me how to start new application knowing only its package name? I do not have information about what activity is the main one.

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Android :: Best Mobile Application Analytics Package?

Aug 4, 2009

I'm developing on Android at the moment and want to know the best mobile app analytics for android and iPhone. I only need usage stats at the moment.

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Motorola Droid X :: Package File Was Not Signed Correctly

Jul 18, 2010

New Moto Droid X here. When attempting to install the new 5.0 version of "My Verizon" app I get this error when installing. "Installation error, Package was not signed correctly. I have rebooted and all that good stuff still not working. And there is no way to uninstall and reinstall being that this app comes factory on the x.

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General :: Nexus 4 And Note 8 - Package File Is Invalid

Aug 9, 2013

On both my Nexus 4 and Note 8, I'm having severe wifi issues. It's so slow. On my laptop, shows 35Mbps down, 7Mbps up. On Nexus 4 and Note 8 it's like 0.7Mbps down and 0.1Mbps up. I did the speed tests because I'm trying to download something off the Play Store and it's going 200KB/s!! Not sure what's going on because usually downloads are super fast, especially on wifi.. I can normally download a 2GB file in 10 minutes.

Other issues are "Package file is Invalid" and "Cannot download ... error 497" and "Error retrieving information from server"

I've tried clearing data and cache for Play Store and Google Services. I've tried removing my account and adding it again. I've tried unplugging this, unplugging that, restarting this, restarting that. The ONLY thing that has worked is using mobile data instead of wifi. AND using my phone to tether so my tablet connects to the phone's mobile data and I was able to download updates that way. But right now I'm trying to download a pretty big file on my phone and I'd rather not go over my data limit.

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General :: HTC Sensation Update - Package File Is Invalid

Oct 1, 2012

I am seeing an issue on my HTC Sensation when attempting to update Apps that I paid for in the Google Play Store. The exact message that I see when attempting to update these Apps is "Package File is Invalid".

Here is a bit of background to this issue -

1). My HTC Sensation has a custom ROM (Elegancia) installed, and I have now re-installed it (which is when these issues started).

2). I can install a ROM and update Apps through the Play Store just fine at the start

3). I install Titanium Backup and perform a restore (I have tried restoring only data & apps + data [starting from scratch and wiping the phone then installing the ROM again to test both scenarios])

4). Apps return to the state that they were in before I flashed the new ROM

However now whenever I attempt to update Apps I get the infamous "Package File Invalid" message ***

I have noticed when opening Titanium Backup that it alerts me that the "Android ID" has changed, it also gives two options, 1). Leave the new ID, 2). Restore the old ID

5). I tested the updating of Apps both whilst keeping the new "Android ID", and whilst restoring the old "Android ID", the ID (whilst I am sure is important) doesn't seem to affect whether or not Apps will update.

This issue only appears to be affecting Apps that I have purchased, and the Play Store still recognizes that I have purchased the Apps.

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Android :: Browse Deeper Into /data/package/application

Apr 17, 2009

My app is creating a directory by using File thisDir = getDir("mycustomname", Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE); It is stored at /data/data/package/app_mycustomname/. I can browse that directory with DDMS or with 'adb shell', of course, it is empty. My App then creates some subdirectories there, and those have subdirectories too, and so on, and creates files in several of those. My app can read all those dirs and files, too. Sometimes I have to take a look at this directory tree, but I cannot browse deep into that tree, neither using DDMS (both inside Eclipse and standalone) nor using the shell. I can see that there is a directory called / data / data / package / app_mycustomname / mysubdirectory and I can even 'cd' into this directory. But when I do a 'ls' there, the directory is reported to be empty, though I'm sure there must be something inside. app_mycoustomname has the permissions drwxrwx-wx app_mycoustomname/mysubdirectory has the permissions drwxrwxrwx. I have the same issue on the emulator and on the ADP1, both running a 1.1 firmware.

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